Aws B 2.1-84 - STD For PQR & WPQR

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LIYE s Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification Ue eS HEL Keywords — welding procedure, AEB AIE performance qualification, acceptance, examination, test weldmenis, test specimen, WPS, POR Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification Prepared by AWS Committee oa Qualification ie in eiseeton of "AWS Technical Activities Committee Approved by the AWS Board of Directors Effective date: January 1, 1984 Abstract hic standard provides the requirements for the qualification of welding procedures and performance Galifcatio of welders and welding operators for manual, semiantomatie, machine, and automatic weling Itis intended for usc whore referenced by another standard. ‘An Appendix iluseates weld position, test spesinens test jis, and suggested forms and provides Slee meta classifications and base metal grovpin: American Welding Society 50 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, FL 33135 Statement on Use of AWS Standards All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American Welding Society are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with th: rules of the American National Standards Institute, When AWS standards are either incorporated in, or made part of, documents that are included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other governmental bodies, their provisions carry the full legal authority of the statute. Ia such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the governmental body having statutery jursdictioa before they can become 4 part of thosc laws and regulations, In all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exis's, changes in or deviations from zequiremerts of an AWS standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties. International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-235-0 American Welding Society, 550 NW. Leleune Road, P. 0. Box 361040, Miami, Florida 33135 © 1983 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Reprinted: April 1992 Note: The primary purpose of AWS is to serve and benefit its members. To this end, AWS provides a forum for the exchange, consideration, and discussion of ideas and proposals that are relevant to the welding industry and the consensus of which forms the basis for these standards. By providing such a forum, AWS dozs not assume any dutics to which a user of these standards may be required to adhere. By publishing this standard, the American Welding Society dots nol insure anyone using the information it contains against any liility arising from that use. Publication of a standard by the American Welding Society does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell aay patented items, Users of the information is this standard should make an independent investigation ofthe valiity ofthat information for their particular use and the patent salus of any item referred to herein. With regard to technical inquisies made coaceraing AWS standards, oral opinions on AWS standards may be rendered. However, such opinions represent only the personal opinions of the particular indi ‘There individuals do act speak on behalf of AWS, aor do these oral opiaion: cosstitute official or unofficial opinions or interpretations of AWS. In addition, oral opinions are informal and should not be used as 2 substitute for an offical interpretation This standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Welding Qualification Committee. 1 must be reviewed every five years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn, Comments (recommendations, addisions, or deletions) and zny pertineat data that may he of use in improving this standard ate requested and should be addressed to AWS Headquarters. Such comments will receive careful consideration by the AWS Welding Qualification Committee and the author of the comments will be informed of the Committee's response to the comments. Guests are invited to attend all meetings of the AWS Welding Qualification Committes to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an adverse decision concerning all such comments ate provided in the Rules of Operation of the Technical Activities Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Sosiety, SSO N.W. LeJeune Road, P. O. Box 351040, Miami, Florids 33138. Contents Personnel Foreword 1. General Provisions « LI Scope .. 2 Terms ane Definitions « 1.3 Responsibilities La Effective Date 1.5 Safety Precautions >. Welding Procedure Qualification 2.1 General - “ 32 Qualification of Procedures 23 Standard Procedures. 2.4 Qualification Limitations .. 25 Acceptance Criteria 2.5 Welding Variables .. 7 Qualification Variables. « indard Test Weléments Performance Qualification 3.1 General 33 qualitication by Workmanship Test - 3.3 Qualification by Standard Test 3.4 Test Weldments ».-+y0+ 3s Feamination and Acceptance. 3.6 Welding Variables Affecting Performance Qualineation-.. 5 Standard Test Weldments and Test Specimen Location = tustrations - Weld Postion, Tes Specimens, Test Sig, and Suggesied Forms ~~~ 41 elding Positions, Mlustrated . ee 41 ‘42. Guided Bend Specimens « 1 4l Surfacing Specimens -.-- + 4i Fersion Specimens +e+1--e+-+ Lat 1 Weld-Shear Specimens - a AG. Test igs woe +48 149 AF Suggested Semple Welding Forms Appendix B: Filler sfetal Classifications BI. F Numbers . a Bz, A Numbers Appendix C. Base Metal Groupings - Appendix D; Radiographic Examination Procedure Di. General . D2. Radiographic Procedure D3. Personnel Requirements Appendix E: Macroetch Test Procedure . El. General . é siaguvairs 2. Etching Solutions and Procedures. E3. Safety Procedures... Appendix F: Peneirent Examination Procedure Fl. General . F2. Method . F3. Procedure . F4, Examination... 125 125 128 19 129 129 130 131 131 131 BI BI eassennannee Personnel ‘AWS Committee on Welding qualification Wok, Smith, St. Chairman N.S. Wamack, Viee Chairman RE Hemzaeek. Vice Chairmen M.¥. Davis, Secretary Thor J. Anderson” ‘$.4. Coughlin R.A. Dune EH. Gray RL. Hartis” ‘Mad. Houle G.E. Meszger CL. Null G.WW. Opler Td. Reilly” RK. Sager DL Sprow 4c, Thompson. Jr WF. Urbick saduors Member pechtel Grovp, Ineornorated ‘Combustion Engineering Incorporated ‘Argonne National Labors'cry ‘American Welding Society Armpyel Group, Incorporated BACAR Division, ACE Indssiriss Canadian Welding Boreas Cane cigar Regastory CommBSOS ‘Tennessee Valley Authority National Board of Boiler 2nd Pressure Vessel Inspectors right Patterson Air Fores Base Vana! Sea Systems Command Welding Research Council Were afateriais and Mesharics ‘Research Council gandia Nationel Labaraton Rfedermott Incorporated Ralph M. Parsons Company “The Boring Compeny | } i Foreword ‘ -this Document provides requirements for welding procedure and WeltiNg performance qualification eis theinrent that this document be referenced by ether documents, such as endes, standards, specifica tions, and contracts, sa cramment defines and estzblishes qualification variables, *¥e criterion for determining if a welding condition is a qualification variable is whether o¢ 00! ‘change in that coneition beyond the aeesne rolerance shall fect the properties of a sound weld te the fextent that the properties shall not ‘mest the specified minimum. Qualfiestion requirements are based on the prewie that the referencing document will specify fabrication, design, base metal, filler metal, preheat, inle"pes temperature, postweld heat treatment, Hae ucdve examination, and tet requirements applicable 10 the fend product, Welding procedures and performance qualifications whichmeet the requirements ‘of other documents are acceptable provides they Fiso meet the requirements of this Document. Welding Provedure Quelification “The purpose of awelding procedure qualification 10 2FO\i0" dats forassessing the properties of welded Fora Tejgthe obligation of