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Western College, Inc

Masters of Education in Biology

Graduate Studies

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Western College, Inc
Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies

The Impacts of Electrolyte Drink & Tap Water on Survival Rate and
Weight of Broiler Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus)

A Thesis
Presented to
Dr. Eufemia M. Tobias, MSc, DDM

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in Practical & Research in Teaching Biology

Presented by:

Mr. Joshua Vidal

May 2021

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Western College, Inc
Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies


The researcher wishes to thank his research mentor, Dr. Eufemia M. Tobias, for her

persistence, advice, wisdom, and inspiration, which moved her students to new heights. She is

genuinely committed to aiding students in achieving their aspirations and realizing their

potential. She is straightforward with her aspirations and has a strong way of recognizing

students especially when it’s on the verge of giving up.

The researcher would also like to thank Jesper Bueno, whose diligence, generosity, and

ability to assist me in interpreting and comprehending the mathematical methods used in this

analysis. I'd also like to thank the other committee members who contributed to this report.

The researcher would also like to express his gratitude to the Vidal family for helping

and allowing him to complete the report and make it possible. The researcher would also like

to thank everyone who took the time and effort to motivate the researcher during ups and


To God be all the Glory.

The Researcher

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Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies


This study was conducted to explore the impacts of using electrolyte water on the

mortality and weight of chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). This study was conducted at a

private space in just a month. Thirty pieces of a 7-day old broiler chicken used, and were

divided randomly into 2 groups. This study determined the impacts of intake electrolyte and

tap water on survival rate and weight of chickens. The researcher utilizes cage for chickens,

light bulbs (12Watts), feeds (chick boosters in first week, integra 2 for the rest of the week), a

teaspoon of rock salt, 3 teaspoon of brown sugar and 1 liter of water being mixed for electrolyte

water used in experimental group, and simply tap water in home for control group variable.

The researcher utilized respondents of fifteen (15) newborn chickens as classified control and

another fifteen (15) as experimental group on getting the impacts of electrolyte and tap water

to the mortality rate of newborn chickens.

After the experiment on mortality rate, the researcher utilized the same respondents to

get the relationship between electrolyte and tap water towards chicken’s weight. However, this

time only Ten (10) newborn chickens as classified control and another ten (10) as experimental


The variables were chosen to find out the significance of the electrolyte and tap water

on Survival rate and Weight of broiler chickens. With the use of t-test as the statistical

treatment, empirical findings revealed that there is a negative and insignificant impact between

the use of electrolyte and tap water to the mortality rate of chickens. Also, the findings on

chickens’ mean on experimental (1.07 ) and control (0.901) groups strongly support the

significance of alkaline and ground water as it greatly impacts the weights of chickens.

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Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies



Acknowledgment………………………………………………………………………... I

Abstract………………………………………………………………….......................... II

Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Background

Background of the Study……………………………………………………. 1

Statement of the Problem…………………………………………………… 2

Statement of Hypothesis…………………………………………………….. 2

Theoretical Framework……………………………………………………… 2

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………………… 3

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………………………… 3

Significance of the Study……………………………………………………. 4

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………….. 4

Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature and Studies…………………….. 5-15

1.1. Water Consumption: Electrolytes
1.2. Effects of Alkaline Water and /or magnetic water to Birds
1.3. Water Quality Profiles
1.4. Effect of different levels of supplemental electrolytes to broiler chickens
1.5. Effect of using ionized water on the performance of Japanese quails
1.6. Effects of dietary electrolyte balance
1.7. Growth Performance of Chloride Salt fed to Broiler chicken
1.8. Egg production in the world and Canada
1.9. Effect of water pH on laying hen performance
1.10. Effect of high mineral content in water on other livestock

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Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

Research Design…………………………………………………………….... 16

Research Locale………………………………………………………………. 17

Research Instruments…………………………………………………………. 17

Research Respondents………………………………………………………... 17



1.1. Mortality Rate…………………………………………………………… 18

2.2. Weight of Chicken……………………………………………………... 19

3.1. Chicken’s Weight Mean……………………………………………….. 19



Summary of Findings………………………………………………………….. 21

1.1. Mortality Rate………………………………………………………….. 21

2.3. Weight of Chicken……………………………………………………... 21

3.2. Chicken’s Weight Mean……………………………………………….. 21


1.1. Mortality Rate………………………………………………………….... 22

2.4. Weight of Chicken……………………………………………………... 22

Recommendations……………………………………………………………… 23-24

References……………………………………………………………………… 25-27


Raw Tables…………………………………………………………………..… 28-31

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Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background

The ponder and its realities are presented in this chapter. It contains an outline, the

study's context, the thesis argument, problem statements, scope and limitations, and the

significance of study. The institutional meaning of terminology is also explained in this chapter

to familiarize the readers with the words used in the review.

