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Online Platform for ICT Content Development

❖ What is an online platform?

➢ are technologies that are grouped to be used as a base upon which other
applications processes or technologies are developed

➢ The term “online platform” has been used to describe a range of services
available on the Internet including marketplaces, search engines, social
media, creative content outlets, app stores, communications services,
payment systems, services comprising the so-called “collaborative” or
“gig” economy, and much more. In this report, an online platform is
defined as a digital service that facilitates interactions between two or
more distinct but interdependent sets of users (whether firms or
individuals) who interact through the service via the Internet.

▪ Examples of Online Platform:

1. Presentation/Visualization
2. Social Media
3. Web Page Creation
4. File Management
5. Mapping

➢ Presentation/ Visualization - communicates information clearly and efficiently

via statistical graphics, plots and information graphics.
• – helping to reinvent the art of presentation
• – an online project management app that helps you plan your work
and keep track of your progress
• – to build quickly from concise, well- presented content from top
• – an online mind-mapping tool that lets you capture, develop
and share ideas visual
➢ Social Media Platform - are computer-mediated tools that allow people,
companies and other organizations to create, share, or exchange information,
career interests, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks.


• – online social networking service that enables users to send and
read short 140- character messages called “tweets”
• – is for-profit corporation and online social networking service
• – a micro-blogging platform and social networking website

➢ Web Page Creation Platform - encompasses a number of important elements

including color, layout, and overall graphical appearance that encompasses the
foundation of a website.


• – a cloud-based web development platform that allows users to create

HTML5 websites and mobile sites through the use of their online drag and drop
• – a web-hosting service featuring a drag- and-drop website builder.

➢ File Management - is the storing, naming, sorting and handling computer files on
the web.


• – web application to convert files

• – convert Word files to PDF (Portable Document Format) with
this online tool.
➢ Mapping - a transformation taking the points of one space into the points of the
same or another space.

• Google Maps – a desktop web mapping service developed by Google

Content Management System

✓ Is a computer application (sometimes online or browser- based) that allows you to publish, edit
and manipulate, organize and delete web content. CMS is used in blogs, news websites, and
✓ Is an application that is used to manage web content, allowing multiple contributors to create,
edit and publish. Content in a CMS is typically stored in a database and displayed in a
presentation layer based on a set of templates.

Basic Features of CMS

• Content creation (allows users to easily create and format content)
• Content storage (stores content in one place, in a consistent fashion)
• Workflow management (assigns privileges and responsibilities based on roles such as
authors, editors and admins)
• Publishing (organizes and pushes content live)

Benefits of a Content Management System

✓ One major advantage of a CMS is its collaborative nature. Multiple users can log on and
contribute, schedule or edit content to be published. Because the interface is usually browser-
based, a CMS can be accessed from anywhere by any number of users.

✓ The second major advantage of a CMS is that it allows non-technical people who don’t know
programming languages to easily create and manage their own web content. The WYSIWYG
editors of a typical content management platform allows users to enter text and upload images
without needing to know any HTML or CSS.
✓ When a company uses a CMS to publish its pages, it reduces its reliance on front-end engineers
to make changes to the website, making it quicker and easier to publish new content.



Blogging Platform - is a discussion or informational website published on the web consisting of discrete,
often informal diary-style text entries ("posts"). Posts are typically displayed in reverse chronological
order, so that the most recent post appears first, at the top of the web page.


• WordPress (
• Blogger ( or

Cloud Computing - The practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet to store,
manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.


• Google Drive – keep all work in one secure place with online file storage.
• Dropbox – keeps your files safe, synced, and easy to share.

Advantages of Cloud Computing:

• No need to install
• Saves hard disk/storage space
• Easy access to your software/files; can be ran anywhere as long as there is an internet
• Saves you money from buying software licenses and additional hard disk/storage
• No need to update because it updates automatically
• Minimum system requirements
• Backup and data recovery are relatively easier that on a physical device

Disadvantages of Cloud Computing:

• Can be hampered down by slow internet speed; no connection, no cloud
• May still require compatible software like a browser
• You do not own the software; you are simply renting it
• Security risk of doing things over the internet as opposed to your personal
computer alone
• More prone to hacking
• Limited control over the infrastructure itself.

