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International Symposium on Power Electronics,

Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion

Application of Matrix Converter for Variable Speed Wind Turbine Driving an

Doubly Fed Induction Generator
K.Ghedamsi*, D.Aouzellag*, E.M.Berkouk**
(*) Electrical engineering Department, A.Mira University, Bejaïa, Algeria
(**) Control Process Laboratory, E.N.P, Algiers, Algeria

Abstract— In order to meet power needs, taking into control strategy will be presented. The last part deals with
account economical and environmental factors, wind the study of the device using numerical simulation. The
energy conversion is gradually gaining interest as a scheme of the device studied is given in the Fig.1.
suitable source of renewable energy.
In this paper, a grid connected wind power generation
scheme using a doubly fed induction generator with a
direct AC-AC matrix converter is proposed. The aims of
this paper are:
- To model and to simulate the operating of a doubly fed Gear

induction generator. box
- The analysis employs a stator flux vector control
algorithm and a space vector modulated matrix converter
to control rotor current.
- The matrix converter-based rotor current control scheme
is highlighted. Matrix
- The system enables optimal speed tracking for
maximum energy capture from the wind and high
performance active and reactive power regulation used
the RST regulator. Figure 1 Schema of the device studied
Lastly, the obtained simulation results, for different
operating points, are presented illustrating the good
control performances of the system. 2. Modeling of the mechanical part

Key Words- Matrix Converter, DFIG, Wind Turbine, The amount of power capable of being produced by a
Variable Speed, Power Control. wind turbine Pt is dependent of the power coefficient
C p for the given turbine operating conditions and is
1. Introduction
given by:
The last decades have seen a significant expansion on the Pt C p UR 2V 3 (1)
use of the wind energy conversion. This is due, in 2
addition to the plenty of the wind, to the fact that this Where U is the air density, R is the turbine radius
energy yields the production of electricity without any and V the wind velocity.
gas emission [1-2]. The turbine torque is the ratio of the output power to the
Wind turbines can either operate at fixed speed or Pt
variable speed. For a fixed-speed wind turbine the shaft speed Z t , namely, Tt .
generator is directly connected to the electrical grid. For a
variable-speed wind turbine the generator is controlled by The turbine is normally coupled to the generator shaft
power electronic equipment. There are several reasons for through a gear box whose gear ratio G is chosen so as to
using variable-speed operation of wind turbines; among maintain the generator shaft speed within a desired speed
those are possibilities to reduce stresses of the mechanical range. Neglecting the transmission losses, the torque and
structure, acoustic noise reduction and the possibility to shaft speed of the wind turbine, referred to the generator
control active and reactive power [1]. side of the gearbox, are given by:
In this paper, we use the model developed to study and to Tt : mec
Tm and Z t (2)
simulate the operating of the variable speed wind turbine. G G
In a first part, we present the mechanical part represented respectively where Tm is the driving torque of the
the wind turbine and the electrical part represented by
(Doubly Fed Induction Generator, Matrix Converter). generator and : mec is the generator shaft speed.
The second part is devoted to the presentation of the A wind turbine can only generate a certain percentage of
power control algorithm, as well as the RST regulator. In power associated with the wind. This percentage is
order to control stator active and reactive power represented by C p which is function of wind speed,
exchanged between the DFIG and the grid, a vector-

1-4244-0194-1/06/$20.00 ©2006 IEEE

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turbine rotational speed and the pith angle of specific ­ d
wind turbine blades. °V ds R s i ds  I ds  Ȧ s I qs
° dt
Although this equation seems simple C p is dependent on
° d
the ratio between the turbine’s angular velocity Z t and the °°V qs R s i qs  I qs  Ȧ s I ds
® (4)
wind speed V . d
°V R r i qs  I dr  Ȧ s  Ȧ I qr
Zt R ° dr dt
This ration, called the tip speed ration O (3) °
V d
A typical relationship between C p and O is shown in
°V qr R r i qr  I qr  Ȧ s  Ȧ I dr
¯° dt
Fig.2. It is clear from this figure that there is a value of where Rs and Rr are the stator and rotor phase resistances
O for which C p is maximized thus maximizing the respectively and Z P . : mec
power for a given wind speed. Because of the relationship The stator flux can be expressed as:
between C p and O , as the turbine speed that gives a ­I
° ds L s i ds  Lm i ds  Lm i dr
maximum output power. This is shown in Fig.3 for ® (5)
various wind speeds. As seen in the figure the peak power °̄I qs L s i qs  Lm i qs  Lm i qr
for each wind speed occurs at the point where C p is where ids, iqs, idr and iqr are the direct and quadrate stator
maximized. To maximize the power generated it is and rotor currents respectively.
therefore desirable for the generator to have a power The electromagnetic torque is expressed as:
characteristic that will follow the maximum C p max line
Tem P . I ds .i qs  I qs .i ds (6)

