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Basic data of the Soil Regions

1 Soil regions with subpolar to boreal climate1

11 Soil regions with predominant subpolar climate
geographical WRB- dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils WRB code dominant parent material 2
position code use class class²
Northwest Russia: Gelic and Haplic
PZge, PZha morainic, partly marine
North of Kola peninsula Gleyic Cryosols CRgl Podzols
1 deposits, grassland plain flat
and Northwest Russian Gelic Regosols RGge Cryic and Gelic
HScy, HSge peat, outcrops of igneous rocks
tundra Histosols
Northwest Russia:
Cryic and Gelic Gelic Podzols PZge peat,
2 Northwest Russian HScy, HSge grassland plain flat
Histosols Gleyic Cryosols CRgl marine deposits
Northwest Russia: Cryic and Gelic Gelic Regosols morainic and glaciofluvial to
HScy, HSge RGge semi-natural
3 Northwest Russian Histosols Cryic and Gelic fluvial deposits, plain flat
CRgl PZcy, PZge mixed pattern
tundra Gleyic Cryosols Podzols partly marine deposits

12 Soil regions with predominant subpolar oceanic to boreal oceanic climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils dominant parent material slope class
position code code use class

Haplic Andosols ANha Leptic Umbrisols UMle

volcanic rocks, hill to low level to
4 Northwest Iceland Lithic Leptosols LPli Dystric Cambisols CMdy grassland
patchy morainic deposits mountain sloping
Haplic Podzols PZha Dystric Histosols HSdy
Vitric Andosols ANvi Haplic Podzols PZha volcanic rocks, moderate
5 Central Iceland barren land low mountain
Leptic Umbrisols UMle Dystric Cambisols CMdy thin layer of eolian sand level
Vitric Andosols ANvi
volcanic rocks,
6 East Iceland Lithic Leptosols LPli Dystric Histosols HSdy grassland hill level
patchy morainic deposits, peat
Haplic Podzols Pzha
Lithic and Umbric LPli, LPum
North Norway:
Leptosols semi-natural level to
7 coastal area of Haplic Podzols PZha igneous and metamorphic rocks hill
(partly permanent mixed pattern sloping
Finnmark and Troms
snow cover)
Lithic and Umbric LPli, LPum igneous and metamorphic rocks,
North Norway: Haplic Podzols PZha semi-natural hill to low level to
8 Leptosols partly covered by thin morainic
Finnmark and Troms Dystric Histosols HSdy mixed pattern mountain sloping
Dystric Regosols RGdy deposits, peat
glaciofluvial and fluvial deposits,
Dystric Regosols RGdy Dystric Histosols HSdy eolian sand, semi-natural
9 South Iceland plain flat
Haplic Podzols PZha Dystric Cambisols CMdy loess with intercalations of tuff, mixed pattern

For climate values see table3.
Additional gradations are specified in this table contrary to map 30, where the calculated elevation and slope classes are displayed.
2 Soil regions with boreal climate
21 Soil regions with predominant boreal oceanic climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
igneous and metamorphic
Norway: Umbric Leptosols LPum
rocks, mixed pattern semi- hill to low level to
10 coastal area of Nordland Lithic Leptosols LPli Dystric Histosols HSdy
patchy morainic deposits, natural mountain sloping
and Nord-Troendelag Haplic Podzols PZha
igneous and metamorphic
Norway: Lithic and Umbric LPli, LPum
Haplic Podzols PZha rocks, level to
11 Nord- and Soer- Leptosols grassland hill
Dystric Regosols RGdy patchy morainic deposits, sloping
Troendelag Dystric Histosols HSdy
Haplic and Carbic igneous and metamorphic
PZha, PZcb undulating
Norway: Podzols Dystric Histosols HSdy rocks, semi-natural mixed
12 low mountain level to
Romsdal, Hordaland Lithic and Umbric Dystric Cambisols CMdy patchy morainic deposits, pattern
LPli, LPum sloping
Leptosols peat

22 Soil regions with predominant boreal continental climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Dystric Albeluvisols ABdy Humic Gleysols GLhu morainic, partly
Northwest Russia: semi-natural mixed
13 Haplic and Gleyic Dystric and Eutric HSdy, glaciolacustrine deposits, plain flat
Vologda district pattern
Podzols PZha, PZgl Histosols HSeu peat
Lithic Leptosols LPli loamy morainic deposits,
West Finland: Dystric Gleysols GLdy mixed cultivation
14 Dystric Cambisols CMdy igneous and metamorphic plain flat
Vaasa district Haplic Podzols PZha pattern

Dystric Histosols HSdy rocks, peat

Finland, Russia: Eutric and Dystric HSeu, peat, semi-natural mixed
15 Haplic Podzols PZha plain flat
Kola, Lappland, Karelia Histosols HSdy loamy morainic deposits pattern
Lithic Leptosols LPli flat to
Northwest Russia: Dystric and Eutric HSdy, igneous rocks,
16 Gleyic and Haplic coniferous forest plain to hilly undulating
Murmansk district Histosols HSeu morainic deposits, peat
Podzols PZgl, PZha level
Gleyic and Haplic PZgl, PZha loamy morainic deposits,
Norway, Finland, Russia: semi-natural mixed
17 Podzols Dystric Histosols HSdy Palaeozoic sedimentary plain flat to level
Lappland pattern
Lithic Leptosols LPli rocks, peat, partly permafrost
loamy to sandy morainic
Sweden: Eutric and Dystric HSeu,
Haplic, Gleyic and PZha, PZgl, deposits,
18 Lappland, Norrbotten Histosols HSdy coniferous forest hill level
Carbic Podzols PZcb peat, igneous and
and Västerbotten Dystric Cambisols CMdy
metamorphic rocks
Sweden: morainic and glacifluvial to
Gleyic and Carbic PZgl, PZcb
coastal area of Haplic Podzols PZha fluvial deposits,
19 Podzols coniferous forest plain flat
Norrbotten and Dystric Cambisols CMdy partly igneous and
Haplic Arenosols ARha
Västerbotten metamorphic rocks
loamy morainic deposits,
Central Finland: Haplic Podzols PZha semi-natural mixed
20 Dystric Cambisols CMdy peat, igneous and plain flat
Oulu district Dystric Histosols HSdy pattern
metamorphic rocks
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Humic Gleysols GLhu
morainic and glaciolacustrine
Northwest Russia: Haplic Podzols PZha semi-natural mixed
21 Gleyic Podzols PZgl deposits, plain flat
Arkhangelsk district Dystric and Eutric HSdy, pattern
Histosols HSeu
Dystric and Eutric HSdy,
morainic, partly glaciofluvial
Northwest Russia: Histosols HSeu semi-natural mixed
22 Haplic Podzols PZha and glaciolacustrine plain flat
Karelia Dystric Cambisols CMdy pattern
deposits, peat
Haplic Gleysols GLha
Haplic and Gleyic PZha, PZgl
glaciolacustrine and
Northwest Russia: Podzols Dystric Albeluvisols ABdy
23 morainic, partly glaciofluvial coniferous forest plain flat
Arkhangelsk district Dystric and Eutric HSdy, Dystric Gleysols GLdy
deposits, peat
Histosols HSeu

23 Soil regions with predominant boreal mountainous climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
igneous and metamorphic undulating
Norway: Nordland semi-natural mixed low mountain to
24 Lithic Leptosols LPli Haplic Podzols PZha rocks, level to
Sweden: Norrbotten pattern mountain
morainic deposits sloping

3 Soil regions with boreal to temperate (cold) climate

31 Soil regions with predominant boreal oceanic to temperate oceanic climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class

hill to low level to
25 Northwest Scotland Dystric Histosols HSdy Haplic Podzols PZha igneous and metamorphic shrubland
mountain sloping
rocks, morainic deposits
igneous and metamorphic
Lithic and Umbric Dystric Histosols HSdy rocks, mixed cultivation hill to low level to
26 coastal area of Sogn og LPli, LPum
Leptosols Haplic Podzols PZha peat, patchy morainic pattern mountain sloping
Fjordane and Hordaland
deposits, marine deposits
Lithic and Umbric igneous and metamorphic
LPli, LPum Gleyic and Dystric CMgl,
Southwest Norway: Leptosols rocks, mixed cultivation level to
27 Cambisols CMdy hill
Rogaland Haplic and Carbic patchy morainic deposits, pattern sloping
PZha, PZcb Dystric Histosols HSdy
Podzols marine deposits, peat

32 Soil regions with predominant boreal sub-oceanic to temperate sub-oceanic climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Lithic Leptosols igneous and metamorphic
Southwest Sweden:
28 Eutric and Dystric Haplic Luvisols LVha rocks, coniferous forest plain flat
Bohus and Halland CMeu,
Cambisols marine deposits
Haplic, Gleyic and PZha, PZgl,
igneous and metamorphic
Sweden: Carbic Podzols PZcb
29 Dystric Cambisols CMdy rocks, coniferous forest plain flat
Dalsland Lithic and Umbric
morainic deposits
Leptosols LPli, LPum
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Haplic and Rustic PZha, PZrs Gleyic Cambisols CMgl marine deposits, igneous
South Norway: mixed cultivation
30 Podzols Lithic and Umbric and metamorphic rocks, plain flat to level
Oslofjord area pattern
Gleyic Albeluvisols ABgl Leptosols LPli, LPum patchy morainic deposits
Vertic and Gleyic CMvr, CMgl igneous and metamorphic
Haplic Podzols PZha
South Norway: Cambisols rocks,
31 Lithic and Umbric coniferous forest plain flat to level
Skagerrak coast area Dystric and Eutric HSdy, patchy morainic deposits,
Leptosols LPli, Lpum
Histosols HSeu marine deposits, peat
Haplic and Placic PZha, PZpi Dystric Histosols HSdy igneous and metamorphic
mixed cultivation hill to low level to
32 Northeast Scotland Podzols Umbrisols UM rocks,
pattern mountain sloping
Umbric Leptosols LPum Gleysols GL peat, morainic deposits

33 Soil regions with predominant boreal sub-continental to temperate sub-continental climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Endoeutric sandy to loamy morainic,
West Russia: ABeun
33 Albeluvisols Dystric Cambisols CMdy glaciolacustrine and fluvial rainfed arable land plain flat
Kaliningrad district GLmo
Mollic Gleysols deposits
Haplic and Stagnic
ABha, ABst Gleyic and Haplic PZgl, PZha
Albeluvisols loamy to sandy morainic
34 Central and East Poland Podzols rainfed arable land plain flat
Haplic and Stagnic deposits
LVha, LVst Dystric Gleysols GLdy
Northeast Poland: Haplic Arenosols ARha
sandy, partly loamy mixed forest typ
35 Mazury Southeast Haplic and Gleyic Haplic Albeluvisols ABha plain flat
glaciofluvial deposits pattern
Lithuania Podzols PZha, PZgl
loamy to clayey
Sweden: Dystric and Vertic CMdy, Eutric Cambisols CMeu mixed cultivation