mansfecturers to produce welds ‘which have properties suitable forthe sppliation. The proof of production weld sounduess & letermined by the type and extent of testingand aan applied, which i the responsibilty of the referencing Soe aria Document also provides for welding procedure qualiicsti™ ‘of special test weldments by perform- rr ae rt imgserice conditions which mayinclude impact loading: flexural loading. saticloacins, ore cae the typeof Toading WRI a ae ee Thedetails or ired (ests and examination of speealtest welémentsshal specified by the referencing document ruled eiding Procedure Specifications published by AWS and as permitied by this Document (Senlon ) may be wed without performing adeltional procedit® ‘qualification tests when the requir erat the referencing document forthe applicasions involved aretnet ‘and nochange is made beyond the eeired ange of variables snow inthe welding proces “ccising Provadure Specifications other tan Standard WPS published by AWS must be individaelly qualified by testing fo demonstrate that minimsum requirements met, Welding Pecformance Qualification “The purpose of welder qualification tests isto determi 18 ability of welders to deposit sound weld ameat tilewing a Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) ‘and in the welding positions which will BE cucountered in production applications. “The purpose of welding operstor qualifiation tests is 6 determine the ability of welding operators 10 operate machine of automatic welding equipment 0 accordance with # WPS. Performance qualification shall be by mechanical or “nondestructive testing of weldments, or Bothy except that provision is made for aval by visual examination only when permitted By the seferencing document. Materials sails as and fer metas have been grouped into categories wich Wit TT the number of aquulfeaions required, Substitution of one base metal of THE vnetal for another, even when within the see cules, should only be made afte: en evaluation of ths /oeto® ‘volved. For some materials or allow iong of macerias, ditional tets may berequied: Materisis not listed in Appendices Band C seat euch require separate qualification (see 2.7.2 and2.7.3) beens aidnasinmetneenertntincndhsasecietat Standard for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification 1. General Provisions LL Scope ‘This Document provides the requirements for the qualification of welding procedures Ir also provides the requirements for the perfor- ance qualification of welders and welding operators for manual, semiautomatic, machine, and automatic welding This Document is intended for use where refer~ enced by 2 product code, standard, or specification. In cases where there is no referencing product docume: this Document may be referenced for welding quslif: {ation in conteact documents and the requirements for preheat, interpass temperature, postweld heat (reat nent, and fracture toughness shall be provided in those contract documents “This Document is intended for use with the follow- ing welding processes: OFW = Oxyfuel Gas Welding SMAW = Shielded Metal Are Welding GTAW = Gas Tungsten Arc Welding SAW Submerged Arc Welding GMAW = Gas Metal Arc Welding FCAW = Flux Cored Arc Welding PAW = Plasma Are Welding SW Electroslag Welding EGW = Electrogas Welding ERW = Electron Beam Welcing sw Stud Welding 1.2 Terms and Definitions 241 The welding terms used in this Document shall De interpreted in accordance with the definitions given in the latest edition of AWS A3.0. Welding Terms and Definitions 1.2.2 Supplemental Definitions. Some 43.0 terms, exceptions to ARO terms, and additional terms as referenced in this Document are defined below. Employer Theterm employer shall mean the contrac: tor or manulacturer who procuees the weldment for ‘which welding procedure end performance qualifies: tions are required. Whenever approval, signature, oF tortfication by the employer aze required by this Doc- iment, i shall mean the employer or 2 designated Employee within his organization. Closely teleted Companies, including those with different names, for ‘ehich effective control of welding is as one organiza- tion shall be considered Filler Meral Number- Designated as F Document Dberinthis| Pipe~ Pipe is used generally to refer to pips and tube Plote~ Plate is used generally to refer to flat products ‘and straciural shapes. Material Number ~ Designated as M-number in this Document. 2/ STANDARD FoR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION Procedure Qualification Record (PQR)-A document Providing the actual welding variables uscd to produce fan acceptable test weld, and the resuits of tests con- ducted on the weld for the purpose of qualifying @ welding procedure specification, (Qualifier- The term qualifier shall aicen the employer oF the organization, or individual specified by the referencing document as responsible for conducting and supervising the qualification testing. Qualified Welding Procedure - A welding procedure metting the qualification requirements of this Doct- ment based on qualification tests of weldments made in accordance with the WPS and recorded ona PQR. Quilified welding procedures are of two types: (1) Procedures independently qualified by an em- ployer for his oun use. 2) Standard procedures permitted for use without further qualification (see 2.31). Qualified Welder - One who is qualified to the Tequirements of this Document to perform manual or semi-automatic welding. Qualified Welding Operator - One who is qualified to the requirements ofthis Document to perform machine or automatic welding Qualification Variable - Those welding variables which, if changed beyond the limitations specified, require requalification of the procedure (see 2.7), Test Weldment~ Metal joined by welding for the pur- pose of quelifving welding procedures and/or welders or welding operators. The base metal thickness of the test Weldment i commonly identified as “T” in this Document. Test Specimen -Taat portion of atest weldment which is prepared for evalvaticn for qualification purposes. ‘The test specimen thickness or weld metal thickness, as applicable, is commonly idemtified as “t” in this Document. Weldine Procedure Specification (WPS) - A docu- ent which delincates or references all welding varia~ bles required by this Document 10 provide direction for welding Welding Variable - Welding data thai are recorded on the WPS and PQR (sce 26) 1.3 Responsfoilities 13.1 The employer shall be responsible for the welding performed by his orgenizatien, including the use of qualified welding procedures and qualified welders end/ or welding operators 13.2 The welding procedure may be 2 standard WPS, or it shall be qualified as requiced under the rules of Section 2 1.3.3 It is the employer's responsibility to assure that Welding Proceduce Specifications mestany addi. tional requirements of the referencing document. 1.3.4 The employer shall be responsible for the application of welding procedures in production. 13.§ Records - Each emplover shall maintain the applicable WPS's, POR, and Welding Performance Qualification Records during the period of their use. LA Effective Date When not otherwise spzcified by the referencing document, the edition of this Document to be used shall be esteblshed in aczordane# with the following: () Editions may be used at any time after the etfective date of issue, (2) Editions become mandatory for new contracts six months after the effetve date of issue. (9) Incases where there is no specific contcact date, theedition to be used shall be mutually agreed upon by the concerned partes (4) Edisions established by contract date may be used during the entire term of the contract. or the provisions of later editions may be used when agreed ‘upon by the contracting partis. 15 Sefety Precautions Adequate sefety precautions, Including ventilation ofthework area, shall be taken in accordance withthe requirements of ANSI 240.1, Safety in Welding and Curring.