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gg sant a) i ons. LP, Gorm ra Present :Hir.Z.HMd.Daud. Oe eee © \ Sub Judge, ane ) a \G ie a if en dae erdsr ai k as ee i nd _-‘B.Buit 0.55 of 1978. ae . ie ne a re . Mafizuddia and others © —--~B}Ef4 “Versus ~ Ansar Uddia Sarker lind others é \ a \ \ 4 na-—*Defte. | pet 7 ae \ “Slellosdateot order. e.) poteecececccac ec: \ ieee ih tng \} |-—- 7.3+78--—-— Regi ster.C.Fee correct.Issue ‘mmx upon the deft.whether the suit willbe A, ES | 4 coatesed or not fixing 7.4.78, for apvexrunces. oe } ds:| y : 84/ Ze Wottd ee \% S.Judge, tec 7 a ers : | ) 1, (2 Pathe 7B—n- FLEE Bailes haziras Bak fa. 1,2 8 Ss a a 2 Scanned with CamScanner appears by a power & fileg apetition praying for time to file Wai the grounds stated stxexamexs therein, ) Heard.Prayer is allowed.T0 10.5.78 for filing W.5, Be) as ee ae ke 0 date for order awaiting return, bes | | EY Sé/ Tlegible. |, . Bub Judge, 3o=~10.4.78—-= PLft put w im a petition supported, 2 by at effidwkit praying for restraining the ahaa cn \ | ( defts.4-9 by an order of temporary Injunction in the y y \ i Schedule lend as mextionedin 7 & also 5 () prayer. for ai injugetion upon the dets. 1-9,.10 io fees % ‘95s. (8 Fax orden Ta paesees"s | iL s8vooate for the ¥ en © Firreteoe + ss \ ne: + a 84/ Ilegible. { oaettzee « Ses ; Co er | mt eee t | Aon== 18s4.78-—— thhe petm.of the Fffs.dated 10.4.78 N ( C . : | i |. are | Scanned with CamScanner is putup to-day. Heard.the Ld. Advocate forthe ¥iffs. Ferused\thepetition, affidavit au documents ( © filed Considered « ee t | ae / \ | aries notices upor the défts .1 to 9 to show \ - \ / 2 fue | ~ cause Within 15 days from the smEgiix service thercoz. as to why an order of temporaryinjunction ia teras i / | of the pbtantiff's petition and affidavit shall not be grented. TaStne Bec Preis feisitenis Paes ious restraining the defts.1 to 9 — eitacteg into cae - suit Dadi aad) frou “eutenag’ SG taiiding Pes ie till the disposed ait! ratesatrgeat i‘ Bl atace. - ee gd/ Illgible. eS Ee fe Pa sudee, 2 | i Scanned with CamScanner bya power & files a petition praying for time to file W.S.onthe ground stated therein, Heard.Prayer J = ( 48 allowed.2o 10.5478 for filing WS. leet G---- 10.5.78.--Plff.files hetira. baft.No.2 files 4 petitiom praying for time to file|W.S. on the ground stated therein, Heard. Prayer is allowed. To 245078 \ (esi 4 Us for filing W.S. ( / liati, A = \ ; Sd/ Tlegible. Og Fas ( : e Sub Judge, | re ie “ Pete aan vercriten Hsetrel sWettaciles 0 Nae ei » ; ie: ' : tition praying for a time to file|W.S.onthe ground “ Lae e , Naa Ne | z we stated thercin. Heard.Prayer is a cost of Bee | / K. 20/00 G.P. To 9.6.78 for filing W.S. ( \ |" gd/ Tlegibib. J ee Tee, 2 5 \ eS C { S iA Scanned with CamScanner By Be eats. | : - me { orden) sawsiting return. 8---~ 906. 78----B1 ff files hazira.1014.7; 78 for order awaiting return, "Bay titedbies ‘ Sub duage s /Smmth7628 oapPLtts files hasire,t017.8,78 for oxieze ron = awiting return, 84/Lllegible. We * ) Sub Judge, Wa-= 17.8.76-—-~ F1ff.files hazi. To 21.8,78 for orders awaiting order. Z : : 5 Sd/ Illegible, Sub Judge, | bt ists Bos 11.78 for ¢ } Sd/ Illegiblew i cae) ; Sub Judge,” : = | Aarn= 250116780 9PLEf files hgziaToceyax 19.12.78 for order aweiting return. ' Sd/ I1legible. ~~ Scanned with CamScanner y ay w 15----x88. 29.12.78. .Plif.files hexi . To 26.1479 for order awaiting return, 84/ Iigdie, \ bs bie age | \ 4 . Port. tira, 10 1.3.79): a ~ Potf.files hatira, P 143679, for order s aweiting return, Sd/ Illegible. Sub Judge, V5---- 103079--~ #1ffefiles haxi.To 9.4.79 for order awaiting regurn, ) 84/ legible. Sd/ illegible. Sub Judge, y | Ot a \Afonmm 16,8479-—-!182. Files hakiza, 8.Renot réceived. ; | pe 24 6.879 for order awaiting ea P sd/ Ilegivle. ~ emu | J Suh Tnden Scanned with CamScanner 18----21.6.79—~ Plff.files a petition praying for ‘coos to fix a dte of exparge disposal om the ground | \ stated therein, % 447.79 for order in presence of 7 |S | . Id.Advocates. To date for order awaiting return. | ( i ; | Sd/ Ilegible. Sub Judge, 19---~ 4.7679...F1if.files hawira. Summons-duly served upon the defts. Deft.iio.% 2 has not filed W.S. nor any steps taken.109.8.79 for edparte disposal. Zs | Sa/ Tilenble: Sub Judge, ee ) a ne a “2Oen== 9.8.79---- Pit. files a petition preying for f ten iad: thse dies» 0m \ C7 sae Ty | 2 _ time for exparte disposal. Hoord Prayer is allowed . 4 ( 0 1269.79 for exparte disposal. ‘ . re ue ~ Sd/ Ivlegible; — A \ Sub Judge, © ' | 21----12.9-79e00. P ff.files hesisa, & docuents \ ) “ y i Scanned with CamScanner ‘saree as per list. lo steps taken by the deft. Who was. found absent om repeated calls.The suit ig taken up for exparte disposal’ .P.We1 Motizuddia om 5.4, is exemined.. Perused the record & documents. CoF.paid _-appears to be sufficient. ; Ordered. that the suit be deéreed expart4 without c st.Plff.'s title to the suitland of 9.58 acres be hereby declared. : The imputned deed No.452 dt. 25f1270 is declered to be forged & void. : ; a ; ie etiam BAY, Tid egid len a Sub Judge, oS 22m-n= 6.8.80... Decree prepared séaled and signed / thig day. i ~ r ; () sa/ riegipie. é a eee) / Ory] Ty, 3 Compared by - Qh Baoe Scanned with CamScanner

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