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Question 1) a) What is an Industrial Sociology?

And what is its scope; also narrate value of Industrial


Answer) The term industrial sociology includes two terms, industrial and sociology. The term industrial
means concerning the industry. The word industry is derived form the Latin word Industria which means
dexterity and resourcefulness. It is thus clear that industry is that technique under which anything is
done efficiently and smoothly. Resourcefulness implies use of machinery, raw material etc., in an
economic manner. Sociology deals with society and society is nothing but a different name for social
relations. Thus sociology pertains to or deals with social relations.

In sociology, all kinds of social relations are studied. It should also be borne in mind in this connexion
that sociology is a scientific study employing scientific methodology and techniques in its study of social

According to Maclver and page, “Sociology is about social relationships, the network of relationships we
call society.” It is quite apparent from this definition that sociology is a science of social relations. If
there is a group of persons who have no relation between them such a group would fall beyond the
purview of sociology.

The most important characteristic of the application of sociology in the filed of industry, however, is the
sociological attitude towards industrial organization. In the words of William Faunce, “What sociology
has to offer to the student of industrial social organization today is not a body of laws of social
behaviour, but rather a particular perspective or a special way of looking at the world of work.” The
concepts of “industry” and “sociology” become clear from the above discussion. The concept of
“industrial sociology” is a compound of these two concepts.

In Industrial sociology, social relations specifically connected with industry are studied. Of course, these
relations are studied by scientific techniques employed in sociology. In modern world the industrial
domain has expanded infinitely and it s problems have become complex and varied. There are
innumerable problems which have come into being only on account of expanding industry. For example,
the problems of slums are a direct outcome of industrial expansion. Thus we can say that industrial
sociology is a direct outcome of modern industrial expansion.

Definition of Industrial Sociology An examination of some important definition of industrial sociology will
further clarify its meaning.

1. According to Charles B. Spaulding, “Industrial Sociologists center their interests upon the social
organization of the work place, including the pattern of interaction between people who are responding
to each other in terms of their roles in work organization or whose behaviour is being affected by those
roles.” These patterns of interaction are included in three system of industrial social organization:

1. Management Organization,

2. Informal organization of workers,

3. Union organization.

2. According to Miller and Form, “Industrial Sociology is a substantive area of general sociology which
might more accurately be termed the sociology of work organization or the sociology of economy.” In
this definition industrial sociology has been admitted as an important branch of sociology, concerned
with work organization and economy. These however, constitute important part of industrial sociology
whose area is expanding fast.

3. According to Parkar, Brown and others, “Industrial sociology is concerned with how the economic
subsystem is related to other subsystems, how the subsystem is structured in terms of particular work
organization and roles and how persons fit into these roles.” Clarifying this definition further these
authors have remarked. “The adjective industrial implies the application of sociological theories and
methods to one segment of society, that is, the one concerned with the economic function of producing
and distributing the goods and services which society requires.” Thus industrial means the section
concerned with economic processes. Industrial sociology is particularly the study of this type of social
relationships. The economic organization involves several systems and subsystems. Each of these
includes innumerable roles. Industrial sociology studies the rules, process, methods and causeeffect
relationships concerning industrial system and sub systems.

4. According to J.H. Smith, “Industrial sociology is concerned with industry (or any form of work
organization) as a social system, including those factors (technical, economic, political) which affect the
structure, the function and the changes in that system.” This definition of industrial sociology is wider
that the preceding definitions. It includes industrial areas as a social system factors influencing it, its
structure, role and factors of change in the field of industrial sociology. In brief, industrial sociology is a
particular branch of sociology in which the organization, structure, functions and implicit social
relationships of industrial and economic systems are studied. Scope of Industrial Sociology According to
Delbert C. Miller, “If we were to single out one statement that stamps the progress of industrial
sociology upto and through 1947, we should probably record the fact that sociologists were still
struggling to define the field.” Miller and Form describe the field as being “concerned broadly with the
study of industrial society and also with the analysis of the social organization of work.” It is suggested
that industrial sociology deals with all types of work organizations. According to Moore, “Industrial
sociology then is concerned with the application or development of principles of sociology relevant to
the industrial mode of production and the industrial way of life.” Schneider delimits the field of
industrial sociology to the industrial institution with a focus on the social structure of large scale
manufacturing organizations. Etzioni suggest that the scope of industrial sociology includes the study of
that economic organization that have the “primary aim of producing goods and services, exchanging
them, or organizing and manipulating monetary process.” Value of Industrial Sociology.

All the above mentioned points concerning the value of industrial sociology are applicable to its
importance. The following considerations may be noted in this connection.

1. Knowledge of Labour Class: - Labour class has its peculiar status, role and problems. In urban society
these must be understood and solved. This requires knowledge of industrial society.

2. Labour Welfare: - Labour welfare and labour legislation requires an understanding of the condition of
industry and labour. The present day industrial society requires labour welfare which presupposes
scientific knowledge in this area.

