7 Fuel System

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ESL 12 & 16 Mk2 Section 7



7.1. DESCRIPTION AND FLOW DIAGRAM .................... 2

Low Pressure Fuel System ................................. 2
High Pressure Fuel System ................................. 3
Fuel Injection Pumps ..................................... 3
Fuel Injectors ............................................ 3
7.2. FUEL SYSTEM - BLEEDING ............................. 4
7.3. FUEL FILTER ASSEMBLY ................................ 5
Simplex Fuel Filter Element Renewal ....................... 7
Removal ................................................ 7
Installation .............................................. 8
Duplex Filter Element Renewal (LH element change described) . 8
Removal ................................................ 8
Installation ............................................... 8
Duplex Filter - Control Valve '0' Ring Renewal .............. 10
7.4. FUEL INJECTION PUMPS ............................... 11
Fuel Injection Pump Replacement .......................... 11
PumpRemoval .......................................... 11
Fuel Injection Pump Installation ............................ 12
Fuel Injection Pump Maintenance .......................... 12
Fuel Injection Pump. Spill Port Closing (SPC) Timing Check .... 14
75 FUELINJECTORS ...................................... 16
Fuel Injector Replacement ................................. 16
Injector Removal ......................................... 16
Injector Installation ....................................... 18
DismantlingProcedure .................................... 18
Re- assembly Procedure ................................. 19
7.6. TECHNICALDATA ...................................... 20

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ESL 12 & 16 Mk2 Section 7
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Figure 128 - vpical Fuel System Diagram

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Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2

Figure 129 - Fuel System Looking

onto ’B’ Bank

1. ‘A’ bank fuel feed pipe

2. ’Ebank fuel feed pipe
3. Engine fuel supply pipe
4. Duplex fiter
5. Pump drain collector box
6. Injector leak off manifold
7. Pump drain manifold
8. Fuel feed manifold
9. Fuel return manifold
10. Fuel pump redd banjo connector
11. Fuel pump return pipe

7.1.a) Low Pressure Fuel Svs-
The daily service fuel tank has a drain tap fitted at its lowest point, to enable any water and
sediment present to be drained off. The draining frequency depends on the quality of the
fuel used. The fuel is fed to the engine by a low pressure lift pump, which may be either
engine driven (‘on-engine’) or remotely mounted, motor driven (‘off-engine’). A
pressure relief valve limits the pump output pressure (see Technical Data for operating
pressure). In the event of a pump failure, a by-pass circuit allows a gravity fed flow of fuel
past the lift pump, but this may result in power loss and cylinder imbalance.
The fuel is then fed to the filter, which may be either Simplex or Duplex. The latter allows
the filter elements to be renewed, one at a time, with the engine running. The fuel flows to
feed manifolds on each bank which attach directly to and interconnect the injection pumps.
There are similar fuel return manifolds on each bank.
The fuel flow is in excess of injection pump requirements. This excess flow in the fuel feed
manifolds passes through the pumps (across the plunger mechanism) to the return
manifolds, for injection pump cooling. A pressure control valve in the fuel return line
maintains a constant back pressure (see system diagram).

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ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Section 7

7.1.b) H i g h s u r e Fuel Svstem

The system consists of one fuel injection pump and one fuel injector per cylinder. A high
pressure fuel pipe connects each pump to its injector. In certain installations, such as
unmanned engine rooms, these pipes are sheathed and are fitted with an alarm to give
warning of pipe leaks.
.)- . .
Depending upon the engine rating andor the grade of fuel to be used, either 'CC' or 'CV'
type Lucas Bryce pumps are fitted.
The 'CC' type pumps are used on distillate fuelled engines rated at up to 17.5 bar BMEF!

a The 'CV'typepumps are used on distillate fuelled engines rated at over 17.5bar BMEP and
on all heavy fuelled engines. When used with heavy fuel, the pumps are fitted with a
separate oil supply for lubrication.
7.1.d) Fuel IniectprS
Fuel from each injection pump is delivered to the injector by high pressure pipe (Figure
138). The normal fuel back-leakage from the injector nozzle valve is fed to the injector
leak off manifold via drillings in the inject or and cylinder head. This fuel is then piped back
to the daily service fuel tank.
The injector is sealed to the cylinder by an annealed copper washer, seated on a machined
shoulder in the cylinder head. Care should be taken to remove the washer and renew it,
whenever the injectors are removed. If it is necessary to re-use a washer, it must be
annealed before re-fitting.

