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RISE School of Accountancy (Islamabad & Rawalpindi) Quantitative Methods (PRC-02) MCQ’s

Chapter 4: Linear Programming

1. An employer recruits experienced (x) and fresh workmen (y) for his firm under the condition that he cannot
employ more than 9 people, x and y can be related by the inequality:
(a) x + y  9 (b) x + y  9, x  0, y  0
(c) x + y  9, x  0, y  0 (d) None of these
2. On the average, an experienced person does 5 units of work while a fresh recruit does 3 units of work daily
and the employer has to maintain an output of at least 30 units of work per day. This situation can be expressed
(a) 5x + 3y  30 (b) 5x + 3y > 30
 
(c) 5x + 3y 30, x 0, y 0  (d) None of these
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3. The rules and regulations demand that the employer should employ not more than 5 experienced hands to 1
fresh one. This fact can be expressed as:
(a) y  x/5 (b) 5y  x
(c) x  5y (d) None of these
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4. The union however forbids him to employ less than 2 experienced person to each fresh person. This situation
can be expressed as:
(a) x  y/2 (b) y  x/2
(c) y  x/2 (d) x > 2y
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5. The graph to express the inequality x + y  9 is:

(a) (b)

(c) (d) None of these

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6. The graph to express the inequality 5x + 3y  30 is:

(a) (b)

(c) (d) None of these

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 1
y  
7. The graph to express the inequality  2  x is indicated by:

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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8. L1: 5x + 3y = 30, L2: x + y = 9, L3: y = x/3, L4: y = x/2
The common region (shaded part) shown in the diagram refers to:
(a) 5x + 3y  30 (b) 5x + 3y  30
x + y 9 x + y 9
y  1/5x y  x/3
y  x/2 y  x/2
x  0, y  0

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(c) 5x + 3y  30 (d) None of these

x + y 9
y  x/3
y  x/2
x  0, y  0

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9. The region indicated by the shading in the graph is expressed by inequalities:

(a) x1 + x2  2 (b) x1 + x2  2
2x1 + 2x2  8 x2 x1 + x2  4
x1  0, x2  0
(c) x1 + x2  2 (d) x1 + x2  2
2x1 + 2x2  8 2x1 + 2x2 > 8
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10. If A is the number of batsmen and B is the number of bowlers, the inequality constraint that the number of
batsmen must be no more than 50% of the total players is:
(a) A B (c) BA

(b) A B (d) A B
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11. A firm manufactures two products. The products must be processed through one department. Product A
requires 6 hours per unit, and product B requires 3 hours per unit. Total production time available for the
coming week is 60 hours. There is a restriction in planning the production schedule, as total hours used in
producing the two products cannot exceed 60 hours. This situation can be expressed as:

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20 ● 20 ●

15 15

10 10
(a) (b)
5 5

● ● X ● ● X

5 10 5 10


15 ●


(c) (d) None of these


● ● X

5 10
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12. A manufacturer produce two products P and Q which must pass through the same processes in departments
A and B having weekly production capacities of 240 hours and 100 hours respectively. Product P needs 4 hours
in department A and 2 hours in department B. Product Q requires 3 hours and 1 hour respectively, in
department A and B. Profit yields for product P is Rs.700 and for Q is Rs.500. The manufacturer wants to
maximize the profit with the given set of inequalities. The objective function and all the constraints are:
(a) Z = 700x + 500y (b) Z = 700x + 500y
2x + 3y  240 4x + 3y  240
2x + y  100 2x + y  100
x, y  0 x, y  0
(c) Z = 700x + 500y (d) None of these
4x + 3y  240
2x + y  100
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13. A dietician wishes to mix together two kinds of food so that the vitamin content of the mixture is at least 9
units of vitamin A, 7 units of vitamin B, 10 units of vitamin C and 12 units of vitamin D. The vitamin content
per Kg. of each food is shown below:
Food I: 2 1 1 2
Food II: 1 1 2 3
Assuming x units of food I is to be mixed with y units of food II the situation can be expressed as:

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(a) 2x + y  9 (b) 2x + y  30
x + y 7 x + y 7
x + 2y  10 x + 2y  10
2x + 3y  12 x + 3y  12
x > 0, y > 0
(c) 2x + y  9 (d) None of these
x + y 7
x + y  10
x + 3y  12
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14. Graphs of four equations are drawn below:

L1: 2x + y = 9, L2: x + y = 7, L3: x + 2y = 10, L4: x + 3y = 12

The common region (shaded part) indicated on the diagram is expressed by the set of inequalities.
(a) 2x + y  9 (b) 2x + y  9
x + y 7 x + y 7
x + 2y  10 x + 2y  10
x + 3y  12 x + 3y  12
(c) 2x + y  9 (d) None of these
x + y 7
x + 2y  10
x + 3y  12
x  0, y  0
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15. The common region satisfied by the inequalities
L1: 3x + y  6
L2: x + y  4
L3: x + 3y  6
L4: x + y  6
is indicated by:

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(a) (b)

(c) (d) None of these

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16. A firm makes two types of products: Type A and Type B. The profit on product A is Rs.20 each and that on
product B is Rs.30 each. Both types are processed on three machines M1, M2 and M3. The time required in
hours by each product and total time available in hours per week on each machine are as follow:
Machine Product A Product B Available Time
M1 3 3 36
M2 5 2 50
M3 2 6 60
The constraints can be formulated taking x1 = number of units A and x2 = number of unit of B as:
(a) x1 + x2  12 (b) 3x1 + 3x2  36
5x1 + 2x2  50 5x1 + 2x2  50
2x1 + 6x2  60 2x1 + 6x2  60
x1  0, x2  0
(c) 3x1 + 3x2  36 (d) None of these
5x1 + 2x2 50
2x1 + 6x2  60
x1  0, x2  0
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17. The set of inequalities
L1: x1 + x2  12,
L2: 5x1 + 2x2  50
L3: x1 + 3x2  30
x1  0 and x2  0
is represented by:

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(a) (b)

(c) (d) None of these

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18. The common region satisfying the set of inequalities x  0, y  0, L1: x + y  5,
L2: x + 2y  8 and L3: 4x + 3y  12 is indicated by:

(a) (b)

(c) (d) None of these

19. A manufacturer produces two products X1 and X2. Resources available for the production of these two
items are restricted to 200 support staff hours, 320 machine hours and 280 labour hours. X1 requires for its
production 1 support staff hour, 1 machine hour and 2 labour hours. X2 requires 1 support staff hour, 2 machine
hours and 0.8 labour hour. X1 yields Rs.300 profit per unit and X2 yields Rs.200 profit per unit. The
manufacturer wants to determine the profit maximizing weekly output of each product while operating within
the set of resource limitations. Situation of the above data in the form of equations and inequalities is:

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(a) Z = 300x + 200y (b) Z = 300x + 200y

x + y  200 x + y  200
x + 2y  320 3x + 2y  320
2x + 0.8y  280 2x + 0.8y  280
x  0, y  0 x  0, y  0
(c) Z = 300x + 200y (d) None of these
x + y  200
x + 2y  320
2x + 0.8y  280
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20. A factory is planning to buy some machine to produce boxes and has a choice of B-1 or B-9 machines.
Rs.9.6 million has been budgeted for the purchase of machines. B-1 machines costing Rs.0.3 million each
require 25 hours of maintenance and produce 1,500 units a week. B-9 machines costing Rs.0.6 million each
require 10 hour of maintenance and produce 2,000 units a week. Each machine needs 50 square meters of floor
area. Floor area of 1,000 square meters and maintenance time of 400 hours are available each week. Since all
production can be sold, the factory management wishes to maximize output. Situation of above data in the form
of objective function and constraints is:
(a) Z = 1500x + 2000y (b) Z = 1500x + 2000y
0.3x + 0.6y  9.6 0.3x + 0.6y  9.6
25x + 10y  400 25x + 10y  400
50x + 50y  1000 50x + 50y  1000
x  0, y  0 x  0, y  0
(c) Z = 1500x + 2000y (d) Z = 1500x + 2000y