Background of the Study

According to the Kentucky Poultry Federation as they published the paper of Chapter-

12 Water quality that the most important nutrient for poultry is water. Water softens food and

transports it through the bloodstream, helps digestion and absorption, and cools the body as it

evaporates through the lungs and air sacs of the bird. Water is a required medium for many

chemical reactions that help shape meat and eggs. It helps eliminate waste, lubricates muscles,

also a main component of blood, and is a necessary medium for many chemical reactions that

help form meat and eggs. While water is considered the most valuable nutrient, its exact

specifications are difficult to ascertain. In normal situations, chickens can drink about twice as

much water as they chew.

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Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the survival rate of newborn chickens in drinking electrolyte

and tap water available in home.

Particularly this study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. Is there any significant impact between electrolyte and tap water to the mortality rate
of chickens?
2. Is there any significant impact between electrolyte and tap water in the weights of


Ho = There is no significant impact in using electrolyte and tap water into the mortality rate of

Ho= There is no significant impact of using electrolyte and tap water into the weight of chicken

Ha= There is significant impact in using electrolyte and tap water into the mortality rate of

Ha= There is significant impact of using electrolyte and tap water into the weight of chicken

Theoretical Framework

The Effect of using ionized water on the performance of Japanese of Ezzat et al. (2017),

which presents that alkaline and acidic water have beneficial effects on Japanese quail

production and can be a low-cost alternative for improving general production parameters.

With the support of Luckst adt and K uhlmann (2013), that acidic water increases productive

efficiency and decreases mortality in broiler chickens. Also, the case study on alkaline foods

for muscle growth: Natural foods to gain muscle. Therefore, the study was anchored on the

theories mentioned above, and which finds it interesting to prove this research.

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Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Types of Water Chickens

• Electrolyte • Weight
• Tap • Mortality

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Scope and Delimitation

The study basically focuses on knowing the survival rate and impacts on weight of

chickens drinking electrolyte water and groundwater. This study limits only to two variables

in getting the mortality rate of newborn chickens with 15 per set, the set A group of new born

chickens (control group), and the set B of newborn chickens with electrolyte water

(experimental group). And for getting the impacts on weight using electrolyte and tap water,

with two variables, 10 each sets, the set A tap water (control group), and set B electrolyte water

(experimental group). Due to the limited resources in this time of pandemic, the researcher was

first to conduct the experiment on getting the mortality rate on newborn chickens followed by

getting the impacts on weight using the same variables being observed, respectively. The

experiment was conducted for 4 weeks.

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Masters of Education in Biology
Graduate Studies

Significance of the Study

This analysis and study will be useful and will serve as an awareness to:

Poultry owners. Potential of producing a number of chickens in the small market.

Household. This research could also be used to the families who would like to create small

farms as they would have a sustainable supply of chickens.

Future Researchers. This study will help future researchers as a basic foundation of

knowledge for their succeeding research.

Working Definitions

1. Electrolytes. The term electrolytes in this study was defined in this study as the

energy drink for chickens like salt added into the water as the treatment for chickens.

2. Alkaline/electrolyte water. The term alkaline/electrolyte water was defined in this

study as the ion supply drink with electrolytes for chickens with a component of salt

(NaCl), and brown sugar.

3. Tap water. The term tap water was defined in this study as normal water that can be

found inside our home with a pH of 7.

4. Broiler chicken. The term broiler chicken was defined in this study as the chicken

that can be disposed of in the market after it reached the 45 days.

5. Gallus gallus domisticus. The scientific name of chicken.

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Graduate Studies


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents various texts, science articles, journals on related literature and

studies which have contributed to present the study more reliable, acceptable and useful.

1.1. Water Consumption: Electrolytes

According to the published paper of University of Georgia Extension “Poultry Drinking

Water Primer” that many farmers add electrolytes to their drinking water during times of

possible heat stress. Electrolytes are minerals present in the blood that are essential for proper

cell function and development. Electrolytes help control nerve and muscle activity by

conducting electrical signals from nerves to muscles, as their name suggests. Electrolytes are

also essential for maintaining blood acid-base equilibrium and fluid preservation. Sodium (Na),

potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), chlorine (Cl), bicarbonate (HCO3), and

sulphate are some of the electrolytes contained in blood plasma (SO4).