a There are two basic types of fuel injector fitted - uncooled for engines running on distillate
fuel and a cooled version for residual (heavy) fuel applications, to prevent the injector
nozzles overheating. The latter use distillate fuel as the cooling agent, which is pumped
through the injector via drillingsin the cylinder head and injector tube (Figure 130). Before
removing heavy fuel injectors, it is vital that the injector cooling system is turned off and
W M N G : Thefuelsystem can be particularly hazardous ifthe correct safety precautions are
not observed. Dangers existjbomfuel toxicity,jlammabili&and the high pressuresgenerated in
the injection Vstem.
1) If fuel comes into contact with the eyes, ears or is swallowed, or is injected into the body
through the skin, obtain immediate medical aid.

2) Wear barrier cream, protective gloves and overalls at all times. Also wear goggles if there is
any risk of fuel entering the eyes.

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Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Do not carry out any rectification of the fuel injection system whilst the engine is turning.

When testing fuel injectors do not place any part of the body in the vicinity of the spray, as
fuel could penetrate the skin.

Ensure there are no naked lights, use only electrically safe lighting and do not smoke in the
vicinity of the engine.

Clean up any spilt fuel immediately.

NOTE:- Check coolantflow ratefor heavy fuel operation is 0.6 litresiper minutefor each
injector. To check thk disconnect the coolant return pipe and measurejlow while running the
engine at full load and speed.
Injector coolan1

Figure 130 - Injector Cooling System (Heavy Fuel Only) a

CAUTION:The fuel system, and especially the injection pumps and injectors, is susceptible to
damage by solidparticles, liquids or air. A particular hazard is blockage of the injector nozzles,
which can cause excessively high line pressures. If solid or liquid contamination occurs, the
system must be thoroughlyflushed and, if necessary, dismantled and cleaned. I f there is any
possibility of air having entered thefuel system, it should be bled.
A list of fuel specification limits is given in Technical Data, (page 2-8).


It is vital to keep the high pressure fuel system free of air to prevent power fluctuations and
to avoid damage to the fuel pumps and injectors.

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ESL 12 & 16 Mk2 Section 7

1. Isolate the engine starting system and open the fuel isolating valve.

2. Bleed the low pressure side of the system:-

(a) Switch on the off-engine fuel pump (if fitted) and run for two minutes

OR (if an on-engine pump is fitted)

(b) Loosen one of the pipe connections between the fuel return manifold and the return
line pressure control valve (Figure 128) to allow fuel to flow through the manifolds under
gravity. Tighten when an air free flow of fuel is obtained.

3. Bleed the high pressure side of the system:-

e (a) If the engine has an adequate startingcapacity, attempt to start the engine normally -
this usually bleeds the high pressure fuel system automatically.

OR (if this method fails to work)


(b) Run the lub oilprimingpump until system pressure is gained, to overcome the engine
I protection system. Set the engine control lever to 'WORK, to open the fuel pump
control racks. Slacken all injector fuel pipe to injector unions and slacken the
! cylinder head pressure release plugs. Bar the flywheel round to operate the fuel
I injection pumpsand tighteneachfuelpipeunion as soon as anair-free spray offuelis
obtained. Tighten the pressure release plugs.

4. Set the control lever to 'STOP' and switch off the off-engine fuel pump.

5. When the engine is next run, check that all cylinders are firing.
e W m N G : Very highfuelpressuresaregenerated in thefirel injection system. Wearprotective
gloves andgoggles and do not allow any part of the body to contact the high pressurefuel spray,
during the next stage.
rfany cylinder appears not to bejiring correcth,carem& slacken the union nuf at the appropriate
injector, whenfirelfrowsfreefrom air retighten the nut, and note the consequent improvement in

