List of Tobacco Products

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List of tobacco products

Tobacco is the agricultural product of the leaves of plants in the genus

Nicotiana, commonly termed tobacco plants. All species of Nicotiana
contain the addictive drug nicotine—a psychostimulant alkaloid found in all
parts of the plants except the seeds, and most heavily-concentrated in the
leaves—which occurs in varying amounts depending on the species of
Nicotiana grown; the breed, type, or variety of tobacco cultivated and
produced; and the method used to cure and process tobacco leaves once
they have been harvested.

This article provides a list of tobacco preparations and products. This

list includes both tobacco products meant for consumption and those
intended for other uses. Under the heading of consumable tobacco
products, several categories of tobacco product are described in this list. Of
these four basic categories, the first two include what are most often
traditional types of tobacco products and preparations, relegated to the
broad sub-categories of smoked tobacco and smokeless tobacco; the latter Nicotiana tabacum
two categories include those types of tobacco products which have only (cultivated tobacco) plants
recently been developed or widely adopted: heated tobacco products and growing in Intercourse,
nicotine-only products. Following is a brief description of each of these Pennsylvania.

Smoked tobacco products – Tobacco-containing products which consist of tobacco meant

for smoking. Common smoked tobacco products include cigarettes, cigars, and hookah
tobacco (usually mu'assel).
Smokeless tobacco products – Tobacco-containing products used in a manner which
does not produce smoke, while still being distinct from heated tobacco products. Common
smokeless tobacco products include dipping tobacco (also called moist snuff or dip), snus,
and the various forms of chewing tobacco.
Heated tobacco products – Tobacco-containing products used by heating tobacco in order
to produce an aerosol or particulate suspension that can be inhaled. Also known as heat-
not-burn tobacco products or smokeless cigarettes, common lines of heated tobacco
products include IQOS tobacco cylinders and the loose tobacco blends vaporized in Pax dry
herb vaporizers.
Nicotine-only products – Nicotine-containing products that do not contain tobacco,
featuring nicotine either extracted from tobacco or non-tobacco nicotine, usually synthetic
nicotine. Common nicotine-only products include e-liquid (aerosolized using an e-cigarette
or vape), nicotine pouches, and various types of nicotine replacement therapy products.


Cultivation and types of tobacco

The vast majority of commercially-available tobacco is derived from the species Nicotiana tabacum
(cultivated tobacco or common tobacco), although to a lesser extent it is also produced from Nicotiana
alata, Nicotiana clevelandii, Nicotiana longiflora, and Nicotiana rustica, among others. (This is especially
the case in certain areas, among particular cultures, or by certain industries
or businesses; for example, the use of N. alata to produce particular kinds
of hookah tobacco by various tobacco companies or retailers in Iran.) N.
rustica (called Aztec tobacco, strong tobacco, thuốc lào in Vietnam,
mapacho in South America, and makhorka (Russian: маxорка) in Russia)
in particular contains much more nicotine than N. tabacum and other
species of Nicotiana, and forms the basis of a number of unique tobacco
products, as well as typically noncommercial preparations traditionally used
in a shamanic, spiritual, or entheogenic context by various Indigenous The molecular structure of
peoples of the Americas. (For example, the use of rapéh mapacho snuff by nicotine, as depicted using a
Indigenous Brazilians.) two-dimensional model.
Nicotine is a highly addictive
Once tobacco has been grown, harvested, cured, and processed, it is used psychotropic drug and
to produce a number of different products, both commercial and stimulant alkaloid, the main
noncommercial. These are most often consumable; however, tobacco and psychoactive constituent of
the nicotine derived from it are also used to create pesticides. tobacco.


Tobacco products, when the term is used to refer specifically to those products which contain material from
the tobacco plant and are intended for consumption, often implies two general categories of product:
smoked tobacco and smokeless tobacco.

