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Personality adjectives English Definition Translation Example sentence
- This person is anxious but also
worried and sad.
anxious (adj) Eager to do something. ansioso - The boy is anxious about his first
day at school.

Being certain of your abilities or Confiado - We're proud of our past and
confident (adj) having trust in people, plans, or the confident in our future.
future. - The doctor is confident that Mr
Edmonton will survive.
Deceiving others and not telling the deshonesto - Matthew was a dishonest tax
dishonest (adj) truth. collector full of greed.
- Not built by a dishonest
Someone who is disorganized is very desorganizado - This place is dusty and
disorganized (adj) bad at organizing things in their life. disorganized.
- Staff- a bit disorganized and not
super helpful.
Relaxed and not easily upset or despreocupado - Andres is a cool guy, easygoing like
easygoing (adj) worried. a lamb.
- We heard he was pretty easygoing.
Behaving in a pleasant, kind way amable - All it takes is a friendly gesture.
friendly (adj) towards someone. - Still friendly and popular as ever.
Trabajador -Coworkers describe him as likable
hardworking (adj) Always doing a lot of work- and hardworking.
- He is an honest, diligent,
hardworking African

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helpful (adj) Willing to help, or giving help Servicial -Provision of template or outline
could be helpful.
- The following reference materials
are helpful.
honest (adj) Telling the truth or able to be honesto - It's more honest than most
trusted relationships.
- The folk here are honest and good-
impatient (adj) Easily annoyed by someone's impaciente - They know how impatient people
mistakes or because you have to are.
wait. - You are more impatient than your
impolite (adj) Behaving in a way that is not socially descortés - Even her parents thought that
correct and shows a lack of Andrea was impolite.
understanding of and care for other - It's very impolite of you to decline
people's feelings. her invitation.
insensitive (adj) Not feeling or showing sympathy for insensible - That's one of the most insensitive
other people's feelings, or refusing things you've ever said.
to give importance to something. - It was insensitive and
inappropriate, so please do forgive
kind (adj) Generous, helpful, and thinking amable - Also the owner is very kind and
about other people's feelings. willing to help.
- It was kind of you to help me.
organized (adj) Arranged according to a particular Organizado -My father is very organized and
system. always follows a routine.
- She is quite organized with her

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patient (adj) Able to remain calm and not paciente - Be patient. You'll get the results
become annoyed when waiting for a soon enough.
long time or when dealing with - you must be quite patient to wait
problems or difficult people. that long.
polite (adj) Behaving in a way that is socially cortés - You should be polite to your
correct and shows understanding of employees.
and care for other people's feelings. - The boy was very polite; he didn't
misbehave once
reliable (adj) Someone or something that is fiable - He's a reliable friend; he's always
reliable can be trusted or believed there for me.
because he, she, or it works or - she's very reliable, you can
behaves well in the way you expect. completely trust her.
responsible (adj) To have control and authority over responsable - We are all responsible for our acts.
something or someone and the duty - You should date a guy who is
of taking care of it, him, or her. serious and responsible.
sensible (adj) A sensible person makes logical sensato - He is a very sensible boy with
decisions and does not take risks. everyone.
- she is sensible enough to give an
sensitive (adj) Easily fragile or susceptible by the sensible - The skin of a person is very
things people say or do. sensitive to touch.
- Some girls are too sensitive for this
kind of work.
sociable (adj) Sociable people who like to meet Sociable -They are very sociable and noisy,
and spend time with other people. but also pretty tame.
- Usted estará menos sociable y
comunicativo durante este año.
unfriendly (adj) showing dislike and no sympathy. antipático - He is certainly the most spiteful
and unfriendly of our team.

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- The hotel staff was rather dry and

unhelpful (adj) A person not help to improving a poco servicial - But that's an observation as
difficult situation. unhelpful as it is obvious.
- It seems to me this is unhelpful,
even wrong.
unkind (adj) Not treating someone very well; not poco amable - Honesty, in some cases, like this
considering someone's feelings. one, is unkind.
- You are not to be vengeful or
unkind under any circumstance.
unreliable (adj) Not able to be trusted or believed in poco fiable -Memory is so unreliable finally,
that person. maybe it was a dream.
- Learn to manage your emotions
because they are often unreliable.
unsociable (adj) A person who not liking to meet esquivo - John says he's the most unsociable
people or to spend time with them man he's ever met.
- He was a dreamer, sentimental as
well as an unsociable man with
great tenacity.

Relationships English Definition Translation Example sentence

argue (v) to speak angrily to someone, telling -You and I should argue more often.
that person that you disagree with Discutir - But you cannot argue over spilled
them. water.
best friend (n) It is your most sincere friendship, a - Be a best friend this misplaced.
person who is present in all kinds of mejor amigo - He was my childhood best friend.

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classmate (n) Someone who is in the same class as -And his classmates have sent him a
you at school. compañero de clase letter.
- There is a gathering for classmates
close friend (n) A close friend can be someone who -He's become a close friend and
is always there for you, who cares amigo cercano collaborator.
about your well-being. - I know you considered me a close
colleague (n) One of a group of people who work - In an attempt to stop his colleague
together. colega was slightly injured.
- It was a privilege to be your friend
and colleague.
couple (n) Two people who are married or in a -Ideal for 2 couples or a couple with
romantic relationship, or two people pareja two children.
who are together for a particular
- The couple already had children:
two daughters, Laura and Diana.

get along well with (v. phr.) When you get along with someone, - I always get along well with babies.
you're friendly or compatible with llevarse bien con - He didn't get along well with his
them. mother.
get to know (v. phr.) to be familiar or have experience - I guess you can get to know
and understanding with a person. llegar a conocer somebody.
- That means you could visit, get to
know the baby.
get together with (v) If two or more people get together, - You should get together with your
they meet each other, having reunirse con friends, establish an alibi.
arranged it before. - Just get together with your team,
spend a few extra hours.

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have a falling out (v. phr.) to antagonize or have a fight or - You'd had a big falling-out.
difference with someone. tener una pelea - They had a falling-out before we
ever got together.
have a lot in common (v. phr.) share ideas or thoughts with -You and I, we have a lot in
another person. tienen mucho en común common, in that respect.

- And I think you'll see we have a lot

in common.
introduce (v) to tell someone another person's - New language added to introduce
name the first time that they meet. Introducir electronic bidding.
- The Secretariat undertook to
introduce closer monitoring action.
make up (v) Make up means when you want to - Indigenous tribal peoples make up
make amends. Componer the balance
- We made up after many years of
next-door neighbor (n) A person who lives in the house, - Her next-door neighbor saw Amy
flat, etc., next to one's home. vecino de al lado arguing with a woman.
- That was just my next-door
neighbor practicing his trumpet.
parents (n) A mother or father of a person. - Some of the measures target the
padres parents.
- Awareness-raising campaigns were
conducted for professionals and
partner (n) In the business world, it is very - Remy just made partner at
common to apply the concept of socio Glendon Hill.
partner to define a commercial - And senior partner, the vice-
partner. president.
relative (n) A member of your family. familiar, blood relative - I suppose innocence is all relative.

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- This indicates that the relative

importance of combustion sources
may increase.

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