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1. What wild animals can you name in English?
2. What suggestions can you make for the extinction of some species?
3. Which animals are under the threat of extinction in your country?
A. 1. Do you know anything about the problem of extinction?
2. In what ways do you think wild animals are threatened by human beings?
B. Read the text and the solutions from (a-e) and match each solution with the appropriate
paragraph. There is one extra solution.
a. Governments should pass laws to build cleaning devices for factory waste.
b. We should keep the balance in the ecosystem.
c. We must stop deforestation.
d. Do not ever wear fur or buy products like rhino horn or handicrafts made from ivory.
e. We must support environmental groups and ecology lovers.


1.  There is nothing unusual about species to become
extinct. Of course, no species is immortal, and extinction goes on
all the time. Some extinction must happen on a fairly regular
basis. In total, 762 plants and animal species are now recorded
as extinct. Undeniably, in the last 200 years, people have caused
this process to speed up. Today 25 percent of mammal species
and 12 percent of bird species are threatened with extinction.
What’s more, it is estimated that one million species will have
been lost before we take some serious precautions. Virtually, all
extinctions today are caused by human activities.
2.  Firstly, people threaten the survival of animal species
by chopping down rainforests which are their habitat. Not only are
animal species dying out in this way, but also many species of
plants are disappearing. Because of increasing population and
industrialization, people keep on building houses and factories in
the fields and forests. Obviously, when one completely destroys a
habitat, all the species in it will disappear. Mammals, birds,
reptiles, insects and fish are dying out because they are losing
their homes.
3.  Secondly, animals are dying because of overhunting.
One example is the Tibetan Antelope because poachers have
been hunting it down for its skin. Elephants are also killed
because people have been using their tusks for jewellery and
medicine. Other rare animals that have been threatened with
extinction from overhunting are the blue whale, the mountain
gorilla and the cheetah. For instance, after some types of whales
started to face the danger of extinction, many countries joined
together to ban whaling in 1985. But there are some countries
where they have been catching them for years.
4.  Polluting the air, water and soil also causes some
species to die. When the waste from factories is dumped into
rivers, it makes them polluted. The fish that live in the river get
poisoned and die. The birds that eat the poisoned fish also get
poisoned. In some parts of the world the seas are polluted by oil
spills which cause terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the
coast. As a result, the birds living there cannot move or find food
and eventually die. All around the earth, populations of most
species of frogs and toads are also declining because of water

C. Answer the questions.
1. What’s an endangered animal? 4. Animals face extinction when they are...
a) A dangerous animal. a) captured.
b) An extinct animal. b) dying out.
c) An animal that is in danger of becoming c) hunted.
extinct. 5. Extinct species are the ones that...
2. ‘Speeding up extinction’ means... a) no longer exist.
a) accelerating extinction. b) we call rare.
b) causing extinction. c) are threatened.
c) stopping extinction. 6. Frogs and toads are declining because...
3. An animal’s natural environment is called... a) they are eaten by birds.
a) habitation. b) the rivers are polluted.
b) habitat. c) fish eat them.
c) rainforest.
D. Work in groups. Ask and answer about how to protect endangered species.
A. Look at the posters and answer these questions.
1. Which of these animals live in your country?
2. What do they have in common?
B. A student is presenting her project on endangered animals. Number the posters in the order
you hear them.
Whales Sea otters African Snow Leopards

 Don’t hunt them. Let them  Save their fur!  Protect their habitat!
Pandas Birds Caretta carettas

 Leave bamboos to them!  Pesticides are killing them!  Don’t disturb them. Let their
eggs hatch!
C. Read the sentences and write the name of each endangered animal.
1. Don’t destroy their habitat. (..................................)
2. Obey the rules on fishing. (..................................)
3. Don’t dig holes on the beach. (..................................)
4. Don’t use chemicals in fields. (..................................)
5. Don’t cut down bamboo trees. (..................................)
6. Don’t hunt them for their fur. (..................................)
D. Work in groups of four and say why the animals above are in danger of extinction.
e.g. African Snow Leopards have been facing extinction because people are destroying their

A. 1. What do you know about Caretta carettas?
2. Where do they live in Turkey?
3. What dangers do they face in their habitat?
B. Read the text and find the reasons why the Caretta caretta is in danger.


The Caretta caretta is a kinds of boats sailing close to universities in 1988. Since
kind of bulky turtle living in the the seashore, sea sports then they have been studying
Mediterranean. They have activities and the harmful hard to prevent these animals
become extinct in all waste of the hotels in touristic from becoming extinct. Some
Mediterranean countries areas. civil organizations have also
except Anatolia. Their natural Both individuals and the been volunteering to protect
habitat is between Dalyan government should take their shelters.
(Muğla) and Samandağ immediate actions. But We are in urgent need of
(Hatay) in Turkey. unfortunately, nothing serious saving them. Otherwise, these
These lovely animals have had been done until the cute animals will have become
faced various dangers such as Ministry of Environment and extinct by the time we take
the rapid pollution of the seas, Forestry supported a group of further precautions.
fishnets and trawl lines, all specialists from different
C. Answer the questions.
1. Where is Caretta carettas’ natural habitat?
2. Is some equipment used for fishing a danger for them?
3. What precaution did the government take to protect Caretta carettas in 1988?
4. What will happen if we don’t take some more precautions to protect them?
D. Imagine that you are a ‘Caretta caretta’ and write a paragraph about the dangers you face
during hatch.

How long shall I wait until you give

a hand? Life is so difficult for me
because it is full of dangers. First of all,

A. Look at the pictures. What do you know about the ecosystem?
B. Listen to the dialogue between a girl and her father about how the ecosystem works and fill in
the missing words.