1.2. Effects of Alkaline Water and /or magnetic water to Birds

According to Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2017 titled: Effect of alkaline

water and /or magnetic water on some physiological characteristic in broiler chicken, that

various forms of drinking water (alkaline ionized water, magnetic water, and a combination of

the two, as well as tap water) were used in this study, which took place at the University of

Baghdad's College of Veterinary Medicine and lasted 36 days, beginning on December 13,

2016, and ending on January 19, 2017. The aim of this research was to see how the drinking

water affected the physiological and chemical blood traits of 160 Ross broiler chickens.

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The broiler chickens were divided into four classes (40 each) based on the type of

drinking water used: the first used tap water (control group), the second used alkaline ionized

water, the third used a combination of magnetic and alkaline ionized water, and the fourth used

magnetic water.

The findings showed that the second study group had lower blood glucose, cholesterol,

and triglycerides (115g/l, 142.91 mg/dl, 151.88 mg/dl, respectively) than the control group

(244g/l, 258.24 mg/dl, 183.59 mg/dl). In conclusion, the ionized alkaline water seems to be a

promising candidate for improving certain physiological traits in Ross broiler chickens.

1.3. Water Quality Profiles

Water is essential for survival, but it is always overlooked in favor of food intake. We

concentrate on feed content, density, and packaging, but we sometimes overlook water because

it is free or at least does not appear on the feed bill. However, food and water are inextricably

related. Birds consume 1.6 to two times their body weight in water, and if water consumption

is limited, feed intake suffers. Furthermore, water is needed for all digestive functions.

Although the best-quality feed will produce less-than-expected results if the water quality is

poor. Water consistency and consumption are influenced by mineral content, pH, microbial

contamination, and temperature. pH, alkalinity, and hardness are both factors in water quality

profiles. pH is an indicator of acidity, with a pH of 7 being pure water. Acidic values are less

than 7, whereas basic or alkaline values are greater than 7. The ability of water bodies to buffer

added acids without altering pH is measured by alkalinity (total acidity). While water hardness,

pH, and/or alkalinity are not necessarily related, hard water typically has a higher pH.

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Hard water contains greater quantities of minerals in the form of calcium and

magnesium ions, which are collected as rainwater flows down through rock layers. Soft water,

on the other hand, contains more sodium ions. The problem with hard water is that it causes

scale accumulation, which causes pipes to narrow over time. The scale decreases water

consumption and, as a result, feed intake by slowing water flow.

Minerals such as magnesium, iron, sulfur, sodium and copper can induce water

rejection at very high concentrations due to bitter taste, or may have laxative effects, whether

from hard or soft water. Mineral levels may be elevated for a variety of factors, including

natural causes or contamination.

1.4. Effect of different levels of supplemental electrolytes to broiler chickens

The study on the Effect of different levels of supplemental yeast on performance

indices, serum enzymes and electrolytes of broiler chickens of Tagang Aluwong,, shows

that the probiotic supplemented group E10.5 (Weekly feed conversion ratios of broiler chickens

supplemented with probiotic) percent was able to keep the calcium (Ca) and usable phosphorus

(P) ratios at a constant 2:1 ratio in their sample. Also, this fits the observations of probiotic-

supplemented rabbits, which had a dietary association of Ca to available P ranging from 2:1 to

1.5:1. (Vandelli, 1995). The role of the yeast probiotic in sustaining Ca and P homeostasis in

bird blood can be attributed to the yeast probiotic's role in maintaining mineral homeostasis;

however, mineral homeostasis is controlled by both neural and humoral processes.

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1.5. Effect of using ionized water on the performance of Japanese quails

The study on Effect of using ionized water on some productive and physiological

performance of Japanese quails of Ihsan M. Shihab,, was to see how using ionized water

influenced the efficient and physiological efficiency of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica).

From April 20th to July 13th, 2016, the team conducted research at a private farm (84 d). A

total of 100 42-day-old Japanese quail chicks were used, split into five classes of four replicates

each. A control category (T1 - natural water), alkaline (T2 - pH 8 and T3 - pH 9), and acidic

water were used (T4 - pH 6 and T5 - pH 5).

All birds were fed a well-balanced energy and protein diet. The egg production ratio,

egg weight, total number of eggs, egg mass, feed transfer ratio, efficiency per hen per week,

and effects on plasma lipids, uric acid, glucose, calcium, and phosphorus were all investigated.

When compared to the other groups, the T3 group had higher (P 0.05) average egg yield,

productivity per hen every week, and its total number of eggs, and mass.

Moreover, both treated classes (T2 to T5) had higher (P 0.05) total average egg weights

than the T1 group. Plasma cholesterol was lower (P 0.05) in the T3 and T5 classes at 18 weeks.