given in Fig.3.
3.2. Model of the Matrix Converter
The simplified three phases- three phases matrix
0,4 converter topology feed by the rotor circuit of the DFIG
Power coefficient Cp

is shown in Fig.1. Matrix converter consists, of nine

0,3 bidirectional switches and each output phase is associated
with three switches set connected to three input phases.
0,2 This configuration of bidirectional switches enables the
connection of any input phase a, b or c to any output
0,1 phase A, B or C at any instant. Since the matrix converter
is supplied by the voltage source, the input phases must
0 not be shorted and due to the inductive nature of the load,
0 4 8 12 16 20
the output phases must not be open. If the switching
Tip speed ratio O
function of a switch S ij in Fig.1 is defined as.
Figure 2 Power coefficient for the wind
turbine model ­°1 Sij is closed
Sij (t) ® i ^a, b, c`, j ^A, B, C` (7)
°̄ 0 Sij is open
The constraints can be expressed as:
12 m/s
Turbine power (kW)

16 S aj  S bj  S cj 1 (8)
11 m/s
10 m/s
8 m/s 9 m/s
6 m/s
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500
Shaft speed (rpm)
Figure 3 Power-Speed characteristics
of the wind turbine

3. Modeling of the electrical part

3.1. The DFIG model

The classical electrical equations of the DFIG in the
Figure 4 Scheme of the device studied Schematic
PARK model are written as follows [10]: diagram of the matrix converter

S3 - 39
3.2.1 Modulation strategy modulation results are combined to a modulation for the
matrix converter.
The objective of the modulation strategy is to synthesize For the remaining time of a switch period a zero vector is
the voltages across the rotor circuit from the grid voltages applied, circulating output currents and disconnecting
and the input currents from the rotor currents. The three input voltages.
phase matrix converter can be represented by a 3x3 The equation for the duty cycles can now be written as
matrix for because the nine bidirectional switches can shown in (13).
connect one input phase to one output phase directly ­ §S · §S · TDJ
without any intermediate energy storage elements. °dDJ dD .dJ mv .sin¨  Tv ¸.sin¨  TC ¸ TS
Therefore, the output voltage and input currents of the ° ©3 ¹ ©3 ¹
matrix converter can be represented by the transfer ° §S · T
°dDG dD .dG mv .sin¨  Tv ¸.sin Tc DG T
function T and the transposed T T such as. ° © 3 ¹ s
°° §S · TEJ
Vout T u Vin (9) ®dEJ dE .dJ mv .sin Tv .sin¨  TC ¸ TS
° ©3 ¹
ªV A º ª S aA S bA S cA º ªVa º ° T
« » «S « » °dEG dE .dG mv .sin Tv .sin TC EG T
«V B » « aB S bB S cB »».«Vb » ° s
(10) ° T0
«¬VC »¼ «¬ S aC S bC S cC »¼ «¬Vc »¼ °d0 1  dDJ  dDG  dEJ  dEG TS
The combined modulation function can be built from the
I in T T u I out (11) obtained expression of the modulation functions of both
The definition of the modulation strategy is actually done the rectifier and the inverter.
filling in the elements of the transfer matrix. Although, § ª0 1 0 º ª 0 1 0º ·
¨ » ¸
several modulation strategies, have been proposed. [9] « » «
¨ dJ dD «1 0 0»  d O dD «1 0 0» ¸
The equivalent switch circuit of the indirect modulation is ªV A º ¨ ªV º
«¬0 1 0»¼ «¬1 0 0»¼ ¸ « a »
shown in Fig 5. « » ¨ ¸. Vb (14)
«VB » ¨ ª0 0 1 º ª0 0 1º ¸ «« »»
Rectifier part VDC+ Inverter part «¬VC »¼ ¨ « » « ¸
» ¬Vc ¼
¨  d J d E « 1 0 0 »  d J d E «1 0 0 » ¸
¨ «¬0 0 1»¼ «¬1 0 0»¼ ¸¹
S1 S3 S5 IA ©
Ia S7 S9 S11

