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The 22nd Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE 2014), May 20-22, 2014, Shahid Beheshti University

Fuzzy Logic Control of Matrix-Converter-

Based WECS in Order to Performance
Aram Khodamoradi *, Hossein Kazemi Kargar**, Alireza Nateghi ***
* Graduated in electrical engineering,
** Assistant professor of electrical engineering,
*** PHD student of electrical engineering,
Department of Electrical and computer Engineering, Shahid Beheshti University
Tehran, Iran

Abstract—This paper describes a new Wind Energy been done to provide an optimum control method
Conversion System (WECS), where fuzzy logic principles [2-6]. In most cases rotor speed, power tracking and
and a Matrix Converter (MC) model are used for power delivery into the grid are controlled by using
performance enhancement and efficiency optimization. The power converters, direct torque control [7], and stator
MC is used as the interface between the Permanent Magnet
Synchronous generator (PMSG) and the grid. The power at
flux control [8]. Reference [9] applies PID controller
the interface with the grid is controlled by MC to ensure to power tracking. The design of this controller will
that the active power injected into the grid is at its be in accordance with the system inputs and the
maximum amount. This system has a fuzzy logic controller network topology. And its efficiency will decrease
that tracks the angular frequency with the wind velocity proportional to the fluctuations of the controller
and controls the switching pattern of the matrix converter inputs. So there is a tendency to apply some other
in order to extract maximum power. The complete control robust controllers such as fuzzy logic controllers. To
system has been analyzed, and validated by SIMULINK make use of this controller, detailed information from
simulation study. the system dynamic model is not required. In
Keywords—wind fluctuations, permanent magnet reference [10] maximum output power of a turbine is
synchronous generator, fuzzy logic control, matrix estimated using a fuzzy logic controller, by
converter, wind energy implementing power feedback signal method and
I. Introduction sampling the speed and output power of a permanent
magnet generator. Also the rate of power absorption
Renewable energy resources have recently and its injection into the grid is controlled using a
attracted lots of attention because of increasing back to back power converter. These converters have
pollution level and depleting fossil fuels. Among a capacitor in their structure, that heating and
renewable energy sources, wind power generation evaporation of the electrolyte inside the capacitor,
has been known as the most rapidly developing affects the converter’s performance over the time.
technology, because it is one of the most cost-
effective and environmental friendly means to In this paper a combination of two control
generate electricity. The advancement in power methods is applied. MC along with fuzzy logic
electronics devices has played an important role in controller controls the terminal voltage and frequency
the improvement of wind power generation systems of the Permanent Magnet Synchronous generator
[1]. (PMSG) in such a way that the variable speed wind
turbine is operating at its maximum power point for
Wind Turbines (WTs) convert kinetic energy of all wind velocities.
wind into electrical energy, but the amount of
absorbed energy is directly related to some The power factor at the interface with the grid is
parameters such as: rotational turbine speed, dynamic controlled by the MC to ensure maximum active
behavior of blades, and etc. power injection into the grid. While the switching
pattern of matrix converter is controlled by the output
Therefore, it is essential to look for some methods of fuzzy logic control block. The Fuzzy controller
to control WTs in order to capture the maximum tracks the angular frequency with the wind velocity
amount of wind energy. Already wide studies have to extract the optimum phase angle. Then this

978-1-4799-4409-5/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 713

Fig.1. Schematic diagram of the wind turbine system to be modeled.

Value is compared with the MC output phase angle,

and result will control the timing pattern of the MC IV. POWER ELECTRONICS INTERFACE
Several types of power electronic interfaces have
been investigated for variable speed wind turbines
II. SYSTEM CONFIGURATION [17-19]. In order to turbine torque control and
synchronization of turbine voltage with grid, often
In this paper, the performance of a permanent the two-class power converters, rectifier - inverter are
magnet wind turbine is studied. It is connected to the used. Performance and reliability of these converters
distribution network of 20kv using a matrix converter is low due to the use of an electrolytic capacitor in
and through a transformer. So that, using vector their fixed link.
control of the phase angle difference between the
converter output voltage and the grid voltage In this study, as it is shown in Fig.3, in order to
(Transmission Angle (TA)), and through the reduce the effect of wind fluctuations and to connect
transformer leakage reactance, the active power the turbine to grid, a matrix power converter is used.
injection to the grid and proportional to it, the
electromagnetic torque and the generator speed can
be controlled. The process is implemented under
venturini modulation and by determining the grid
voltage components in d-q coordinates, then through
fuzzy logic control of the reference voltage phase
angle. Fig.1 shows the proposed WECS model.


Method used in this article for wind speed

modelling is based on power spectral density. As it is
mentioned in reference [14] the high frequency
damping effect of the rotor of a wind turbine is Fig.2. Wind speed Over the Time; ‘V’ is the real data of the
wind speed; ‘V1’ is the predicted wind speed without considering
studied too. The rotor has a shaping filter effect that the filtering effect and ‘V2’ is the predicted wind speed considering
passes just some special frequencies, so that the wind the filtering effect.
fluctuations will be damped and it will affect on the
output voltage and frequency. Fig.2 demonstrates
wind speed for a period of time.

A. Matrix Converter Model
In order to Change the resulting variable-
frequency and variable-magnitude AC output from
the electrical generator into a constant-frequency and
constant-magnitude supply which can be fed into an
electrical grid, a Matrix Converter is used.