When the term tobacco product is used to refer to any product containing tobacco or nicotine and intended
for consumption, a third and fourth category of such products may become relevant, and especially with
regard to recent developments in methods of nicotine consumption: heated tobacco products (HTPs) and
nicotine-only products (also called alternative nicotine products or simply nicotine products)—the term
itself essentially a misnomer because, while nicotine-only products do not contain tobacco, but rather
nicotine in the absence of tobacco, they typically also contain other ingredients besides nicotine—both of
which function to deliver nicotine to a user while potentially providing harm reduction from the negative
effects of ingesting tobacco smoke (which contains tar, carbon monoxide, and other dangerous constituents)
or the high level of carcinogenic nitrosamines normally found in tobacco.

An expert in tobacco, tobacco products, and tobacciana (objects, accoutrements, and paraphernalia
associated with tobacco consumption, and especially items of historical or collectible value)—namely pipes,
pipe tobacco, and cigars—including their procurement and sale, is called a tobacconist. (The term
tobacconist may also refer to the type of business run by tobacconists; to a lesser extent the word refers to
retail outlets, often called smoke shops or head shops, that typically sell tobacco products alongside other
smoking products, legal psychotropics, cannabis culture-associated products and paraphernalia, and related
consumables and accoutrements.)

Health impacts

Tobacco products

The health effects of tobacco consumption are significantly deleterious: tobacco use, and especially smoked
and smokeless tobacco use, is associated with the development and aggravation of numerous diseases,
many of which may lead to mortality or a lessening of lifespan and quality of life. Nicotine is an
exceptionally addictive chemical, its repeated consumption associated with a high likelihood of developing
a physical and psychological dependence upon the
substance. (Additionally, nicotine withdrawal is
associated with nicotine cessation following addiction
or habituation to nicotine—this includes the
discontinuation of tobacco smoking.)

While nicotine is one of the most widely-used

recreational drugs, the consequences of its popularity
and addictiveness are considerably negative. The
effects of the prevalence of tobacco consumption upon
society include what has long been the leading
preventable cause of death worldwide, economic
losses, and serious strains upon the healthcare systems
of various countries. A diagram depicting the risks to health caused by
smoking tobacco, most often cigarettes.
There is some evidence to suggest that when nicotine
is consumed in the form of tobacco, MAOIs called
harmala alkaloids present in the tobacco leaf may interact with nicotine in the body to increase its effects,
and therefore addictiveness.

Nicotine-only products

Less clear than the health impacts of tobacco use

—though still concerning to many medical
professionals—is the impact upon health and
society at large of nicotine-only products, and the
sheer preponderance and rapid growth of what is
their relatively recent adoption for use: that is,
nicotine-containing products which do not contain
tobacco, i.e. non-tobacco products which contain
either nicotine isolated from tobacco or non-
tobacco nicotine. (NTN (as abbreviated by the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration), mainly
consisting of products containing synthetic

This type of product mainly includes nicotine

products consisting of nicotine—typically free
nicotine, nicotine salts, or nicotine polacrilex—
combined with other ingredients, which
themselves may or may not be harmful to health
A diagram depicting the side effects of consuming
depending on the particular ingredients in nicotine.
question and the route of administration involved.

E-cigarette liquid (otherwise known as vape juice,

e-liquid, vape oil, or simply juice), for instance, may contain ingredients that when vaped (aerosolized and
inhaled) alongside nicotine, such as formaldehyde, are harmful to health and well-being. However,
scientific evidence currently points to the possibility that e-cigarettes are at least somewhat safer than
conventional (combustible) cigarettes.
The use of nicotine, either in the absence of tobacco or via tobacco consumption, produces a number of
physiological effects. These include, but are not limited to: a form of euphoric intoxication typically known
among recreational users as a buzz, nicotine buzz, or nic buzz; changes in blood pressure and circulation;
and acute—or, with frequent or repeated use, chronic—alterations of the hormonal, cardiac, gastrointestinal,
and central nervous systems; with acute adverse effects including nausea, lightheadedness, sleep
disturbances, rapid heart rate, and headaches.

The only medicinal nicotine agents currently approved as safe for medical intervention—namely nicotine
cessation—are nicotine replacement therapy products.