36 glaciolacustrine and morainic plain flat to level

Vänern lake area Cambisols CMvr Haplic Podzols PZha pattern
loamy to sandy morainic
Sweden: CMdy, deposits and clayey to silty
Dystric, Eutric and Haplic Luvisols LVha mixed cultivation
37 Uppsala and CMeu, glaciolacustrine sediments, plain flat to level
Vertic Cambisols Lithic Leptosols LPli pattern
Södermanland district CMvr outcrops of igneous and
metamorphic rocks
Northeast Poland flat to
Eutric Cambisols CMeu Haplic and Stagnic loamy to sandy morainic
38 Southeast Lithuania LVha, LVst rainfed arable land plain undulating
Haplic Albeluvisols ABha Luvisols deposits
Southeast Latvia level
Russia: Kaliningrad
Eutric Fluvisols FLeu fluvial deposits, mixed cultivation
39 district Southwest Eutric Gleysols GLeu plain flat
Dystric Regosols RGdy eolian sand pattern
Haplic Podzols PZha sandy to loamy
Estonia, Latvia: Dystric and Eutric HSdy, HSeu glaciolacustrine, morainic mixed cultivation
40 Eutric Gleysols GLeu plain flat
Baltic Sea Foreland Histosols and fluvial deposits, partly pattern
Calcaric Regosols RGca marine sediments, peat
Southeast Sweden, Dystric Cambisols CMdy igneous and metamorphic
mixed cultivation
41 South-Finland: Lithic Leptosols LPli Haplic Podzols PZha rocks, plain flat to level
Baltic Sea Foreland Dystric Gleysols GLdy patchy morainic deposits
Haplic and Gleyic LVha, LVgl
Luvisols Gleyic Cambisols CMgl sandy to loamy morainic and
42 Latvia, Lithuania rainfed arable land plain flat
Endoeutric and Gleyic ABeun, ABgl Haplic Podzols PZha fluvial deposits
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
sandy to loamy
Latvia: Haplic and Gleyic Eutric Gleysols GLeu mixed forest typ
43 PZha, PZgl glaciolacustrine and fluvial plain flat
Baltic Sea Foreland Podzols Haplic Arenosols ARha pattern
Dystric Gleysols GLdy sandy to loamy morainic and
Haplic and Gleyic
44 South Sweden PZha, PZgl Dystric and Eutric glaciolacustrine deposits, coniferous forest plain flat to level
Histosols HSdy, HSeu peat
Dystric Cambisols
Sweden: CMdy
45 Haplic Podzols PZgl, PZha Gleyic and Carbic loamy morainic deposits coniferous forest plain flat to level
Östergotland, Småland PZcb
RGdy, morainic deposits, outcrops
Dystric and Eutric Eutric Cambisols CMeu
Sweden: RGeu of igneous, metamorphic and
46 Regosols Haplic Podzols PZha coniferous forest plain flat to level
Central Skåne Palaeozoic sedimentary
Dystric Cambisols Lithic Leptosols Lpli
CMdy rocks

34 Soil regions with predominant boreal continental to temperate continental climate

geographical WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils WRB-code slope class
position code material use class
Eutric Albeluvisols ABeu glaciolacustrine and morainic
West Russia: Gleyic Podzols PZgl mixed forest typ
47 Gleyic Luvisols LVgl deposits, plain flat
Novgorod district Humic Gleysols GLhu pattern
Dystric Histosols HSdy peat
Eutric and Stagnic ABeu, ABst Gleyic Luvisols LVgl
Russia: Moskva district morainic, glaciolacustrine and mixed cultivation
48 Albeluvisols Eutric and Humic plain flat
North Belarus glaciofluvial deposits pattern
Gleyic Podzols PZgl Gleysols GLeu, GLhu
clayey, loamy and sandy
South Finland: Vertic Cambisols CMvr Vertic Gleysols GLvr mixed forest typ
49 glaciolacustrine deposits, plain flat
Uusimaa district Haplic Podzols PZha Dystric Histosols HSdy pattern

Ordovician and Silurian
Calcaric Cambisols CMca, limestone,
50 Estonia Eutric Gleysols GLeu rainfed arable land plain flat
Eutric Regosols RGeu morainic and glaciolacustrine
Estonia Eutric Gleysols GLeu loamy to sandy morainic and
Dystric and Eutric mixed cultivation
51 West Russia: Pskov Haplic and Carbic HSdy, HSeu glaciolacustrine deposits, plain flat
Histosols pattern
district Podzols PZha, PZcb peat
Middle Sweden: Eutric and Dystric HSeu, peat, moderate
52 Haplic Podzols PZha coniferous forest low mountain
Kopparberg district Histosols HSdy loamy morainic deposits level
Northeast Russia: Dystric and Eutric HSdy, peat, mixed cultivation
53 Mollic Gleysols GLmo plain flat
Lake Rybinsk area Histosols HSeu glaciolacustrine deposits pattern
morainic and glaciofluvial
Russia: Haplic Luvisols LVha deposits,
54 Mollic Gleysols GLmo rainfed arable land plain flat
Tula and Ryazan districts Greyic Phaeozems PHgz partly glaciolacustrine
deposits and loess
Eutric Gleysols loamy to sandy morainic,
Southeast Estonia Stagnic Luvisols LVst GLeu
55 Endoeutric glaciolacustrine and fluvial rainfed arable land plain flat
North Latvia Haplic Podzols PZha ABeun
Albeluvisols deposits
Stagnic and Gleyic LVst, LVgl clayey to silty glaciolacustrine
East Latvia
Luvisols sediments, loamy to sandy mixed cultivation
56 West Russia: Pskov Haplic Podzols PZha plain flat to level
Eutric Histosols HSeu morainic and fluvial deposits, pattern
Gleyic Podzols PZgl peat
igneous and metamorphic
Rustic Podzols PZrs Lithic Leptosols Lpli
South Norway: rocks, level to
57 Vertic and Gleyic Dystric and Eutric coniferous forest plain to hill
Akershus district Palaeozoic sedimentary sloping
Cambisols CMvt, CMgl Histosols HSdy, HSeu
rocks, glacial deposits, peat
geographical WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils WRB-code slope class
position code material use class
loamy morainic deposits,
Sweden: Kopparberg Gleyic and Carbic PZgl, PZcb
Haplic Podzols PZha peat, semi-natural mixed moderate
58 distr. Podzols low mountain
Eutric Histosols HSeu outcrops of igneous and pattern level
South Norway: Hedmark Gleysols GL
metamorphic rocks
Gleyic and Carbic PZgl, PZcb loamy morainic deposits,
Middle Sweden: Väster- Haplic Podzols PZha
59 Podzols igneous amd metamorphic coniferous forest hill level
norrland and Jämtland Dystric Cambisols CMdy
Eutric Cambisols CMeu rocks
Middle Sweden: loamy morainic deposits,
Gleyic and Carbic
60 Jämtland and Haplic Podzols PZha PZgl, PZcb igneous amd metamorphic coniferous forest hill level
Västernorrland rocks
Dystric Histosols HSdy
Middle and South Haplic Podzols PZha loamy to sandy morainic mixed forest typ
61 Vertic Cambisols CMvr plain flat to level
Finland Dystric Cambisols CMdy deposits, peat pattern
Vertic Gleysols GLvr
Middle Finland:
Haplic Podzols PZha Carbic Podzols PZcb loamy morainic deposits, mixed forest typ
62 Kuopio and Mikkeli plain flat
Dystric Histosols HSdy Dystric Cambisols CMdy peat pattern

35 Soil regions with predominant boreal mountainous to temperate mountainous climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Lithic and Umbric LPli, LPum
igneous, metamorphic and
Leptosols Haplic Podzols PZha
Norway: Oppland Palaeozoic sedimentary semi-natural mixed
63 Dystric Regosols RGdy Dystric and Eutric HSdy, mountain sloping
Sweden: Jämtland rocks, morainic deposits, pattern
(partly permanent Histosols HSeu
snow cover)

Lithic and Umbric LPli, LPum igneous, metamorphic and

South Norway: Leptosols Dystric and Eutric HSdy, Palaeozoic sedimentary mixed cultivation low mountain to
64 level to
Telemark Haplic Podzols PZha Histosols HSeu rocks, morainic deposits, pattern high mountain
Dystric Regosols RGdy peat

4 Soil regions with temperate climate

41 Soil regions with predominant temperate oceanic to warm temperate oceanic climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Dystric and Eutric CMdy, Palaeozoic sedimentary
Dystric Leptosols, flat to
Cambisols CMeu LPdy rocks,
65 South Ireland Endoskeletic grassland plain to hill undulating
Haplic and Placic UMskn igneous and metamorphic
Umbrisols level
Podzols PZha, PZpi rocks
igneous and metamorphic
France: Bretagne, Dystric and Eutric CMdy, Haplic Luvisols, LVha rocks,
66 rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Vendee, Normandie Cambisols CMeu Haplic Umbrisols UMha Palaeozoic sedimentary
Palaeozoic sedimentary
England: Dystric Cambisols CMdy Haplic Podzols PZha
67 rocks, grassland plain flat to level
Cornwall, Devon Dystric Gleysols GLdy Dystric Histosols HSdy
igneous rocks, peat
GLdy Palaeozoic sedimentary,
Dystric Gleysols LPli, LPdy, igneous and metamorphic
Placic Podzols, PZpi
68 West Ireland Lithic, Dystric and LPum rocks , grassland plain ti hill flat to level
Dystric Histosols HSdy
Umbric Leptosols patchy morainic deposits,
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
clayey, sandy and
South England Eutric Gleysols GLeu Gleyic Podzols PZgl mixed cultivation
69 calcareous Tertiary plain flat
Hampshire, Dorset Haplic Podzols PZha Chromic Luvisols LVcr pattern
Dystric Cambisols CMdy loess,
70 Bretagne and Haplic Luvisols LVha rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Umbric Leptosols LPum igneous rocks