* ‘Available from American Welding Society, $50 LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126, 2. Welding Procedure Qualification 2.1 General 21.1 Two categories of qualified welding proce ures are established in this Section. (See Fig. 2.1.1) (1) Procedures qualified (2.2) using (a) Standard Qualified Weidments, oF (b) Special Test Weldments and (2) Standard WPS (23) Each welding procedure shall be qualified to establish the properties which are expected to result from its application to production weldments. The primary purpose of welding procedure qualification is qo establish the properties of the test weldment, 31.3 A matrix indiceting welding variables to be included in the WPS and documented on 2 PQR for tach process or combination of processes is provided jn 26. Suggested WPS/PQR forms are illustrated ia ‘Appendix A, Forms 4.7.1 and A7.2, Other formats nay be ased providing all applicable information is recorded, includingthe certifying stateraeat shown on the suggested form Suitable stendard WPS (2.3). WPS and t design criteria, Evaluate the preliminary >—*>] Issue employer-approved WPS. Must be qualified by employer (2.2) eldment ‘Make procedure qualification test weldment. SSS Document the variables on PQR and revise WPS if necessary. Lr —— Test and evaluate test weldment. If acceptable. is) Fig. 2.1.1 — Steps to determine procedure qualification requirements 4/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION 2.1.4 PQR’s shall not be revised except to correct errors or add omitted information; however, all such changes shall be identified and dated on th: PQR 1.5A WPS may tequire thesupport of more than one PQR, while one POR miay support a number of WPS'S. PQR's qualified using different processes may be combined te support a WPS, 2.1.6 WFS's and POR’ shall be identified accord- ing 10 g system which sllows permanent traceability from the WPS to its supporting PQR's. Each WPS shall be uniquely identified, 2.1.7 A change in any qualifiestion variable bevond that allowed in 2.7 shall require requalification of the WPS and preparation of ¢ new or revised WPS. Other changes chall not require requalificetion pro. vided such change is documented cither in a new, revised, or amended WPS, 2.4.8 Base metals not listed in Appendix C shall ire qualification testing of each individual WPS to be used with that base metal, Welding procedures f unlisted base metalsshall not be used for welding listed base metals oF vice versa, 21.8.1 Coated metals, such as galvanized of painted metals, shall require separate qualification if the coating is not removed from the weld area prior te welding, unless otherwise permitted by thereferencing document. Weld Surfacing. Weld cladding and hard- facing require separate qualification for euch be M-number ang filler metal combination [2.7 Welds made to join clad metals to other clad metals or to unclad metals shall be separately qual y de qualified by acombination ofa WPS for joinine the unclad metal and 2 WPS for applying the cladding. 9 When fracture toughnessis a requirement and a precedure has been qualified to satisfy all require- ments except fracture toughness; itis necessary only to prepare an additional test weldment using the same Procedure with sufficient material to provide the +y fracture toughness specimens. Ifa quali welding procedure has satisfactory fracture toughness ‘values in the weld metal, then itis necessary only to specimens from the heat-aifected zone (HAZ). If the HAZ has been tested, itis necessary only to test spect mens from theweld metal. The WPS shall be revises accommodate fracture toughness variables (T) listed 2.2 Qualification of Procedures 2.2.4 General Requiremenis. Where a suitable Standard WPS is not available for an epplication and ifthe employer does not have a qualified WPS, a WPS shall be prepared and quslified. 22.1.1 Welders and welding operators shall be under the full supervision and control ofthe qualifier using the welding of test weldments. The qualifier is responsible for assuring proper: (1) Preparation of test meteriels for welding (2) Documentation of welding procedure (see 22.12 and G) Preparation of test specimens from the come pleted weldeient, (4) Performance of examinations end mecha eal tests, (5) Documentation of test results (6) Welding procedure instruction is Welder or welding operator To qualify a welding procedure. inary Welding Procedure Speciicationshall be used to meke a test weldment. All welding information required to make the test Weldment shall be shown in his WPS, Any changes made in the welding variables rior to or during qualification shall he recorded in this WPS. 11.3 The WPS identification plus the actual ranges and details of welding variables used in making ‘the vest weidment shall be recorded en a POR 22.14 The complesed sest weldment shall be subjected to the tests and examinations required for cither standard (see 2.2.2) or special (see 2.2.3) test weldments, and the resuhs shall be recorded on the POR nto the Ifthe results meet the acceptance requir ‘ments specified in 2.5, the PQR shall be signed and ated by the qualifier as an accurate record of # Welding and testing of the procedure test weldment. The employer shall signify acceptance of responsibility for the welding and testing of the procedure by signing and dating the WPS. Except as permitted under 2.3.1 or the referencing document, procedures qualified by one employer are nov transfe able to another employer. 2.1.7 Preparation of tes: specimens for me- chanical tests shall beas shown in Appendix A of this Specification 22.2 Standard Test Weldments. Procedure qualift cation requires evaluating. standard test weidment by he ests listed in Table 2.2.2. The type, number, and location of the required test specimens for procedure qualification are detailed in 2 2.2.3 Special Test Weldments. When permitted by the referencing document, special test weldments m: be used for procedure qualificetion tests and shall be governed by the same limits on variables as standard test weldments. Two types of special test weldments are recognized by this document, and requirements for testing each are outlined below Welding Procedure Quaifieatton/S Table 2.2.2 Test requiroments for standard test weldments Weld type: Fillet Sud Re-bar Weld Hard Tyeliet —SCWeets elds elds elds adding Farin ‘Visual examination Yes Optional Optional Options! Options! Guided beng tests Yes - - Yes ~ Tension test Yer — Yeor Ye - - soigne Maciovexamtination = Yes Yer Yes = Bend tests - a = - Torque tests = Yeuor = = Fracuse toughness ispeciied = — ss - = tests Shear test = = = st Penetrant examination - = - Yes specified Chemical analysis - - Yes specified Hardness test = - = - Ye Exeepl that urcieg unpainted MI materials ee exemiiee, Simulated Service Test Weldments. These arc gst weldments in which qualification shall require matingtests simulatingservice conditions. These tests may include impact loading, flexural loading, static loading, or cyclic leading to duplieste the type of loading which the weldment will encounter in service, Prototype Structure Test Weldments. ‘These are test weldments in which qualification re- quires that a prosotype of the ectual weldment be Subjected to field tests in which itis loaded end demon- Sirated to perform the function for which it was designed. 2233 Required Tests and Examination, The ctails of required tests and examination of special test ‘weldments shall be specified by the referencing doou- ment or contract agreement. Where any test in Table 2.2.2 is specified, the acceptance criteria shall be as required in 2.5, The acceptance eviteria for other tests shall be as specified by the referencing document or contract agreement. 