Creating an Account and Blog in

Step 1: Open browser for laptop or cellphone then go to
Step 2: For laptop or desktop click the sign in button on the upper right corner of the screen.
For Cellphone click the three horizontal line button on the upper right corner of the screen.
Then select log in Step 3: Select Continue with google or apple. After that you will be redirected
to your account on wordpress
Step 4: For cellphone click on the word press icon on the upper left side of your screen the logo
is a letter “W’ that has a circle for its outline. For laptop or desktop select the word press icon
with the text “My Site”.
Step 5: Form there you will be creating your first website or blog site. Select the pink button
with the text create site: it will ask you to provide a name for your website: for the mean let’s
give the name of your site with the following detail “Firstname+Lastname+A randown numbers
of your choice” example: mattsevilla23.
Step 6: Select the free domain plan which is Then click the button
Step 7: Select your desired template you will be using. You can customize your font style to
your liking. After selecting your theme and font click the button continue.
Step 8: Select the free plan. After on the upper middle part of your screen for cellphone user
click the Launch button. Then scroll down at the bottom of the page then select skip purchase.
Then select start with free plan.
✓ For laptop or desktop user click the button with the text preview on the upper right
corner of your screen. It will open a new tab on your browser. Click the button “launch
site”. Then select skip purchase. The select “continue with your free site”. You can click
the button visit site to view your website. Now you have already create your own
website using don’t forget your website name for we will be using your
website in another lesson.
Now let’s learn how to add a blog in your website.
Step 1: log in your account in
Step 2: for Cellphone user on the upper middle part of your screen click the icon add
block/blog the icon consist of a document with a “+” sign on top of it. It will ask you to give a
title for your blog and a description or blog itself.
✓ For Laptop/desktop user select the preview button on the upper right corner of your
screen it will direct you to your site. On the upper right corner select write button. It will
ask you to give a title for your blog and a description or blog itself.
Step 3: after typing your title and a simple blog, for cellphone users on the middle part of the
screen click the button publish, for laptop or desktop user click the publish button on the upper
right part of your screen.
Step 4: after clicking publish it will pop up a different page or box you can customize how
others view you blog or post. Customizing click the button publish. Then select view post. The
post will now be publish on your website so anyone who knows your domain or your site name
can view all your post or your personal blog or public blog on word press.

Basic Web Page Creation

❖ While it's really easy to build a web page, it's really hard to make it look right. If all you
want is plain text, everything is really pretty straightforward. The tricky part is when you
want something more. Most bad web pages are bad because of their design rather than
their content so pay attention: Keep it simple. The more stuff on the page the messier it
gets and the less likely you are to keep the interest of the visitor.

❖ Web pages are built using HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language). The technology for
this has been around long before there were web pages or even the Internet so it's not
really unique to the Web. A Mark-up Language is simply inserting special symbols into a
body of text to give it some formatting. The idea is to devise a set of special symbols
that the processing engine will use to format text but won't display. The formatting
symbols won't be visible.

✓ WYSIWYG is the acronym for What You See Is What You Get. This means that whatever
you type, insert, draw, place, rearrange and everything you do on a page are what the
audience will see. Like using Microsoft word, WYSIWYG shows and prints whatever you
type on the screen.

Free online website builder

1. – All around website builder.
2. – Ideal for small businesses.
3. – Great Design Assistance.
4. – Perfect for blogging.
5. – Made for simple website.
6. – Small online store builder.
7. – Great mobile editor.
8. – Quick and easy setup.
9. – Great for white label businesses.
10. – Create simple multilingual sites.

Principles of effective web design

1. Purpose - Good web design always caters to the needs of the user. Each page of your
website needs to have a clear purpose, and to fulfill a specific need for your website
users in the most effective way possible.

2. Communication - People on the web tend to want information quickly, so it is

important to communicate clearly, and make your information easy to read and digest.
3. Typefaces - In general, Sans Serif fonts such as Arial and Verdana are easier to read
online (Sans Serif fonts are contemporary looking fonts without decorative finishes).
The ideal font size for reading easily online is 16px and stick to a maximum of 3
typefaces in a maximum of 3 point sizes to keep your design streamlined.

4. Colors - A well thought out color palette can go a long way to enhance the user
experience. Complementary colors create balance and harmony. Using contrasting
colors for the text and background will make reading easier on the eye.

5. Images - A picture can speak a thousand words, and choosing the right images for your
website can help with brand positioning and connecting with your target audience. If
you don’t have high quality professional photos on hand, consider purchasing stock
photos to lift the look of your website.

6. Navigation - Navigation is about how easy it is for people to take action and move
around your website. Some tactics for effective navigation include a logical page
hierarchy, using bread crumbs, designing clickable buttons, and following the ‘three
click rule’ which means users will be able to find the information they are looking for
within three clicks.

7. Grid Based Layout - Placing content randomly on your web page can end up with a
haphazard appearance that is messy. Grid based layouts arrange content into sections,
columns and boxes that line up and feel balanced, which leads to a better-looking
website design.

8. “F” Pattern Design - Eye tracking studies have identified that people scan computer
screens in an “F” pattern. Most of what people see is in the top and left of the screen
and the right side of the screen is rarely seen. Rather than trying to force the viewer’s
visual flow, effectively designed websites will work with a reader’s natural behavior
and display information in order of importance (left to right, and top to bottom).

9. Load Time - Everybody hates a website that takes ages to load. Tips to make page load
times more effective include optimizing image sizes (size and scale), combining code
into a central CSS or JavaScript file (this reduces HTTP requests) and minify HTML, CSS,
JavaScript (compressed to speed up their load time).