The filter is intended only to remove small particles and not to clean dirty fuel. The Duplex
type filter contains two separate disposable filter elements,which can be renewed and bled,
one at a time, whilst the engine is running. On certain installations,the Duplex filter may be
fitted with a guard to prevent the inadvertent removal of the in-use bowl. The five position
control handle directs the fuel flow through the filter (Figure 131)

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Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
NOTE: The ’prime’posilionfor onejilter is next fo the ’in use’positionfor the ~ j i l t e c
The control valve should never be set to both’, except in an emergency. Eachjilfer must be primed
and bled immediately a@er changing the element
Renew the filter element when any of the followhg limits are exceeded

LH Prime RH Both


u e l pressure

LJ No fuel pressure

Prime LH RH

Figure 131 - Duplex Filter Handle Positions, Showing Pressurised Bowls

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ESL 12 & 16 Mk2 Section 7

1. If the pressure drop across the filter exceeds 0.7 bar (1Opsi) or if there are symptoms of fuel

2. After 12 months of use.

Figure 132 - Simplex Fuel Filter

3. After the first 1,000hours running following installation or overhaul and subsequently every
2,000 hours running. However, this period is dependent on the use of high quality fuel. The
period may be greatly reduced if operating on dirty fuel.

e 73.a) Simolex Fuel Filter Element Renewal

Assoc iated Tasks;

1. Fuel system bleeding.

1) Isolate the engine starting system and turn the control lever to 'STOP'. Shut down the
engine and, if fitted, the off-engine fuel pump. Close the fuel supply isolating valve.

2) Place a container under the filter to catch any spilt fuel.

3) Remove the bleed plug and drain off the fuel.

4) Remove the filter bowl and element.

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Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Discard any fuel from the bowl and discard the element.

Remove the joint ring and '0' ring. Renew if worn or damaged.
Thoroughly clean the bowl and all components.
CAUTI0N:No dirt must be allowed to enter the fuel system.
Assemble the filter bowl components with a new element, ensuring the element is correctly

Fit the joint ring to the head casting and fit the filter bowl assembly. Tighten the securing
bolt to 13.5 Nm (10 1bf.ft).
CAUTI0N:Do not overtighten as this will damage thejoint ring.
Fit the bleed plug and bleed the fuel system (page 7-4).
73.b) Duulex Filter Element Renewal (LH element change d e s c r m
This operation should be carried out at the first convenient time after switching to a clean

Set the control handle to 'RH(right hand), Figure 131.

Place a container under the filter to catch any spilt fuel.

Loosen the LH (left hand) filter bleed plug carefully, to check that the bowl is not
pressurised. 0
Drain the LH filter bowl, then unbolt and remove the bowl and element assembly.

Discard any fuel from the bowl and discard the filter element.

Remove the joint ring and '0' ring. Renew if worn or damaged,

Clean the bowl and all components.

CIUTI0N:No dirt must be allowed to enter the fuel system.

Assemble the filter bowl components with a new filter element, ensuring the element is
correctly seated.

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ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Section 7

2) Fit the joint ring to the head casting and fit the filter bowl assembly. Tighten the filter bowl
securing bolt to 13.5 Nm (10 1bf.ft).

3) Loosen the bleed plug on the LH filter, holding a container beneath to catch any spilt fuel.

Figure 133 - Duplex Fuel Filter

1. Filter control handle
2. Filter bowl securing bolt
3. Bleed plug
4. Joint ring
5. Filter element
6. BOW1
7. '0ring
8. Element locating spring
9. Drain plug

4) Slowly turn the control handle towards 'Prime LH' until .del spills ..Jm the bleed plug.

5) Close the bleed plug when an air free flow of fuel is obtained.

LastIssued llM3 7-9 Minlccs Bla&tanc Ltd

Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
6) Turn the control handle to the position prior to element renewal.
7.3.c) Duulex Filter - C o ntrolValve 9 09 RI P Rn ~e d

Suares Rea_uire&

1) Filter rear cover plate gaskzt.

2) Control valve'0' rings.

Associated " a s kg

1) Fuel system bleeding.