42 Soil regions with predominant temperate oceanic to warm temperate oceanic up to temperate sub-oceanic climate,
partly sub-mediterranean climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
France: Champagne, Ile Dystric and Eutric
71 ABdy, ABeu Haplic Pozols PZha Tertiary and Cretaceous rainfed arable land plain flat to level
de France, Normandie Albeluvisols
sedimentary rocks
Tertiary molasses
Chromic Cambisols CMcr (conglomerates) and other
France: Calcaric Cambisols CMca
72 Haplic and Stagnic sedimentary rocks rainfed arable land plain to hill flat to level
Gascogne Eutric Albeluvisols ABeu
Luvisols LVha, LVst (marlstone, limestone),
fluvial Quaternary sediments
Spain: Vizcaya, Cretaceous, partly Tertiary
Eutric Cambisols CMeu Haplic Umbrisols UMha mixed cultivation level to
73 Guipúscoa France: sedimentary rocks hill
Haplic Luvisols LVha Haplic Calcisols CLha pattern sloping
Bearn (limestone, sandstone)
Calcic Luvisols LVcc clayey to sandy Jurassic and flat to
France: Rendzic Leptosols LPrz
74 Calcaric Regosols RGca Cretaceous deposits, chalk, rainfed arable land plain to hill undulating
Dordogne Chromic Cambisols CMcr
Gleyic Solonchaks SCgl limestone level

France: Eutric Albeluvisols ABeu

75 Rendzic Leptosols LPrz Cretaceous calcareous rocks rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Champagne Haplic Luvisols LVha
loess, Tertiary and
Eutric Cambisols CMeu Cretaceous sedimentary
76 Haplic Luvisols LVha Eutric Albeluvisols ABeu rocks, rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Ile de France
Gleyic Luvisols LVgl residual loam from
calcareous rocks
clayey to sandy Jurassic and
Haplic and Chromic LVha, LVcr
France: Normandie, Gleyic Luvisols LVgl Cretaceous deposits,
77 Luvisols rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Maine, Touraine Calcaric Cambisols CMc limestone, marl, residual
Dystric Albeluvisols ABdy
France: Gleyic Luvisols LVgl detrital formations,
78 Episkeletic Podzols PZskp coniferous forest plain flat
Orleanaise Rendzic Leptosols LPrz loess, fluvial deposits
France: Haplic Podzols PZha eolian sand overlying
79 Carbic Podzols PZcb coniferous forest plain flat
Medoc, Landes Dystric Regosols RGdy Neogene deposits

43 Soil regions with predominant temperate oceanic to temperate sub-oceanic climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Haplic Arenosols ARha sandy glaciofluvial and
80 Haplic and Gleyic Stagnic Cambisols CMst loamy to sandy morainic rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Lüneburger Heide
Podzols PZha, PZgl deposits
marine deposits, eolian
Haplic Arenosols ARha
Denmark: Dystric Regosols RGdy sand,
81 Haplic Podzols PZha rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Nord Jylland Eutric Cambisols CMeu sandy to loamy morainic
Eutric Gleysols GLeu
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Denmark: Eutric Cambisols CMeu Haplic Podzols PZha sandy, partly loamy morainic
82 rainfed arable land plain flat
Northeast Jylland Haplic Luvisols LVha Haplic Arenosols ARha deposits
clayey to sandy Lower flat to
England: Stagnic Cambisols CMst Chromic Luvisols LVcr mixed cultivation
83 Cretaceous rocks plain undulating
Kent, East Sussex Eutric Gleysols GLeu Calcaric Fluvisols FLca pattern
(claystone, siltstone) level
morainic deposits, Jurassic
England: Haplic and Gleyic
84 Gleyic Cambisols CMgl LVha, LVgl and Cretaceous sedimentary rainfed arable land plain flat
Bedford Luvisols
rocks (chalk)
Eutric and Dystric CMeu,
Palaeozoic sedimentary
Cambisols CMdy Dystric Gleysols GLdy level to
85 Scotland rocks, igneous rocks, grassland plain to hill
Haplic and Placic Dystric Histosols HSdy sloping
glacial deposits, peat
Podzols PZha, PZpi
England: fluvial, estuarine and marine
Calcaric and Eutric Mollic Gleysols GLmo
86 Lincoln, Norfolk, FLca, FLeu deposits, rainfed arable land plain flat
Fluvisols Eutric Histosols HSeu
Cambridge peat
FLca, FLgl,
Germany, Netherlands: Calcaric, Gleyic and
FLeu clayey to sandy marine and
Friesland, Holland Eutric Fluvisols mixed cultivation
87 Mollic Gleysols GLmo estuarine sediments, dune plain flat
Belgium: West Calcaric and Dystric pattern
RGca, sand
Vlaanderen Regosols
Gleyic and Haplic PZgl, PZha loamy to sandy river
Netherlands, Germany: Calcaric Fluvisols, FLca
88 Podzols deposits, grassland plain flat
Lower Rhine area Calcaric Cambisols CMca
Haplic Luvisols LVha eolian sand
Eutric Gleysols GLeu clayey to sandy Tertiary
89 Calcaric Fluvisols FLca Gleyic Podzols PZgl sediments, rainfed arable land plain flat
London area
Anthrosols AT fluvial deposits

England: Eutric Gleysols
CMca, Chromic and Gleyic clayey and marly Jurassic undulating
90 Somerset, Wiltshire, Calcaric, Eutric and LVcr, LVgl rainfed arable land plain to hill
CMeu, Luvisols and Cretaceous rocks level
Oxford Gleyic Cambisols
Dystric, Humic and GLdy, Palaeozoic sedimentary
Ireland, Scotland, Haplic and Placic level to
91 Calcaric Gleysols GLhu, GLca PZha, PZpi rocks, igneous rocks, grassland plain to hill
England Podzols sloping
Dystric Histosols HSdy glacial deposits, peat
Dystric and Eutric GLdy, GLeu igneous, metamorphic and flat to
Placic Podzols, PZpi
92 Northern Ireland Gleysols Palaeozoic sedimentary grassland plain to hill undulating
Dystric Histosols HSdy
Dystric Cambisols CMdy rocks, glacial deposits, peat level
Chromic and Haplic LVcr, LVha flat to
Upper Cretaceous
93 South England Rendzic Leptosols LPrz Luvisols rainfed arable land plain undulating
calcareous rocks (chalk)
Stagnic Gleysols GLst level
Denmark: Fyn,
Northwest and East flat to
Haplic and Gleyic Eutric Cambisols CMeu
94 Jylland LVha, LVgl loamy morainic deposits rainfed arable land plain undulating
Luvisols Eutric Gleysols GLeu
Germany: Schleswig- level
Haplic Luvisols LVha Mesozoic sedimentary rocks
Haplic Arenosols ARha level,
95 England Mollic and Stagnic (marl, limestone), glacial rainfed arable land plain to hill
Eutric Cambisols CMeu partly sloping
Gleysols GLmo, GLst deposits
Palaeozoic and Mesozoic
Stagnic and Haplic Eutric Cambisols CMeu mixed cultivation level to
96 England LVst, LVha sedimentary rocks, plain to hill
Luvisols Rendzic Leptosols LPrz pattern sloping
glacial deposits
Gleyic and Chromic LVgl, LVcr glacial deposits, Upper
England: Calcaric Cambisols CMca
97 Luvisols Cretaceous calcareous rocks rainfed arable land plain flat
Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex Eutric Arenosols AReu
Gleyic Cambisols CMgl (chalk, limestone)
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Haplic and Placic PZha, PZpi Palaeozoic sedimentary
98 Ireland Haplic Luvisols LVha Podzols rocks (limestone), grassland plain flat to level
Dystric Gleysols GLdy glacial deposits
loess, loessic and residual
Eutric and Calcaric CMeu,
France: loam,
Cambisols CMca
99 Normandie, Picardie, Haplic Luvisols LVha Cretaceous and Tertiary rainfed arable land plain flat
Eutric Arenosols AReu
Artois sedimentary rocks
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz
France: Flandre
Belgium: Henegouws Haplic Luvisols LVha loess and loessic loam,
100 Eutric Gleysols GLeu rainfed arable land plain flat to level
and Haspengouw plateau Haplic Albeluvisols ABha residual or redeposited loam
Germany: Kölner Bucht
sandy glaciofluvial and
Haplic and Gleyic PZha, PZgl Plaggic Anthrosols ATpa sandy to loamy morainic
Podzols Haplic Luvisols LVha deposits,
101 Münsterland, rainfed arable land plain flat
Dystric and Stagnic CMdy, Dystric Histosols HSdy eolian sand, peat,
Oldenburger Land
Cambisols CMst Umbric Gleysols GLum Cretaceous sedimentary
Germany: Emsland
Plaggic Anthrosols ATpa eolian sand,
Netherlands: Gleyic and Haplic mixed cultivation
102 PZgl, PZha Dystric Histosols HSdy sandy loess, glacial deposits, plain flat
Gelderland, Noord Podzols pattern
Dystric Regosols RGdy peat
Denmark: West Jylland sandy glaciofluvial and
Haplic Podzols PZha Eutric Histosols HSeu
103 Germany: Schleswig- sandy to loamy morainic rainfed arable land plain flat
Dystric Cambisols CMdy Haplic Arenosols ARha
Holst. deposits, peat

Lithic and Dystric

LPli, LPdy igneous, metamorphic and
Placic Podzols PZpi Leptosols mixed cultivation level,
104 Northwest Ireland Palaeozoic sedimentary plain to hill
Dystric Histosols HSdy Dystric and Eutric pattern partly sloping
GLdy, GLeu rocks, glacial deposits, peat

431 Soil regions with predominant temperate oceanic to temperate sub-oceanic climate
influenced by mountains
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Dystric Cambisols Placic Podzols PZpi Palaeozoic metamorphic and
Wales: CMdy hill to low level to
105 Endoskeletic Dystric and Mollic GLdy, sedimentary rocks (slate, grassland
Cambrian Mountains UMskn mountain sloping
Umbrisols Gleysols GLmo sandstone), igneous rocks