Ib IB 4. Active and reactive power control

Vb When the DFIG is connected to an existing network, this
VB connection must be done in three steps. The first step is
Vc S2 S4 S6 the regulation of the stator voltages with the network
IDC- S8 S10 S12 VC
voltages as reference. The second step is the stator
N VDC- N’ connection to this network. As the voltages of the two
devices are synchronized, this connection can be done
Figure 5 The matrix converter model without problem. Once this connection is achieved, the
with the fictive dc link voltage third step is the transit power regulation between the
stator and the grid (Fig.6).
The basic idea of the indirect modulation technique is to
decouple the control of the grid currents and the output
voltages across the rotor circuit. The transfer function T
can be rewritten as the product of the rectifier transfer
function R and the inverter transfer function I.
T R*I (12)
This way to model the matrix converter provides the basis
to regard the matrix converter as a buck-to-buck PWM
converter without any dc-link energy storage. This means
the well know space vector PWM strategies for voltage
source inverter (VSI) or PWM rectifier can be applied to Figure 6 Power control between
the matrix converter. the stator and the grid
Therefore the indirect modulation technique enables well-
know space vector PWM to be applied for a rectifier as We choose a d-q reference-frame synchronized with the
well as an inverter stage.[9] stator flux [7]. By setting null the quadratic compound of
In what follows we describe two independent space the stator:
vector modulations for current source rectifier and Ids Is and I qs 0 (15)
voltage source inverter stages and then the two

S3 - 40
Then the torque is simplified into: g = 0, the reactive power is null. The grid power varies
L according of the wind turbine speed. The Fig.11 shows
Tem  p m I qr I ds (16) the active and reactive grid power. The DFIG slip is show
in Fig.12. Fig.13 shows the rotor voltage and current
The electromagnetic torque and then the active power waveforms. The frequency of these voltage and current,
will only depend on the q-axis rotor current. By vary according to the slip g. For g = 0, the rotor voltage
neglecting the stator resistance Rs. and current are continuous.
Then we can write:
V ds 0 and V qs V s (17) 15

In order to calculate angles for the Park transformation

for stator and rotor variables, the stator pulsation and the
mechanical speed must be sensed.

V (m/s)
By choosing this reference frame, stator voltages and
fluxes can be rewritten as follows: 5

­Vds 0 ; Vqs V s Z s I ds
°° t(s)
®I ds I s Ls I qs  Lm I qr ; I dr Lr I dr  Lm I ds (18) 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

° Figure 7 Wind turbine speed

°¯I qs 0 Ls I ds  Lm I dr ; I qr Ls I qr  Lm I qs
The stator active and reactive power, the rotor fluxes and 400
voltages can be written according to the rotor currents as: 300

Vas (V) and ias*5(A)

­ Lm 200
° P  Vs L I qr 100
° s
® (19) 0
°Q VsI s  Vs Lm I -100
°¯ Ls Ls -200

L2 · dI L2 ·
­ § § t(s)
°Vdr Rr Idr ¨Lr  m ¸ dr  gZs ¨Lr  m ¸Iqr -400

° ¨ Ls ¸¹ dt ¨ Ls ¸¹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
© © Figure 8.a Stator voltage and current
® (20)
§ 2 · dI § 2 ·
° ¨ Lm ¸ qr
¨ Lm ¸ LmVs 400
°Vqr Rr Iqr ¨Lr  L ¸ dt  gZs ¨Lr  L ¸Idr  gZs Z L
°¯ 300
Vas (V) and ias*5(A)

© s¹ © s¹ s s Vas
Zs Z ias
With g 100
Zs 0


5. Results and interpretation -200

We present the simulation of the DFIG connected directly -400
4 4.005 4.01 4.015 4.02 4.025 4.03 4.035 4.04
to the grid through the stator, and controlled through its Figure 8.b Stator voltage and current
rotor circuit an ac/ac direct converter. To control the
power exchanged between the stator and the network, one
uses the vector control with direct stator flux.
Ps (W) and Qs (VAR)