Isolate the engine starting system and set the engine control lever to 'STOP'. Ensure the
off-engine fuel pump, if fitted, is off and close the fuel supply isolating valve.
Place a container under the filter, loosen the fuel feed manifold bleed plugs and turn the
control handle to 'BOTH'. Remove both bleed plugs and drain plugs from the filter and
drain the filter and fuel manifolds. Refit the bleed and drain plugs.
Disconnect the fuel pipes from the filter.
Remove the filter assembly from the engine and place on a clean work surface.
Remove the rear cover plate from the filter, held by four socket screws.
Remove the control handle, held by one bolt.
Remove the circlip exposed by removing the handle, and withdraw the spindle.
Clean the spindle and renew the '0'
Fit the spindle and its circlip.
Fit the control handle and its securing bolt.
Fit the rear cover plate and a new gasket.

12) Fit the filter to the engine and conned the fuel pipes.
13) Open the fuel supply isolating valve.
14) To prime and bleed the filter, turn the control handle to 'BOTH' and place a container
beneath the filter to catch any spilt fuel.

U) Start the LP fuel pump and carefully loosen the bleed screws over both filter bowls. Close
both bleed plugs when an air-free flow of fuel is obtained.

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ESL 12 & 16 Mk2 Section 7

16) Bleed the fuel system (page 7-4). l b r n the selector handle to the desired position.
17) Check the filter and all disturbed fuel connections for leaks, when the engine is next run.
7.4. FUEL I N . m O N PUMPS

7.4.a) Fuel Iniection PumD ReDlacement

The pumps are designed to be

interchangeable, in that they are supplied with
fiied shims to provide a standard fuel pump
spill timing. Therefore, in an emergency the
pumps can be changed without the delay of
checking spill timing. The fuel pump rack
must still be adjusted to the correct setting, as
described below. It is recommendedthat the
spill timing is checked at the earliest possible
opportunity, in order to be assured of the
optimum fuel consumption.
Associated Tasks

1) Fuel system draining filling and bleeding.

2) Fuelpump spill timing check (ifa different
pump isfitted or after prolonged running).
May be omitted in emergency.
pump Removal -
Figure 134 Fuel injection pumps
(CCtype), fuel manifolds and control
1) Isolate the engine starting system and set the linkage removed
control lever to 'STOP'. Close the fuel supply isolating valve. Open the 'in-use' fuel filter
drain plug to drain the manifolds, using a container to catch any spilt fuel.

2) Remove the injector fuel pipe. Fit protective plastic caps to the four exposed connections.

3) Remove the fuel feed manifold banjo connector, using a container to catch any spilt fuel.

4) Remove the fuel pump to return manifold pipe.

5) lb ensure that the fuel tappet is on the base circle of its cam and that therefore the fuel pump
is not under load:
Loosen the cylinder head pressure relief plug two turns (Figure 4). Bar the flywheel in its
normal direction of rotation until air is heard escaping from the valve. (This indicates that

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Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
the piston is near TDC compression stroke). Bar the flywheel round one further rotation,
bringing the piston to TDC exhaust stroke and the fuel pump pushrod clear of the fuel
Remove the four fuel pump mounting nuts and washers, ensuring that the studs do not turn.

Disengage the fuel pump rack from the operating lever and lift out the fuel pump.

Fit protective plastic caps to the pump inlet and outlet ports and grease all running surfaces.

Fuel Iniection Puma Installation

If the pump is being renewed, transfer the fork end and locknut to the new pump. Adjust the
rack - see 'Fuel Control System', Page 11-11, stage 2.

Place the fuel pump in position and tighten the securing nuts finger tight only.

Fit the fuel pump to return manifold pipe.

Fit and tighten the fuel feed manifold banjo connector. Tighten the fuel pump securing nuts
progressively to 75 Nm (55 1bf.h).

Check the fuel pump spill timing (page 7-14) if convenient (see above).

Fit the injector fuel pipe.

Bleed the fuel system (page 7-4). To avoid overfuelling the cylinder on start up, move the
rack adjuster to give the same pump rack setting as the adjacent pumps.