Cultivation and types of tobacco
Health impacts
Smoked tobacco
Smokeless tobacco
Tobacco water
Topical tobacco paste
See also


Smoked tobacco


A cigar is a tightly rolled bundle of dried and fermented tobacco which is

ignited so that its smoke may be drawn into the smoker's mouth and expelled;
thus the cigar is generally "puffed on" (like a tobacco pipe) as opposed to
being inhaled from (as is the case with cigarettes). The cigar is one of the
oldest methods of preparing tobacco for consumption, some of the first cigars Several different cigars.
being introduced to Europeans as rolls of tobacco smoked by the Taíno people
of 15th century Cuba.

There are numerous varieties of cigar, differentiated by their size, shape, color, and composition. Some
products developed from the cigar are, however, markedly different from the traditional product.
(Cigarillos, blunts, and little cigars, for instance.) Cigarettes may be the most notable example of this
deviation, although they do, in a sense, represent a category of their own.
Tobacciana associated with cigars include cigar ashtrays, cigar tubes, cigar boxes, cigar holders (also
known as cigar mouthpieces, which are similar to cigarette holders), cigar cutters (including cigar scissors
or shears), cigar cases, and humidors.


Blunts are wide, somewhat stubby versions of cigars. Most, if not all, are machine-made "domestic cigars"
created from homogenized or reconstituted tobacco. They are usually inexpensive, and only lightly


Cigarillos are long, thin cigars, somewhat larger than cigarettes but
smaller than regular cigars. They may be fitted into a cigarillo
holder in order to be smoked, though they are most often smoked
without such a device. Using a cutting tool in order to prepare a
cigarillo is less common than with larger cigars, as they are often
open on both ends. Cigarillos may be machine-made, although Two cigarillos.
many hand-made versions do exist; the latter are often produced by
premium cigar manufacturers. In modern-day America, machine-
made cigarillos can be used as marijuana cigars in a manner similar to machine made-large cigars.

Little cigars

A little cigar is a cigar that is the same size as a cigarette—often featuring a filter—however, it still retains its
identity as a cigar because it is wrapped in a tobacco leaf, or more often a paper wrapper made of tobacco
pulp, reconstituted tobacco or homogenized tobacco. Flavored little cigars are available on the market as
well. Flavored little cigars have been steadily increasing in popularity among cigar smokers. Manufacturers
like Prime Time ( have been
offering flavored little cigars since 1993.

Roll-your-own cigars

Several manufacturers have begun producing cigar wraps. Cigar wraps consist of tobacco leaf which can
then be used with a tobacco blend to produce a hand-rolled cigar.


Cigarettes are a product consumed through smoking and manufactured out of

cured and finely cut tobacco leaves and reconstituted tobacco, often combined
with other additives,[1] then rolled or stuffed into a paper-wrapped cylinder
(generally less than 120 mm in length and 10 mm in diameter).

Two unlit, filtered
German cigarettes.
Kreteks are cigarettes made with a complex blend of tobacco, cloves and a flavoring 'sauce'.


Roll-Your-Own (RYO) or hand-rolled cigarettes, are very popular particularly in European countries.
These are prepared from loose tobacco, cigarette papers and filters all bought separately. They are usually
much cheaper to make.

Creamy snuff

Creamy snuff is a tobacco paste, consisting of tobacco, clove oil, glycerin, spearmint, menthol, and
camphor, and sold in a toothpaste tube. It is marketed mainly to women in India, and is known by the brand
names Dentobac, Tona, Ganesh. It is locally known as "mishri" in some parts of Maharashtra. According to
the U.S. NIH-sponsored 2002 Smokeless Tobacco Fact Sheet (
combined10-23-02.pdf). The same factsheet also mentions that it is "often used to clean teeth". The
manufacturer recommends letting the paste linger in the mouth before rinsing.