10. Mobile Friendly - It is now commonplace to access websites from multiple devices with
multiple screen sizes, so it is important to consider if your website is mobile friendly.
Elements of Effective Web Design
• Limit Color Use - This might sound rudimentary, but color schemes and color choices
are very important when it comes to modern web design. The number of colors you
incorporate in your modern design is a very important aspect. Too many colors become
visually distracting, so most modern Website designs opt for only 2, or at the most 3 in
their major design elements.

• Plenty of White Space - This goes along with the last modern website Design element,
but something called "white space," is also very attractive. It doesn't necessarily even
have to be white, instead, white space is a term used for the amount of "empty" space -
i.e. margins between your content and the edge of your screen, and buffers between
the elements on your page. Things should have room to breathe, if your Website is
crowded, it is very hard to direct the attention of your visitor's eye.

• Clean Backend Coding - This modern website design element is one that you might not
notice visually, but one that is probably the most important when it comes to the
functionality of your Site. Behind every Website there is a great deal of coding in the
backend that will dictate how your Website performs.

• Search Engine Optimization - There are modern Website design elements that can
greatly improve the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your Site. A lot of these are
invisible to the naked eye, and also appear in the backend coding of your pages and
posts. There are design tricks like Meta tags, title tags, heading tags and other HTML
code that can go a long way in helping your Site climb the ranks of Google's search

8 Modern Website Design Elements and Trends

1. Unique and Large Typography - Most companies have a particular font or typography
that they use to help their customers immediately identify them versus their
competitors. In recent years, designers have received a larger selection of fonts to
choose from, making it easier for brands to more accurately express themselves
through typography.

2. Large & Responsive Hero Images - Large images do away with the concept of above
and below the fold. By focusing on just the image with text rather than a CTA or social
buttons, Medium creates a strong visual experience that encourages you to scroll down
to read more. Large hero images are also often placed in the background with text and
other content overlaid on top, like on Uber's website. Regardless of the approach you
utilize, large images can help visually tell your story without having to rely on just text.

3. Background Videos - Videos that automatically play in the background can add a lot to
a page. They can be used to tell a story and significantly reduce the amount of other
content that is needed to explain your business.

4. Semi-Flat Design - Simply put, flat design is any element that does not include or give
the perception of three dimensions, such as shadows. Not only is flat design is easier for
users to comprehend, but it can also load more quickly on websites without
complicated or overly-technical elements.

5. Hamburger Menu - It's likely that most websites you come in contact with have a long
menu of options to choose from. The advantage of this is that the menu can take the
visitor directly to where they want to go. However, the disadvantage is that they
generally take up a ton of valuable screen space. The hidden, or hamburger menu
changes this. This menu was common in web applications before making its way to web
design -- even in Google Chrome you can find a hamburger menu on the right hand
side. Wondering why it's called a hamburger menu? If you use your imagination, the
three lines that are stacked on top of one another look like hamburger patties. Get it?

6. Giant Product Image - You may have noticed that many B2B websites are starting to
display large product images on their sites to highlight different features or parts of
their product. This is no coincidence. To give you a better idea of what we're talking
about, let's take a look at the product page for the HubSpot Website Platform.

7. Card Design - With the rise of Pinterest, designers and marketers alike have become
fascinated with cards. Individual cards help distribute information in a visual way so the
visitors can easily consume bite-sized pieces of content without being overwhelmed.

8. Short Product or Feature Videos - In addition to background videos, companies are also
beginning to use short product or feature videos to highlight a specific use case. These
short videos are great at bringing your solution to life, while not overwhelming the
visitor with a long experience that they must sit through. These short videos allow for
your prospect to quickly understand value without watching a really long, in-depth
experience. Sure, both have value, but the shorter videos allow for quick understanding
that is best for top of the funnel.

Interactive Multimedia

❖ Is the use of a computer to present and combine text, graphics, audio, and video with
links and tools that let the user navigate, interact, create, and communicate.

❖ INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA - any computer-delivered electronic system that allows the

user to control, combine, and manipulate different types of media, such as text, sound,
video, computer graphics, and animation. Interactive media integrate computer,
memory storage, digital (binary) data, telephone, television, and other information
technologies. Their most common applications include training programs, video games,
electronic encyclopedias, and travel guides. Interactive media shift the user’s role from
observer to participant and are considered the next generation of electronic information


• Education
• Training
• Games
• Simulation
• Information Presentation
• Corporate Presentation