When the engine is next run, check all disturbed connections for leaks and balance the
cylinder head temperatures with the engine on load. (See 'Fuel Control System', Page
11-11, stages 5 and 6).
NOTE:' If the &ill riming has not been checked, all the above-settings may be regarded as
temporary and should be reset when the spill timing has been a&sted.
. .
7.4.b) Fuel Iniection Pump Maintenance
The servicing of fuel injection pumps is normally carried out by an authorised agent, as
working conditions of exceptional cleanliness and specialist calibration equipment are
required. The most that an operator in the field can normally do is to renew certain
components. It is therefore advisable to carry at least one spare pump in case of failure.

If it becomes necessary to dismantle a pump, the following precautions must be taken. (See
' the manufacturer's instructions for dismantling and assembly procedures). ,

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MB ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Section 7

I. Locking Ring
2. Delivery Valve Seals
3. Delivery Valve Seat
4. Plunger Assembly
5. Pump Body
6. nPPet
7. Circlip
8. Lower Spring Plate
9. Pump Spring
10. Circlip
11. Upper Spring Plate
12. Pinion
13. Fuel Control Rack
14. Plunder Assembly Locating Screw
15. Delivery Valve Spring
16. Delivery Valve
17. Discharge Union


Figure 135 - Exploded View of 'CC' Qpe Fuel Pump

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Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Thoroughly clean the workbench, especially of grit, dirt and filings and cover with a clean
plastic sheet.
Prepare a number of clean containers to hold the components.
Prepare a container of clean, fresh fuel oil for washing the components.
CAUTI0N:Do not use parafin as it may contain water.
Keep all components from each pump separate.
NOTE: The delivery valve and seat, and the element assembly are matched and must only be
changed as pairs. Do not attempt tofile or lap these components.
Assemble all components wetted with fuel.
Copper washers shouldbe renewed once removed. If this is not possible, anneal the washer
by heating until red-hot and quenching in water.
All components must be thoroughly clean and oiled. Oil the plunger and sleeve and all
components above them with clean diesel oil. Oil the components in the lower part of the
pump with clean engine lubricating oil.
- Saill Port Closing (SPC) Timine Check
7.4.c)FueI Iniection Puma.
To achieve the optimum engine performance, it is necessary to set the fuel injection timing
accurately relative to the position of the crankshaft. This is done in practice by finding the
crankshaft position, when the pump’s fuel injection stroke is cut off (or ’spilled’). The
correct point is marked on the flywheel for each cylinder during manufacture. The spill port
closing point maybechangedbyadjusting the (Figure 136).
The following procedure involves the removal of the pump delivery valve. With special
equipment, a procedure is available from Mirrlees Blackstone (Stamford) Ltd to check the
SPC timing without dismantling the pump. This avoids the risks of mis-assembly and of
introducing dirt into the system.
CAUTION: Theshims must not be aGustedfor any reason other than to maintain the correct spill
port timing.
Shim Part Nos.:
0.5 mm(0.020 in) 71-155-750 = approx. 3.0O0
0.125 mm(0.005 in) 71-155-740 = approx. 0.75O
0.05 mm(0.002 in) 71-155-730 = approx. 0.30°
NOTE: This check must only be carried out ifthe camshaft (to crankshaft) timing is known to
be correct. Afierfitting a new pushrod, roller or fuel tappet, firstly set the ’standup’ dimension
(Figure 136) by adjusting the pushrod shims

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e M-B
ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Section 7

1. Adjusting screw
2. Washer
3. Shims
4. Drip deflector
5. Pushrod body
6. Fuel pump mounting block
I. Nu-lip seal
8. Fuel pump leak-off collector manifold

Figure 136 - Fuel Pump Pushrod 'Standup' When On Base Circle Of Cam
1) Isolate the engine starting system and set the control lever to 'STOP'. Close the fuel supply
isolating valve. Remove the injector fuel pipe.

2) Remove the fuel pump discharge union (Figure 137).

3) Remove the delivery valve and spring.

4) Temporarily refit the discharge union and tighten.

5) Fit the injector pipe to the fuel pump outlet union, with the injector end of the pipe facing
away from the engine.

6) Place a container under the pipe to catch any spilt fuel.

7) Wedge the fuel pump rack to approximately its full load position. Bar the flywheel round

e 8)
until the TDC mark for the relevant cylinder is at approximately SO0 BTDC.
Open the fuel supply isolatingvalve and fuel should flow from the open injector pipe union.