Furthermore, both treated participants had more (P 0.05) high-density lipoprotein and fewer (P

0.05) low-density lipoprotein than the T1 control group. Finally, as opposed to the other

experimental groups, the active and physiological efficiency of Japanese quail was increased

in the T3 (alkaline water; pH 9) and T5 (acidic water; pH 5) groups.

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The research illustrates the productive success effects for all testing types. There were

significant variations (P 0.05) between the classes. When compared to the other groups, the T3

group had the highest (P 0.05) productive traits (egg production ratio, average egg weight, egg

mass rate, feed conversion ratio, productivity per hen per week, and total number of eggs).

Furthermore, both treated classes (T2 to T5) had higher (P 0.05) total average egg weights than

the T1 group. The results of using alkaline and acidic ionized water on the plasma lipid profile

of quails at 12 and 18 weeks of age revealed substantial variations (P 0.05) between the groups

at 12 weeks. The T1 group had higher LDL (low-density lipoprotein) concentrations than the

other groups. However, at this period, the disparities in plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL

(High-density lipoprotein), and vLDL (very-low-density lipoprotein) between groups were


Plasma cholesterol was lower (P 0.05) in the T3 and T5 classes at 18 weeks.

Furthermore, as opposed to the T1 control group, all treated participants had higher (P 0.05)

HDL and lower (P 0.05) LDL. In addition, the study examines the influence of alkaline and

acidic ionized water on plasma calcium, phosphorus, glucose, and uric acid concentrations at

12 and 18 weeks of age. At 12 weeks of age, the T3 and T4 groups had higher (P 0.05) calcium

concentrations than the control group (T1). Phosphorus concentrations did not vary

substantially between groups at any age. At 12 weeks of age, the T3 group had a higher glucose

concentration (P 0.05) and a lower uric acid concentration (P 0.05) than the T1 group. The

glucose concentration was higher (P 0.05) in the T2 and T3 groups at 18 weeks of age than in

the T1 group. At this age, the variations in calcium, phosphorus, and uric acid concentrations

between groups were insignificant.

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To support the study, Ezzat et al. (2017), says that alkaline and acidic water have

beneficial effects on Japanese quail production and can be a low-cost alternative for improving

general production parameters. It was claimed that using ionized water increased efficiency

and controlled ovarian functions. Magnetically treated water stimulates the thyroid gland's

release of the thyroxine hormone, which leads to an increase in feed intake and, as a result,

increased fat and protein metabolism (Mahbuba, 2007). Thyroxine secretion also improves

glucose absorption, resulting in increased egg weight (North, 1984). Veeramani et al. (2013)

compared the impact of acid water on the efficient production of broiler chickens and

discovered that the treatment of 0.5 percent lactic acid in drinking water was superior in weight

gain, reduced feed intake, and increased feed conversion quality, followed by the alkaline

group (0.4 percent chloride sodium).

Lastly, according to Luckst adt and K uhlmann (2013), acidic water increases

productive efficiency and decreases mortality in broiler chickens. Magnetically treated water

can assist in cell regrowth and renewal by increasing the passage of ions across cell membranes,

thus improving the flow and transport of calcium ions in the blood (McCreery, 2003).

1.6. Effects of dietary electrolyte balance

From the study of Sayed, M. A., & Downing, J. (2015) about the effects of dietary

electrolyte balance and addition of electrolyte-betaine supplements in feed or water on

performance, acid-base balance and water retention in heat-stressed broilers it shows that the

effects of dietary electrolyte balance (DEB) and electrolyte-betaine (El-Be) supplements on

heat-stressed broiler efficiency, acid-base balance, and water retention were studied in a two-

by-three factorial arrangement of treatments from 31 to 40 days of age. A total of 240 broilers

were randomly allocated to one of six control classes, each with eight replicates of five birds

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per cage, and were subjected to cyclic high temperature (32 - 24 1°C). Diets containing 180 or

220 mEq/kg DEB are fed to the birds. El-Be supplements have either been included or not used

in the diet to complete 6 treatment units.

Moreover, to act as negative controls, an additional 80 birds were stored at

thermoneutral temperature (20 1°C) and nourished tap water and diets containing DEB at either

180 or 220 mEq/kg. High temperature exposure reduced growth efficiency, increased rectal

temperature, and reduced potassium (K(+)) retention. Birds fed diets containing 220 mEq/kg

DEB tended to increase BW from 35-40 days of age in a high-temperature room. However, at

thermoneutral temperature, broilers fed diets containing 220 mEq/kg DEB retained more K(+).

Like El-Be supplements in feed or water improved feed conversion ratio (FCR), increased

water intake, and increased conservation of K(+) and sodium (Na(+)).