MULTIMEDIA CONTENT - Multiple streams or aggregation of multimedia objects, possibly

comprising audio, video, images, text, and various other modalities. Audio visuals, interactive
graphics, animations, photo galleries and other types of interactive media. A mean to distribute
and represent digital information by combining text, pictures, sound and video.
• Videos
• Sound, Music or Audio
• Online Games
• Online Tests
• Courseware
• Podcasts
• Vodcasts
VIDEOS - Through video hosting sites, you can take a video and show it to the entire world (e.g.
SOUND, MUSIC OR AUDIO - If videos are too much for you, you can always record sounds. You
can share your sound bites to the entire world (e.g., SoundCloud)
ONLINE GAMES - Game developers now create what is called “browser-based games.” You do
not need to install these games to your computer as they run in most updated web browsers
(Adventure Quest, Farmville, Candy Crush).
ONLINE TEST - Online survey forms and tests that automatically display the results when
finished (Online IQ and Personality Tests).
COURSEWARE - Online courses that simulate the classroom online (e.g., E-learning Courses
using a Learning Management System.
PODCAST - An episodic series of audio or text files streamed online (e.g., Stuff You Should
Know, TED Talks, The Starters, Ear Biscuits)
VODCAST - An episodic series of video streamed online (e.g., YouTube series/shows like Video
Game High School, Good Mythical Morning)

5 Benefits of Multimedia Learning

✓ While there is no doubt that the interest in technology education is rising, the fast
progression in the past years has been impressive. Investments as well as the school
spending's are on the rise. One might wonder why. This is the reason why we are going to
explore five of the benefits multimedia learning brings to the 21st century classroom, which
could be contributing to the recent EdTech(Educational Technology) boom.
DEEPER UNDERSTANDING - According to research, a benefit of multimedia learning is that
it takes advantage of the brain's ability to make connections between verbal and visual
representations of content, leading to a deeper understanding, which in turn supports the
transfer of learning to other situations. All of this is important in today’s 21st century
classrooms, as we are preparing students for a future where higher-level thinking, problem
solving and collaborative skills will be required.
IMPROVED PROBLEM SOLVING - A large percentage of the human brain dedicates itself to
visual processing. Thus, using images, video and animations alongside a text stimulates the
brain. Student attention and retention increase. Under these circumstances, in a
multimedia learning environment, students can identify and solve problems more easily
compared to the scenario where teaching is made possible only by textbooks.
INCREASED POSITIVE EMOTION - According to psychologist Barbara Fredrickson,
experiencing positive emotions makes people see more possibilities in their lives. Using
multimedia during instructions impacts student's mood during the learning process. With a
positive attitude they learn better and tend to be more proactive.
ACCESS TO A VAST VARIETY OF INFORMATION - With computers, tablets, smartphones
and the internet, students are today better equipped than ever to search and find the
information they need. A study revealed that 95% of students who have access to internet,
use it to search for online information. Sharing the information and participating in class
discussions is done in a more confident way when access to information is as easy as today.
WORLD EXPLORATION - There is no surprise here. With the help of multimedia children can
explore and learn about places they would never been to. In a geography class, students can
explore different cities of the world, the tallest mountains and the most dangerous jungles.
In a science class, space and planets exploration is now possible. In a biology class, the
dissection of rare animals and different habitats exploration are like a walk in a park for
students benefiting of a multimedia learning environment.

✓ Altogether, multimedia learning environments have a direct effect on learning and even on
growing as a person. An effect that differs and can’t be achieved as easy whilst using
traditional education materials. Therefore, it is no wonder the EdTech business is increasing
and schools desire more and more to create multimedia learning environments for their
ICT as an Agent of Change

The evolution of ICT

❖ Today, we consider ourselves living in a digital age. Almost every device is now updating:
from ordinary TVs and cell phones, to Smart TVs and smartphones which does a lot
more than what it was originally intended to do. Computers make it possible for these
devices to be programmed with codes and can do more than what we are used to.

We can divide ICT’s evolution into five phases:

First Phase: The first computer Word war II marked the creation of the first electromagnetic
calculator. This device weighed about 5 tons, that’s about 1,972 modern day laptops Smaller
and more versatile computers were eventually developed using transistor in 1947.
Second Phase: Personal Computer During the 1970s, the development of personal computers
started. This is made possible by chip technology and magnetic discs which are bulky computers
fit a desktop. This technology made word processing, accounting and graphics easily available
to the public.
Third phase: Microprocessors, also known as the logic chip, were invented which reduced the
cost of processing power of computers.
Fourth phase: Networking Soon thereafter, small connections were made so that computer
were able to communicate with each other. This all started in a small distances then eventually
broke the distance barriers which gave birth to the internet. This days, we still see newer
developments which make our internet connections faster. Thus improve this technology.
Fifth phase: Wireless Technology Wired connections were already a huge advancement for the
internet, but to travel to different places while still being able to browse websites, update your
social media status and search Google were all made possible with wireless technology.

The role of ICT in Recent

✓ Philippine History Throughout recent history, the Philippines has been one of a few nations that
demonstrates unity for a call to action or social change.

The following campaigns for social change would have not been successful if it were not for

1. EDSA People Power Revolution

2. Second People Power Revolution
3. Million People March
4. Yolanda Person Finder

EDSA People Power Revolution

✓ A major protest took place along the EDSA from February 22 to 25, 1986 involving two million
Filipinos from different sectors. These included civilians, political parties, and the military and
religious groups. The radio broadcast helped change the course of history.