44 Soil regions with predominant temperate sub-oceanic climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Tertiary calcareous
Pellic Vertisols VRpe
France: Gleyic and Haplic sediments and sandy level,
106 ABgl, ABha Calcaric Phaeozems PHca grassland plain to hill
Bourbonnais Albeluvisols continental series, partly sloping
Calcaric Fluvisols FLca
fluvial deposits
France: Calcaric, Eutric and Jurassic and Cretaceous
CMeu, Dystric Cambisols CMdy mixed cultivation level,
107 Nivernais, Bourgogne, Vertic Cambisols limestone and marl, plain to hill
CMvr Haplic Luvisols LVha pattern partly sloping
Lorraine Rendzic Leptosols residual loam
number geographical dominant soils WRB- associated soils WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
position code code material use class class
Germany: Pfälzer Wald Vertic and Gleyic CMvr, CMgl Triassic and Lower Jurassic
Haplic Luvisols, LVha mixed cultivation level,
108 South Luxembourg Cambisols claystone, sandstone, marl plain to hill
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz pattern partly sloping
France: Lorraine Gleyic Luvisols LVgl and limestone
Carboniferous, Permian and
Triassic sedimentary rocks
Germany: Haplic Podzols PZha mixed forest typ level,
109 Dystric Cambisols CMdy (claystone, siltstone, plain to hill
Pfälzer Bergland Eutric Cambisols CMeu pattern partly sloping
sandstone), volcanic rocks
Palaeozoic metamorphic and
Belgium: Ardennes
sedimentary rocks (slate,
Germany: Rheinisches Dystric and Eutric CMdy, Haplic Podzols PZha mixed cultivation level to
110 limestone), low mountain
Schiefergebirge, Cambisols CMeu Umbric Leptosols LPum pattern sloping
intercalations of igneous
Eutric and Dystric
Germany: Weser-Leine CMdy Triassic sandstone,
Cambisols mixed cultivation level to
111 Bergland, Hessisch- Eutric Gleysols GLeu claystone, marl and plain to hill
Haplic Luvisol pattern sloping
Thüringisches Bergland LVha limestone, loess
Rendzic Leptosols
Germany: Schwäbisch- Eutric, Vertic and CMeu, Umbric and Rendzic LPum, LPrz Triassic, Jurassic and
mixed cultivation level to
112 Fränkisches Bergland, Dystric Cambisols CMvr, CMdy Leptosols Cretaceous claystone and low mountain
pattern sloping
Albvorland Haplic Podzols PZha Eutric Gleysols GLeu sandstone
Germany: Vogelsberg, Eutric Cambisols CMeu volcanic rocks, level to
113 Eutric Gleysols GLeu rainfed arable land plain to hill
Westerwald, Eifel Haplic Luvisols LVha loess sloping
Tertiary molasse and
Germany, Austria: Eutric Cambisols CMeu Eutric Gleysols GLeu
114 sedimentary rocks rainfed arable land low mountain level
Tertiärhügelland Haplic Luvisols LVha Dystric Cambisols CMdy
(sandstone), loess
igneous and metamorphic
Germany: Vorderer Haplic Podzols PZha mixed cultivation level to

115 Dystric Cambisols CMdy rocks, plain to hill

Odenwald, Spessart Haplic Luvisols LVha pattern sloping
France: Haplic and Gleyic LVha, LVgl
metamorphic and igneous mixed cultivation level to
116 Limousin, Marche, Dystric Cambisols CMdy Luvisols low mountain
rocks pattern sloping
Lyonnais Episkeletic Podzols PZskp
Calcaric Fluvisols FLca loamy to sandy river
France, Germany: Eutric Fluvisols FLeu
117 Gleyic Luvisols LVgl deposits, rainfed arable land plain flat
Upper Rhine valley Chromic Luvisols LVcr
Luvic Phaeozems PHlv loess
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz
Germany: Eutric Gleysols GLeu Triassic limestone, level to
118 Haplic Luvisols LVha rainfed arable land plain to hill
Fränkische Platten Eutric Cambisols CMeu loess sloping
Chromic Cambisols CMcr
Jurassic limestone,
Germany: Rendzic Leptosols LPrz
loess, mixed cultivation level to
119 Schwäbisch-Fränkische Chromic Cambisols CMcr Eutric Cambisols CMeu low mountain
residual and redeposited pattern sloping
Alb Haplic Luvisols LVha
Germany: Calenberger Eutric Gleysols GLeu
120 Haplic Luvisols LVha loess rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Land, Osnabrücker Land Gleyic Chernozems CHgl
Switzerland, Germany,
loamy to sandy morainic
Austria: Haplic Luvisols LVha
deposits, mixed cultivation
121 morainic topography of Eutric Cambisols CMeu Calcaric Regosols RGca low mountain level
sandy to gravely glaciofluvial pattern
the northern Alpine Eutric Gleysols GLeu
sediments, loess
Tertiary sediments (residual
Eutric and Calcaric FLeu, FLca
France: Gleyic and Haplic and redeposited loam), fluvial level to
122 LVgl, LVha Fluvisols rainfed arable land plain to hill
Bresse Luvisols deposits, eolian sand and sloping
Haplic Albeluvisols ABha
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Germany, France: Luvic Phaeozems PHlv loess,
123 Upper Rhine valley, Haplic Luvisols LVha Rendzic Leptosols LPrz limestone, marlstone and rainfed arable land plain level
Kraichgau Luvic Chernozems CHlv claystone

441 Soil regions with predominant temperate sub-oceanic climate influenced by mountains
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Acroxic Andosols ANao basic volcanic rocks, acid
France: mixed forest typ low mountain to
124 Episkeletic Podzols PZskp Dystric Cambisols CMdy plutonic rocks and sloping
Massif Central pattern mountain
Umbrisols UM metamorphic rocks
Palaeozoic metamorphic and
Germany: Dystric and Eutric CMdy, Haplic Podzols PZha sedimentary rocks (slate, mixed forest typ level to
125 low mountain
Harz Cambisols CMeu Eutric Gleysols GLeu greywacke, limestone), pattern sloping
acid plutonic rocks
acid plutonic and
metamorphic rocks,
France: Vosges Dystric Cambisols CMdy mixed forest typ level to
126 Umbric Leptosols LPum Palaeozoic and Mesozoic low mountain
Germany: Schwarzwald Haplic Podzols PZha pattern sloping
sedimentary rocks
France, Switzerland: Calcaric Cambisols CMca Jurassic and Cretaceous low mountain to
127 Rendzic Leptosols LPrz deciduous forest sloping
Jura Haplic Luvisols LVha limestone mountain

45 Soil regions with predominant temperate sub-oceanic to temperate sub-continental climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils

position code code material use class class

Germany, Poland: Haplic Albeluvisols ABha loess,
Haplic Podzols PZha
128 Central European loess Haplic Luvisols LVha weathering residues of rainfed arable land plain flat
Haplic Phaeozems PHha
belt Eutric Gleysols GLeu different rocks
Haplic Albeluvisols ABha CMeu,
Germany: Eutric and Dystric sandy glaciofluvial and loamy
Lamellic Arenosols ARll CMdy mixed cultivation
129 Prignitz, Havelland, Cambisols to sandy morainic deposits, plain flat
Dystric and Eutric pattern
Barnim Haplic Podzols cover sand
Gleysols GLdy, GLeu PZha
Czech Republic: basic and intermediate
Umbric and Haplic ANum, Eutric Cambisols CMeu level to
130 Doupov mountains, volcanic rocks rainfed arable land low mountain
Andosols ANha Stagnic Luvisols LVst sloping
Czech highlands (basalt, phonolite)
Haplic Arenosols sandy glaciofluvial and loamy
Eutric and Dystric CMeu,
131 Northwest Poland Haplic and Episkeletic to sandy morainic deposits, coniferous forest plain flat
PZha, Cambisols CMdy
Podzols cover sand
Sweden: Skåne, Oeland,
CMeu, Haplic Luvisols LVha loamy morainic deposits,
Gotland Eutric, Dystric and
132 CMdy, Dystric and Calcaric RGdy, sandy, partly clayey rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Denmark: Sjælland, Calcaric Cambisols
CMca Regosols RGca glaciolacustrine deposits
Lolland, Bornholm
acid plutonic and crystalline
metamorphic rocks (granite,
granodiorite, gneiss, phyllite),
Czech Republic: Dystric and Eutric CMdy, Gleyic and Stagnic level,
133 LVgl, LVst Palaeozoic metamorphic and rainfed arable land low mountain
Bohemian massif Cambisols CMeu Luvisols partly sloping
sedimentary rocks (slate,
greywacke, conglomerate),
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Germany: Magdeburger
Haplic Chernozems CHha
134 Boerde, Thueringer Haplic Luvisols LVha loess rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Luvic Phaeozems PHlv
Germany: sandy to loamy and clayey
135 Eutric Fluvisols FLeu Eutric Gleysols GLeu rainfed arable land plain flat
Elbe valley river deposits
Poland, Germany: sandy to loamy river
Eutric Fluvisols FLeu
136 valleys of Odra, Warta Eutric Histosols HSeu deposits, rainfed arable land plain flat
Gleyic Podzols PZgl
and Notec peat
Gleyic and Haplic PZgl, PZha sandy to loamy river
137 Eutric Fluvisols FLeu Podzols deposits, rainfed arable land plain flat
Wisla valley
Eutric Histosols HSeu peat
sandy glaciofluvial to fluvial
Dystric and Eutric GLdy, GLeu Haplic Luvisols LVha
Germany: sediments,
138 Gleysols Gleyic Podzols PZgl rainfed arable land plain flat
Wendland, Altmark loamy morainic deposits,
Lamellic Luvisols LVll Eutric Histosols HSeu
Dystric and Eutric GLdy, GLeu
Gleysols Eutric Histosols HSeu sandy to loamy glaciofluvial
mixed cultivation
139 East Poland Haplic, Episkeletic PZha, Haplic and Gleyic to fluvial deposits, plain flat
and PZskp, Albeluvisols ABha, ABgl peat
Gleyic Podzols PZgl
Haplic and Stagnic LVha, LVst
Germany: Mecklenburg- Haplic Podzols PZha loamy morainic deposits,
140 Luvisols, rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Vorpommern, Uckermark Eutric Histosols HSeu peat
Stagnic Gleysols GLst
Haplic and Stagnic LVha, LVst
Poland: Haplic and Episkeletic PZha, loamy to sandy morainic
141 Luvisols rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Pomerania Podzols PZskp deposits
Eutric Cambisols CMeu

