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Guidelines for Modeling and Supporting of Large

Diameter Pipes / Pipelines (PDF)

Anup Kumar Dey February 20, 2020

During the course of analysis, we find a few lines in any complex project to have a very
large diameter. Caesar II Support Modeling of such pipes always creates confusion on
whether to consider radial thermal growth or to be modeled as centreline supporting.
There is still confusion among several engineering organizations and the design
approach varies. In this article, We will discuss pipe support modeling in Caesar-II,
support selection, its detailing & functionality. In this article, Pipes /Pipelines having a
diameter of more than 24’’ are considered as large diameter pipes.

Support Modeling Philosophy in Caesar II

Up to 24’’ pipe size, support shall be modeled at the centerline of pipe i.e. the radial
expansion of pipe shall be neglected & support shall be assumed to be acting at the
center of the pipe as shown in Fig. 1
For the Large diameter bare pipes (>26″ NB), the Stress Engineer shall model a
rigid element from the center of the pipe to the bottom of the pipe up to the
supporting point considering the pipe radial expansion as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1: Pipe Support Modeling for bare pipes at Caesar II

For Large diameter insulated pipes, temperature gradient and the actual point of action of
guide and resting can also be fed as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2: Pipe Support modeling for large diameter insulated pipes at Caesar II

Stress engineer shall decide whether to provide the reinforcing pad or not at the support
point (trunnion type) in the following cases:-

If the slope of the piping is more than 15˚, the Stress engineer shall decide whether
to use a reinforcement pad or not, depending upon pipe size, support load, support
function (Line Stop/Guide), unsupported pipe span, etc. Refer Fig. 3 for illustration.

Fig. 3: Use of R.F. Pad for Sloped Lines > 15˚

The reinforcement pad at the Directional Anchors or line stops for large pipes shall be
used as shown in Fig. 4 below.

Fig. 4: Requirement of RF Pad for Supporting large diameter pipe

Irrespective of any size, the stress engineer shall provide a reinforcement pad for
higher loads on the support based on trunnion check calculation.
RF pad shall be provided at all support for thin pipes. Pipe shall be considered thin
pipe if  D/T> 96, where D is the outer diameter of pipe and t is its thickness.
Wear Pad shall be used at all support locations in case of uninsulated large pipes

For large diameter pipes, two or more bottom type springs may be used as shown in Fig.
5, Fig. 6 and Fig. 7.

Fig. 5: Illustration of Two Bottom Springs used for Large pipes (Note: Provide stiffener plate
if the shoe base plate extension is large)

Fig. 6: Illustrating Four Bottom Type Springs used at one Supporting Location with a
guide for Large Pipes

Fig. 7: Illustration of Four Bottom Type Springs used for Large pipes

For large diameter pipes, it’s better to avoid single lug support due to the tendency of
ovalization of the pipe because of Self-weight. Supporting shall be done using a clamp or
two trunnions having two different clamps instead of a single lug as shown in Fig.8.

Fig. 8: Use of clamps for supporting Large Pipes

Approach for Caesar Modeling Vs Actual Supporting

Generally, the following points are to be taken care of while converting Caesar II modeling
into practical support. Depending upon supporting and practical function of the support
we should revisit our Caesar II support modeling.

Supporting for guide modeled with zero gaps

Fig. 9: Guide modeling & supporting for Large Pipes

Supporting of a guide with resting

Fig. 10: Modeling & supporting of Guide with resting for Large Pipes

These are a few standards practices. These may vary from one consultancy to others.
Please provide your inputs in the comments section.


Few more articles related to piping supports for you..

Supporting of Piping Systems: Few Guidelines

A Brief Description of Sway Brace, Strut and Snubber (Dynamic Restraints) for pipe
supporting for process industries

Co-Efficient of Friction for pipe supporting during Stress Analysis using Caesar II

Supporting of Dual Insulated Piping System

Purpose of Pipe Supports

Pipe Support Span for Aboveground Piping


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