Second People Power Revolution

✓ This is also known as the 2001 EDSA Revolution, happened during January 17 to 21,
2001. It was fuelled after 11 prosecutors of the President Joseph Estrada walked out of
the impeachment trial. As a result, the crowd in EDSA grew over the course of a few
days through text brigades.

Million People March

✓ This is a series protest that mainly took place in Luneta Park from august 22 to
26, 2013. There were also several demonstrations that happened around key
cities in the Philippines and some location overseas. The organizers and
promoters of the Million People March used Facebook and as their,

Yolanda Person Finder

✓ Recent storms in Philippines history gave birth to the People finder database
powered by Google. During typhoon Yolanda, the people finder was a vital tool
for people across the globe to track the situation of their relatives. This proved
to be successful and is now adapted by more organizations to help people track
relatives during calamities.

Digital Citizenship - Refers to the utilization of information technology (IT) in order to engage in
society, politics, and government. K. Mossberger, et al. define digital citizens as "those who use
the Internet regularly and effectively".
Digital Citizenship Principles:
• Engage Positively
• Know your online world.
• Choose consciously

Engage Positively - respect the rights of others to participate and have an opinion. Ask before
tagging other people or posting photos. Report offensive or illegal content, stand up and speak
out about cyberbullying — protect your friends. Don't respond to hurtful or nasty comments —
block and report cyberbullying. Speak to your parents or trusted adult about upsetting online
experiences. Report threats of violence to the police (collect the evidence to show them).
Know Your Online World - learn how new skills will help you explore the online world.
Recognize online risks and how to manage them. Look out for suspicious emails and scams. Use
secure websites for financial and retail services. Keep passwords secret, strong and unique.
Know how to report bullying behaviour on social media sites.
Choose Consciously - Choose privacy and security settings carefully and check them regularly.
Choose friends wisely online —not everybody online is who they claim to be, regularly review
your connections and remove people. If you have made a mistake apologize and take down
offensive material as soon as possible. Ask for permission before uploading pictures of your

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship

• Digital Access
• Digital Commerce
• Digital Communication
• Digital Literacy
• Digital Etiquette
• Digital Law
• Digital Wellness
• Digital Right and Responsibility
• Digital Security

Digital Access - This is perhaps one of the most fundamental blocks to being a digital citizen.
However, due to socio economic status, location, and other disabilities some individuals may
not have digital access.
Digital Commerce - This is the ability for users to recognize that much of the economy is
regulated online.
Digital Communication - This element deals with understanding the variety of online
communication mediums such as email, instant messaging, FB messenger, the variety of apps,
and so forth.
Digital Literacy - These deals with the understanding of how to use various digital devices.
Digital Etiquette - This is the expectation that various mediums require a variety of etiquette.
Digital Law - This is where enforcement occurs for illegal downloads, plagiarizing, hacking,
creating viruses, sending spams, identity theft, cyberbullying, and so forth.
Digital Health and Wellness - Digital citizens must be aware of the physical stress placed on
their bodies by internet usage.
Digital Security - This simply means that citizens must take measures to be safe by practicing
using difficult passwords, virus protection, backing up data, and so forth. - Is dubbed as the “world’s platform for change” where anyone from online
community can create a petition and ask others to sign it.

ICT Project for Social Change.

❖ Role of ICT in Social Change - ICT can enable disadvantaged individuals and
communities to participate in the national and global policy decisions that can
change their lives and empower them to take actions that can financially,
socially, and politically benefit them.

❖ Creating a Concept Paper - Before Starting a project for social change, you
should be able to do the necessary paperwork better known as a Concept Paper.
This allows experts to see if your project is doable over the time frame that was
given and if it is significant enough to be made into reality.

❖ What is a Concept Paper - It is a document used to convince a panel of potential

funders to help a product, program, or service become a reality.
5 elements/parts of a Concept Paper.
1. Introduction
2. Purpose
3. Description
4. Support
5. Contact Information

1. Introduction - This includes your mission and vision and a brief introduction of your
project / campaign.

2. Purpose - This includes the reason why the project / campaign is worth your
sponsor’s time, effort and money.

3. Description - This includes all the necessary information about the project. It
involves the website/s or page you are going to produce and the purpose of each
and how they work in unison.

4. Support - This contains the budget needed for the project, though some concept
papers do not specify any amount requested from the sponsor.

5. Contact Information - This includes information on how the group can be contacted.

Your project/campaign must met the SMART criteria:

• S – Specific
• M – Measurable
• A – Attainable
• R – Realistic
• T – Time-bounded
Sample of a Concept Paper
Project name: Education on Wheels
✓ Education On Wheels is a project with the motto to literate out of school
children also children attending the government schools but dwelling in slums.
We bring teachers to the door steps of these educationally deprived children.
✓ Our main aim is to literate the children who are deprived of education living
below poverty line in slum areas.

• To confer the education at the doorstep of deprived children.