9) Bar the engine round in its correct direction of rotation until the fuel flow is reduced to a few
drops per minute but has =stopped completely.
This is the spill timing point.

10) Check that the pump's spill timing mark on the flywheel is aligned with the timing pointer to
within +/- 0.5. (NOTE: 1 is equivalent to a distance of flywheel diametedll5). If the
timing mark alignment is within limi ts, go to step 11below. If it is outside the limits:-

(a) Measure the distance 'Y' of the pointer from the spill timing mark. Convert this
measurement into the equivalent shim adjustment, using the formula: Required
shim adjustment = 25 Y/flywheel diameter.

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Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
~~ ~~~ ~

@) Close the fuel system isolating valve. Remove the fuel injection pump (page 7-11)
and the fuel pump pushrod (Figure 122). Using the figure obtained in step lO(a),
adjust the pushrod shims. If the timing is early, remove shims - if it is late, add shims).
Tighten the pushrod bolt to75 Nm (55 1bf.R) and lubricate the top 50mm (2 in) of the
pushrod with 'coppaslip' or similar.

(c) Renew the 'Nu-lip seal in the fuel pump mounting block.

(d) Refit the pushrod and fuel pump and repeat steps 6 to 10to ensure that the SPCtiming
is now correct.

11) Remove the wedge from the fuel pump operating lever.

12) Remove the injector fuel pipe and remove the discharge union.

13) Fit the delivery valve and the discharge union, following the manufacturer's instructions.
14) Fit the injector fuel pipe.

15) Bleed the injector pipe (page 7-4). When the engine is next started, check any disturbed
connections for leaks.


7.5.a) FueI Iniector Realacement

When the fuel injectors are removed for routine maintenance, also check the valve
clearances (page 4-4), as both items have similar servicing intervals.

Sgecial To&

Injector atractor (if required) Part No. 71-900-890.

Suares Reauired;

I) Copper injector sealing washe,:

2) 0 Ring.
3) Shim Pack

m c t o r Removal

1) Remove the injector fuel pipe and fit plastic protective caps to the exposed connections. If
cooled injectors are fitted, switch off and drain the injector cooling system.

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Section 7

Figure 137 Fuel Pump Discharge
Union Removal


Figure 139 - Fuel Injector

1. Nozzle Holder Body
2. Transfer Block
3. Dowel - 'Itansfer Block
4. Thrustcap
5. Spring
6. NozzleNut
7. Nozzle Un-cooled
7. Nozzle Cooled
Figure 138 Rocker Cover Removed To 8.
Show Injector 10. Coolant port (cooled injector only)
11. Extractor thread
12. ShimPack

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Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
Remove the injector sealing plate and remove the rocker cover.

Remove the two injector clamping flange nuts and washers and lift off the flange and 0ring.

Lift out the injector. If the injector is hard to move, break the seal by turning it clockwise,
using a 48 mm size spanner on the flats. If it is not possible to rotate the injector using
moderate force, it will be necessary to use a nut and sleeve type extractor. This can be made
locally or is availablefrom Mirrlees Blackstone (Stamford) Ltd. (Injector thread size M 39x
Lift out and discard the copper washer from the injector tube in the cylinder head. If the
injector was hard to remove, check the washer. If blackened, this indicates that the injector
has been incorrectly seated. Investigate the reason before refitting the injector.

If the injector is to be left out for any time, plug the injector tube to prevent dirt ingress.

Iniector Install-

Fit a new copper washer squarely on the end of the injector using 'Hylomar' to keep it in
Renew the injector '0' rings and lubricate with lub oil.

Check that the injector and injector tube are clean. Fit the injector with the flatsat 90° to the
engine centreline.

If the injector clamping plate is slotted, it must be fitted with the slots facing downwards to
engage the injector. Fit the injector flange and retaining nuts. Tighten progressively to 43
Nm (32 1bf.ft) to ensure the flange sits squarely on the injector.
C4UTION:Do not overtighten as this induces excessive stresses. e
Fit the rocker cover.

Fit the injector sealing plate and '0' ring and evenly tighten the securing bolts to 43 Nm (32

Fit the injector fuel pipe.