Dissolvable tobacco

Dissolvable tobacco is a recent introduction, entering mainstream use in the later half of the 2000s
(decade). The product consists of finely-processed tobacco which is developed in such a way as to allow
the substance to dissolve on the tongue or in the mouth. Camel tobacco is the major purveyor of dissolvable
tobacco products, with three varieties, including strips, sticks and orbs, however companies such as Ariva
and Stonewall have also been successful with such manufacturing, marketing compressed tobacco


Dokha is a tobacco of Iranian origin mixed with leaves, bark, and herbs. It is traditionally smoked in a


Gutka (also spelled gutkha, guttkha, guthka) is a preparation of crushed betel nut, tobacco, and sweet or
savory flavorings. It is manufactured in India and exported to a few other countries. A mild stimulant, it is
sold across India in small, individual-size packets. It is consumed much like chewing tobacco, and like
chewing tobacco it is considered responsible for oral cancer and other severe negative health effects.

Used by millions of adults, it is also marketed to children. Some packaging does not mention tobacco as an
ingredient, and some brands are pitched as candies - featuring packaging with children's faces and are
brightly colored. Some are chocolate-flavored, and some are marketed as breath fresheners.


Kizami is a tobacco product produced in Japan and intended for smoking in Japanese kiseru pipes.

Iqmik is an Alaskan smokeless tobacco product used with punk ash. It is most common among natives.
Nicotine is freebased with caustic ash and thus iqmik is more addicting and potent than regular chewing


Mu'assel, shisha tobacco, hookah tobacco, or simply shisha is a somewhat

moist form of tobacco that is mixed with glycerin and coagulated with
molasses or other sticky sweeteners and has been popular in the Middle-East
for centuries. It is often smoked with a hookah. Its names include ma'sal (also
romanized as the aforementioned mu'assel), tumbâk, and jurâk.
Mu'assel or shisha


Naswar is a type of smokeless tobacco popular in Afghanistan and surrounding countries. It is moist and
powdered, and lime or juniper is added for flavor.

Pipe tobacco


Snuff is a generic term for finely-ground smokeless tobacco products.

Originally the term referred specifically to dry snuff, otherwise known as
nasal snuff, a fine tan tobacco dust, powder, or flour meant for light
insufflation, or "snuffing", popular mainly in the 18th century. (Dry snuff is
still used today, albeit much less often than other, more popular smoked and
smokeless tobacco products.)
Several types and
Several broad categories of dry snuff exist: consistencies of nasal
snuff, otherwise known
American-style (dry) snuff — A form of nasal snuff originating as dry snuff.
from the United States, although based upon the earlier
development of European-style nasal snuff, and intended for either
snuffing into the nostrils or placing between the lip and gum, the latter method allowing for
the product to be used like dipping tobacco. (Also known as (American) moist snuff.) A
particular style of American dry snuff, known as Scotch snuff, is produced by scorching
tobacco until it is dried and cured; it is then used to produce snuff. The term Scotch snuff is a
folk-etymology derivation referring to this scorching process.
European-style (dry) snuff – A style of dry snuff intended, almost exclusively, to be
shallowly "sniffed" or "snuffed" into the nose, where nicotine is absorbed through the
mucous membranes in the nostrils. (Snuff is not deeply "snorted" (such as in the way
cocaine powder is) because snuff isn't intended to move beyond the nose, i.e. into the
sinuses, throat or lungs.) European-style nasal snuff comes in several varieties:
Plain (otherwise known as natural snuff) – A type of European tobacco snuff without the
addition of flavorants.
Rappee – The term rappee coming from the
French râpé ("grated"), rappee is a type of
coarse, pungent snuff made from dark tobacco
Schmalzler – A type of snuff originating in
Germanophone countries, schmalzler is
schmalzed ("oiled").
Toast – A very dry and finely-ground type of

European-style nasal snuff also comes in numerous different

flavors or aromas, including the so-called medicated variety
(nasal snuff made with a scent basis of menthol, camphor, or

Rapé (pronounced "hah-peh"; also transliterated

rapéh, hapé, and hapéh) – A traditional preparation
of tobacco, namely mapacho (N. rustica) leaves: the
prototypical form of dry or nasal snuff typically used
in a shamanic, entheogenic, or ethnomedicinal
context by certain Indigenous peoples of the
Amazon Basin. The term rapé is the etymological Painting of a man taking a pinch of nasal
origin of the word rappee, a particular style or form of snuff.
European dry snuff.