• To raise the literacy ratio of an area.
• To introduce modern & informal education to deprived children
• To introduce modern study aids, materials to the children going corporation schools.
• To confer values & morels among slum children
✓ The main motive of this project is to literate the children who are deprive of education,
dwelling in slum areas
✓ The project is worth sponsoring for it will enable out-of-school youth develop their skills
and intellect. This will also help less fortunate families to have children participate in the
free lectures, seminars and trainings to be conducted by the proponents and invited
✓ The project will gather children (out of school youth) & conduct the class inside the bus.
The project will be happening in 5 different barangays in Panabo City every Saturdays of
March 2018 from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.
✓ Attendees will be given free snacks. Leaflets / books will also be available during the
discussion proper.
Topics to be included on the seminar will be:
- English, Math, Science
- Media and Information Literacy
- Computer Literacy
- Cyberspace and Digital Security
- Others
✓ The estimated budget needed for the project is ranging from 75,000 to 100,000. This
includes the fare, snacks, papers and other related fees.
Contact Information:
✓ The proponents can be contacted on the following: Phone : 0909-123-4987, Email : FB @educationonwheels

ICT Project Process

1. Planning
2. Development
3. Release and Promotion
4. Maintenance

1. Planning

This involves the following tasks:

• Conceptualizing your project

• Researching on available data about your topic
• Setting deadlines and meetings
• Assigning people to various tasks
• Finding a web or blog host
• Creating a site map for your website
• Listing down all applications that you need including web apps
• Funding (if applicable)

2. Development - It involves the actual creation of the website(s) / page, this involves the
production, images, infographics and etc.

3. Release and Promotion - It involves that actual release of the website / page for public
view and promotion. Promotion typically starts before the actual release.

4. Maintenance - It involves responding to feedback of your website / page visitors and

continuing to improve the website/page.
❖ As you manage your page, you will encounter different behaviors of people in Social Media.
According to REBECCA DYE, a social media manager at First Direct, there are 12 Different
Behaviors in Social Media

The 12 Different Behaviors in Social Media

1. The Ultras – check feeds dozens of times a day. Happily, admit their obsession.
(14% of Facebook users spend at least 2 hours a day on the network)

2. The Deniers – social media do not control their lives, but gets anxious when unable
to access networks. (20% of Facebook users would feel anxious or isolated if they
had to deactivate their accounts.)

3. The Virgins – taking first tentative steps in social media (19% of British people don’t
use any social networks).

4. The Peacocks – popularity contest, high numbers of followers, fans, likes and
retweets. (1 out of 10 Twitter users want more followers than friends.)

5. The Lurkers – hiding in the shadows of cyberspace. Watches what others are saying,
but rarely (if ever) participate themselves. (45% of Facebook users described
themselves as “observers”)

6. The Ranters – mock and mid in face-to-face conversations. Highly opinionated


7. The Changelings – adopt completely new personality online so no one knows their
real identities.

8. The Ghosts – create anonymous profiles, for fear of giving out personal information
to strangers.

9. The Informers – seek admiration by being the first to share the latest trends with
10. The Approval Seekers – constantly check feeds and timelines after posting. Worry
until people respond.

11. The Quizzers – asking questions allow them to start conversations.

12. The Dippers – access their pages infrequently, often going days, of even weeks
without posting. “Most people using social media will display a combination of
those personality types and they may be even behave differently on Facebook, for
example, how they behave on Twitter.” - Dr. David Giles.

ICT Project Publication and Statistics

❖ In the business world, companies would use site statistics to check how popular their
website is and at which day and time they get the most traffic. This way their new content
could reach more people.


✓ There are plenty of ways to check the statistics of the website you own. Most of the free
for you use; however, some require a registered premium account.
Website you can check statistics you own for free are:

Wordpress - once you log in to your wordpress account, you are on the reader tab by default.
Simply click on my site and from there you will see the statistics for your blog.
Facebook - when you click on any Facebook page that you manage, you will see the insights
tab located at the top of your page. Clicking on it will give you the depth statistics about your
Facebook page.
✓ The insights tab contains the following menus: overview, promotions, followers,
likes, reach, page views, page previews, and action on page, posts, events, videos,
people, messages and orders.

Overview – contains the summary of statistics about your page.

Promotions – contains paid advertisements you have made for your Facebook page.

Followers – contains statistical data of your followers.

Likes – contains the statistics about the trends of pages likes. Likes gives you an idea of when
your page received the most likes. this may coincide with an interesting post or an active week
for your page. Followers contains the statistics of your current volume of followers.
Reach – contains information about the number of people which was reached by your
individual posts.
✓ This page includes statistics that you may not be familiar with. Here are the definitions
of the statistics found in this page:

• reach organic – your post seen through the page’s wall, shares by users, and the news

• reach paid – your post seen through paid advertisements on Facebook;

• post clicks – the number of clicks done to your posts;

• Likes, comments and shares – actual interaction done by your audience either through
liking, commenting or sharing the post.