2.3 Standard Procedures 2.3: Procedures allowed for use without qualifica- tion tests shall be limited 10 those known as Standard WPS's. WPS'smay be copied without specificauthor- ization as outlined below. 23.2 Employers may us: « Standa modification i it provides sufficient direction for use qn production. An employer may supplement Stand- and Procedures with adéitionel information solengas ‘he qualification variables remain within the allowable ranges of the Standard WPS 23.3 The employer may prepare a specific WPS ‘paced on a Standard WPS provided the qualification ‘variables fell within the sllowable ranges of the Stand ard WPS. The applicable Standard WPS shall beatt- tached to or referenced on ine employers specific wes. 7.34 Prior to use of a Standard WPS, the empleyer shall signify acceptance of responsibility for te appli= tation of the procedure by signing and dating the Standard WPS, or theemployer's specific WPS, which- ever is used for production welding 72.3.5 Aay change in « qualification variable beyond therangesallowed in2.7 shall require « new or revised WPS. Where a Standard WPS cannot be found to ‘cover the change, a new or revised WPS shall be qualified under the rules of 22. Changes in variables Geher than qualification variables shall be documented ty anamendment attached to the applicable WPS oF by revision of the WPS. 6/STANDARD For WELD! 2.4 Qualification Limitations 2.4.1 Thickness Ranges. Tables2.4.1 4, B, C.andD. pecify imitations on thickness ranges qualified, based upon the weld metal thickness of a complete joint penetration groovetest weldment deposit thickness, o fillet test weldmentleg size, or base metal thickness for Weld cladding and hardfacing, or weld metal thickness of reinforcing bars. If not otherwice stated in the referencing documents, successful procedure qualification of com= \G PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION plete joint penetration groove weld shall qualify: (1) pattial joint penetration groove welds based on the thickness of weld metal in accordance with Table 2.4.1, and (2) fillet welds based on the thickness of weld metal in accordance with Table 2.4.1C. 24.1.2 Whea multiple process or multiple filler * metal classificationsare used ina single test weldment, the thickness ranges apply separately to each welding process and filler metal classification, and shall be ‘ocumented on the PQR. Table 2.4.1A Qualification thickness limitations for groove welds in plate or pipe* Range of thickns base metal qualified, in. Thickness T of test Tor Range of thickness (of wele metal qualified, i. vweldment, in Min Max Min Max Leas than 1/16 2 V1 thew 3/8 16 wie ra Over3/8, butessthan 3/43/16 7 3/16 a 3/40 lessthan 1-1/2 3/16 7 3/6 when <3/4 2T when t= J-1/2and over 316 8 3/16 Sand 1 2 Qwhent< Unlimited when t Range of thickness T of base metal qualified, mm Thickness T of test, Range of thickness tof weld metal qualified. mm ‘weldment, mm Min Mas Min Max T a 16 Le Ey Over 0.5, but less than 19 45 7 48 % 19 to less than 38 48 1 48 Mwhent<19 BT when t= 19 ‘S8and over 48 203 48 Mwhent<19 203 when t= 19 7 and over 254 Unlimited «127 Bt whent <19 Unlimited when t = 19 “See Notes 1,2,3,4, 6,6 7a the end of Table 2430. / Welding Procedure Qualificetion|7 _ inw es EEE Table 2.4.18 ‘Qualification thickness limitations for reinforcing ber" ee ee ee range qualified - ceinforcing bar Groce Fie “Type of test Bun Spliced Neldment Min) Msx 0 Min. Max Min Max ats joint Any t Not qualified Any any Spliced burt joint Not qualified Any 1 Any Agy (lace groove) Fillet rest weld Net qualified Not qualified Any Any i T5ee Nowe Sand 4 atthe end oF Table 24.19. pee Table 2.4.1B Qualification thickness limitations for fillet welds on plate or pipe” ‘Size and thickness range qualified ———— ee Filler test welément ‘Base metal thickeess Filles size (Ie) Single pass Unlimited Maximum welded single ass filet size and smaller Moleiple pass Unliaited 1/2 from that welded to unlimited | eee 2.5 Acceptance Crite Procedure qualification test specimens shall meet the following acceptance eriteria for the tests required in222 and 2.2 3.8.1 Visual Examination. Visuel examination is theexamination ofthe test weldment without magnili- cation other than a eorrectivelens, The tes! weldment may be examined by the qualifier at aay time and the test may be terminated at any stage for modification of the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification. “Acceptance criteria for visual exemination ar (1) The weld face shall exhibit uniformity, shall Jerge smoothly into the base metal. and have 10 ‘bnormal roughness or other discontinuities. (2) There shall be no cracks or incomplete fusion. (3) There shall be no incomplete joint penetration in groove welds, ‘Notes 3,4, and Tat the end of Table 242. (4) Undercut shall not execed the lesser of 10 per~ ant of the base metal thickness or 1/32 in. (9.8 mm). 5.2 Bend Tests (1) Groove Welds - For transverse bend speci- mens, the weld metal and HAZ stall be complctely ‘within the bent partion of the specimen alter testing. (2) Guided Bend Specimens - Guided-bend Jens shell have no open discontinuity exceeding 1/8 in, G.2 mm), measured in any direction on the convex surface of the specimen after bending, except that cracks occurring on the corners of the specimen during testing shall not be considered, unless there is definite evidence thet they result from slag inclusions or other internal discontinuities. ‘@) Welding Cladding - For cosrosion-resistant cladding, no opendiscontinuityexceeding 1/16in. (1.6 ‘mm) measured in any direction on the surface shall be 8) STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION Table 2.4.10 Qualification thickness limitations for cladding and hardfacing Thickaess of qualified base metal, in. (rom) ‘Tert weldment base metal Se thick (7), in. (mm) Mia Max Less than 1 (25.4) T Any 1 (25.4) ane over 1 esa) Any 1, ESW, EGW, EBW shall only qualify within plus or minus 10 pereent ofthe tee weldment deposit 2. Wha the groove b fied sings combieatir of rots (one Welding process witha different com a Taethickness¢ of theweld metal for exch welding processstallbe determined and usd nie Range of “Thicknesst of Deposited Weld Metal column. The test eldmentthicksessTisappbiable tore basemera {foreach welding procedure and stall be devermined and used in the Range of Thickness I of Bae Meta) ing proces an or welding probidices with he oa of quaifcaion varia) colume 'b When the eld metalthicknevs by © Each welding proeser and extn we ross 7 5 Par OPW, tne maximum base mea i ‘maximum Wild meta Cieknessguaities § eshorceireuting transfer mos viele metal ofthe test ele ine process ovary welding procedures 3/8 in. (98 me Jess this minim shall be 1/18 in. (1.6 em) fers 5. Where any single puss weld is greater than knee |. time the tet eldment thsi 6 I tbe wt weldment receives a postweld best ‘masini bist metal thickness qualified & 1 ‘eximum weld metal thickress gbalfied = 11 i ‘elsng proses procedure quslfieg nthe combinalion mane may be used rately Only within he same qualification variables end within the thie mie decoribed in Noves 3 ie mel ofthe Lest Weident GMAW, tne maximam bose metal fcknessqualiieg stall be [ifaimesthetes weldment thickness. and the maximum ‘metal tickressquabfied shall te LL umes:be nm) in thickness the qulifi base mata sing he loner ertieal erperatare se shaker ofthe es element and 1 meal ofthe tent weldece. 