Finally, Interactions with DEB and El-Be supplements continued to affect body weight

gain and FCR at 35-40 and 31-40 days of age, respectively. It is proposed that by using a diet

containing 180 mEq/kg DEB, putting the El-Be supplements in drinking water was more

effective than putting them in feed. When using a DEB of 220 mEq/kg, adding the supplements

to feed or drink was reasonably effective.

1.7. Growth Performance of Chloride Salt fed to Broiler chicken

As I’ve read the study of Mushtaq, M. M., Pasha, T. N., Akram, M., Mushtaq, T.,

Parvin, R., Choi, H. C., Hwangbo, J., & Kim, J. H. (2013). Growth Performance, Carcass

Characteristics and Plasma Mineral Chemistry as Affected by Dietary Chloride and Chloride

Salts Fed to Broiler Chickens Reared under Phase Feeding System that the dietary chloride

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(dCl) and chloride salt requirements were calculated using a 42-factorial arrangement in a four-

step feeding program. Four levels of dCl (0.31, 0.45, 0.59, and 0.73 percent) and two sources

of dCl (NH4Cl and CaCl2) were assigned to 1,472 chicks in eight dietary treatments, each of

which was repeated four times with 46 birds per replication. The four-phase feeding program

included four dietary phases: prestarter (days 1–10), starter (days 11–20), grower (days 21–

33), and finisher (days 34–42), with diets prepared separately for each phase.

Furthermore, the levels of cations, anions, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature,

electrical conductivity (EC), total dissolved solids (TDS), and salinity in drinking water were

measured and found to be unaffected by dietary treatments. BW gain (p0.009) and feed: gain

(p0.03) were increased in CaCl2 supplemented diets from day 1 to day 10. For d34 to 42, the

maximal response of BWG and FG was 0.38 percent and 0.42 percent dCl, respectively.

However, the dCl level for BWG from d 21 to 33 (p0.04) and d 34 to 42 (p0.009) was optimized

at 0.60 and 0.42 percent, respectively.

Lastly, for d1 to 42, the dCl levels for optimized feed intake (FI; p0.006), FG (p0.007),

and litter moisture (LM; p0.001) were 0.60 percent, 0.38 percent, and 0.73 percent,

respectively. Water consumption (DWI) was unaffected by increasing dCl supplementation

(p>0.05); nevertheless, the ratio of DWI to FI (DWI:FI) was observed to be greatest at 0.73

percent dCl on days 1 to 10 (p0.05) and 21 to 33 (p0.009). With the exception of d 34 to 42

(p0.006), increasing dCl levels did not result in a substantial difference in mortality during any


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1.8. Egg production in the world and Canada

Humans rely heavily on eggs as a source of high-quality protein (Stadelman 1995).

Global hen-egg production was approximately 66.4 million tonnes in 2012. China (37%) was

the largest contributor, followed by the United States of America (8%), India (5%), Japan (4%),

and Mexico (3%). (FAOSTAT 2014a). The world's total number of layers was 4.93 billion

(International Egg Commission 2014). In 2012, Canada raised 0.4 million tonnes of hen eggs.

In 2012, there were 1,016 licensed egg farms in Canada, with an estimated flock size of 20,241

hens (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2013).

The majority of eggs were sold as table eggs (70 percent), with the rest used to make

value-added items (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada 2013). The global consumption of egg

products has recently increased (International Egg Commission 2014). Between 2000 and

2011, the approximate average egg consumption per Canadian increased from 11 kg to 12 kg,

while global per capita consumption increased from 8.1 to 8.9 kg per individual (FAOSTAT

2014b). Water quality in various parts of the world where laying hens are raised can have an

effect on egg production. For successful egg development, hens should drink high-quality


1.9. Effect of water pH on laying hen performance

The literature is lacking in information on the impact of water pH on laying hens.

Neither the Canadian Water Quality Standards (CCME 1987) nor the National Research

Council (1994) have recommended a preferred pH range for livestock. According to Carter and

Sneed (1996) and Weltzien (2002), water pH levels below 6 and 6.5, respectively, will impair

digestion and result in poor poultry results. Fairchild and Ritz (2012) have stated that pH levels

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below 6 are unsuitable for poultry. Low pH water, according to Blake and Hess (2001), is less

palatable and may have a negative impact on poultry efficiency.

However, there was no peer-reviewed literature that describes the impact of various pH

levels on laying hen output or egg quality. The data are discovered in poultry extension

journals. There were some details about the impact of water acidification on broiler efficiency.

Today, water acidification is used to reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria in broiler guts.