Page views – includes statistical data about your page visitors like total number of views and
views by age or gender, country and more.
Page reviews – shows statistical data on how many times your page preview has been seen.
Action on page – actions done on your page by visitors. This may involve clicking on certain
functions that you put on your page like buttons.
Posts – contains data showing when (da y and time) your visitors visit your site.
Events – includes statistical data that involves the events you have created on your page.
Videos – statistical data that involves the videos you have added to your page.
People – contains statistics about your audience’s demographics (age, location, gender,
language and country). It also includes demographics about the people you have reached and
engaged with. Demographics refers to the statistics characterizing human population usually
divided by age, gender, income, location and language.
Messages – involves statistical data of your conversation with your audience.
Psychographics - is the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles.
Psychographic segmentation – involves dividing your market into segments based upon
different personality traits, values, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles of consumers.
Website promotion - is the process of increasing exposure of a website to bring in visitors.
Various techniques such search engine optimization (SEO) and web content development are
being used to increase website traffic

ICT Project Maintenance

Change Management - This aims to ensure that standardized methods and procedures
are used for efficient handling of all changes. Change is an event that results in a new
status of one or more configuration items

Request Fulfilment or Request management - This focuses on fulfilling service requests

which are often minor changes (e.g. requests to change a password) or request for

Problem Management - This aims to resolve the root causes of incidents and thus to
minimize the adverse impact of incidents cause by errors within the IT infrastructure
and to prevent recurrence of incidents related to these errors.

Infrastructure Management - This process describe the processes within ITIL

(Information Technology Infrastructure Library) that directly relate to the ICT equipment
and equipment and software that is involved in providing ICT services to customers.

IT Infrastructure - This refers to the composite hardware, software, network resources

and services required for the existence, operation and management of an enterprise IT

Operations Management - This provides the day-to-day technical supervision of the ICT
Technical Support - Is the specialist technical function for infrastructure within ICT

Support - This focuses on the user of the ICT services and primarily concerned with
ensuring that they have access to the appropriate services to support the business

Creating Online Surveys/ Feedback Forms

✓ The internet will give you plenty of options in gathering your audience’s feedback. The only
difference that you and your group may notice is how this services are presented. Some of
them, because they are free to use, may have too many ads or some features are lacking.

Creating Feedback Forms using Google Forms.

✓ Google offers one of the easiest ways of gather users feedback. Google forms allow your
audience’s to answer a set of questions you have set. These can be used for survey’s feedback,
online registration, and customer care support.

1. Open your browser and go to

2. Sign in or create an account.

3. On the left-hand side of your My Drive page, click New>More>Google Forms.

4. You will be taken to Google form’s interface.

5. You will now fill out the form with questions:

A. Question Title- includes the question that will be answered by your


B. Help text- Creates a subtext under the question to give more information
about a question

C. Question Type- changes the type question according to your preference.

These questions include:
a. Text- can be answered in a short.

b. Paragraph- can be answered in a long text.

c. Multiple Choice- can be answered by only one answer in a set of options.

d. Checkboxes- a question that can be answered with multiple answers in a set of


e. Choose from a list-similar to a multiple choice questions but options are

revealed in a drop down list

f. Scale - a question that can be answered with a numerical range (e. g., 1-5, 1-

g. Grid – a questions that contains sub questions with a similar options.

i. Date – a question that can be answered with a specific date.

ii. Time – a question that can be answered with a specific time

h. Advance setting - contains more options for the specified question type.

6. Once your done editing the question, click done.

7. To add a new question or item, click on add item, clicking on the drop down arrow at the
right side of the add item button will bring up other options for layout:
A. Section header – adds a header for a specific part of your survey. B.

B. Page break – adds a page break which means that the items at the button of the page
will be added to the next page: necessarily if your survey is too long.

C. Image – adds image to your survey.

D. Video – adds video to your survey.

8. Edit the confirmation page option at the bottom as you see fit.
A. Show link to submit other response – allows the user to answer the same form again.

B. Publish and show public link to form results – allows the users to see the summarize
results for your survey.

C. Allows responders to edit responses after submitting - allows users to go back and
edit their answers.
9. Click the Send Form button. The Send Form dialog box will appear. Edith these option as
you see fit.
A. Link to share – contains the URL that you can share on your website.

B. Embed – contains an embed code to attach to your HTML.

C. Short URL – generates a shorter URL necessary for limited spaces like sharing on

D. Share link via – allows you to share the link to Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

E. Send form via email – allows you to share the form via email.

F. Add collaborators – allow others to edit your form, necessary when working on

Analyzing your Google forms result

1. The easiest way to view the result is viewing a summary of the responses. Click on
responses>Summary of responses.

2. You will be taken to a summary of responses page. This is particularly useful from
viewing your results from time to time.
The Disadvantage of ICT

❖ Walking on a sidewalk does not pose a danger as opposed to waking in the middle of the street.
Remove the sidewalks and you are left to dodge approaching vehicles. That is probably how
much of us deal in the internet.

❖ In the internet, there are no sidewalks; just a huge super highway where information freely
flows through. If in the real world we have the police or the military to monitor us, the internet
is unmonitored. Making it one of the most abused technology we use.

