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A network of computer networks which operate world-wide using a common set of communication protocols.

Network: a group of 2 or more computers that are interconnected for the purpose of exchanging data and sharing resources.

Protocols: a system of fixed rules.

Internet based services: E-mail, web surfing, Telnet, FTP, World Wide Web

WWW(world wide web): Another way to describe the internet.

HTTP(hypertext markup protocol): used to transfer hypertext documents that make the WWW

URL(uniform resource locator): used to specify addresses on the WWW.

Website: website is a connection of linked web pages that share a unique domain name.

Domain name: name of the website.

Domain: set of internet addresses that are linked

Web Server: where every website sits on a computer. Always connected to internet.

Web Browser: software installed on PC to get access to the internet.

SMTP(simple mail transfer protocol): takes care of delivering emails from one server to another server.

ISP(internet service provider): companies that provide an internet connection.

Hyperlink: a selectable element in an electronic document serves as an access point to other electronic

DNS(domain name system): translates human readable domain names to machine readable IP

W3C(world wide web consortium): international consortium of companies involved with the internet
and the web.

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