Haplic and Stagnic LVha, LVst

Haplic Arenosols ARha loamy morainic deposits,
142 Central Poland Eutric Cambisols CMeu cover sand, sandy rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Haplic and Episkeletic PZha,
Stagnic Phaeozems PHst glaciofluvial deposits
Podzols PZskp
loess, acid plutonic and basic
Dystric and Eutric CMdy, volcanic rocks (granite,
Haplic and Stagnic
143 Czech Republic LVha, LVst Cambisols CMeu diabase), Cretaceous and rainfed arable land low mountain level
Stagnic Gleysols GLst Tertiary sedimentary rocks
(sandstone, marl)
Haplic and Stagnic
LVha, LVst Haplic Phaeozems PHha loess,
144 Czech Republic Haplic Podzols PZha Cretaceous sandstone and rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Calcic and Luvic
CHcc, CHlv Haplic Arenosols ARha marl
Haplic Podzols PZha sandy glaciofluvial and loamy
145 Central Poland Haplic and Gleyic Haplic Arenosols ARha glacial deposits, rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Luvisols LVha, LVgl cover sand
Haplic Podzols PZha sandy glaciofluvial to fluvial
Germany: Haplic and Lamellic ARha, ARll
Haplic Albeluvisols ABha deposits,
146 Flaeming, Lausitz Arenosols rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Dystric and Eutric loamy morainic
Southwest Poland Eutric Cambisols CMeu
Gleysols GLdy, GLeu deposits,cover sand, loess
451 Soil regions with predominant temperate sub-oceanic to temperate sub-continental climate
influenced by mountains
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
acid plutonic and volcanic
rocks, crystalline
CMeu, Stagnic Gleysols
Germany: Eutric and Dystric GLst metamorphic rocks (granite,
CMdy Haplic Luvisols mixed cultivation level to
147 Thueringer Wald, Cambisols LVha rhyolite, gneiss, phyllite), low mountain
Endoskeletic pattern sloping
Erzgebirge Haplic Podzols UMskn Palaeozoic metamorphic and
PZha Umbrisols
sedimentary rocks (slate,
greywacke), loess
acid plutonic and crystalline
Dystric and Eutric CMdy,
metamorphic rocks (granite,
Poland, Czech Republic: Cambisols CMeu mixed cultivation level to
148 Stagnic Luvisols LVst phyllite), Permian continental low mountain
Sudety Endoskeletic pattern sloping
series (conglomerate,
Umbrisols UMskn
sandstone), loess
Carboniferous sedimentary
Czech Republic: Dystric and Stagnic CMdy, and partly metamorphic level to
149 Albic Luvisols LVab rainfed arable land low mountain
Jeseniky Cambisols CMst rocks (greywacke, slate), sloping
Germany: Boehmerwald
Dystric Cambisols acid plutonic and crystalline
Austria: Greinerwald CMdy mixed cultivation level to
150 Endoskeletic Haplic Podzols PZha metamorphic rocks (granite, low mountain
Czech Republic: UMskn pattern sloping
Umbrisols gneiss, amphibolite)
Česky Les Sumaia

46 Soil regions with predominant temperate to warm temperate sub-continental climate, partly arid
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils

position code code material use class class

Haplic and Lamellic ARha, ARll
Calcic Chernozems CHcc eolian sand,
151 Northeast Hungary Arenosols rainfed arable land plain flat
Eutric Regosols RGeu sandy and loamy loess
Gleyic Phaeozems PHgl
Lamellic Arenosols ARll Calcaric and Gleyic PHca, PHgl
Hungary: eolian sand,
152 Calcic Chernozems CHcc Phaeozems rainfed arable land plain flat
Pannonian basin loess
Chromic Cambisols CMcr Haplic Luvisols LVha
sandy and loamy loess,
Chernic and Calcic CHch, Haplic Luvisols LVha
153 Austria, Czech Republic sandy and clayey Tertiary rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Chernozems CHcc Haplic Arenosols ARha
sediments, fluvial deposits
South and Southeast Calcic and Chernic
CHch loess,
154 Romania Chernozems Lamellic Arenosols ARll rainfed arable land plain flat
fluvial deposits
North Bulgaria Luvic Phaeozem
Hungary, Croatia, Serbia:
Mollic Gleysols GLmo
155 valleys of Danube, Calcaric Fluvisol FLca fluvial deposits rainfed arable land plain flat
Chromic Cambisols CMcr
Drava, Sava and Morava
Romania, Bulgaria:
Calcaric, Gleyic and FLca, FLgl, Calcaric Regosols RGca
156 valleys of Danube, Siret fluvial deposits rainfed arable land plain flat
Eutric Fluvisols FLeu Gleyic Solonetz SNgl
and Prut
Serbia: Vojvodina fluvial deposits,
157 Mollic Gleysols GLmo Gleyic Phaeozems PHgl rainfed arable land plain flat
Southwest Romania loess
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
outcrops of sandy to clayey,
Southwest Slovakia Chromic Cambisols CMcr level,
158 Haplic Luvisols LVha partly calcareous Mesozoic rainfed arable land plain to hill
North Hungary Calcaric Regosols RGca partly sloping
and Tertiary sedimentyry
Dystric and Eutri-
Croatia: Stagnic Luvisols LVst CMste loess,
159 stagnic Cambisols rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Slavonia Stagnic Albeluvisols ABst fluvial deposits
Mollic Gleysols
Austria: Burgenland Haplic and Chromic Mollic Gleysols GLmo loess,
160 LVha, LVcr rainfed arable land plain flat to level
West Hungary Luvisols Haplic Umbrisols UMha fluvial deposits
Haplic and Stagnic
LVha, LVst
Romania: Luvisols Tertiary marl, clay and sand, mixed cultivation level to
161 Eutric Cambisols CMeu low mountain
Transsylvania Haplic and Luvic Quaternary eluvium, loess pattern sloping
PHha, PHlv
Stagnic Luvisols LVst Pellic Vertisols VRpe loess, mixed cultivation
162 West Romania plain level
Calcic Chernozems CHcc Eutric Cambisols CMeu Tertiary marl and limestone pattern
Haplic and Chromic Mesozoic and Tertiary sandy
North and Southeast LVha, LVcr Eutri-vertic Planosols PLvre
Luvisols to clayey and calcareous mixed cultivation level,
163 Bulgaria Luvic Phaeozems PHlv plain to hill
Rendzic and Mollic sedimentary rocks, pattern partly sloping
Turkey: Istranca Daglari LPrz, LPmo Haplic Acrisols ACha
Leptosols loess, Quaternary eluvium
Gleyic, Stagnic and PHgl, PHst,
loamy and sandy loess,
Hungary: Pannonia basin Calcaric Phaeozems PHca
164 Haplic Umbrisols UMha eolian sand, rainfed arable land plain flat
Serbia: Vojvodina Calcic Chernozems CHcc
fluvial deposits
Haplic Arenosols ARha
Southeast Austria: Dystric and Eutric loess, level,
165 PLdy, PLeu Haplic Luvisols LVha rainfed arable land plain to hill

Steiermark, Burgenland Planosols fluvial deposits partly sloping

Dystric Planosols PLdy
Serbia Tertiary marl and clay,
166 Haplic and Stagnic Eutric Cambisols CMeu rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Northeast Bosnia loess
Luvisols LVha, LVst
Gleyic Solonchaks SCgl
Hungary: fluvial deposits,
167 Calcaric Phaeozems PHca Pellic Vertisols VRpe rainfed arable land plain flat
Danube valley eolian sand
Mollic Gleysols GLmo
Pellic Vertisols VRpe
Hungary, Serbia: Mollic Solonetz SNmo Mollic Gleysols GLmo
168 fluvial deposits rainfed arable land plain flat
Tisza valley Calcaric, Eutric and FLca, FLeu, Gleyic Pharozems PHgl
Dystric Fluvisols FLdy
Pellic Vertisols VRpe
Romania: loess,
169 Chromic and Stagnic Eutric Cambisols CMeu rainfed arable land plain flat to level
North Walachia fluvial deposits
Luvisols LVcr, LVst
Mesozoic and Tertiary
sedimentary rocks,
170 Bulgaria Pellic Vertisols VRpe Chromic Luvisols LVcr rainfed arable land plain flat to level
clayey and loamy
Quaternary eluvium
461 Soil regions with predominant temperate sub-continental climate influenced by mountains
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Dystric Cambisols CMdy
igneous, metamorphic and level,
171 Northeast Slovenia Rendzic and Calcaric Leptic Umbrisols UMle rainfed arable land plain to hill
sedimentary rocks partly sloping
Leptosols LPrz, LPca
Lithic and Umbric LPli, LPum
Croatia, Bosnia- Dystric Cambisols CMdy igneous, metamorphic and mixed forest typ level to
172 Leptosols low mountain
Herzegovina, Serbia Haplic Umbrisols UMha sedimentary rocks pattern sloping
Stagnic Luvisols LVst
Mesozoic limestone and
Hungary: Chromic Luvisols LVcr mixed cultivation level to
173 Rendzic Leptosols LPrz marl, plain to hill
Bakony Chromic Cambisols CMcr pattern sloping
Tertiary volcanic rocks

47 Soil regions with predominant temperate sub-continental to temperate continental climate, partly arid
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Haplic and Gleyic Dystric and Eutric GLdy, GLeu
ABha, ABgl Glaciofluvial, fluvial and
Southeast Belarus Albeluvisols Gleysols mixed cultivation
174 morainic deposits, plain flat
North Ukraine Haplic and Gleyic Dystric and Eutric HSdy, pattern
PZha, PZgl peat, partly loess
Podzols Histosols HSeu
Greyic and Haplic
Northeast Romania: PHha loess,
175 Calcic Chernozems CHcc Phaeozems rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Moldavia Tertiary sediments
Pellic Vertisols
Haplic, Luvic and CHha, Haplic Luvisols LVha
176 Moldova Calcic Chernozems CHlv, CHcc Mollic Gleysols GLmo rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Quaternary eluvium
Haplic Phaeozems PHha Gleyic Solonetz SNgl