7. For M-iI steels thei size stat be equa 0 a ass aban the filet size qualted permitted in the cladding, and no open defects excesd- ing 1/8 in. (3.2 mm) shall be permitted at the weld interface after bending. (4) Stud Welds - Studs shall be bent 15 degrees using jig similar wo thatshown in Appendix A, Figure AB.2A, of 15 degrees by hammer blows and returned. to essentially the original position. To pass she tests), cach of five welded studs and heat-affected zones shall be free of visible separation or fracture afier bending and retara bending, 2.5.3 Tension Tests (1) Plate or Pipe Groove Weld: - To past the ya test, each test specimen shall have a tensile jth not less than: (a) The specified minimum tensile strength of the base metal, or (b) Tae specified minimum tensilestrength of veaker of the two base metals if base metals of ferent minimum tensile strength are used. OF (o) Tae specified minimum tensile strength of the weld metal when the applicable design provides fer the use of weld metal having lower tensile strength at room teperatur: than the base metal, or (g) If the specimen breaks in the base metal outside ofthe weld or weld interface, the test shall b= accepted as meeting the requirements. provided the Strength is not more than S percent below the specified minimum tensile strength of the base metal (2) Stud Welds - The failure strength shall be tpased on theminor diameter of thethreaded section of externally threaded studs, except where the shank diameter is less then the minor diameter, or on the riginal cross-sectional area where [ailure occurs ins non-tareaded, internally threaded, or reduced-diam- 1 stud. To pass the tension test, each of five welded studs shall have @ tensile strength as shown below: (a) For ferrous metals, not less than 55,000 pst (380 MPa). (5) For nonferrous metals, not less than 1/2 of the tensile strength of the base metal. (G) Reinforcing Bar Welds - To pass the tension ese each specimen shall have atensile strength that is not less than’ (q) 125 percent of theminimum specified viele strength of the type and grade of ber being joined (or the bar Raving the lower minimum specified yicié strength for dissimilar joints), unless otherwise spec fied by the referencing document or by the qualifier if there is no referencing document. (b) For welds between reinforcing bars and structural shapes of plate, the lesser of the specified minimum tensile strength of the structural shape er plate material or 125 percent ofthe minimum specified Fislé strength of the type and grade of bar being 1d, uniess otherwise specified by the referencing ier if there is no referencing document, or by the qu docament. ‘2.5.4 Chemical Analysis of Cladding and Hardfac- ing Welds (Appendix A). The resuts of the required chemical enalysis shall be within the range of analysis specified in the WPS (s2e A3). 2 ‘Macro-Examinations - (Appendix E) Macroeteh cross-sections shall be pel- ished and etched to provide a clear definition of the ‘weld metal and heat-affected zone, Visual exarrin: ton of etched surfaces shall be without magnification otherwise specified below: (1) Stud Welds- To pass the mecro-examination, zach of five sectioned welds and the heat-affected Weiding Procedure Qualification |® zones shall be free of cracks when examined at = magnification of 10X* (2) Herdfacing Welds - To pase the macro- examination, each of two faces of the hardfacing exposed by sectioning shall be examines with 5X magnification for discontinuities in the weld and base: metal and HAZ, and shall meet the acceptance requirements specified in the referencing document. {G) Fillet Welds-To past the macro-examination, cross-sections ofthe weld metal and heat-affected zone hall show complete fusion, freedom from cracks,and tho more then 1/8 in, (3.2mm) difference in thelength of the fillet legs, (2) Reber Welds (a) Forsingle-V ordouble-V-groove welisto pass the macro-examination, cach specimen shell have complete joint penetration and complete fusion with the base metal. (by Forfiare-teveland flare-groove welds, the etched cross-sections shall have complete fusion and the designated effective throat. The welds shall heve hocracksineither the weld metal or heat-afiected zone. 2.546 Penetrant Examination (Appendix F) (1) For weld cladding. the entire clad surface of the test weldment shall be penetrant examined. To pass the test, there shall be (a) No linear indication with major dimen sions greater than 1) 16 in. (1.6mm). A linear indi tionis one in which ihe length is moi the width (b) No more than three rounded indications with dimensions greater then 1/16 in, (1.6 mm) ina Tine separated by at least 1/16 it. (1.9 mm). (0) For hardfacing welds. the hardfaced ares of the test weldment shall be penstrant examined and shall meet the acceptance stancards required by the referencing document. 5.7 Shear Test. Unless otherwise specified by the referencing document, to pass the test, the shear rrength of each specimen stall be not less than 60 peroent of tie specified minimum base or filler metal tensile strength (Whichever is lower). 43.5.8 Hardness Tests. To pass the hardne: pation, a minimum of three readings shall be taken at the minimum weld metal thickness to be quslified on the WPS and shall not belessthar the hardness sp fied in the referencing document. 2.5.9 Torque Tests for Steel Studs. To pass the teai(s), exch of five welded studs shall support the required torque shown in Table 2.5.9 before failure occurs. Jha threetinies +See Note Table 2.2.2. 10/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION Table 25.9 Required torque for testing threaded unlubricated steel stud welds “Threads per inch Nominal diam and series of etude designated Testing torque in mm fb va 64 ua 3678 3)18 8 95 5 WALL 16 2127 uz ge 1a 9/16 ye 139 IS UNF 5/8 HUNG 74.0 100.0 34 0190 16 UNF z 34 IouNc lao 1800 78 2340 3200 78 220 245.0 1 284 3480 470.0 2.5.0 Fracture Toughness Tests (1) The type of test, location, number of speci- mens, and acceptance criteria for fracture toughness tests shall bein accordance with the referencing doce ment requiring such tess. i (2) Test procedures and apparatus fer Charpy V-notch impact tests shall conform to the require- ments of ASTM A370. (3) Test procedures and apparatus for drop Weight tesis shill conform 10 the requirements of ASTM E208, 2.541 Special Tests Weldments, Acceptance teria shall be in accordance with the referencing document. 2.6 Welding Variables The following matrix indicates the welding varie- bles to he included in 2 WPS and documented on a PQR for each welding process. A WPS or PQR may be presented in any format, written or tabular, pro~ vided the data required in this matrix are included (see 2.1.3). The PQR shall list the actuel variables used within the limits of the range, The WPS may list the same variables within the full ange permitted forqual- ication variables and practical limite determined by yyer for other than qualification welding Welding Procedure Qualification || Welding Process sGFPEEES AMCAS G BW Welding 3.6.1 Joint Design (reference 2.7.1) “Jeint type and dimensions Freatment of backside/ method of goUusiPs Backing and backing material Size, shepe, ferrule fun type 2.6.2 Base Metal (referencs 2.7.2) “Mazerial cumber/ subgroup/ thick Surfacing metal and thickness Product form (diameter if pipe) } | ‘ i . Classification, specification, F Number, 4 Fille: metal] electrode diameter | Flux classification 2.6.4 Position (reference 2.7.4) Welding position and vertical pro: 2.6.5 Heat Treatment (reference 2.7.5 an¢ 27.6) Preheat inimym Interpass maximum, and postweld mainvenance PWHT temperature and time at temperature 2.6.6 Gas (reference 2.7.7) Shielding gas and flow rate Toren root shielding gas aad flow rate uel gas and flame type (oxidising, neutral, or reducing) | | | | 2.6.7 Electrical (reference 2.7 8) ‘Current (or wire feed speed), current fa eo o be type, and polarity sax x Voltage XxX ‘Beam focus current, pulse Stes.» filament, type, shape, and SH , D4 pele 4 2 soFW = Oxyuel Gar Welding PAW. = Plnvma Are Welding Sisided Motel Are Welding ESW = Blesrosiag Weldine Gas Tongsten Ave Welding EW. = Elestogas Welding Submerged Ate Welding EBW = Election Beam Weldine Gas Metal Arc Weld gw = Sud Welds Flax Cored Are Wading sMaw ane, craw saw GMAW FCAW 12/ STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PeRForM. Welding Variable ‘Type and size of tungsten electroge