0.3x + 0.6y 9.6 0.3x + 0.6y  9.6
25x + 10y  400 25x + 10y  400
50x + 50y  1000 50x + 50y  1000
x  0, y  0 x  0, y  0
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21. A company produces two products a and b. Production of A will be at least five times the production of B.
This situation can be expressed as:
(a) b≥5a (b) b≤5a
(c) a≤5b (d) a≥5b
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22. A manufacturer produces two products A and B. Each unit of A requires 3kg of raw material and 2 labour
hours whereas each unit of B requires 2kg or raw material and 2 labour hours. Total raw material available is
200kg whereas total labour hours available are 150 hours. This situation can be expressed as:
(a) 3a+2b ≥ 200 and 2a+2b ≥ 150 (b) 3a+2b ≤ 200 and 2a+2b ≤ 150
(a) 3a+2b ≤ 150 and 2a+2b ≤ 200 (a) 3a+2b ≥ 150 and 2a+2b ≥ 200
23. Inequalities x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0 suggest that feasible region will be in _____ quadrant.
(a) 1st (b) 2nd
(c) 3rd (d) 4th
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24. Which of the following values of x and y does not satisfy the inequality 2x+3y ≤ 6
(a) (1,1) (b) (0,1)
(c) (3,1) (d) (1,0)
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25. A machine can work for 16 hours per day at most. It takes 4 hours to produce one unit of product A and 8
hours to produce one unit of product B. This information can be expressed as:
(a) 4a+8b ≤ 16 (b) 4a+8b ≥ 16
(c) 4a+8b = 16 (d) Not possible to express information
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26. Which of the following constraint will have a feasible region with coordinate (2, 3) in it?
(a) 10x+5y ≤ 40 (b) 10x+5y ≤ 30
(c) 10x+5y ≤ 10 (d) 10x+5y ≤ 20
27. Pharma limited produces two medicines. Each of which requires two types of raw material with following
Product A(kg/unit) Product B(kg/unit) Total available (kg)
Raw material X 2 3 120
Raw material Y 4 6 360
Form appropriate constraints as per above information
(a) 2a+3b ≤ 120 and 4a+6b ≤ 360 (b) 2x+4y ≤ 120 and 3x+6y ≤ 360
(c) 4a+6b ≤ 120 and 2a+3b ≤ 360 (a) 2x+3y ≤ 120 and 4a+6b ≤ 360
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28. The maximum number of constraints while solving a business problem using linear programming is
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) there is no specific limit
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29. Feasible region is a _____
(a) Region which satisfies all given constraints
(b) Region which is in first quadrant
(c) Region above the last mentioned constraint
(d) Always below all the constraints in a given scenario
30. Corner point theorem states _____
(a) Optimal solution is at one of the corners of feasible region.
(b) Optimal solution is within feasible region.
(c) Profit is maximum at all corners of a feasible region.
(d) Revenue is maximum at all corners of a feasible region.
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31. Linear programming model can be used for _____
(a) Profit maximization (b) Cost minimization
(c) Both (d) None
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32. For the following set of inequalities and objective function. Identify the optimal solution using corner point

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i. x≥0
ii. y ≥0
iii. x+y ≤ 8
Objective function
Profit = 10x+2y
(a) (8, 0) (b) (0, 8)
(c) (4, 4) (d) (0, 0)
33. For the following set of inequalities and objective function. Identify the optimal solution using corner point
i. x≥0
ii. y ≥0
iii. 2x+y ≤ 8
iv. 2x+2y ≤ 10
Objective function
Profit = 10x+2y
(a) (0, 8) (b) (5, 0)
(c) (0, 5) (d) (8, 0)
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34. For the following set of inequalities and objective function. Identify the optimal solution using corner point
i. x≥1
ii. y ≥2
iii. x+y ≤ 8
Objective function
Cost = 10x+2y
(a) (0, 0) (b) (1, 2)
(c) (2, 1) (d) (0, 0)
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35. Identify the redundant constraint from the following set of constraints:
i. x+y ≤ 6
ii. x≥0
iii. y ≥0
iv. 4x+2y ≤ 8
(a) 4x+2y ≤ 8 (b) x≥0
(c) y≥0 (d) x+y ≤ 6
36. A company wants to make product A which will contain both chemical x and chemical y. The product must
contain at least 1 unit of x and 2 units of y. The company has to be careful that total of x and y units in the
product must not exceed 8 units.
If the cost of each unit of x and y is 10 and 2 respectively, formulate constraints and objective function

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(a) Constraints (b) Constraints

i. x ≥ 1 i. x ≥ 1
ii. y ≥2 ii. y ≥2
iii. x+y ≤ 8 iii. x+y ≤ 8
Objective function Objective function
Cost = 10x+2y Cost = 2x+10y
(c) Constraints (d) Constraints
i. x ≥ 0 i. x ≥ 1
ii. y ≥0 ii. y ≥2
iii. x+y ≤ 8 iii. x+y ≤ 2
Objective function Objective function
Cost = 10x+2y Cost = 10x+2y