Dystric and Eutric

GLdy, GLeu Haplic and Gleyic PZha, PZgl fluvial, glaciofluvial and
Northeast Ukraine: Gleysols mixed cultivation
177 Podzols morainic deposits, plain flat
Desna Lowland Gleyic and Haplic pattern
LVgl, LVha Haplic Albeluvisols ABha partly loess
South Belarus Dystric and Eutric
HSeu Gleyic and Haplic peat,
178 North Ukraine: Histosols PZgl, PZha wetlands plain flat
Podzols fluvial deposits
Polesye lowland Dystric Gleysols
Haplic and Stagnic LVha, LVst CMeu
Eutric Cambisols loess,
Southeast Poland Luvisols mixed cultivation
179 Haplic and Episkeletic morainic deposits, fluvial plain flat
North Ukraine Haplic and Greyic PHha, PZha, pattern
Podzols deposits
Phaeozems PHgz PZskp
Stagnic and Haplic
Romania: East and LVst, LVha
Luvisols Eutric Cambisols CMeu Tertiary sediments, mixed cultivation level,
180 South Carpathian low mountain
Haplic and Luvic Calcaric Regosols RGca loess pattern partly sloping
Foreland PHha, PHlv
Greyic and Haplic PHgz,
Phaeozems PHha
181 West Ukraine Haplic Luvisols LVha loess rainfed arable land plain flat
Luvic and Haplic
Chernozems CHlv, CHha
48 Soil regions with predominant temperate continental and steppic arid climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Calcaric Regosols RGca Tertiary, partly Mesozoic
Turkey: Haplic and Luvic Lithic and Rendzic LPli, LPrz sedimentary rocks with mountain, partly level to
182 Clha, CLlv rainfed arable land
Central and East Anatolia Calcisols Leptosols intercalations of magmatic high mountain sloping
Haplic Luvisols LVha and volcanic rocks
Lithic and Rendzic LPli, LPrz Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and
Turkey: mountain to
183 Calcaric Cambisols CMca Leptosols Tertiary sedimentary rocks, rainfed arable land sloping
Northeast Anatolia high mountain
Vertic Cambisols CMvr magmatic and volcanic rocks
SE Romania: Dobrogea Vermi-calcic KSvmc
Chernic and Calcic CHch, loess,
184 North Bulgaria: Kastanozems, rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Chernozems CHcc fluvial deposits
Ludogorie Luvic Phaeozems PHlv
Southwest Russia, South
Haplic and Calcic CHha, loess,
185 to East Ukraine: Pontic Greyic Phaeozems PHgz rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Chernozems CHcc Quaternary eluvium
Mollic Solonetz SNmo loess,
Ukraine: Luvic and Haplic
186 CHlv, CHha Haplic and Calcic Quaternary eluvium, Tertiary rainfed arable land plain flat
Central Krym Chernozems
Kastanozems KSha, KScc marl
Southwest Russia: loess,
187 Luvic Chernozems CHlv Mollic Solonetz SNmo rainfed arable land plain flat
Rostov district Quaternary eluvium
Central and East
Greyic Phaeozems PHgz
Ukraine, Southwest loess,
Luvic, Haplic and CHlv, Haplic Luvisols LVha
188 Russia: Quaternary eluvium, glacial rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Gleyic Chernozems CHha, CHgl Mollic Gleysols GLmo
East European forest deposits
Mollic Solonetz SNmo
Haplic and Calcic

189 South Ukraine Chernozems Haplic Planosols PLha loess rainfed arable land plain flat
Haplic Kastanozems
Russia: Luvic Chernozems CHlv morainic and glaciofluvial
Haplic Luvisols LVha
190 Lipetsk and Tambov Luvic and Greyic deposits, loess, rainfed arable land plain flat
Mollic Gleysols GLmo
district Phaeozems PHlv, PHgz Quaternary eluvium
Southwest Russia: Mollic Gleysols GLmo fluvial deposits, mixed cultivation
191 Eutric Fluvisols FLeu plain flat
Krasnodar district Haplic Kastanozems KSha partly marine deposits pattern
Quaternary lake and river
Turkey: Calcaric Fluvisols FLca mixed cultivation
192 Haplic Calcisols CLha deposits and weathering low mountain level
Central Anatolia Gleyic Solonchaks SCgl pattern
North and Northwest Haplic and Calcic Haplic Luvisols LVha Tertiary and Mesozoic level to
193 KSha, KScc shrubland low mountain
Turkey Kastanozems Calcaric Cambisols CMca sedimentary rocks sloping
Mollic Solonetz SNmo loess,
194 Black Sea Foreland Haplic Kastanozems KSha rainfed arable land plain flat
Mollic Solonchaks SCmo Quaternary eluvium
Southwest Russia
Luvic Chernozems CHlv
Southwest Russia: Haplic and Calcic Quaternary eluvium, loess,
195 KSha, KScc Mollic Gleysols GLmo rainfed arable land plain level
Stavropol district Kastanozems fluvial deposits
Greyic Phaeozems PHgz
Rendzic and Umbric LPrz, LPum Luvic Chernozems CHlv Mesozoic and Tertiary marl,
South Ukraine: plain, level,
196 Leptosols Mollic Solonetz SNmo limestone, chalk, rainfed arable land
Southern Krym partly hill partly sloping
Eutric Cambisols CMeu Haplic Kastanozems KSha Quaternary eluvium, loess
481 Soil regions with predominant temperate continental climate influenced by mountains
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Haplic Umbrisols UMha
South Ukraine: mixed cultivation hill to low
197 Eutric Cambisols CMeu Eutric Regosols RGeu Mesozoic sedimentary rocks sloping
Krymskiye Gory pattern mountain
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz
CMdy, Mesozoic and Tertiary
Haplic Umbrisols UMha Dystric and Eutric
Southwest Russia: CMeu sedimentary rocks, mixed cultivation
198 Rendzic and Lithic Cambisols hill to mountain sloping
Kavkaz igneous and metamorphic pattern
Leptosols LPrz, LPli Haplic Acrisols
ACha rocks

49 Soil regions with predominant temperate mountainous climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
igneous and metamorphic
Romania, Ukraine: Umbric Andosols ANum mixed cultivation low mountain to sloping,
199 Episkeletic Podzols PZskp rocks,
West-Carpathians Dystric Cambisols CMdy pattern high mountain partly steep
Switzerland, Germany, Eutric and Dystric
CMdy Rendzic Leptosols LPrz Cretaceous to Tertiary flysch mixed cultivation low mountain to sloping,
200 Austria: Flysch zone of Cambisols
Eutric Gleysols GLeu and marlstone pattern mountain partly steep
the Northern Alps Eutric Planosols
Palaeozoic and Precambrian
Italy, Austria: Dystric Cambisols CMdy Umbric Leptosols LPum mixed forest typ mountain to sloping to
201 metamorphic and volcanic
Southern Alps Lithic Leptosols LPli Haplic Podzols PZha pattern high mountain steep
Austria: Haplic Podzols PZha igneous and metamorphic mixed forest typ low mountain to sloping to
202 Dystric Cambisols CMdy
Steiermark Lithic Leptosols LPli rocks pattern high mountain steep
Chromic and Calcaric CMcr,

Slovenia, Croatia, limestone, dolomite, marl,

Cambisols CMca Chromic and Stagnic mixed forest typ low mountain to sloping,
203 Bosnia-Herzegovina, LVcr, LVst flysch,
Lithic and Rendzic Luvisols pattern mountain partly steep
Montenegro Quaternary eluvium
Leptosols LPli, LPrz
Romania, Ukraine: Eutric and Dystric CMeu, Episkeletic Podzols, PZskp Mesozoic and Tertiary flysch, mixed forest typ low mountain to
204 sloping
East-Carpathians Cambisols CMdy Lithic Leptosols LPli limestone, marl, sandstone pattern mountain
Dystric and Eutric Cretaceous and Tertiary
Poland, Slovakia: CMdy Haplic and Stagnic mixed cultivation level to
205 Cambisols LVha, LVst flysch, marl, sandstone , low mountain
Beskidy Luvisols pattern sloping
Umbrisols limestone
Romania: Muntii Dystric and Haplic Lithic, Rendzic and igneous and metamorphic
CMha LPli, LPrz,
Apuseni, Cambisols Umbric Leptosols rocks, Mesozoic and Tertiary mixed forest typ low mountain to sloping to
206 LPum
South-Carpathians Haplic and Episkeletic Endoskeletic flysch, limestone, marl, pattern high mountain steep
PZha, UMskn
East-Serbia Podzols Umbrisols sandstone
Lithic Leptosols Dystric and Eutric igneous and metamorphic
Slovakia: Lpli CMeu mixed cultivation low mountain to sloping to
207 Endoskeletic Cambisols rocks,
Tatry Umskn pattern high mountain steep
Umbrisols Haplic Podzols Tertiary sedimentary rocks
Rendzic and Lithic
LPrz, LPli
Northern, Western and Leptosols Mesozoic limestone or mixed forest typ mountain to steep,
208 Skeletic Cambisols CMsk
Southern Limestone-Alps partly permanent dolomite pattern high mountain partly sloping
snow cover
Dystric and Lithic LPdy, LPli
Dystric and Skeletic CMdy, igneous and metamorphic mixed forest typ
209 Central Alps Haplic Podzols PZha high mountain steep
Cambisols CMsk rocks pattern
(partly permanent
snow cover)
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Lithic and Rendzic LPli, LPrz igneous and metamorphic
France, Spain: Leptosols Calcaric Cambisols CMca rocks, mixed forest typ mountain to high steep,
Pyrenees Haplic Umbrisols UMha Haplic Podzols PZha Palaeozoic and Mesozoic pattern mountain partly sloping
Dystric Cambisols CMdy sedimentary rocks
morainic deposits,igneous
Austria: mixed forest typ level to
211 Haplic Luvisols LVha Eutric Cambisols CMeu and metamorphic rocks, low mountain
Klagenfurter Becken pattern sloping
Tertiary sedimentary rocks
Bulgaria: Stara Planina, Haplic Umbrisols
Lithic and Umbric igneous and metamorphic mixed forest typ low mountain to sloping to
212 Rila, Pirin, Rodopi Dystric and Eutric LPli, LPum
CMdy, Leptosols rocks pattern high mountain steep
Planina Cambisols

5 Soil regions with mediterranean climate

51 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean sub-oceanic to warm temperate sub-oceanic climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils dominant parent material slope class
position code code use class
Mesozoic to Tertiary
Italy: Haplic Calcisols CLha
213 Chromic Luvisols LVcr sedimentary rocks, rainfed arable land plain level
Veneto Eutric Cambisols CMeu
glacial deposits
Miocene marl, marly siltstone,
Italy: Eutric and Dystric CMeu, mixed cultivation level,
214 Calcic Luvisols LVcc limestone, molasses, plain to hill
Piemonte Cambisols CMdy pattern partly sloping
Haplic and Gleyic LVha, LVgl
Italy: glaciofluvial and glacial
215 Luvisols Eutric Gleysols GLeu rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Lombardia deposits
Calcaric Cambisols CMca

52 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean mountainous to warm temperate mountainous climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Spain: Calcaric, Umbric and LPca, Eutric Cambisols CMeu Jurassic and Cretaceous mixed cultivation
216 low mountain sloping
Asturias, Cantabria Rendzic Leptosols LPum, LPrz Chromic Luvisols LVcr limestone pattern
igneous and metamorphic
Spain: Haplic Umbrisols UMha Mollic Cambisols CMmo rocks, mixed cultivation low mountain to sloping,
Galicia, Asturias Umbric Leptosols LPum Haplic Luvisols LVha Palaeozoic and Mesozoic pattern high mountain partly steep
sedimentary rocks

