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Film Study
117 Marks
“Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.”

Andy Dufresne is a young banker who is falsely accused and convicted of the murder
of his wife. He is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank Prison
where, over the next twenty years, he becomes accustomed to prison life, while
refusing to succumb to it. This is the story of hope, friendship, and human
perseverance in a corrupt prison environment.

To assist you in understanding how film techniques are used to create meaning, please
find an example of each of the following camera shots and use the chart to briefly
analyze the effect of that movie frame. (42 Marks)

Camera Sound/Music Lighting Overall Effect on

Shot/Angle Effect the Audience
Close Up Talking, footsteps, Natural Engaged, Like Their
The Library Squekie wheels There
Long Shot Sentimental Music Natural Joyus
The Ending
Medium Shot Whistling, Talking, Dark, lit by the Casual
Watching The The Movie, movie
Movie Laughter.
Natural Lighting Bugs, Cozy Natural, Soft Serenity
The Rock Wall Sentimental Music
Deep Focus Footsteps, The Natural, Day Time Hooked, Drawn In
Red Walking At The Narroter
Low Angle Footsteps, Shadowed Though Sympathetic
In The Hole/Brig Mice/Rats, Wind Naturally
Crane Shot Rain, Thunder, Dark, Lit Through Relief, Excitement
TheRain Scene Orchestral Music Moonlight


There are several controversial issues dealt with in this film. The following is a list of
some of the most important themes. Choose a theme from the list and elaborate on that
theme by giving ten specific references to scenes from the film. Please provide a brief
explanation of each example explaining how it relates to your chosen theme. (20
Marks) Underline the theme you have chosen to analyze.


Theme Example Explanation

1. The Rooftop Scene Andy, despite the risk of being thrown off
the roof, still talked to Captain Tommy
about his financial dilemma
2. Writing The Letters For 6 Years Despite being told it was a lost cause, Andy
still wrote and when he finally got a replay,
started writing two letters every month
3. Calming Brooks Down Andy and many others in the prisoner
friend group tried calming Brooks down
when he held a knife to Heywood's neck,
though they knew things could end badly if
not careful
4. Playing The Record Andy was aware of the consequences of his
actions, yet he still played the record to
give the others hope, something to hold on
5. Andy Keeping Books For The The consequences, if people found out
Warden about what was going on, are bad and not
just for the Wardon. Andy would have
more charges added to his sentence, he
could have his chances of parole taken
from him
6. Tommy Studying Tommy admitting that he needed help or
the fact that he can’t read that well, to
Andy despite being the type of guy to keep
stuff like that to himself
7. Andy Escaping Escaping is and was dangerous, it could’ve
gone wrong, ending with him being caught
and punished or with him getting hurt
8. Andy Writing The Post Card To The card could’ve been seen as suspicious
Red and that could’ve led to trouble for Red or
9. Red Being Honest To The Parole He finally had the courage to accept just
Board what he had done, he had come to terms
with being in there for the rest of his life
10. Reds Parole Violation Red could’ve been caught and sent back to

1. When viewing the ‘rooftop scene’, what do we learn about dignity, courage,
and hope? Explain your answer in a brief paragraph of at least 10 sentences.
Andy could’ve gotten killed or seriously injured by talking to Captain Hadley
about the will money as if he was a banker still and not a prisoner. It took Andy
courage to talk to Captain Hadley despite knowing what might happen seeing
how violent Captain Hadley is. Andy talking about the one-time-only gift to your
spouse to Captain Hadley makes me think that Andy was hoping to feel sorta
normal feel like before being sent to Shawshank. Despite literally being held over
the side of the roof Andy kept calm and collected thus he kept his dignity though
Captain Hedley tried to make him feel terrified. It took courage to ask Captain
Hadley to get and provide three beers apiece in return for helping with the bank
papers instead of hiring a lawyer.
2. What does the Library represent to Andy? Think about time, education,
friends, music and hope. (10)
The library represents hope not only to Andy but also to the other prisoners.
Thanks to the library Andy was able to help some of the prisoners get their high
school diplomas. During the time he built the library with the other guys, he put
love and care into it, building bonds with the others. He and the others dedicated
and named the library after one of their old friends, Brooks. They did this as
Brooks left an everlasting effect on them, even after he left and, unfortunately,
passed they still held a love for him and still had a place for him in their hearts.
Andy took the time to write the letters daily even after getting a response, and
because of that, the library was finally able to get built.
3. Identify a scene where music is important. Explain how it is used and to what
effect. (5)
Red playing the harmonica - During a meal time after Andy mentioned having
hope, Red mentioned he had played the harmonica but stopped when he had got
locked up, to which Andy suggested he start playing again as a sign of hope. After
getting denied parole, again, Red was gifted a harmonica from Andy, and later
that night Red played a note or two. It's used to show that Red is slowly gaining
hope again.
4. Using evidence from the film, explain the following peoples’ characteristics
and say why they are important: (20 Marks)

Warden Norton Religious, Firm, Calculated, Cocky.

Warden Norton was important as
he was there to take hope away.
Brooks Homey/Cozy, Gentle, Fatherly, and
Non-Violent. Brooks is important as he
was the first to engage with Andy, he
was one of the oldest prisoners in
Shawshank, the library was named
after him.
Tommy Jokester/Childish, Honest, Hopeful. He
brought out a new kind of hope in
Andy, he made Andy feel like he had a
new purpose.
Captain Hadley Violent, Commanding, and A Follower
When It Comes To The Warden. We see
Captain Hadley go from treating Andy
like any other prisoner to protecting him
from Boggs after Andy helps him with a
financial situation and after the Warden
saw value in Andy.

5. Explain what happens at the end of the film? What message does it send to
society? (10)

First, Red gets out on parole after 40 years behind bars, like Brooks he’s placed in
a halfway house and given a job bagging groceries. When walking one day Red
stopped to look at a shop's window display, which contained jewelry, pocket
knives, guns, and compasses. Red buys a compass from the store to find the rock
wall Andy had mentioned. He carves in ‘So was Red’ next to the carving Brooks
made, and then leaves to find the rock wall/tree Andy proposed to his wife. He
made it there after a drive in the back of a pickup and a long walk in the sun, and
after looking for a chunk of obsidian, he finds it. He also finds the letter and
money Andy had left for him, he read the letter and decided to go to the town
Andy mentioned he’d go to if he ever got out of Shawshank. Breaking his parole,
Red gets on a bus to the town Andy mentioned and when he gets off the bus he
walks across the beach and sees Andy fixing up a boat. Andy looks up and notices
Red, he gets off the boat and meets Red halfway and hugs him.
I think the message is that friendship can have a lasting impact on a person. How
Red still saw Brooks as a friend, and how Red never forgot what Andy told him.

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