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Kendo Club

Article I – Introduction

I. Name
1. The name of this organization is Kendo Club. The website for Kendo Club is
II. Purpose
1. To create a robust and welcoming community that shares the teachings and
etiquette of Kendo, which include physical and mental practices, for people of all
backgrounds and experiences.
III. Objectives

1. To teach Kendo, which include physical endurance and also the culture and
mental practice of the sport.
2. To understand how to wield a shinai (the sword).
3. To build a robust, supportive community that shares a passion to better each other
and learn a new martial art during the journey. 
4. To visit other collegiate and/or city dojos in to practice with other Kendokas.

Article II – Organizational Structure

I. Executive Board

1. The executive board includes the president, treasurer, and advisor. Other positions
may be created at the discretion of the executive board. The Treasurer is
responsible for Student Organization Finance Office (SOFO) duties/ The
President is responsible for all other duties, especially running practice. Any
member is eligible to run for an executive board position. Executive positions last
for an academic year.

II. Committees
1. The Executive Board shall serve as the overlying Committee.
III. Advisor
1. The advisor shall serve as a resource person and provide advisory support for the
officers and members of the organization.
IV. Dissolution of Membership

1. Dissolution of membership will occur if the member is a negative influence on the

club and requires approval from the Executive Board.

Article III – Membership

I. Member Eligibility
1. Membership in this organization is open to all Northwestern University students
in Good Academic Standing who have paid their Student Activity Fee. Non-
voting membership may be extended to interested faculty, administrators, staff
members, and alumni of the University.
IV. Executive Board Eligibility
1. Members seeking an executive position are to be appointed by the previous
V. Committee Eligibility
1. See Article III Executive Board Eligibility (IV).
VI. Executive Board Resignation

1. Resignation can occur at any time during the year where the member is no longer
able to serve, but with advanced notice.

2. If a member of the Executive Board is unfit to serve or is a negative influence on

the club/the Executive Board, a member of the Executive Board may request to be
removed from the board.

I. Removal must be approved by the President of the Executive Board.

Article IV – Executive Board Election/Selection Process

I. Selection Timing
1. To be determined.
II. Nominations
1. Any member may nominate any other voting member, including themselves. The
positions currently include President and Treasurer.
III. Elections and Voting Procedure
1. Voting will take anonymously.
IV. Notification and Posting of Elections
1. The official posting of election results shall be announced by the outgoing
executive board through email and other communicative platforms used for the
V. Grounds for removal

1. An executive board member will be removed if they contribute as a negative

influence on the club and create an unsafe environment. Any member may bring
up the option of removal by contacting a member of the executive board. The
executive board will discuss and decide on proceedings going forward on a case-
by-case basis.

VI. Removal Procedure

1. If a complaint is expressed, it will be discussed by all members and removal must

be approved by the Executive Board.
VII. Procedure for Impeachment

1. See Article IV Removal Procedure (VI).

VIII. Procedure for Appeal of Impeachment

1. An appeal of impeachment can be expressed to the Executive Board, and the

appeal can occur within the same quarter as the impeachment. See Article IV
Grounds for removal (V) for further details.

Article V – Club Meetings

I. Types and Occurrence of Meetings

1. Practice times and locations will be scheduled at the start of each quarter
according to Northwestern Recreation procedures.
2. Members are encouraged to attend every practice as we will build on previous
practices and learn new techniques.
3. New members are strongly encouraged to purchase a shinai within 4 weeks of
II. Special Meetings
1. No special meetings except those listed in Article V Types and Occurrence of
Meetings (I) will occur.
III. Quorum
1. Will be determined depending on the interest of club members.
IV. Parliamentary Procedure
1. Will be determined depending on the interest of club members.
V. Meeting Minutes and Records
1. Will be determined depending on the interest of club members.

Article VI – Handling of Funds

I. Student Organization Finance Office

1. All funds collected will be deposited in our student organization’s Student
Organization Finance Office (SOFO) account.
II. Treasurer
1. The treasurer shall be the primary officer designated to handle organization
III. Dissolution of organization
1. In the event this organization dissolves, all monies left in the treasury, after
outstanding debts and claims have been paid, shall be donated to a charitable
organization to be determined.

Article VII – Constitutional Amendments

I. Amendment
1. Any member can propose an amendment at any time to the Executive Board.
II. Ratification

1. All members can vote on the amendment, and a simple majority and approval from the
President of the club are required.

ARTICLE VIII – Constitutional Review

As a recognized student organization, we will participate in a constitutional review process every

three (3) years. It will be updated according to the new sample constitution (if necessary) and
will meet with the Student Organizations & Activities staff to review it.

ARTICLE IX – Not-for-profit Statement

This is a not-for-profit organization. Any funds obtained through fundraising or other means
must go back to the organization.

ARTICLE X – Statement of Non-discrimination

As a student group seeking affiliation to Northwestern University, we hereby state that this
student organization does not discriminate or permit discrimination by any member of its
community against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex,
sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, marital status, age,
disability, citizenship or veteran status in matters of admissions, employment, housing or
services or in the educational programs or activities it operates. Harassment, whether verbal,
physical or visual, that is based on any of these characteristics, is a form of discrimination. This
includes harassing conduct affecting tangible job benefits, interfering unreasonably with an
individual's academic or work performance, or creating what a reasonable person would sense is
an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. While Northwestern University is committed
to the principles of free inquiry and free expression, discrimination and harassment identified in
this policy are neither legally protected expression nor the proper exercise of academic freedom.

ARTICLE XI – Statement of Non-hazing

This organization will not engage in or permit hazing. The University forbids hazing and all
other activities that interfere with the personal liberty of an individual. The University defines
hazing as any action taken or situation created, whether on or off university premises and
whether presented as optional or required, to produce mental or physical discomfort, servitude,
embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule for the purpose of initiation into, affiliation with, or
admission to, or as a condition for continued membership in, a group, team, club, or other
organization. Hazing activities may also violate the Illinois Hazing Act 720 ILCS §5/12C-50

ARTICLE XII – Statement of Compliance with Campus Regulations

This organization shall comply with all Northwestern University policies and procedures,
including but not limited to, those policies set forth in the Northwestern University Student
Handbook and The Guide to Student Organizations, as well as local, state, and federal laws.

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