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Darkhast No. 15/2012 Exh. 65

CNR No MHKO19-000523-2010

Regular Darkhast No. 15/2012
CNR No MHKO19-000523-2010

This is an application by judgment debtor  for setting aside
“No  Say order”  passed against him.  

2. As   per   judgment   debtor   due   to   non   availability   of

documents he could not meet and instruct his advocate with a view to
enable him to draft and file his say in time. Consequently, proceeding
is   being   proceeded   without   say   of   judgment   debtor.   Hence,   this

3. Vide   his   say   the   Ld.   Advocate   for   decree   holder   has
combated   the   application   contending   that   the   reasons   quoted   by
judgment debtor are false and frivolous. Ultimately, he has prayed for
rejection of the application and prayed for heavy costs of Rs. 3,000/­. 

4. Heard both sides. Perused record. Notice  has  been served

upon   judgment   debtor   on   08/08/2011.   Pursuant   thereto   he   has
appeared in the suit on 18/08/2011.   Thus, there is 8 years delay in
filing of his say.

5.   However,   as   the   proceeding   is   for   execution   of   decree

passed in R.C.S. No. 375/2004, with a view to decide the real dispute
between   parties   on   merits   it   would   be   just   and   proper   to   allow
Regular Darkhast No. 15/2012 Exh. 65

CNR No MHKO19-000523-2010

judgment debtor to file his say. While doing so the delay that has been
caused due to negligence on the part of judgment debtor also needs to
be compensated. Hence, following order is passed :­
1. Application is allowed subject to cost of Rs. 3,000/­ payable
to  decree holder.  Digitally signed by
Mahendra Hanumant
Date: 2019.11.28
15:19:53 +0530

Date:  27/11/2019                               (M. H. Shitole)
  C. J. J. D. Radhanagari   
Regular Darkhast No. 15/2012 Exh. 65

CNR No MHKO19-000523-2010

I Affirm that, the contents of this P.D.F. file Order are same, word to word, as per
the original Order.

Name of the Stenographer U.S.Telang

Name of Court Civil Judge, Junior Division & Judicial
Magistrate, First Class, Radhanagari.
Date of Dictation 27/11/2019
Order signed by the P.O. On 27/11/2019
Order uploaded on 27/11/2019

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