Watkins et al. (2004) investigated the effect of water pH ranging from 3 to 8 on broiler

efficiency. The pH levels in the water had little effect on body weight or feed conversion


The pH levels had little effect on water intake per gram of body weight. However,

Açkgöz et al. (2011) discovered a decrease in body weight when birds were given pH 4.5 water

versus control water pH 7.4 at 21 and 42 days of age. However, pH 4.5 had little effect on feed

consumption, feed conversion ratio, or mortality. Both experiments found that the pH of the

gizzard did not shift substantially with the pH of the water. Chaveerach et al. (2004) discovered

no difference in body weight in broilers fed water with pH ranging from 3.9 to 6.9. Although

neither feed nor water intake were measured, Pesti et al (2004) discovered an improvement in

body weight when hens were given acidified water versus the regulation. The results on the

impact of water pH on broiler efficiency varied from research to study. As a result, using these

results to assess the pH impact on laying hens will be incorrect.

PH may affect the absorption of minerals from the hen’s intestines and, consequently,

the homeostasis in drinking water. Low pH diets increased nutritional digestibility, including

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mineral digestibility, in swine and broilers. In their study, Dibner and Buttin (2002) addressed

the potential mechanisms of enhanced production of poultry and swine when fed acidified diets

(supplement with organic acids). One plausible cause is that lowering the gut pH improves

nutrient digestion, especially mineral digestion. Reduced pH in digesta will increase the action

of digestive enzymes and retention time, allowing for more digestion opportunities.

1.10. Effect of high mineral content in water on other livestock

Numerous experiments on swine and cattle success in relation to high mineral content

in water have been performed. A trial of young weanling pigs exposed to high sulphate (2392

ppm) drinking water and 6000 ppm TDS showed scouring and increased water intake during

the first week of the experiment (Anderson and Stothers 1978). When compared to the control

group, no major differences in feed intake, weight gain, or feed to gain ratio were found.

Paterson et al. (1979) discovered that water intake and excreta moisture content were

higher in pigs given water containing 3000 ppm sulfate, but there was no impact on

reproduction or weight gain. A research on cattle exposed to high SO4 water found that a

concentration of 3200 ppm decreased feed, water consumption, and body weight (Weeth and

Hunter 1971). According to Loneragan et al. (2001), a SO4 concentration of more than 583

ppm in water had a detrimental impact on cattle daily weight gain and gain:feed ratio.

The findings of these studies indicated that high SO4 levels in water could cause

diarrhoea and poor output in livestock animals, but these levels were higher than the maximum

level of 250 ppm suggested by Carter and Sneed for poultry (1996).

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This chapter presents the research design, research locale, respondents of the study, research

instruments and the procedures of data gathering and data analysis treatment used.

Research Design

This study employed a mixed method of research. The design is appropriate to this

study for the reason that a t-test is a type of inferential statistic used to determine if there is a

significant difference between the means of two groups. A descriptive statistic is also used for

a summary statistic that quantitatively describes or summarizes features from a collection of

information from the two variables of this experiment.

Step 1
PHASE I Experiment Gather/Record
Mortality observation Data

Extract Step 2 Uncorrelated

Group Interpret sample
Chicken’s Experiment Gather/Recor Interpret
Weight observation d Data Data

Figure 1. Research Design Test variables


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Research Locale

This study was conducted in the house of the researcher, Camella Homes 1, Barangay

Putatan, Muntinlupa City. The study was decided to conduct inside home due to a pandemic.


Research Instrument

This study determines the impacts of intake electrolyte and tap water on survival rate

and weight of chickens. The researcher utilizes cage for chickens, light bulbs (12Watts), feeds

(chick boosters in first week, integra 2 for the grower, the rest of the week), a teaspoon of rock

salt, 3 teaspoon of brown sugar and 1 liter of water being mixed for electrolyte drinking water

used in experimental group, and simply tap water in home for control group variable.

Research Respondents

The researcher utilized respondents of fifteen (15) newborn chickens as classified

control and another fifteen (15) as experimental group on getting the impacts of electrolyte and

tap water to the mortality rate of newborn chickens.

After the experiment on mortality rate, the researcher utilized the same respondents to

get the relationship between electrolyte and tap water towards chicken’s weight. Ten (10)

newborn chickens as classified experiment and another ten (10) as experimental variables.

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This chapter presents the analysis and the data interpretation that is based on the

instruments used in the previous chapter. In order to fill up the missing part of the statement of

the problems in this chapter presents the steps and tables that give a figurative solution to the

following questions.