Fig.5. Matrix Converter output voltage

This converter has 9 switches, which by sampling

of the input phases voltage, produces a three phase
voltage with arbitrary amplitude and frequency in the
output; as it is shown in Fig.5.
The sampling time of each switch can be
determined proportional to instantaneous values of
the voltage of input ( Vin − i (t ) ) and output ( Vout − j (t ) )
phases, and based on the venturini model, using
equation 1;
Fig.3. Power circuit of matrix converter 1 ⎡ V in − i ( t ) . V out − j ( t ) ⎤ (1)
ti j = ⎢1 + 2 ⎥ * Ts
3 ⎢⎣ (V in − i ) 2Peak ⎥⎦
Some advantages of this kind of converter are:
(a) Restrictions on duty cycle In this equation ‘ܶ௦ ’ is the switching period of the
converter measured in seconds and ‘‫ݐ‬௜௝ ’ is the time
(b) Sinusoidal output voltages with controllable that the output phase ‘j’ samples of the input voltage
frequency, magnitude and phase angle, of the phase ‘i’ . According to Fig.5, the output
(c) Sinusoidal input currents, voltage of the matrix converter has very much
harmonics that it should be smoothed using a LC
(d) Desired input displacement power factor. filter. Fig.6 demonstrates the output voltage of the
converter after applying the filter and removing the
This converter produces a Sinusoidal voltage with high frequency components resulting from the
arbitrary amplitude and frequency in the output, by switching.
sampling the voltage of input phases and the
reference voltage. Such that it’s maximum available
amplitude is limited to 50 to 86 percent of input
voltage [20].

B. Switching Pattern
Timing pattern and the process of control and
Joint command of the keys is set Proportional to the
amplitude of the input voltage and the reference

Fig.6. Sample voltage and output voltage of Matrix Converter


Fuzzy functions have the ability to be applied in
the calculations which there is uncertainty in the data,
parameters and the model of the system, with no need
Fig.4. Block diagram of switching control scheduling model to dynamic equations of system. Fuzzy Logic
Controller block is used to correct and control the

angle of the converter output voltage, and maximum
power tracking. Then the results are compared with
each other. Initially measuring wind speed and the
optimal tip speed ratio, the reference speed is
calculated. Then Speed error signal (e) and its change
rate ( ݁ ′ ) are calculated and applied to the fuzzy
controller block.
The process is implemented classifying the input
and output variables with linguistic symbols in fuzzy
algorithms and determining a set of decision rules
that connects the inputs of the fuzzy controller to the
As it is shown in Fig.7 and Fig.8; in order to Fig.9. Membership functions for the fuzzy set phase angle δ
transform the input and output signals of the
controller to fuzzy levels (linguistic variables),
following fuzzy sets are used; positive small (PS),
positive big (PB), ok, negative small (NS) and Table1. shows the determined fuzzy rules for
negative big (NB). correct and control the transmission angle of the
Then fuzzy sets required for the phase angle ∆δ system.
are: decrease very fast (DVF), decrease fast (DF),
decrease slowly (DS), decrease very slowly (DVS), Table1. Fuzzy Rules
OK, increase very slowly (IVS), increase slowly (IS),
increase fast (IF), and increase very fast (IVF). As
shown in Fig.9.


In order to verify the performance of the proposed
method it is simulated in MATLAB environment. So
that at first the transmission angle and the injected
Fig.7. Membership functions for the fuzzy set ሺ࢝ࢋ െ ࢝࢘ࢋࢌ ሻ power into the grid, are controlled proportional to the
input power. Then by applying the speed error signal
and its rate of change to fuzzy controller block and
correcting the transmission angle (TA) of the
converter; the system performance is investigated for
changes in wind speed as shown in Fig.10; Where
wind speed reduces from 12 (m/s) to 8 (m/s) at the
moment ‘t1’ and then at the moment ‘t2’ increases
again causes to reduce the transmission angle of the
converter from θ1 to θ2 . As it is shown in Fig.14,
during this process the turbine speed remains
constant and the power injected into the grid reduces
from the point P1 to P2.
At this stage, fuzzy controller proportional to
Fig.8. Membership functions for the fuzzy set derivative of speed error and its rate of change, increase the
ሺ࢝ࢋ െ ࢝࢘ࢋࢌ ሻ
transmission angle to θ3 and lead to an increase in the

amount of magnetic torque and slow down the In fig.11, the values of ‘θ’ represent fuzzy
turbine speed to the optimum amount. According to controller management for controlling the TA of the
Fig.13; under these condition power factor is converter.
improved and given Fig.14 a power equal to P3 is Fig.12 shows the changes of turbine angular
absorbed from wind and injected into the network. speed. Fuzzy control system by correcting the
At the moment (T2) while increasing the wind transmission angle of the converter, (Checking the
speed and the ability to more power absorption, speed error signal and its rate of change) controls the
power transmission control system, increasing the amount of power delivered in to the grid and Leads to
transmission angle of the converter from θ3 to θ4 and a change in of the electromagnetic torque and adjust
Fuzzy controller, controlling the transmission angle the turbine speed at its optimum.
to θ1, is leading to improve tracking optimum speed, In Fig.13 the effect of the fuzzy controller in
improve power factor and power transmission into improving the efficiency of power absorption is
the networks equal to 2 MW. shown. The process is done according to optimum
Fig.11 demonstrates changes in the TA (phase turbine speed tracking.
difference between the network the converter and). In
this figure Simulation results of the system are shown
by calculating input power and managing the rate of
power delivery in to the grid and correcting TA.

Fig.12. Behavior of turbine angular speed during control process

According to Fig.13, Fig.14 it can be seen that the

proposed method is able to extract maximum power
Fig.10. Wind speed model applied to the proposed system. from wind turbine and also the reactive power
injected to the grid would be at an insignificant
amount compared to nominal power of the turbine.

Fig.11. Diagram of changes in the phase angle of the matrix

converter output voltage, using FLC Fig.13. Power coefficient variations

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