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37. A company produces two types of cola drinks. Each of which requires two types of raw material with
following details:
Product A(kg/unit) Product B(kg/unit) Total available (kg)
Raw material X 3 4 480
Raw material Y 2 6 540
How many units of each type of cola drink may be produced to maximise the profit, if the profit on each unit of
A and B is Rs 1,800 and Rs. 6,300 respectively?
(a) (72, 66) (b) (0, 90)
(c) (160, 0) (d) (66, 72)
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38. For the following constraints:
i. x+y ≥ 40
ii. x+y ≤ 10
(a) There is no feasible region (b) One feasible region
(c) Two feasible regions (d) Three feasible regions
39. Minimum number of constraints to draw a feasible region is/are:
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 4
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40. A bounded feasible region will:
(a) Have both maximum and minimum value (b) Have maximum value only
(c) Have minimum value only (d) None of these
41. Y ≤ X will have a feasible region: __
(a) Above Y axis only (b) Below Y axis only
(c) Above X axis only (d) Below or on the line Y=X


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42. Product passes through two departments A and B which have a capacity of 1120 hours and 1400 hours The
Product X requires 4 hours in department A and 7 hours in department B, the product Y requires 5 hours in
department A and 8 hours in department B. The constraints representing the above data:
a) 4x+5y ≤ 1120 and 7x+8y ≤ 1400 c) 7x+5y ≤ 1400 and 8x+4y ≤ 1120
b) 4x+7y ≤ 1400 and 5x+8y ≤ 1120 d) 7x+8y ≤ 1120 and 4x+5y ≤ 1400
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43. A factory produces two products x and y. Each product passes through two departments A and B which
have a capacity of 1120 hours and 1400 hours The Product X requires 7 hours in department A and 4 hours in
department B, the product Y requires 8 hours in department A and 5 hours in department B. The constraints
representing the above data:
a) 7x+4y ≤ 1120 and 8x+5y ≤ 1400 c) 7x+5y ≤ 1400 and 8x+4y ≤ 1120
b) 7x+8y ≤ 1400 and 4x+5y ≤ 1120 d) 7x+8y ≤ 1120 and 4x+5y ≤ 1400
44. A factory produces two products x and y. Each product passes through two departments M and N which
have a capacity of 1120 hours and 1400 hours The Product A requires 7 hours in department M and 4 hours in
department N, the product B requires 8 hours in department M and 5 hours in department N. The constraints
representing the above data:
a) 7A+4B ≤ 1120 and 8A+5B ≤ 1400 c) 7A+5B ≤ 1400 and 8A+4B ≤ 1120
b) 7A+8B ≤ 1400 and 4A+5B ≤ 1120 d) 7A+8B ≤ 1120 and 4A+5B ≤ 1400
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45. A factory produces two products x and y. Each product passes through two departments A and B which
have a capacity of 1,100 hours and 1,400 hours The Product X requires 4 hours in department A and 5 hours in
department B, the product Y requires 7 hours in department A and 8 hours in department B. The profit margin
on x and y is Rs. 500 and Rs. 700 respectively. Objective function related to the given situation will be:
a) 1100x+1400y c) 600x+700y
b) 500x+700y d) 660,000x+980,000y
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46. A company earns profit of Rs 250 and Rs 375 per unit on product X and Y respectively. Find the maximum
profit that the company could earn if the company is subject to the following constraints:
4x+2y ≤ 25,000
3x+2y ≤ 20,000
a) Rs 1,666,667 c) Rs 3,750,000
b) Rs 2,187,500 d) Rs 4,687,500
47. A company makes and sells two products X and Y. the contribution per unit is Rs 250 for product X and
375 for product Y. due to various constraints, the company cannot make more than 750 units of X and 500 units
of Y in a month. If x represents the number of product X, y represents the number of product Y and C
represents contribution, which of the following relationship represents maximum contribution?
a) C=250x+375y c) C=500x+125y
b) C=750x+500y d) C=3x+1.33y
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48. A company makes and sells two products X and Y. the related information is as follows:
Contribution per unit (Rs.) 450 375
Maximum sales demand per month 2,800 1,200
Direct labour hour per unit 2 5
Machine hours per unit 6 7
A total of 10,000 direct labour hours and 22,000 machine hours are available per month. Which of the following
objective function (Z) and set of constraints represents the above situation?
a) Z=450x+375y c) Z=450x-375y
x ≤ 2,800 x ≤ 2,800
2x+5y ≤ 22,000 2x-5y ≤ 22,000
y ≤ 1,200 y ≤ 1,200