Based on the gathered data from the research conducted, the following were the


1. Significant Impact of Electrolyte and tap Water on Mortality rate of broiler chicken

1.1 Mortality Rate

Table 1. Independent Sample T-test: Significant Impact between the group design Electrolyte
and Tap Water to the mortality rate of broiler chicken
Mean SE Mortality Rate
Indicator difference difference df p-value Decision Remarks
Mortality -0.400 0.261 0.201 0.136 Do not Reject Ho Not significant
Note: If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance which is 0.05 reject the null hypothesis otherwise accept.

Table 1 shows the results on mortality rate of chicken determining the significant

impact of electrolyte water (experimental) against tap water (control) for chicken. However,

based on the results, p-value (0.136) proved that there is no direct significant impact of using

Electrolyte and Tap Water to the Mortality rate of broiler chicken.

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2. Significant Impact of Electrolyte and Tap Water on the Weight of broiler chicken

2.1 Weight of Chicken

Table 2. Independent Sample T-test: Significant Impact between the group design Electrolyte
and Tap Water to the Weight of broiler chicken
SE Weight of Chicken
difference difference df p-value Decision Remarks
Weight -0.171 0.0461 18.0 0.002 Reject Ho Significant
Note: If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance which is 0.05 reject the null hypothesis otherwise accept.

Table 2 shows the results on the weight of chicken determining the significant impact

of electrolyte (experimental) against tap water (control). The data showed that electrolyte and

tap water with a p-value of 0.002, have an impact on chicken's weight. Meaning, electrolyte

and tap water should be looked upon as it has a significant impact to the chicken’s weight.

3. Significant Impact of Electrolyte and Tap Water on the Weight of broiler chicken

3.1 Chicken’s Weight Mean

Table 2. Independent Sample T-test: Significant Impact between the group design Electrolyte
and Tap Water to the Weight Mean of broiler chicken

Group N Mean Median SD SE

CONTROL 10 0.901 0.928 0.128 0.0404
EXPERIMENTAL 10 1.07 1.07 0.0703 0.0222

Table 3 shows that the experimental group of chickens had a mean of 1.07 which is

greater than the control group with a mean of 0.901. The weighted mean to both experimental

and control variables used proved the table 2 results that treating chickens with electrolyte

water greatly affects the weight of the chickens.

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Chapter V


This chapter discusses the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendation on the

Impacts of Electrolyte and Tap water on Survival rate and Weight of Gallus gallus domesticus.

This study was conducted by the researcher to know if there is significant impact of

Electrolyte and Tap Water on Survival rate and Weight of broiler chicken based on the gathered

data from the observations.

Specially, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. Is there any significant impact between electrolyte and tap water to the mortality rate

of chickens?

2. Is there any significant impact between electrolyte and tap water in the weights of


The researcher made use of the between groups design to gather the data and find the

answers of the given questions. The variables were chosen to find out the significance of the

Electrolyte & Tap Water on Survival rate and Weight of broiler chickens.

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Summary of Findings

1.1. Significant Impact of Electrolyte and Tap Water on Mortality rate of broiler chicken

1.2 Mortality Rate

With the use of t-test as the statistical treatment, empirical findings revealed that there

is a negative and insignificant impact on the use of electrolyte to lessen the mortality rate of


2.1. Significant Impact of Electrolyte and Tap Water on the Weight of broiler chicken

2.2. Weight of Chicken

With the use of t-test as the statistical treatment, empirical findings revealed that there

is a positive and significant impact between the use of electrolyte and tap water to the weight

of chickens.

3.1. Significant Impact of Electrolyte and Tap Water on the Weight of broiler chicken

3.2. Chicken’s Weight Mean

The findings on chickens’ mean on experimental (1.07 ) and control (0.901) groups

strongly support the significance of electrolyte water as it greatly affects the weights of


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1. Mortality Rate

On the problem is there any significant impact in the use between electrolyte and tap water

to the mortality rate of chickens? This study concludes that there is no significant impact

between electrolyte and tap water to the mortality rate of chickens. Therefore, this data neglects

to support the study of Luckst adt and K uhlmann (2013), that acidic water increases productive

efficiency and decreases mortality in broiler chickens.

2. Weight of Chicken

On the problem is there any significant impact between electrolyte and tap water in the

weights of chickens? This study concludes that there is significant impact between electrolyte

and tap water to the weight of chickens, clearly that electrolytes water can be the best drinking

ion supply for chickens weight development. Therefore, this data triggers the study of

Veeramani et al. (2013) the comparison on the impact of acid water on the efficient production

of broiler chickens and revealed that the treatment of 0.5 percent lactic acid in drinking water

was superior in weight gain, reduced feed intake, and increased feed conversion quality.