It has been claimed that European-style nasal snuff originated in the U.K. town of Great Harwood, and was
famously ground in the town's monument prior to local distribution and transport farther north to Scotland.

European (dry) snuff is mainly produced by the following brands: Toque Tobacco (UK), Bernards
(Germany), Fribourg & Treyer (UK), Gawith (UK), Gawith Hoggarth (UK), Hedges (UK), Lotzbeck
(Germany), McChrystal's (UK), Pöschl (Germany), Toque (UK), and Wilsons of Sharrow (UK).

Some well-known brands of American (dry) snuff are Carhart's CC, Peach Sweet, and Tube Rose.

Generally, a small portion of dry snuff is either pinched in the fingers or laid out on the wrist (the
anatomical snuffbox) of the user, from where it is sniffed. Other methods of taking snuff include using a
device called a snuff bullet; the "boxcar method"——by which the user places snuff upon the tip of their
thumb while it is tucked into the curled index finger——which allows the user to take a larger amount of
snuff; utilizing a snuff ejector; snuffing snuff directly from a snuff spoon; and sniffing snuff through a
special tube called a sniffer.

Tobacciana associated with nasal snuff use include snuff bottles, snuff boxes, sniffing tubes (sniffers), snuff
ejectors, snuff bullets, snuff spoons, handkerchiefs, snuff jars, snuff tubes (snuff cylinders), and snuff horns.

Moist snuff, a product of American origin, is synonymous with dipping tobacco or dip.


Snus is a type of smokeless tobacco originating from and popular in Sweden and other Scandinavian
countries. It differs from moist snuff or chewing tobacco in that it is made from steam-cured tobacco leaves,
rather than fire-cured ones, and its health effects are markedly different, with epidemiological studies
showing lower rates of cancer and other tobacco-related health problems than cigarettes, American
"chewing tobacco", Indian gutka or African-type tobacco products. Prominent Swedish brands are Swedish
Match, General, Ettan, and Tre Ankare. In many Scandinavian countries, snus comes either in loose
powder form, to be pressed into a small ball (called "baking" the snus) by
hand or with the use of a special tool, or in small bags (called "portioned snus"
form). Both are suitable for placing under one of the lips, most often the upper.
Portioned snus is in particular a popular type because it keeps loose tobacco
from becoming stuck between the user's teeth; they also produce less spittle
when in contact with mucous membranes inside the mouth which extends the
usage time of the tobacco product. However, loose form snus tends to deliver
A can (or tin) of Skruf
more nicotine than portioned form.
brand loose (Swedish:
lös) snus, with some
Tobacco edibles formed into a pris or
Tobacco gum, like dissolvable tobacco, is a recent introduction - a type of
chewing gum which, like nicotine gum provides nicotine through oral
absorption. However, the difference between nicotine gum and tobacco gum is that tobacco gum is made
from finely powdered tobacco mixed with a gum base, rather than freebase nicotine.

Smokeless tobacco

Smokeless tobacco products are those tobacco products which do not require smoking to consume. More
specifically, the term smokeless tobacco refers to such products without reference to HTPs and nicotine-
only products.

Chewing tobacco

Chewing is one of the oldest methods of consuming tobacco

leaves. Native Americans in both North and South America
chewed the fresh leaves of the tobacco plant, frequently mixed
with lime.

Kinds of chewing tobacco can broadly be divided into types

from the Western world and those of Eastern origin, namely
from the Indian subcontinent.

Western chewing tobacco

A pouch of Red Man loose leaf chewing
Modern American-style chewing tobacco (colloquially known tobacco and Oliver Twist tobacco
as chew or chaw, especially in the American South and bits/pellets.
Midwest) is produced from cured and often fermented
tobacco, usually dampened and mixed with some type of
sweetener. (Often molasses.) Twist tobacco may be an exception in this case, as many brands of twist are
not sweetened.

