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GEAH–PPC Among the genres of Pop Culture, what has

influenced you the most? Please explain.

One genre of popular culture that has influenced me the most throughout my life is
the Entertainment genre. Things such as television, films, music, and dance influenced me
so much in my life to become who I am right now. Every now and then, different films
always teach me a thing or two about life from different genres. Specifically, I came to like
very much Slice of Life genres of films as they are chill films with lots of real life scenarios
from small to big things. It would teach me small things in my life that we cannot notice
much but can change our lives for the better, and I tend to point out those things and
apply them to my life, that is why I do not get hurt as much when I have problems
because I always anticipate and solve them calmly in my way. Also, television films such as
cartoons built the foundation of my laughter when I was a kid up until now. It has
influenced me to have a little bit of sense of laughter from all the seriousness in our
society. And lastly, music and dance influenced me to express my self in every way
possible. I listen to music most of the time to lighten my mood, feel my mood, and
understand the mood I am having, and there are always song for every feeling out there
which makes me understand the feelings and emotions that I am having at times. Dance
also influenced me to express my emotions, especially the dominant emotions of
excitement, anger, and competitiveness. Seeing people dance influenced me to express
my dominant emotions that I cannot express enough in myself.

Technology is also one of the genre of pop culture that influenced me the most in my
life. First and foremost, the internet; ever since I was in elementary, I was already
introduced to the internet however we do not have the means to install it at the time at
our house, so e can only access it through computer shops. Generally, the internet
influenced me in a way that it changed my perspective of the world, as I’ve seen it before
as something not that big, but after learning about the internet and the things inside of it,
I became astonished to know the fact that the world is really big and different information
and knowledge are too much to know everything by a person. And the internet helps us
navigate these things to also learn more and to make our lives easier. I also remember
back then when I first had my phone. I was always eager to have one and when I did, it
made me feel great and some parts of my life became easier than before, like
communicating with my loved ones on different places. Technology influenced me to
become better mentally as it solved the problems like communication where I can always
talk to my loved ones without any worries. I was also fascinated by different multimedia
and my fascination from it influenced me to become a digitally creative person as I grew
up, especially in creating digital infographics, arts, and presentations from using only
PowerPoint. Technology made my life easier like everybody else, and I think that it would
be hard if at some point technology would be wiped out suddenly because it really did
became a part of me and every people. It helped us people to live easily so that we can
focus into more important things such as going into many breakthroughs in life.

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