C. Match the following with the parts of the ecosystem above.

a. bacteria and fungi ..................................
b. plants ..................................
c. animals ..................................
d. energy ..................................
D. 1. Look at the food chain and describe it.
e.g. The sun is the source of energy for the food chain.

2. What would happen if a certain species of plant or animal disappeared?

A. 1. Look at the pictures and name the animals.
2. Why are they in danger of extinction?

a. ................................................ b. ................................................ c. ................................................

B. Read the essay to find out the main idea.

Can you think of a world without animals? If we go on exploiting nature, our grandchildren will
not see any of them. Animals like the sea otter, the orang-utan and the peregrine falcon are some of
the species which are about to become extinct.
The sea otter -a rare animal- has been hunted for its soft and thick fur for years. It was close to
extinction when an international treaty gave it complete protection in 1911. Pollution from oil spills is
still a major threat to these animals. We should lessen the major possible dangers immediately, or
else the sea otter will have faced extinction by the time we take action to save them.
The orang-utan is another rare animal under the threat of extinction. The world population now
numbers between 15,000 and 30,000 in the wild and about 500 in zoos. The major dangers for
them are the destruction of forests and animal trade.
Some birds also face extinction. For instance, the peregrine falcon, which is one of the bird
species, is on the endangered list. Egg-collecting, capturing young birds for falconry, the
disturbance of nesting sites and hunting are the main dangers. In 1960 it was found that the
widespread use of pesticides, mainly DDT, was also a threat for them.
As long as we do not take any precautions, not only these species, but also others will totally
disappear from the earth. Can you imagine how life would be without them?

C. Match the animals with the reasons for their extinction.

 1. fur trade  4. egg-collecting  7. hunting
 2. deforestation  5. pollution from oil spills  8. pesticides
 3. animal trade  6. capturing young birds

D. Read the tips on writing a good essay and fill in the plan.

Introduction: It is the 1st paragraph. The main idea is given. It must cover all the points which will
be developed in the following paragraphs.
Supporting Paragraphs: They explain and support the main idea. Each point which is expressed in
the main idea is explained in a different paragraph. Every paragraph must contain a topic sentence
which is related to the main idea.
Conclusion: This is the last paragraph. It is the restatement or the summary of the first paragraph.
1st paragraph
........... idea
Main Body
..........., 3rd and ............ paragraphs
Explain and ................. the main idea in details
............. paragraph
Restatement or summary of the .......... paragraph

E. Write an essay (100-120 words) about the animals in danger. Use the text ‘Rare Animals’ as a

A. Fill in the blanks using Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous or Future Perfect Tenses.

1. In many countries people ............................. (cut) down trees for years.

2. Some species ............................. (already / become) extinct.
3. Do you think the protesters ............................. (finish) their demonstration by the time we reach
4. The blue whale is becoming extinct. Man ............................. (overhunt) them.
5. Although some pesticides are banned, some countries ............................. (use) them for years.
6. The population of the rare mountain gorilla ............................. (increase) because of the ban on
7. The nuclear plant near the village ............................. (be) a great threat to the environment for
years and the government is preparing to pass a law against it. By next year they .........................
(pass) the law.

B. Fill in with “by the time”, “until”, “after” or “when”.

1. ....................... we destroy the insects which are harmful to our crops, we give harm to the birds
that live on them, too.
2. Millions of plants and animals will have become extinct ....................... we learn to protect them.
3. ....................... all the citizens have gathered in the city centre, the demonstration against the
timber companies will start.
4. Swans won’t have been saved from extinction ....................... people stop hunting them for making
comfortable pillows.

C. Study the chart and match the following.

The number of elephants is falling rapidly because of poaching and illegal ivory
trade. Besides, they have been used as beast of burden and circus performers.

Chimpanzees Chimpanzees are greatly used in scientific researches.

They are extensively hunted for food, feathers, skin and quills. The decrease
Trumpeter Swans
continues with the gradual loss of nesting, feeding and wintering habitats.

The expansion of human settlements in Africa is a threat to these fastest

Cheetahs runners and their prey. Ranchers, who kill cheetahs to protect their flocks, and
zoo collectors have had an impact on their decline as well.

 1. By the time scientists succeed in inventing cheap

a. when laws are passed to protect them.
b. by the time they learn to use sign
artificial ivory,
 2. The scientists will have spent years teaching
c. the elephant population will have
 3. Until we find wintering habitat for Trumpeter
d. all the natural nesting sites will have
 4. The ranchers will have killed most of the cheetahs
been destroyed.

• When we talk about actions which happened at an unstated time in the past and related to the
present, we use Present Perfect Tense.
• When we talk about actions which started in the past and lasted for sometime, we use Present
Perfect Continuous Tense. The action may have finished or may still be going on. The result of the
action is visible in the present.
• When we talk about actions which will be finished before a stated future time, we use Future
Perfect Tense with time expressions such as until, by the time, when and after.

Make your own poster with a slogan for any endangered animal you like.

Build this pyramid with the words about extinction beginning with ‘d’.

d__ Line 1: a 3-letter word for ‘pass away’

d___ Line 2: a 4-letter word for ‘no longer alive’

d____ Line 3: a 5-letter word for ‘process of dying’

d_____ Line 4: a 6-letter word for ‘harm, destruction’

d______ Line 5: a 7-letter word for ‘ruin, kill’

d_______ Line 6: an 8-letter word for ‘sudden great misfortune’

d________ Line 7: a 9-letter word for ‘become invisible’


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