In using chewing tobacco—at least types other than tobacco pellets—the consumer usually deposits the
tobacco between the cheek and teeth and lightly macerates and sucks the tobacco to allow its juices to flow.
Thus when chewing, it is common to spit and discard excess saliva caused by the release of juices from the
tobacco, justifying the existence of the spittoon, or cuspidor.

The popularity of American-style chewing tobacco and the associated spittoon reached its height in the
American Midwest during the late 19th century; however, as cigarettes became the predominant form of
tobacco consumption the spittoon gradually fell into disuse across the United States. While spittoons are
often a rarity in modern society, loose leaf chewing tobacco can still be purchased at many convenience
stores or from tobacconists throughout the United States and Canada.

Chewing tobacco endemic to the Western world is manufactured in several forms:

Loose leaf

Loose leaf chewing tobacco, also known as scrap, is perhaps the most common contemporary form of
American-style chewing tobacco. It consists of cut or shredded strips of tobacco leaf, and is usually sold in
sealed pouches or bags lined with foil. Often sweetened, loose leaf chew may have a tacky texture.
(Though there are also unflavored or "natural" loose leaf chews. However, these are far less common.)
Popular, modern brands of scrap sold in North America include Red Man, Levi Garrett, Jackson's Apple
Jack (made by Swisher International), Beech-Nut (formerly made by Lorillard; now Reynolds American),
and Stoker's.


Pellets or bits consist of tobacco rolled into small pellets. They are often packaged in portable tins. Tobacco
pellets are used in the same manner as snus, in that they are placed between the lip and gum, and that
spitting is typically unnecessary. It is suggested that the user may periodically chew the pellets lightly in
order to release additional juice, flavor, and/or nicotine. Tobacco bits are almost exclusively produced under
the Northern European Oliver Twist and Piccanell brands. They are thus—like snus—preponderant in the
Scandinavian region.


Plug tobacco is made up of tobacco leaves that have been

pressed together and bound by some type of sweetener,
resulting in a dense, square tobacco mass. (Some compare the
look of plug tobacco to a brownie or similar pastry.) One can
then bite directly from the mass or slice the tobacco into
portions. Some types of plug may either be chewed or smoked
in a tobacco pipe, and some are exclusive to one method of
consumption or the other.

Plug tobacco was once a much more common product,

available to many American consumers during the 19th
Levi Garrett and Cannon Ball brands of century. Two tobacco companies that historically
plug chewing tobacco. manufactured plug are Liggett and Lorillard. (The latter was
known for its Climax brand of plug.)

Modern brands of chewing plug include "rustic" and simple packaging, as is the case with popular plugs
like Apple Sun Cured, Brown's Mule, Cannon Ball, Cup, Days Work, and Days O Work. Some well-
known loose leaf chewing tobacco brands, such as Red Man and Levi Garrett, have their own versions of
plug tobacco, as well.


Chewing tobacco sticks are tightly bound rolls or "sticks" of chewable tobacco, usually sold in pouches.
Brands include the German Grimm und Triepel and the Brazilian La Corona.


Twist or rope tobacco is made up of rope-like strands of tobacco that have been twisted together and cured
in that position, afterwards being cut. Some types of twist may either be chewed or smoked in a tobacco
pipe, and some are exclusive to one method or the other.

Unlike other types of chewing tobacco, twist tobacco isn't always a sweetened product, and may be devoid
of molasses.

Different types of chewing tobacco are endemic to various parts of India and the surrounding regions:

Indian chewing tobacco


Gutkha (also transliterated gutka) is a chewing tobacco product popular in India and surrounding regions.

It is a mixture of betel nuts, tobacco, paraffin wax, catechu, and slaked lime.

It is similar to mava.


Mava (also transliterated mawa) is a chewing tobacco product popular in Gujarat, India, made with a
mixture of betel nut, calcium carbonate and flavoured tobacco. It is also known faki or masala.

It is similar to gutkha.

Tambaku paan

Tambaku paan is a type of paan with tobacco. It contains many of the same ingredients as gutkha.