b) Z=450x+375y d) Z=450x+375y
x ≤ 2,800 x ≤ 1,800
2x+5y ≤ 10,000 2x+5y ≤ 12,000
y ≤ 1,200 y ≤ 1,200
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49. New product. The fixed cost of manufacturing and marginal cost per unit are estimated at Rs 500,000 and
Rs 400 respectively. The capacity of the plant is 75,000 units and marketing department has indicated that the
entire production can be sold at a price of Rs 650 per unit. Determine the total profit function
a) 250x – 500,000 c) 75,000 – 500,000
b) 650x – 500,000 d) 650x2 – 250x – 500,000
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50. Tooba furniture (TF) manufacture chairs (C) and tables (T). the sale price and cost of production of the two
articles are as follows:
Article Sale price Cost of Production
Amount in Rs.
C 850 700
T 1,300 1,200
Manufacturing time is 3 and 4 labour hours for each chair and table respectively. TF has a labour force of 20
workers and each worker can work a maximum of 180 hours. The total funds available for manufacturing are
Rs. 4 million. The objective function (Z) and the constraints representing the given scenario are:
a) Z=100C+150T c) Z=700C+1,200T
700x+1200y ≤ 4,000,000 700x+1200y ≤ 4,000,000
3x+4y ≤ 3,600 3x+4y ≤ 180

b) Z=150C+100T d) Z=850C+1,300T
700x+1200y ≤ 4,000,000 700x+1200y ≤ 4,000,000
3x+4y ≤ 3,600 3x+4y ≤ 3,600
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51. A company owns a machine which runs for 208 hours a month. The machine is used to make two parts X
and Y. each part X takes 1 hour of machine time and each part Y takes 2 hours of machine time. If x represents

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the number of part X made in a month and y represents the number of part Y made in a month, which of t he
following statements/ inequalities is correct?
a) The company could make any quantity of X and Y but the total machine hours in a month cannot exceed 208.
b) x+2y<208 represents the boundary of maximum production in a month
c) y ≤ 208 if x=0, represents the maximum production of Y in a month
d) both (a) and (b)
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52. If 3x+7 ≥ x+5 ≥ 5x – 3, then the inequality holds when x lies in the range
a) 7 ≤ x ≤ – 3 c) 3 ≤ x ≤ 5
b) 5 ≥ x ≥ 7 d) 2 ≥ x ≥ – 1
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53. If 3x+7 ≤ 5x – 3, then the inequality holds when x lies in the range
a) Less than or equal to 7 c) Less than or equal to 5
b) Greater than or equal to 5 d) Greater than or equal to 2
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
54. 2x + 7< 5x – 3 Which value of x will satisfy
a) x ≥ 5 c) x <2
b) x ≤ 7 d) None
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55. 4x+3y ≤ 9, 2x+6y ≤ 4, while x ≤ 0, y ≤ 0 find redundant constraints
a) 4x+3y≤9 c) Both equations
b) 2x+6y ≤ 4 d) No equations
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56. Which of the following is a redundant constraint?
L1 5x + 3y < 9,000 L3 x < 1,000
L2 3x + 2y < 8,400 L4 y < 1,000
a) L-1 c) L-3
b) L-2 d) none
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57. High grade concrete contains 10 kg of gravel and 5 kg of cement, while each bag of low grade concrete
contains 12 kg of gravel and 3 kg of cement. There are 1,920 kg of gravel and 780 kg of cement currently
available. The manufacturer can make a profit of Rs. 1.20 on each bag of the high grade and Rs. 1.00 on each
bag of low grade concrete. Then the number of bags of low grade, high grade and the maximum profit are
a) 60,120,240 c) 60,120,204
b) 120,60,240 d) 120,60,204
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
58. A factory produced two products X and Y in two departments A(production) and B(packing). Capacity of
each department is 1100 and 1420 hours respectively. The product X requires 4 hours in department A and 5
hours in department B, the product Y requires 7 hours in department A and 8 hours in department B. wha t are
the constraints
a) 5x+4y≤1100 b) 4x+5y≤1100
7x+8Y ≤1420 7x+8Y ≤1420
X,y≥0 X,y≥0

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c) 4x+7y≤1100 d) None of these

5x+8Y ≤1420
X, y ≥ 0
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