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Since the study was done during a pandemic, it appeared to be deficient and constrained

in terms of furthering and expanding the experiment. The researcher, on the other hand, has

several recommendations. To begin, the interested researcher may add five additional chicken

samples, or more than the researcher did in this study, to make the study more reasonable and

legitimate, as well as sound innovative.

Second, the researcher would like to propose to future researchers who would want to

extend this study that it would be more valid if the study did not simply restrict itself to one

month but would be better if it took until the final week of the chicken before it was disposed

of in the market.

Third, one of the observations made by this investigation was the usage of space and the

cage. We noticed that it would be much better if the hens were moved to a larger environment

after they reached their third week of age. Furthermore, the researcher discovered that the

experimental variables (electrolyte water) in this study did not satisfy the prior literature's

anticipation that electrolyte water would reduce chicken mortality. This study refuses to back

up the findings of Luckst adt and K uhlmann (2013), who discovered that acidic water boosts

productivity and lowers mortality in broiler chicks. The researchers theorized that one element

that makes hens unpleasant to move and compete for space within the cage is the lack of space.

Fourth, the researcher discovered that it would be beneficial and scientifically sound to

include certain more treatments in future research. We want to discover if there is a truly big

influence on chicken weight utilizing other treatments, or if our research is superior to others.

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Additionally, including more treatments in the variable may lead to the discovery of new gaps

that may be investigated by future researchers.

Likewise, the researcher would like to propose that your next study on mortality rate be

conducted in farms, or any site that satisfies the standard of your hens' body temperature.

Therefore, the researcher would like to share the results of this experiment, which revealed a

significant potential gap in determining the influence of changes in feed intake between two


Fifth, the researcher would like to explain to the readers that this study and its conclusions

cannot be assumed to be relevant to populations with the exception of the chicken populations

employed in this study. However, for readers who are interested in adopting our study, we can

only guarantee success if the number of chickens you have falls within the range of our sample


Finally, the researcher would like to point out that using electrolyte water as a treatment for

your variables should not be done all the time. This study discovered that hens are more active

when they drink electrolytes water, which causes them to compete in space, which is one of

the reasons they will die. Further, the researcher only delivers electrolyte water once a day for

thirty to forty minutes, and just after the hens have finished drinking enough electrolytes within

the time limit, water will be replaced in a normal pH, and this will be repeated until the

experiment has finally completed.

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Table 1.1. The effect of tap water on mortality rate of early chick at 7days of age (Phase I)

Table 1.1. The effect of tap water on chicken at 1 week of age (Phase II)
Control Weight (g)
C1 0.045
C2 0.045
C3 0.040
C4 0.040
C5 0.050
C6 0.050
C7 0.045
C8 0.050
C9 0.040
C10 0.040

Table 1.2. The effect of tap water on chicken at 2 week of age (Phase II)
Control Weight (g)
C1 0.100
C2 0.100
C3 0.055
C4 0.055
C5 0.080

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C6 0.090
C7 0.080
C8 0.065
C9 0.080
C10 0.065

Table 1.3. The effect of tap water on chicken at 3 week of age (Phase II)
Control Weight (g)
C1 0.320
C2 0.270
C3 0.270
C4 0.170
C5 0.285
C6 0.290
C7 0.250
C8 0.175
C9 0.195
C10 0.247

Table 1.4. The effect of tap water on chicken at 4 week of age (Phase II)
Control Weight (g)
C1 0.610
C2 0.385
C3 0.625
C4 0.580
C5 0.555
C6 0.600
C7 0.575
C8 0.375
C9 0.460
C10 0.555


Table 1.1. The effect of electrolyte water treatments on chicken at 1 week of age (Phase II)
Experimental Weight (g)
T1 0.035
T2 0.040
T3 0.045
T4 0.050
T5 0.045
T6 0.050
T7 0.035

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T8 0.040
T9 0.035
T10 0.045

Table 1.2. The effect of electrolyte water treatments on chicken at 2 week of age (Phase II)

Experimental Weight (g)

T1 0.130
T2 0.095
T3 0.090
T4 0.085
T5 0.120
T6 0.135
T7 0.140
T8 0.095
T9 0.100
T10 0.095

Table 1.3. The effect of electrolyte water treatments on chicken at 3 week of age (Phase II)
Control Weight (g)
T1 0.310
T2 0.235
T3 0.295
T4 0.290
T5 0.305
T6 0.265
T7 0.300
T8 0.230
T9 0.320
T10 0.283

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Table 1.4. The effect of electrolyte water treatments on chicken at 4 week of age (Phase II)

Control Weight (g)

T1 0.710
T2 0.675
T3 0.710
T4 0.560
T5 0.675
T6 0.645
T7 0.530
T8 0.640
T9 0.560
T10 0.675

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