Dipping tobacco

Dipping tobacco, also known as dip, moist snuff (or simply snuff), American
moist snuff, or spit tobacco, is a form of smokeless tobacco. Dip is sometimes
also called chew or chaw; because of this, it is commonly confused with
chewing tobacco. Because it is sometimes called snuff or moist snuff, it can
also be confused with nasal or dry snuff.

Instead of literally chewing on dipping tobacco, as is the case with chewing Four cans (or tins) of
tobacco, a small clump of dip is "pinched" out of its container and placed dipping tobacco/moist
between the lower or upper lip and gums. While it is most common to place snuff.
the tobacco between the lower lip and gums, utilizing the upper lip for this
purpose—in a manner more common to snus—is known as an "upper

In modern times, dipping tobacco is usually packaged in metal or plastic tins, sometimes with the addition
of fiberboard. Some brands are packaged into "tubs", or deeper hand-held containers.
Dipping tobacco comes in several varieties. Many dipping tobacco producers also manufacture pouches of
dipping tobacco, making the habit cleaner and more convenient. The following are standard cut sizes, but
some brands can still vary in size.

Cut sizes:

Extra long cut

Extra long cuts are the longest cut size. Copenhagen and Grizzly both make an extra long cut natural

Wide cut

Wide cuts have thicker strands than all other cuts of dipping tobacco. Currently, wide cut is only
manufactured by Grizzly.

Long cut

Long cuts are easier to manage than fine cuts (a smaller granular sized dip - in regard to ease of grabbing
the tobacco and keeping it comfortably in mouth). This is the most common cut of tobacco.

Mid cut

Mid cut sized dipping tobacco is comparable to small granules at about 1 mm cubed. A couple of mid cuts
were on the smokeless tobacco market but have since been discontinued.

Fine cut

Fine cut comes in granules slightly larger than sand or coffee grounds.


Snuff or simply moist snuff looks similar to dirt or sand in terms of granular size. Extremely small cut.


Pouches hold fine cut tobacco in a small teabag-like pouch for convenience. Pouches are typically about
the same size, but one brand, Skoal, also offers a smaller pouch called Bandits.


Tobacco water

Tobacco water is a traditional organic insecticide used in domestic gardening. Tobacco dust can be used
similarly. It is produced by boiling strong tobacco in water, or by steeping the tobacco in water for a longer
period. When cooled the mixture can be applied as a spray, or 'painted' on to the leaves of garden plants,
where it will prove deadly to insects.
Basque angulero fishermen kill immature eels (elvers) in an infusion of tobacco leaves before parboiling
them in salty water for transportation to market as angulas, a seasonal delicacy.[1]

Topical tobacco paste

Topical tobacco paste is sometimes recommended as a treatment for wasp, hornet, fire ant, scorpion, and
bee stings.[2] An amount equivalent to the contents of a cigarette is mashed in a cup with about a 0.5 to 1
teaspoon of water to make a paste that is then applied to the affected area. Paste has a diameter of 4 to 5 cm
(1.5 to 2  in) and may need to be moistened in dry weather. If made and applied immediately, complete
remission is common within 20–30 minutes, at which point the paste can be removed. The next day there
may be a some residual itching, but virtually no swelling or redness. There seems to be no scientific
evidence, as yet, that this common home remedy works to relieve pain.[3] For about 2 percent of people,
allergic reactions can be life-threatening and require emergency treatment. For more on this, see bee stings.

See also
Tobacco industry
Types of tobacco
Curing of tobacco
Chop chop (tobacco)
Herbal cigarette

1. Angulas (
2. Beverly Sparks, "Stinging and Biting Pests of People" (
ubcd/c782-w.html) Extension Entomologist of the University of Georgia College of
Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Cooperative Extension Service.
3. Glaser, David. "Are wasp and bee stings alkali or acid and does neutralising their ph them
give sting relief?" (
uk/sting-acid-or-alkali.shtml). Archived from the original (http://www.i on 2007-06-26. Retrieved 2007-05-03.

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