Transfer mode Pubsing 2.6.8 Technique (reference 2.7.9) ‘ocess and whether manual, semi-automatic, or automatie/machine Single or multi electrode and spacing ingle or multi pass (per side), single or double weld Contact tip to work distance Oscillation variables (automatic] machine) Pesning Conventional or keyhole technique Cleaning Stud gun model and lift Vocuum or non-vacuum, and gun-to-work distance and gun angle Backing shoe type Stringer or weave bead Travel sp 2.7 Quulification Varisbles This paragraph lists the qualification variables for each welding process covered by this document Qualification Variable - Those variables which, if changed beyond the limitations given below, require requalification of the procedure as designated by the following symbols: Quilification Varieble 2.7.1 Joint Desien (1) A change in the joint design type from one of ed Wpes to anotier type, (2) Square groove (b) Single bevel or J-groove (0) U of V-groove, double U- or V-groove (2) If backing is used, a change in M Number of the backing the +e QUALIFICATION, Welding Process (cont'd)* O SGSGFPEEES FMTAMCASGBW WAAWAAWWWW ww wy Q - Qualification Variable for all applications T+ Qualification Variable for ‘racture toughness applications © - Qualification Variable for Weld Cladding applications HH ~ Qualification Variable for Hardfecing ap- plicetions Welding Process* OSGSGFPEE ES FMTAMCASG BW WAAWAAWWWW ww ww @egeeagqgqaagag 2@eeaceeeee Qu ) The addition of thermal back gouging on Mell materials. (4) A change in rool face thickness exceeding ification Variable 2.7.2 Base Metal (1) Ackange in the base metal thickness beyond range qualified ia 2.4.). {@) A change from one M Number to snother M of to an unlisted base metal G) A change in Group Number to another Group Number within the same M Number. {4) For joins between bese metals of different M " requalification is required evea though the ‘tals have been separately qualified except 25 ed in (5) and (6) below. {s) For M Numbers |, 3, 4 and 5 (of 3% rseximum nominal chromium content), 2 procedure Qualification test (excludingPAW keyhole techniques) Sith one M Number shall also qualify for that metal Velded to each of the lower M Number metals. but not higher. (6) Where fracture toughness is required. quali cation shall be made using base metal(s) from the same M Number(s) used in production: if however. proz dure qualification tests have been made fo: each of the tivo base metals walded Lo itself, wsingthe same proce: dure including the same qualified variables, it shall nly be necessary to preparea WPS showing thecom binasion of base metals. (7) A change from M-9A to M-9B, but not vic versa. A change from one group of M-10 1oany other group of M-10. (6) A change irom one Group Number of M-11 to any other group. (9) A decrease in the thickness or change in nomina} specified chemical analysis of weld metal beyond that qualified. (10) A change in thenominalsizeor shape ofthe ssiud at the section to be welded Nun Welding Procedure Qualification| \3 e@eaqggeage a eeegeeeeeee prt Pears TT PS a eeeaeeeee g@eae@ee met TT ETT a@agegqaeeeee Seeger aeeeare sOfW = Oxvftel Gos Welding SuawW = Shieléed Metal Arc Welding GTAW = Gas Tungsten Are Welding SAW = Sobreeraed Arc Walding GMAW = Git Meial Are Welding foaw + Flax Cord Are Welding plasma Are Weléing Hleereing Weld Flecteogis Nelding Flectron Beam Welding Stud Welding 14) STANDARD FOR WeLDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION Qualification Variable (cont’@.) 2.7.3 Filler metals (1) A change trom one F Number to-any other F ‘Number orto any filler metal not listed in Appendix B (2) For ferrous filler metals, « change from one A Number 19 any other A Number, or to & filler metal analysis not listed in Appendix B (The PQR ane WPS shall state the nominal chemical composition menufacturers designation identifying filler metals which do not fallintoan A Number group). Qualifica- tion with A-I shall qualify for A-2 and vice versa (3) For surfacing, a change in the nominal com- position of the weld metal A Number, or alloy type (cach layer is considered independant of other layers) ‘¢) A change in nominal filer metal strength exceeding 10,000 pai, or a change in filer metal speci- fied UTS as indicated by the electrode classification number, or as specified in the applicable filler metal specification to @ strength lower than the minimum fied ultimate strength of the base metal. (5) Where the alloy content of the weld metal is largely dependent upon the composition of the flux, any change in the welding procedure which would result in the important alloying elements in the weld metel being outside of the specified range of chemical composition given in the WPS. (6) A change in the nominal size/shape of filler metal/electrode in the first layer. (1) The addition or deletion of supplemental filler metal (powder or wire), or a change of 105 in the amouat (8) A chenge from single to multiple supple- mentary filler metal or vice versa, (9) A change in filler metal from bare (solid) to flux cored, to flux covered, oF vice versa. (19) The addition or deletion of consumable inserts (11) Achange fromeonsumable guideto noncon sumable guide, and viee versa, (12) Addition or deletion, ora change in nominal amount or composition of supplementary metal (in addition to filler metal) beyond that qualified. (13) A change from wite to strip electrodes and vice versa. (18) Achange from one clectrode-flux classifica- tion listed in an AWS specification to any other electrode-flux classification, or to any unlisted slecttode-Tux classification, Variation of molybde- ‘num content of the weld metal +0.5% does not require requelification. Welding Process (cont'a)* OSGSGFPEEES FMTAMCASGBW WAAWAAWWWwW wwiooww WW QAeegeaaea 29 A2e@agceegee CH CHCHCHCHCHCH Q eeecgagaag Q Q cH _cHcHCH OR Aen IG. CH CHCHCHCHCH Welding Procedure Qualification / 1S a Welding Process (cont'd)* SUS GFP © e-Es FMTAMCASGBW WAAWAAWWWW (Qualification Variable (cont’d.) wow WW 2.7.4 Position (1) A change from any position to the vertical position, uphill progression. Vertical uphill qualifies for all positions. RT fore (2) The addition af welding positions other than that qualified except that positions other t flat also qualify for flat. CH CH CH CH CH CHCH 2.75 Preheat/Interpass Temperature (I) A decrease in temperature of more than 100F from that qualified and recorded on the PQR. @aeaag ee (2) An increase in temperature of more than TGs ie 100F from that qualified and recorded on the PQR, PPT TP errs 2.7.6 Postweld Heat Treatmeat (1) A separate POR is required for each of the following postweld heat treatment conditions spe fied in the WPS: (a) No postweld heat treatment. Te a eh (b) Postwield heat treatment below, within, or above (¢.g., normalized) the critical temperature range. TTT TTT 1c) Postweld heat treatment above thecritical temperature range followed by postweld heat ireal- ment below the critical range (c.e., normalized and smpered). a a a et (d) For M-8 metal, theaddition or deletion of a solution or stabilizing heat treatment. Ht ttt tT ttt @) For M-ll metals and for metals w fracture toughaess is a requirement, a change in specified postweld heat treatment temperature [see 2.7.6(1)] and time range requires a procedure quali ¢ Qualification test weldment shell be sub- jected to heat treatment essentially equivalent to that used on the production weldment, including at least 80% of the aggregate times at temperature(s. TH EE eT Tt 2.7.7 Gas Shielding (1) The omission of root shielding ges. @ oog 2) The omission of shielding gas, co (3) Achange in shielding ges froma single gas to any other single gas or to a mixture of gases. or a change in specified nominal percentage composition of gas mixture, H e@ eee ee Q (4) Any change of environmental shieiding such ‘om vacuum to an inert ges, or vice versa. An. increase in the absolute