(Duc) Test 17 - Environment + Line

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The line graph illustrates marital status in the UK over the 26-year period
from 1975 to 2000.

Overall, the number of 1st marriage was the most significant throughout
the period despite fluctuations compared to 2nd marriages and divorces. It
is also evident that total marriages, 2nd marriage and divorces witnessed a
general increase in quantity between 1975 to 2000.

Initially, in terms of marriages, the total numbers were about 500,000 to

630,000 cases between 1975 to 2000. The number of first marriage was
approximately 340,000 in 1975. It reached its peak of more than 400,000
in 1985 before considerably decreased to only 300,000 in 2000.

There were 150,000 cases of 2nd marriages at the beginning of the period.
This figure gradually increased to more than 200,000 in 1995 before
sharply rose to 250,000. Similarly, in 1975, the number of divorces were
under 100,000 which had steadily climbed up to 250,000 by the end of
the shown period.
Fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) are the main sources in many
countries, but in some countries the use of alternative sources of
energy (wind energy and solar energy) is encouraged. To what extent
do you think it is a positive or negative development?

In modern time, unrenewable resources such as coal, oil or natural gas are
still the primary sources of energy in many parts of the world, however,
some countries are promoting the use of non-conventional sources of
energy. While I believe that there are some drawbacks related to the use
of solar or wind power, I would argue that this is mostly a beneficial

On the one hand, renewable energy is unappealing to many people

because of a few reasons. Let me begin by pointing out that, it is
considerably more expensive and time-consuming to utilize these energy
sources. In particular, in order to make use of solar and wind energy,
sophisticated equipment as well as professionals are required. On top of
this is the fact that alternative sources of energy are unstable as only a
limited number of locations are available. Due to the dependance on
weather conditions, these unrenewable resources are not accessible
during throughout a year.

On the other hand, non-conventional energy sources are better

alternatives due to its harmlessness and limitlessness. To be specific,
wind and solar power are generated from the air and sunlight which are
eco-friendly and everlasting. It is worth noting that the amount of sunlight
that touches the earth’s surface for a minute is adequate to meet the
global needs for two years. Therefore, technical advancements in future
decades could utilize the sun more effectively. Moreover, the reduction of
fossil fuels use would boost the economy. If alternative energy is
produced more effectively, fuel import would be fairly reduced.

In conclusion, relying on non-conventional sources of power offers a

wide variety of benefits which is more significant than fossil fuels

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