53 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean oceanic to warm temperate oceanic climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Calcaric, Chromic and
Portugal: CMcr, Haplic Calcisols CLha Jurassic and Cretaceous mixed cultivation level,
218 Eutric Cambisols plain to hill
Estremadura CMeu Chromic Vertisols VRcr limestone, marl, sandstone pattern partly sloping
Calcic Luvisols
Neogene sandy deposits,
Portugal: Dystric and Eutric RGdy, mixed cultivation
219 Haplic Podzols PZha marine sand, dune sand, plain flat to level
Atlantic coast area Regosols RGeu pattern
fluvial sediments
54 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean sub-oceanic climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils dominant parent material slope class
position code code use class
Haplic Acrisols ACha Mesozoic and Tertiary
North Turkey: Haplic Umbrisols UMha
220 Dystric Cambisols CMdy sedimentary rocks and grassland low mountain sloping
Black Sea Foreland Mollic Leptosols LPmo
Haplic Calcisols CLha volcanic rocks
Calcaric, Rendzic
LPca, LPrz,
Spain: and Triassic to Tertiary limestone, mixed cultivation level to
221 Haplic Calcisols CLha LPli low mountain
Valencia, Islas Baleares Lithic Leptosols marl and sandstone pattern sloping
Haplic Umbrisols
Haplic Calcisols CLha
Spain: Eutric and Gleyic CMeu, Triassic to Tertiary limestone, mixed cultivation level to
222 Lithic, Calcaric and LPli, LPca, plain to hill
Cataluñia Cambisols CMgl marl and sandstone pattern sloping
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz
CMeu, Jurassic, Cretaceous and
Eutric and Chromic plain to hill,
Italy: CMcr Chromic Luvisols LVcr Tertiary marl, limestone, mixed cultivation level,
223 Cambisols partly low
Liguria, Toscana, Lazio Chromic Vertisols VRcr sandstone and detrital pattern partly sloping
Calcaric Regosols mountain
RGca formations
Italy: Eutric Cambisols CMeu Vertic Cambisols CMvr mixed cultivation level,
224 volcanic rocks plain to hill
Lazio, Monte Vesuvio Vitric Andosols ANvi Calcaric Regosols RGca pattern partly sloping
Italy: Quaternary marine deposits, level,
225 Vertic Cambisols CMvr Calcaric Regosols RGca rainfed arable land plain to hill
Basilicata Cretaceous sedimentary rocks partly sloping
Spain: Haplic Solonchaks SCha loamy to sandy river deposits
226 Calcaric Fluvisols FLca permanent crops plain flat
Valencia Eutric Gleysols GLeu marine sediments
Calcaric Fluvisols FLca loamy to sandy river deposits,
France: Chromic Cambisols CMcr
227 Haplic and Gleyic marine and estuarine rainfed arable land plain flat
Camargue Chromic Luvisols LVcr
Solonchaks SCha, SCgl sediments
North Turkey: Mouths of
Calcaric Fluvisols FLca sandy to loamy river deposits, mixed cultivation
228 the rivers Kizil Irmak and Haplic Arenosols ARha plain flat

Haplic Kastanozems KSha marine sediments pattern

Croatia: Dalmatia
Jurassic, Cretaceous and
Albania: Rendzic and Calcaric Chromic Cambisols CMcr mixed cultivation hill to low level to
229 LPrz, LPca Tertiary llimestone, dolomite,
Foreland of the Adriatic Leptosols Chromic Luvisols LVcr pattern mountain sloping
marl, flysch
Chromic and Eutric CMcr,
Italy: Jurassic and Cretaceous level to
230 Chromic Luvisols LVcr Cambisols CMeu deciduous forest hill
Promontorio del Gargano limestone and marl sloping
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz
Haplic Luvisols LVha
France: Calcaric Fluvisols FLca Neogene marl and limestone, mixed cultivation
231 Lithic, Calcaric and LPli, LPca, plain flat to level
Rhone and Aude valleys Eutric Cambisols CMeu fluvial deposits pattern
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz
Spain: Dystric Cambisols CMdy igneous rocks, mixed forest typ level to
232 Dystric Regosols RGdy hill
Cataluñia Eutric Fluvisols FLeu fluvial deposits pattern sloping
Italy: Calcaric, Eutric and
Calcaric and Eutric RGca, CMeu, Quaternary marine sediments,
233 Foreland of the Adriatic Vertic Cambisols rainfed arable land plain level
Regosols RGeu CMvr eolian and fluvial deposits
Sea Haplic Luvisols

541 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean sub-oceanic climate influenced by mountains
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Chromic Cambisols CMcr
France: semi-natural mixed low mountain sloping,
234 Dystric Leptosols LPdy Leptic Umbrisols UMle igneous rocks
West Corse pattern to high mountain partly steep
Episkeletic Podzols PZskp
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Mesozoic metamorphic hill,
France: Dystric Cambisols CMdy Eutric Cambisols CMeu semi-natural mixed level to
235 rocks, basalt, tuff, partly low
East Corse Chromic Luvisols LVcr Chromic Luvisols LVcr pattern sloping
Tertiary limestone and marl mountain
Dystric and Lithic LPdy, LPli
Italy: igneous and metamorphic mixed cultivation
236 Eutric Cambisols CMeu Umbric and Vitric ANum, ANvi hill to mountain sloping
Sardegna rocks pattern
Chromic Luvisols LVcr
Calcaric, Rendzic and LPca, LPrz,
France: Jurassic and Cretaceous mixed cultivation low mountain sloping,
237 Lithic Leptosols LPli Chromic Luvisols LVcr
Languedoc, Provence limestone pattern to mountain partly steep
Haplic Calcisols CLha
Dystric Regosols RGdy Chromic Luvisols igneous rocks,
Portugal: Guarda mixed cultivation low mountain
238 Haplic Umbrisols UMha Mollic and Eutric Precambrian to Palaeozoic sloping
Spain: Salamanca CMmo, pattern to mountain
Lithic Leptosols LPli Cambisols slates
Calcaric and Eutric RGca, Calcic and Chromic
LVcc, LVcr Jurassic, Cretaceous and
Albania, Greece: Regosols RGeu Luvisols mixed cultivation low mountain sloping,
239 Tertiary limestone, marl,
Ipiros Calcaric and Lithic Calcaric and Eutric pattern to mountain partly steep
FLca, FLeu flysch
Leptosols LPca, LPli Fluvisols
Southeast France: Umbrisols UM metamorphic rocks, mixed cultivation level,
240 Dystric Cambisols CMdy plain to hill
Massif des Maures Umbric Leptosols LPum Permian continental series pattern partly sloping

55 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean sub-oceanic to mediterranean sub-continental climate

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class

Eutric and Gleyic FLeu, FLgl loamy to sandy river

Italy: Chromic Luvisols LVcr
241 Fluvisols deposits, rainfed arable land plain flat
Po river plain Dystric Histosols HSdy
Eutri-fluvic Cambisols CMeuf peat
Italy: southern margin of Eutric Cambisols CMeu Quaternary marine and
242 Haplic Luvisols LVha rainfed arable land plain to hill level
the Po river plain Eutric Fluvisols FLeu fluvial deposits

551 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean sub-oceanic to mediterranean sub-continental climate influenced by mountains
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Spain: southern Triassic to Tertiary level to
Calcaric, Lithic and LPca, LPli, Haplic Calcisols CLha mixed cultivation
243 Pyrenees, Guadalajara, limestone, marl and mountain sloping,
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz Eutric Regosols RGeu pattern
Cuenca sandstone partly steep
Haplic Umbrisols UMha Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and
Spain: Eutric Regosols RGeu mixed cultivation sloping,
244 Calcaric and Lithic Tertiary marl, limestone, mountain
Soria, Teruel Eutric Cambisols CMeu pattern partly steep
Leptosols LPca, LPli sandstone and river alluvium

56 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean sub-continental to mediterranean continental climate, partly semiarid to arid
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Calcaric Fluvisols FLca
Spain: Gleyic Acrisols ACgl Tertiary sedimentary rocks, mixed cultivation
245 Haplic Calcisols CLha plain level
Badajoz Eutric Planosols PLeu fluvial deposits pattern
Chromic Luvisols LVcr
Calcaric Fluvisols FLca Tertiary marl, limestone and
Spain: Haplic Calcisols CLha level to
246 Calcaric Arenosols ARca detrital formations, rainfed arable land low mountain
Castilla y Leon Eutric Cambisols CMeu sloping
Chromic Luvisols LVcr fluvial deposits
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation slope
number dominant soils associated soils
position code code material use class class
Spain: Tertiary marl, limestone and
Haplic Calcisols CLha mixed cultivation level to
247 La Rioja, Navarra, Gleyic Cambisols CMgl detrital formations, low mountain
Calcaric Fluvisols FLca pattern sloping
Huesca, Lérida fluvial deposits
Calcic Vertisols VRcc Tertiary marl, limestone and
Spain: mixed cultivation level,
248 Haplic Calcisols CLha Calcaric Fluvisols FLca detrital formations, low mountain
Castilla La Mancha pattern partly sloping
Gleyic Solonchaks SCgl fluvial deposits
Haplic Gypsisols GYha
Spain: Calcaric Cambisols CMca Tertiary marl,
249 Haplic Calcisols Clha rainfed arable land plain to hill level
Zaragoza, Lérida Calcaric Fluvisols FLca fluvial deposits
Haplic Solonchaks SCha
Calcaric and Lithic LPca, LPli
Spain: Calcic and Vertic Mesozoic and Tertiary mixed cultivation level to
250 Leptosols LVcc, LVvr low mountain
Cuenca, Murcia Luvisols sedimentary rocks pattern sloping
Haplic Calcisols CLha
Vertic and Haplic LVvr, LVha Eutric Planosols PLeu
Spain: Tertiary sedimentary rocks, level to
251 Luvisols Haplic Calcisols CLha rainfed arable land low mountain
Salamanca, Segovia fluvial deposits sloping
Haplic Acrisols ACha Eutric Cambisols CMeu
Vertic Luvisols LVvr
Spain: Tertiary sedimentary rocks, level to
252 Eutric Planosols PLeu Eutric Fluvisols FLeu rainfed arable land low mountain
Toledo fluvial deposits sloping
Haplic Acrisols ACha
Haplic, Ferric and LVha, LVfr,
igneous and metamorphic
Portugal: Vertic Luvisols LVvr
253 Eutric Cambisols CMeu rocks, rainfed arable land plain level
Alto Alentejo Chromic and Pellic
Tertiary sedimentary rocks
Vertisols VRcr, VRpe
Eutric and Dystric Chromic and Vertic LVcr, LVvr igneous and metamorphic
Portugal: Baixo Alentejo RGdy
Regosols Luvisols rocks, mixed cultivation level,
254 Spain: Extremadura, low mountain
Eutric and Dystric Dystric Planosols PLdy Palaeozoic and Mesozoic pattern partly sloping
Sierra Morena CMeu,
Cambisols Lithic Leptosols LPli sedimentary rocks


