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Hanoi University of Business and Technology LEXICOLOGY

---------------------- Test code: 25

HUBT Testing Center Time allowance:60 minutes


Question 1: What is lexicology? What is the subject of lexicology? What are the related fields
of lexicology? (2 points)
Lexicology is the study of lexis, understood as the stock of words in a given language,… its
vocabulary or lexicon.
- Subject of lexicology: WORDS (simple, compound, complex).
- Related fields:
• Morphology (form)
• Semantics ( meaning)
• Etymology (origin)
• Lexicography = complitation of dictionaries (technique)

Question 2: Write the synonym of the underlined word in the following sentences. (2 points)
1. The white blood cell count in one's body many fluctuate by 50 per cent during a day. vary
2. The emergence of supersonic travel opened new horizons for the military, tourism, and
commerce. appearance
3. In the United States, elementary education is compulsory nationwide, with state governments
having no say in the issue. mandatory
4. He takes after his father in appearance very much. resembles
5. She is always diplomatic when she deals with angry students. tactful

Question 3: Use the appropriate form of the given word to complete the following sentences. (2

1. know
a. A knowledge of foreign languages, especially French and German, is required for the job.
b. If you don't know much about cars, take a knowledgeable friend along.
2. strong
a. Judo requires both skill and strength.
b. Community leaders want to strengthen controls at external frontiers.
3. reason
a. She is reasonable in asking for bigger salary. She worked hard
b. It's unreasonable to expect your child to behave in a caring way if you behave selfishly.
4. compete
a. Everyone will tell you that competition is the best way to keep prices down.

b. On average, foreign-owned businesses achieve higher levels of productivity than domestic
5. excellent
a. Vietnamese athletes performed excellently and won a lot of gold medals.
b. Together we will make our schools places of learning and excellence.
Question 4: Write one word from the list which goes with the highlighted collocations. Be sure to
change the form of word if necessary. (4 points)
decide respect stay come correct friend
research harm make advance benefit drive
a. New teachers have to gain the respect of their students.
b. They are only rude when they are treated unrespected.
a. I have stayed in touch with all my university friends using social networks.
b. During the pandemic lockdown, people are required unstayed at home unless for food
and emergencies.
a. We came up with a great idea for the ad campaign and decided to carry out immediately.
b. What coming across in his later poetry is a great sense of sadness.
a. I've noticed several more correction .I'd like to make to the book, if it's not too late.
b. Students said it was helpful if the teacher correct their pronunciation.
a. Sharon befriended the old man when she did some volunteer work at the shelter.
b. Our neighbours have always been very friendly to us. They are wonderful.
a. Before we make our decision we need to get some expert advice.
b. If we had acted earlier and more decided it might not have come to this problem.
a. Persuaded of his harmlessness she allowed him to go with her.
b. This group of chemicals is known to be harmful to people with asthma. Be careful.
a. He paid me some money in advance as a proof that he was honest.
b. All she was interested in was the advancement of her own career.
a. Trade is the driving force for sustained economic prosperity.
b. The fact remains that there are some public services that cannot be entirely market-driven
a. I made a mistake in my IELTS reading last time I took the test.
b. Reading a lot makes a real difference to your IELTS score.

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