The results of simulations are obtained with reactive
power Qs_ref = 0 and application of the echelon of active 1000 Qs
power Ps_ref = - 3000W at time t = 2s (Fig.7 to Fig.13).
Fig.7 shows random wind turbine speed. Fig.8.a shows
voltage and current waveforms of the stator. Note that Ps
before the application of a level of active power the
current is null whereas the voltage is equal to that of the t(s)
grid. When applying a level of active power with t=2s, a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

sinusoidal current, in phase opposition compared to the Figure 9 Stator active and reactive powers
voltage (Fig.8.b), appears in the stator of the machine.
The machine supplies a grid with the stator active power.
The sizes (stator current and voltage) are independent of
Ps (W) and Qs (VAR)

the variation of the wind and depend only on the active
and reactive reference powers. Fig.9 shows active and 1000

reactive stator powers. Fig.10 shows the active and 0

reactive rotor power. The active power varies according Qr
to the wind speed. For g>0, DFIG absorbs a rotor active -1000

power. For g < 0, DFIG supplies grid with a rotor active -2000 t(s)
power. For g = 0, the rotor active power remained 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

constant corresponding to the rotor joules losses. For Figure 10 Rotor active and reactive powers

S3 - 41
5000 7. References
Pg (W) and Qg (VAR)
[1] D. Seyoum and C. Grantham, “'Terminal voltage
control of a wind turbine driven isolated induction
0 generator using stator oriented field control”, IEEE
transactions on industrial Applications, September
2003, pp: 846-852.
Pg [2] L. Chang, 'Systèmes de conversion de l’énergie
-5000 t(s) éolienne', IEEE Canadian Review, Summer 2002,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
pp: 1-5.
Figure 11 Grid active and reactive powers
[3] A.Schuster, “Commande, réglage et optimisation
d’un convertisseur matriciel pour entraînement par


0.3 moteur asynchrone “, Doctorat Thesis L’EPLF, LEI

0.2 Lausanne 1998.
[4] B. Robyns and M. Nasser, “Modélisation et

simulation d’une éolienne à vitesse variable basée



-0.2 sur une génératrice asynchrone à cage“, in the

-0.3 Proceeding of Electrotechnique du Futur EF’2001,
t(s) Nancy, France, 14-15 Nov 2001, pp: 77-82.
[5] E. Muljadi, K. Pierce and P. Migliore, “Control
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 12 DFIG slip strategy for variable-speed, stall-regulated wind

turbines“, in the Proceeding of American Controls
Conference, Philadelphia, PA , 24-26 June, 1998, pp:
var (V) and iar *5 (A)


[6] A. Tounzi , “Utilisation de l’énergie éolienne dans la


production de l’électricité“, Journées du club EEA,
-100 28-29 janvier 1998, Paris (France), pp 1-14.
-200 [7] F.Poitiers and al, “ Control of a doubly fed induction
-300 generator for wind energy conversion systems”,
-400 t(s) GE44-LARGE , Saint Nazaire, France.
[8] P. Nielsen, “ The matrix converter for an induction
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Figure 13 Rotor voltage and current motor drive”, PHD Thesis, Aalborg University,
Denmark, 1996.
[9] Han Ju Cha, '' Analysis and design of matrix
6. Conclusion converter for adjustable speed drives and distributed
The work presented in this paper is devoted to the power sources'', PHD Thesis, Texas A&M
analysis, modelling and simulation of a variable speed University, August 2004.
wind turbine using a doubly fed induction generator in
conjunction with the matrix converter. Stable operation of
the DFIG was achieved by means of stator-flux oriented
control technique. The operational principal of the
proposed wind-power generator model and the validity of
the control system were illustrated by the steady-state and
transient responses of the power control associated to the
DFIG. The DFIG operates in two quadrants. For g>0,
DFIG operates in sub-synchronous mode. For g<0, DFIG
operates in super-synchronous. For g = 0, DFIG operates
as synchronized asynchronous generator and the rotor
voltage and currents are continuous. The matrix
converter, in the inverse of conventional converter,
permits output continuous voltage. The grid power varies
according to the wind turbine speed. The machine
supplies grid with the active power in all operating
phases. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed
wind turbine generator is feasible and has many
Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed wind
turbine generator is feasible and has many advantages.

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