3. Problems of Urbanization: - The fast growing urbanization is creating problems of housing,

overcrowding, high cost of living, insanitation and slums. These may be solved with the aid of the
knowledge of industrial sociology.
4. Solution of the Problem of Industrialization: - Industrialization is a closely connected to urban
problem. It is scientifically studied by industrial sociology. Therefore, the study of industrial society is a
necessary prelude to the solution of problems of industrialization.

5. Division of Labour: - In the present change in society the revaluation and reorganization of division of
labour is necessary for harmony between different classes. Division of labour has been traditionally
based upon caste. The caste system however, is now appearing to be an impediment in national
progress. Therefore, effort is being made to eliminate caste system. This has led to disorganization in
division of labour. Any one is now engaged in any profession whatever may be his innate ability. A
scientific division of labour in the field of industry requires a fairly wide knowledge concerning different
professions. Industrial sociology extends help in this process.

6. Help in family Reorganisation: - Industrial sociology particularly studies urban and industrial families.
It enquires into the causes of their disorganization and suggests remedies. Therefore, industrial
sociology may help in preventing further disorganization of urban and industrial families. It will help in
their Reorganisation.

7. Economic Progress: - today one hears the slogan to remove poverty everywhere. This requires
industrial progress even more than progress in the field of agriculture. Without industrial progress
millions of new hands cannot be suitably employed. Infact, economic development is essentially
industrial development. Industrial development is the subject of the industrial sociology. Therefore,
industrial sociology may give direction to the economic progress.

8. Social Welfare: - Modern state is a welfare state. This is particularly true today. A welfare state must
plan for the welfare of back ward classes the poor and the degraded since these sections are unable to
realize their welfare. This social welfare requires direction from industrial sociology.

9. Development of Labour Organisation: - A remedy to industrial disputes is the development of labour

Organisation. If this development is scientific, the laborers take resort to collective bargaining for the
realization of, their demands. Unfortunately, labour union are more busy in seeking political games
rather than labour welfare. To remove this tendency and to reorganize labour unions to realize labour
welfare, industrial sociology is useful.

10. Help in Rationalizations: - Being backward from scientific and industrial viewpoint lags in
rationalization in industries. With the progress of education among capitalists and employers and the
interference by the government, efforts are now being made for more and more rationalization in
industries. This is helped by industrial sociology.

11. Aid to Nationalisation: - When some private industries fail to solve their internal disputes, one of the
remedy is Nationalisation of such sick industries. Some other industries are nationalized due to the fact
that they produce commodities which cannot be placed in private hands such as armaments. Similarly,
industries connected with raw material are nationalized so that raw material is nationalized so that raw
material may be available to the industries on reasonable rate and in sufficient quantity. All these cause
have led to increasing Nationalisation of industries. Recent there is some trend towards profit in public
sector industries. Industrial sociology may be useful in the realization of Nationalisation of essential
12. Aid to Industrial Management: - Success in industry very much depends upon industrial bureaucracy.
Efficiency of industrial bureaucracy depends upon perusal of scientific law of industrial management
industrial sociology scientifically studies industrial management. Therefore, industrial bureaucrats
require training in industrial sociology.

13. Solution of the Problems of Automation: - With the progress of large scale industries automation is
increasing. This has increased unemployment though on the other hand it has increased profits of the
industrialists. Therefore, automation has been opposed by some labour unions. The solution of such
disputes requires knowledge of industrial sociology.

14. Betterment of Employer-employee Relationships: - Industrial peace and progress depends upon
harmonious relationships between the employer and the employees. This requires suitable attention to
several factors such as rates of wages, working conditions, behaviour of bureaucracy, security of jobs,
and provision of housing and scientific method of recruitment etc. all these fall within the scope of
industrial sociology whose help is therefore necessary for the betterment of employer-employee

15. Use in Labour Legislation: - In 20th century new labour legislation have been enacted along with
progress of industrialization. These acts have helped in the solution of so many problems. These are
however, far from being adequate. Industrial sociology makes a scientific study of labour legislation.
Therefore, its guidance may be useful in enacting proper and necessary labour legislations.

16. National Peace and Progress: - Progress in any direction in the country requires national peace and
progress at its first conditions. This, in turn, requires understanding of urban and industrial problems. It
also requires removal of conflict among various sections in industry. Today while increasing capitalism is
creating new problems, politicization of labour unions is equally increasing difficulties. A solution of the
possible conflict requires theoretical direction from industrial sociology.

17. Help in Industrial Planning: - government is making effort in the direction of industrial planning. In
five year plans special efforts are being made towards planned development of industries. This planning
requires solution of so many problems such as illiteracy, too much population, absence of data, low level
of wages, retarded agriculture, absence of trained personnel, legal formalities, pressure of taxes,
inflation, black money, corruption etc. all these problems are studied by the industrial sociologists.
Therefore, their suggestions may be valuable in the solution of these problems.

18. Betterment in International Relationship: - Several labour Organisation extend beyond the national
frontiers. Son many organisations are international. For example, International Labour Organisation
(ILO) seeks solution of labour problems all over the world. As an organ of UNO it is connected with most
of the nations of the world. It is particularly usful for the developing countries. Industrial sociology
studies international labour organisation and directs efforts towards the betterment of working
condition of the laborers everywhere. Thus it is useful in the betterment of international relationships.

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