57 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean to subtropic climate, partly semiarid

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Spain: Haplic and Aridic CLha, Clad
Rendzic and Lithic Mesozoic and Tertiary marl, hill to low level to
255 Almeria, Alicante, Calcisols LPrz, LPli barren land
Leptosols limestone and sandstone mountain sloping
Albacete Haplic Gypsisols GYha
Luvic and Haplic CLlv, Clha Tertiary and Mesozoic
South Turkey: Pamphylia Calcaric Regosols RGca level to
256 Calcisols sedimentary rocks, rainfed arable land low mountain
and border area to Syria Calcaric Fluvisols FLca sloping
Chromic Luvisols LVcr partly fluvial deposits
Vertic and Chromic CMvr, CMcr Lithic Leptosols LPli
Italy: Tertiary marl and limestone,
257 Cambisols Calcic Luvisols LVcc rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Sardegna weathering residues
Gleyic Luvisols LVgl Pellic Vertisols VRpe
Vertic and Eutric
Italy: Sicilia CMeu Chromic Luvisols LVcr Cretaceous and Tertiary hill,
Cambisols level to
258 Central and South Haplic Solonchaks SCha flysch, marl, limestone, rainfed arable land partly low
Haplic Calcisols sloping
Cyprus CLha Rendzic Leptosols LPrz Quaternary marine deposits mountain
Chromic Vertisols
Cretaceous and Tertiary
Italy: Eutric and Chromic CMeu, mixed cultivation
259 Chromic Luvisols LVcr sedimentary rocks, plain flat to level
Penisola Salentina Cambisols CMcr pattern
Quaternary marine deposits
fluvial deposits,
Greece: Calcaric Fluvisols FLca
260 Vertic Cambisols CMvr Cretaceous and Tertiary Irrigated arable land plain flat
Thessalia Chromic Vertisols VRcr
Greece: Vertic Luvisols LVvr mixed cultivation
261 Calcaric Fluvisols FLca fluvial deposits plain flat
Makedhonia, Thraki Eutric Regosols RGeu pattern
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
LPli, LPca,
Lithic, Calcaric and
Greece: Makedhonia, LPrz Palaeozoic, Mesozoic and level to
Rendzic Leptosols Chromic Luvisols LVcr mixed cultivation
262 Thessalia, Islands of the Tertiary sedimentary rocks, hill to mountain sloping,
Eutric and Vertic Calcaric Regosols RGca pattern
Aegean Sea CMeu, igneous rocks partly steep
Rendzic and Mollic igneous and metamorphic
LPrz, LPmo
Turkey: European part Leptosols rocks, level,
263 Eutric Cambisols CMeu shrubland hill
and West Anatolia Chromic and Haplic Tertiary, partly Mesozoic partly sloping
LVcr, LVha
Luvisols sedimentary rocks
Cyprus: Troodos igneous rocks, predominant
mixed cultivation hill to low
264 Mountains and northern Lithic Leptosols LPli Eutric Cambisols CMeu basic and ultrabasic, sloping
pattern mountain
range of mountains Mesozoic limestone
igneous and metamorphic
Calcaric and Lithic LPca, LPli level to
Greece: Chromic Luvisols LVcr rocks, mixed cultivation hill to low
265 Leptosols sloping,
Makedhonia, Thraki Eutric Cambisols CMeu Mesozoic and Tertiary pattern mountain
Chromic Vertisols VRcr partly steep
limestone, marl
Greece: North- and Chromic Luvisols LVcr Tertiary sedimentary rocks, mixed cultivation level to
266 Calcaric Regosols RGca hill
West-Peloponnisos Calcaric Fluvisols FLca marine and fluvial deposits pattern sloping
Eutric and Chromic
VReu, VRcr
Turkey, Bulgaria: Vertisols Chromic Luvisols LVcr
267 Tertiary sedimentary rocks rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Thrace Rendzic and Mollic Vertic Cambisols CMvr
LPrz, LPmo
Italy: Tavoliere della
Calcic and Chromic VRcc, VRcr Vertic and CMvr,
Puglia, coast of Golfo di Quaternary marine deposits, mixed cultivation
268 Vertisols Eutri-fluvic Cambisols CMeuf plain flat to level
Taranto fluvial deposits pattern
Chromic Luvisols LVcr Calcaric Regosols RGca
South Turkey

Pellic and Chromic VRpe, VRcr

Tertiary marl, limestone and
Spain: Sevilla, Cordoba Vertisols Lamellic Arenosols ARll
269 detrital formations, rainfed arable land plain flat to level
Portugal: Algarve Gleyic Acrisols ACgl Calcaric Fluvisols FLca
fluvial deposits
Dystric Planosols PLdy

571 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean to subtropic climate influenced by mountains
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Calcaric and Eutric level to
Spain: Haplic Calcisols CLha CMeu Palaeozoic to Tertiary marl, mixed cultivation low mountain
270 Cambisols sloping,
Andalusia Rendzic Leptosols LPrz limestone, sandstone, flysch pattern to mountain
Pellic Vertisols partly steep
Mollic and Calcaric
CMca Palaeozoic to Tertiary marl,
Spain: Eutric Cambisols CMeu Cambisols mixed forest typ hill to low level to
271 limestone, conglomerates,
Cadiz, Málaga Chromic Vertisols VRcr Haplic Umbrisols pattern mountain sloping
UMha sandstone, flysch
Calcic Luvisols
Greece: Calcaric and Lithic Calcaric Regosols RGca Mesozoic and Tertiary mixed cultivation low mountain sloping,
272 LPca, LPli
Peloponnisos, Kriti Leptosols Eutric Cambisols CMeu limestone, marl, flysch pattern to mountain partly steep
Lithic, Rendzic and LPli, LPrz Mesozoic and Tertiary
Turkey: Montains of Haplic Calcisols CLha mixed cultivation mountain, partly sloping,
273 Mollic Leptosols LPmo sedimentary rocks,
Northwest Anatolia Haplic Kastanozems KSha pattern high mountain partly steep
Calcaric Cambisols CMca volcanic rocks, flysch
58 Soil regions with predominant mediterranean mountainous climate
geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
Italy: Vitric Andosols ANvi mixed cultivation low mountain
274 Eutri-andic Cambisols CMeu-an volcanic rocks sloping
Monte Etna Lithic Leptosols LPli pattern to high mountain
CMdy, igneous and metamorphic
Dystric, Chromic and
Italy: CMcr, Haplic Luvisols LVha rocks, mixed cultivation sloping,
275 Eutric Cambisols hill to mountain
Calabria, North Sicilia CMeu Calcaric Regosols Rgca Tertiary limestone, marl, pattern partly steep
Lithic Leptosols
LPli flysch
Italy: Appennino Lucano, Dystric Cambisols CMdy Rendzic and Lithic Mesozoic and Tertiary flysch, mixed cultivation sloping,
276 LPrz, LPli hill to mountain
Appennino Napoletono Calcaric Regosols RGca Leptosols limestone, marl, sandstone, pattern partly steep
Dystric and Eutric
Italy: Appennino Tosco- CMeu Gleyic and Haplic Tertiary and Mesozoic flysch, low mountain sloping,
277 Cambisols LVgl, LVha deciduous forest
Emiliano Luvisols limestone, marl, sandstone to hogh mountain partly steep
Lithic Leptosols
Italy: Appennino Eutric and Dystric Vertic Cambisols CMvr
CMdy Tertiary and Mesozoic flysch, mixed cultivation hill to low
278 (northeast and east Cambisols Lithic and Rendzic sloping
marl, limestone, sandstone pattern mountain
declivity) Calcaric Regosols Leptosols LPli, LPrz
Italy: Appennino Mesozoic and Tertiary
Rendzic Leptosols LPrz low mountain sloping to
279 Abruzzese, App. Umbro- Calcaric Regosols RGca limestone, marl, sandstone, deciduous forest
Eutric Cambisols CMeu to high mountain steep
Marchigiano flysch
Lithic and Rendzic LPli, LPrz Mesozoic and Tertiary flysch,
Albania, Greece: Haplic Umbrisols UMha mixed cultivation low mountain sloping to
280 Leptosols limestone, molasse, igneous
Pindhos Haplic Calcisols CLha pattern to high mountain steep
Chromic Luvisols LVcr and metamorphic rocks
Palaeozioc, Mesozoic and
Rendzic and Eutric LPrz, LPeu
Tertiary sedimentary rocks, mixed cultivation low mountain sloping to
281 Macedonia Leptosols Dystric Cambisols CMdy
igneous and metamorphic pattern to high mountain steep

Calcaric Regosols RGca

Spain: Sierra Nevada, Dystric, Lithic and LPda, LPli, Mesozoic limestone, marl,
mixed cultivation sloping,
282 Sierra de los Filabres, Rendzic Leptosols LPrz Eutric Cambisols CMeu sandstone, high mountain
pattern partly steep
Sierra de Segura Haplic Calcisols CLha Palaeozoic slate
Lithic and Dystric Lpli, Lpdy
Leptosols Dystric and Mollic Cmdy, igneous and metamorphic mixed cultivation mountain sloping,
283 Sierra de Gredos,
Haplic Umbrisols UMha Cambisols CMmo rocks pattern to high mountain partly steep
Sierra de Guadarrama
Dystric Regosols RGdy
Turkey: Taurus Mesozoic and Tertiary
Lithic, Rendzic LPli, LPrz Eutric and Calcaric CMeu, sloping to
284 Mountains (Toros sedimentary rocks, shrubland high mountain
and Mollic Leptosols LPmo Cambisols CMca steep
Daglari) volcanic rocks

Glacier or permanent snow cover

geographical WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
number dominant soils associated soils slope class
position code code material use class
permanent ice and sloping,
285 Iceland, Norway, Alps Non soils Lithic Leptosols LPli glacier ice, glacier drift high mountain
snow partly steep

Soils without regard to climate

WRB- WRB- dominant parent dominant land elevation
geographical position dominant soils associated soils slope class
code code material use class
Fluvisols, Gleysols, sandy to loamy fluvial no specification level
undifferentiated undifferentiated deposits
all over Europe
Anthrosols and Urban plain to hill level to
Areas sloping

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