Cybercrimes - Are illegal acts done through the use of the internet, in 2012, Stephen Nale

( posted a list of 10 most common internet cybercrimes as follows:

1. Phishing/Spoofing
2. Blackmail/Extortion
3. Accessing stored communication/ hacking
4. Sports Betting
5. Non-Delivery of Merchandise
6. Electronic Harassment
7. Child Pornography
8. Prostitution
9. Drug Trafficking
10.Criminal Copyright Infringement

Phishing/Spoofing - The act of sending multiple emails to multiple users in hopes of having
a number of them clicking on the links or malwares attached to the email.
Blackmail/Extortion - The act of using the Internet to threaten or damage someone’s
reputation to extort money or anything else of value. This can be avoided if you are aware
of what you should post on the Internet.
Accessing Stored Communication/Hacking - the act of obtaining unauthorized access to
data from a computer network.

Sports Betting - The act of wagering on any sports event over the Internet. In some
countries, gambling (including sports betting) is illegal even if you are doing it over the
Non Delivery of Merchandise - the act of devising a scheme wherein a culprit posts an item
or service for sale over the Internet and once the transactions have been done, does not
really give the item or service.
Electronic Harassment - the act of anonymously using the Internet to harass, abuse,
threaten, or annoy other people. This is also an act of cyberbullying.
Child Pornography - The act of using the Internet to show child pornography. This act is
highly punishable by law.
Prostitution - The act of using the internet to engaged in prostitution.
Drug Trafficking - The act of selling illegal substances using the internet.
Criminal Copyright Infringement - The act of piracy mainly for financial gain. In late 2014,
the number one pirate website, ThePirateBay, was raided for the second time due to years
of pirating movies, music, games, books, and other software. These kinds of websites earn
money through advertising.

✓ Combatting Cybercrimes:
• Network Security
• Investigation
• Penalties
Network Security - Before a hacker can get through the unauthorized files he or she is
targeting, the hacker has to get through several security measures like firewalls, secure
connections, passwords, anti-malwares, and data encryptions. Encryption is the process of
converting raw data into code.
Investigation - URL tracing and logging are used by websites to track your unique IP addresses.
This can be used by investigators to trace hackers. In piracy, trackers are used to identify IP
addresses currently sharing a pirated file.
Penalties - More and more laws are being created and implemented today. Penalties include
both a fine and imprisonment.

Disadvantage of the internet

✓ Although the Internet has various benefits and is one of the most powerful creations, it also
contains many disadvantages.
✓ Below is given a list of the complete disadvantages of the Internet.

1. Addiction, time-waster, and causes distractions - If any person is spending

much time on the Internet connected devices, he can be addicted to the
Internet. An Internet addictive person can lead to spending his precious time on
the Internet, rather than doing something productive.

2. Bullying, trolls, stalkers, and crime - A person who uses the Internet very
frequently can face abusive or trolls' people. Another issue cyberbullying is also
increasing rapidly over the years. Sometimes, you can be tracked on the Internet
by hackers or unauthorized persons; they can be harmful to you by stealing your
personal information.

3. Spam and advertising - The Internet is the best place to advertise any service or
product as compared to traditional advertising methods (for example, TV,
newspaper, and radio).

4. Pornographic and violent images - In modern times, there is a huge amount of

content available on the Internet. Also, there are various resources that contain
a large amount of data, such as Wikipedia, and some sites are also available that
have less desirable content.

5. Never being able to disconnect from work - The Internet is the best creation to
offer connectivity and enable people to work from anywhere. Therefore, anyone
can expect you to be available any time to work, even if you are not available to
work there.

6. Identity theft, hacking, viruses, and cheating - There are various malicious users
and computer hackers that can steal your personal information and hack
accounts, which can be used for identity theft and can be harmful to you

7. Affects focus and patience - The sites have an instant gratification effect that
we use on the Internet every day. On-demand, they also offer a large amount of
menu of things to experience and think at any moment.

8. Health issues and obesity - If you are surfing the Internet frequently, playing
games and spending too much time on the computer, it can also lead to obesity
and an unhealthy lifestyle. Also, a person who spends too much time on the
computer can face a problem like carpal tunnel syndrome as a computer
requires a lot of repetitive movement.

9. Depression, loneliness, and social isolation - The Internet also becomes a

reason lead to depression as many people tend to compare their lives with
others on social networking sites. Social networking sites provide users the
option to make thousands of friends and communicate with each other. There
are also available online games that allow players to communicate with others.

10. Buying things that you don't need - The Internet provides advantages for
consumers to make purchasing, so users can purchase products frequently
without putting much thought into whether they should.

11. Not a safe place for children - The Internet may not be more useful for children
as they are spending much time on the Internet. Also, there are many unethical
and pornography communities are available on the Internet that can cause to
distract their mind.

12.Viruses/Malwares - The frequently use of the Internet may infect your system
from viruses that can damage your valuable data, which is difficult to recover. These viruses
enter into the system through USBs, CIDs, and the Internet.

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