pressure of the vacuum weld- i ing environment beyord that qualified Q Q (5) A change in shielding as a result of ferrule or ‘fax type. 16/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION ‘Qualification Variable (cont’é.) (6) For M Numbers 51, $2,61,and 10-1 metals. a change in the nominal compostion or 2 decrease of 15%; or more from the flow rate of root shielding ges. 2.7.8 Electrical Characteristics 1) Except when the WPS ic qualified with a grain-refining custenitizing heat treatment aft welding. an increase in heat input or volume of wel metal bead per unit length of weld over that qualified. The e may be measured by cither of the (@) Heat input (I/ia. Voltage x Amperage x 60 Travel Speed (in min) (b) Volume of weld metal - An increase in bead size, oradecrease in length of weld bead perunit length of electrode, or a decrease in travel speed (2) A change of plus or minus 159; from the amperage or voltage ranges qualified, or 2 change jn the beam pulsing frequency duration from that quatifed, or any change in filament type, size, or shape (3) A parameter change from that qualified (a) Exceeding + 2% in the voltege or welding speed. (b) Exceeding = 5% in the beam current, beam focus current, of gun-te-work disiance, (c) Exceeding + 20% in oseiliation length of width (4) In the beam pulsing frequency duration. (3) A change in the type of power source, or achangeinthearctimingof morethan= 1/10 second. A change in amperage of more than + 10%. (5) A change in tne mode of metal transh globular, spray, or short-cireviting (6) Addition or deletion of pulsing current 10 de power source. 2.7.9 Other (1) A change in welding process. (2) A ctange from single electrode to multiple electrode, or vice versa. (Multiple electrode i defined as to of more electrodes acting in the same weld puddle) (3) A change from muki-pass per side te single pass per side Welding Process (cont'd)? O SGSGFPEEES FMTAMCASGBW WwAAWAAWWWwW wow ww rt Tt ts t Q Q Q Q Q Qe ga@aeaagagoaeageaed CHT TTT PREP TT Qualife jon Variable (cont'd) (4) Achange fromthe conventional technique to the Keyhole technique of welding or vice versa, or the inclusion of both techniques even though each has been individually qualified (5) A change from vacuum to nonvacoum weld- ing in M Number 50 or 60 series metals, but not vice versa, (6) A change in the followiag stud welding conditions (e) A change of stud gun model (b) A change exceeding 1/32 the nomi- al lift (7) Achange from that qualified. ingun-to-work distance of more than + $4, or change in oscillation Tength or width if more than = 20%, ora change in the gun angle axis of the beam), or the addition of wash pass. or a change eaceeding 2% of the qualified travel ed {(@) The addition or deletion of backing shots oF nonfusing metal retainers. (9) A change in design and /or material of back- ing shoos, either fixed or movable, {rom nonfusing solid to Water cooled or vice versa (10) A change exezeding 20% in the escllation variables. 11) A changein travel speed range for machine or automatic welding of 10% or moze (12) A change from stringer bead to weave bead for manual or semi-automatic. (13) A change in the flame type (oxidizing, reducing flame, of vice versa). neutral, 0: 2.8 Standard Test Weldments- Location and Number of Test Specimens “The standard test Weldments with loc specimensare shown in Figs eaB, 28.5, end 2.86 The ype of tests required for procedure qualification are given in Table 2.2.2 7.8.1 Standard Pipe Weldment. The test weldment shall be composed of wo pipe sections, a minimum of ‘Sin, long, joined together by welding to make a test sweldment oF 10 in, (254 am) min. length. Where only due test weldment is prepared, the diamcter shall be Eufficientto accommodate all required specimens. The thickness shall be based upon the requirements of Table 2414 ZBL Requised Specimens. Required speci- sens shal be removed from approximate locations as Welding Procedure Qualification/17 Welding Process (cont’d)* oO SGSGFPEEES i et oe —_—_—_——+ ————+ ee Eee QQ Qe Trt. CHCHCHCHCE QQ CH CH CH CH CH ____CHCH CH CH EH CHCH CH CHCH CH __CHCHCHCHCHCH __ 1 ee shown in Fig, 28.1. ") Reduced Section Tensile™ 2 Face Bends** 2 Root Benést™ Side bend specimens may be substituted for root and fuce bend specimens for metal thicknesses from 3/8 in. (9.8 mm) 10 1/4 in, (19-0 om) inclusive. Formetal over $/4 in, (19.0 ram) thick, side bend specimens shall De eed. When toughness testingisa requirement, it shall be applied with respect 10 cach vciding process and 7h weld metal ofeach welding proeessand of each weld= vg provedure shall be cluded in the tension test specimen. rie weld metal ofeach welding process and of cach weld jag procedure shall be included om the tension side of the end when the fave and root bend samples are used. 18/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION Face bere Reduced section tensile \ races section Notes: 1. Toughness specimens, when required, shall be removed trom tne ZZ) sections. Side bend specimens may Be substituted for fase and oct 3 tickresses over 2/4, side Lends ahell be uses. wos lor tal thichnees from 9/6 in to S/4 in. inetusive For Fig. 2.8.1 — Approximate location of test specimens for pipe welding procedure, 2,82 Standard Plats Weldment. Test specimens are normally transverse. Longitudinal specimens may be used in lieu of transverse bend specimens for material mmbinations whieh differ markedly in bending prop- crlics betweea the two base metals or the weld metal and base metal as shown in Fig. 2.8.2. Required Specimens: 2 Tension Tests (Reduced Section) 2 Root Bends 2 Face Bends Side bend specimens may be substituted for root and face bend specimens for metal thicknesses ‘rom 3,8 in. (9.5 mm)t03/4in (19.0 mm) inclusive. For metal over 3/4 in. (19.0 mm) thick, side bend specimens shall be used 2.8.3 Standard Fillet Weld Test Weldment. The standard fille: test weldment is shown in Fig: 2.8.3 Length should besufficient or required mumber of test specimens, which may be of any convenient width not Jess than 1 in: (25.4. mm). Required Specimens: 4 Transverse Shear Tests 2.8.4 Standard Reinforcing Bar Test Weldments. Three west weldments shall be made using one of the applicable joint designs skown in Figs. 284A or B, and shall be used for full section tensile tests and macrostch test. Required Specimens: | Mecroetch 2 Tension Teste 2.8.5 Standard Cladding Test Weldment. The test sweldment is shown in Fig. 2.8.5. The base metal shall be within the thickness limitation specified in Table 24ND, Nete9, 28.5.1 Test Specimens: Penetrant Examination - On the minimum ‘weld clad thickness qualified Side Bends - (4 Transverse or 2 Transverse and 2 Longitudinal) 6 Standard Hardfacing Test Weldments, The test weldment is shown in Fig. 2.8.6. The thickness shall be based on the requirements of Table 2.4.1D. ete s Leng ibang specimens Reduced set Feet ose bens Reothend spscimen Feestand soneimen “Transverse bene specimens Notes: able 24.14. Substituted for root and tare bend spacime' hick side bone spasimens eral be used Fig. 2.8.2 — Location of test specimens in pl Welding Procedt Qualification] 19 Ve min one Lengtweinal root specimen Longitudinal fee bend snecimen Reduced section rersion si sara root bend spesiien ns fot metal tnicknesses from 2/0 Int 0/4. ate groove fest weldments 20/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION All dimensions in nenes lent forthe required numberof spe sigsize clus V8 fs, whch may be ef any convenient wih 90 es than Vin Fig. 2.8.3 — Standard fillet weld test weldment |i) ForBers No. $ortargr ase single oF bevel goow (2) ForBursNo Eorsnaller wie sinsleV ath solepe (085° 1260") ing (000°) Fig. 2.8.44 — Butt joint in reinforcing bar 22/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION ions in Inches 7 =5ee Tstle 24.19 Aldi Note: The number of passes snownisillutetive only Fig. 2.8.5 — Cladding