Cryptography and Network Security

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Cryptography and Network Security

Unit – 1

1. Explain the goals of cryptography.

2. Explain the security services and mechanisms.
3. With a neat diagram explain symmetric key encryption.
4. With a neat diagram explain asymmetric key encryption.
5. Explain the attacks of cryptography.
6. List the four properties of divisibility.
7. Explain Euclids and extended Euclidean algorithm with example.
8. Explain Linear Diophantine equation with example.
9. With example explain operations and properties of set of residues.

Unit – 2

1. Explain various types of cryptanalysis attacks.

2. Write a note on stream cipher.
3. Write a note on block cipher.
4. With example explain additive, multiplicative and affine cipher.
5. Explain Playfair cipher with example.
6. Differentiate between mono-alphabetic and poly-alphabetic ciphers.
7. With all the necessary diagrams explain the general structure of DES.
8. Explain the general design of AES.
9. Explain 3-DES.

Unit – 3

1. Explain the modes of operation for modern block ciphers with neat diagram.
2. Write a note on RC4 stream cipher.
3. Write a note on A5/1 stream cipher.
4. Explain Chinese Remainder Theorem.
5. Explain primality testing algorithms.
6. Explain the general idea of asymmetric key cryptography.
7. Explain RSA, Rabin, Elgamal cryptosystems with neat diagram.
Unit – 4

1. Write a note on MD4 hash function.

2. Explain MD5 hash function.
3. Explain Whirlpool cipher.
4. Write a note on SHA-512.
5. Explain digital signature process with a neat diagram.
6. Explain symmetric key distribution.
7. Explain Kerberos with a neat diagram.
8. In details explain Public Key Distribution.
9. Write a note on X.509 Certificate.

Unit – 5

1. Explain Email Architecture with neat diagram.

2. Write a note PGP.
3. Explain S/MIME.
4. With diagram explain Secure Socket Layer.
5. Explain the SSL protocols.
6. Write a note on TSL.
7. Explain IKE (Diffie-Hellman & ISAKMP).
8. Explain IPSec.

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