7.5.b) Pismantliw Procedure

As with the fuel pump, working conditions of absolute cleanliness are required when
servicing the fuel injector. Site servicingwill usually be limited to thorough cleaning and to
the fitting of new parts in place of any that are found to be damaged or worn. It is, therefore,
a good policy always to have one or more spare injectors or at least nozzles and valves

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available for use whilst those needing reconditioning are returned to the makers or their
agents for specialist attention.
Grip the injector body in a vice, nozzle uppermost. (Clamp the jaws on the flats formed on
the shank).

Using a ring or socket wrench to fit 32 mm nut and capable of exerting a torque of 270 Nm
(200 lb.ft.), slacken the nozzle nut. Note: The socket must be at least 45 mm deep to clear
the nozzle tip. A steady force must be applied; do not snatch or hammer thewrench, and do
not grip the nozzle stem.

Remove the nozzle nut, nozzle, transfer block, thrust spindle and spring.
Release the injector body from the vice and tip out the shims.

If the valve is seized in the nozzle, fit a replacement nozzle and valve. The faulty parts
should be sent to a local agent for attention, as any attempt by an operator in the field to
separate them is unlikely to leave them in a condition suitable for further satisfactory
Provided the valve and nozzle are not seized, thoroughly clean all the components using a
brass wire brush (from the injector cleaning kit available if specially ordered), paying
particular attention to the fuel gallery, the feed channel bore, the valve seating, the nozzle
holes, and the pressure surfaces between the body and the upper face of the transfer block,
and between the lower face of the transfer block and the nozzle. If the impact of the needle
at full lift has caused indentation of the lower face of the transfer block, a new block should
be fitted.

Rotate the valve on its seat WITHOUT ANY ABRASIVE. Clean fuel oil, petrol or an
approved solvent can be used to soften the carbon, but on no account must any attempt be
made to lap in the nozzle and valve. For the nozzle holes use wire 0.34-0.36 mm diameter.
NOTE: rfthe valve shows signs of damage or uneven finish (dull or very brighf spots), or is
coloured due to overheating, and cleaningfaik to cure these defects, the noule assembly should
be renewed.
Renew any spring showing signs of corrosion, pitting, collapse or distortion, or having a free
length less than 51 mm (2.01 in).
Check that the nozzle needle locating plate is undamaged and slides smoothly in the bore.
Re-assemblv Procedu re
Fit the dowels to the transfer block. They should be a push fit or at most a light tap fit (not
any tighter!) If the dowels are a drive fit, the transfer block may crack.

LastIssucd llM3 7-19 Mirrlccs Blackstone Ltd
Section 7 ESL 12 & 16 Mk2
10) Grip the injector body in avice as for dismantling and reassemble the shims, spring, nozzle
needle locating plate transfer block, etc. in the reverse of the dismantling sequence. For
nozzle nut torque, (244NM 180 Ib.ft )

11) Using an injector testing pump check the release pressure and spray characteristics. If the
release pressure is low, adjust the shim thickness above the spring plate. Addition of 0.1 mm
thickness will increase the nozzle opening (release) pressure by approximately 7.4bars (108
Ib.f/sq.in). Removal of shims will, of course, reduce the release pressure by a similar
amount. Alternatively a change of 10 atmospheres. represents a shim change of
approximately 0.14 mm (0.0055”).

If the injector is dismantled and components replaced, or new shims are fitted, then the
release pressure should be set at 303 bar (4400 Ib/sq.in) to allow for component settlement
during initial running. a
The stated pressure of 303 bar (4400 Ib/sq.in) is nominal and engines should operate
satisfactorily at a settled pressure as low as 276 bar (4000 Ib/sq.in) under optimum
WARNING: The n o d e spray is highly penetrating and should be directed away from the
operator’s hands and body. The workingpressurecan cause the oil topenetrate theskin with ease.
Maximum differential pressure across filter (indicates blockage) 10 psi (0.7bar)
Injector release pressure 4,400 psi (303 bar),
+/- 100 psi (7bar)
Also see ’Fuel Control System’ Technical Data, Page 11-14

Last Imcd 1/1/93 7-20 Mirrlees Blackstone Ltd

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