test weldment cuthee and ‘ch both faces. All imenstonsini 7 =see Tabte24.19 Fig. 2.8.6 — Hardfacing specimen 2 3, Performance Qualification 3.4 General 3,1 Performance qualification by standard test chall qualify the individual to perform welding where sua Qualifestion of welders and welding opera: qualiieaiot either standard test or workmanship corgrequires completion of the specified est weldment is specified. Performance qualifieation by work: core snee bythe Qualifier of the test welgment — manshiP Te shail qualify for preduction work only and test results sane qualification by visual examination is permitted 1 Acorpuanceofpsrformanctqualiicaioneldé BY te OTT document mont thall be allowed by cither of two methods (s#¢ $1.5 Qualification for weld cladding qualifies only Fig 3.12}: for wld cladding, Qualification for hardfacing shall 12) alieation by workmanship est (See 32) otal S08 for hardfacing {2) Qualification by standard text (See 2 3.1.6 Qualification to 3.2.and 33 is permitted on ay cuouieation asa welder doesnot qualify the Prose ‘weldments provided such quelification i sndivideal as 2 welding operator or vice VETS. Dermitied by the referencing document Performance Performance Qualification bv workmanship test is acceptable @2). Qualification by standard test(s) required, (323). ‘Welder or operator prepares a production fr a test weldment Der qualified WPS. Welder or operator prepares 2 production Or atest weldment per qualified WPS Examine andor st the weldment and Visually examine the weldment and document results TY Seceprable, aDpTOVE qualification document, Fig. 3.1.2 — Performance qualification steps required by this specification B 24/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PE 3.1.7 A welder or welding operator who completes an acceptable procedure or performance qualification test weldment shall be qualified for production work within the limits of variables specified in 3.6 3.1.8 The welder or welding operator undertaking performance qualification tests shall be under the full supervision and control of the qualifier during the welding of test weldments, Acceptance or rejection, and documentation of test resuits is the responsibility of the qualifier. Performance qualification documen- be dated and signed by the qualifier. 3.1.9 The performance qualification shall remainin effect indefinitely unless the welder or welding opers- toris not engaged in the process qualified fora period exceeding 12 months or there is somespetifie reason to guestion 2 welder’s, or welding operator's, ability. In these instances, re-qualification may be accomplished by making end testing one test weldment using the same process. 3.1.10 A welder or welding operater who fails the performance test required by this Article may be Fetested at the option of the qualifier. as specified below: (1) Tf en immediate retest is permitted by the qualifier. it shall consist of 2 test weldments for each position failed. Both test weldments must be acceptable, NCE QuaLIFICATION (2) Provided there is evidence satisfactory to the qualifier that the welder or welding operator has had further training or practice, a retest Consisting of all the original rest requirements may be permitted 3.2 Qualification by Workmanship Test 3.2.4 Qualification by workmanship testis permit ted wher allowed by the referencing document 3.2.2 Qualification by workmanship test sequires completion of a workmanship weldment in accor. dance with a qualified WPS, representing typical pro- duction configurations and conditions, which shall accepted or rejected primarily by visual examination and other examinations (ie. macro-examinstion etc.) a5 may be deemed appropriaie for the application. Figure 3.7.6 illustrates typical workmanship test weldments 2.3 Tables 3.4.64 and 3.4.6B define the positions qualified based upon the position tested. Weldment entation in other than the standard (1G, 2G, ete) positions is permitted, Such qualifications are valid only for the position tested. Angulat deviation in weld axis inclination and face rotation shall be in accor: ance with Figs. ALIA and A1.IB. 3.24 The thickness (and diameter where applice- ble) of the test weldment shall be hated upon the weld Table 3.3.1 Examination requirements - qualification by standard test Pipe or plate Reinforcing bar butt joint Surfacing Examiration/testing Groove Fillet “Veegtoove Flaregroove “Chad Haine Visuat examination Yes Yes Yes Yes Ves Yes Radiography Yes, - Yes = = = exemination” or bend Bend tex Yee, = = Yes = or radiograph Break test = Yes = = a - o-exemination s Yes Ys. Yew = = or radiograph Tension tex o = Yes, = - - of radiograph Peretrent examination = - me = Yes Yes = - = Yes Hardoess tes s = sRediograg {o tend iss far ine folowing processes: SMAW, GTAW, GMAW (a -xaminationshallbepesformedin secordance with Appendix D ef this Specification, andi acceptable as an alternative forthe shor-ciruttng tansfer mode) FCAW. PAW. and ) thickness to be welded in production, Tables 3.4.5 A, B,C, D,and E show theranges qualified by 2 given est weldimeat thickness or diameter, or both. 5.2.5 The test Weldment shall be visually examined and chall satisfy the requirements of 5.5.1, except that ‘where partial pereteation welds are specified, the requirements of 3.5.1.(2) do not apply. 3.3 Qualification by Standard Test 3.3.1 Performance qualification by stendard test shall be in eecordance with Table 33.1 "3.3.2 Qualification by standard test requires com- pletion of s standard test weldment (se€3,7) in accor dance with a qualified WPS. 3.3.3 Tables 3.4.6 and B define the positions qual- fied based upon position tested. Weldment oricnta- sion other then the standard (1G,2G. etc.) positions is permitted, but such tests qualify only fer the position fected. Angular deviation in weld axis inclination snd face rotation shall be in accordance with Figs. A118, and AL.IB. 3.3.4 The thickness (and diameter where applica- ble) ofthe test weldment shall be based upon the weld thicknesees and diameters to be welded in production. “Tables 34.58.B, C, D.and Eshow the ranges evali- formance Qualification |2S 3.3.5 The test weldment shall satis! acceptance eriteria of 1.5 3.3.6 Qualifications of acomplete-joint-penetration groove weld qualifies for partial-joint-penetration groove welds and fillet welds. icable app 3.4 Test Weldments '3.d Standard test weldments shall meet the dimen sional requirements for test weldments (3.7) and shall be welded in one or more ofthe standard test postions (Appendix A). 3.42 Test weldments may also be workmanship semples(See3 7.6)if qualification is performed under the cequirements of 3:3 3.43 Multi-process qualification on the same test woldmentis permitted, The qualified thickness range ‘and pipe diameter size for each welding process shall bbe in accordance with tables shown in 3.4.5. The weld metal thieknees for each welding process shall be dec- jumented zlong with all otber variables on the Perfor- ‘mance Ovalification Record (see 3.6). 3.4.4 Qualification shall be performed using tne meials (Appendices B and C, F Number and M Number respectively) to be used in production, wi shall qualify only for metals under the same M Fae a eeriestweldment thickness ordiametcr,or Number or F Nurber. excep tbat some metas a pot, ‘qualify for other metals as specified in Table 3.44 Table 3.4.4 Allowable test weldment material groups Metal used for performance test weldmen! Qualities for Bese meth Fille eat Filer mets) M Number(s) Base metal F Number (Sete) M Naber (Sete 1) Tearough 11 ‘iL except 20,30, 50 or = eo series nets = Any 20 Series metal - Any 30 Series metal = Tikroush 5 and The F Number wee in est 1 tiough <3 - weldment and any lower F amber | through §, and 41 rouge 3 222,33 (Qalify for theme euch other Nove: 1. Weiding operator performance tess made 2 Fesformance test sing a base metal 99% eed ness ia Appendin © 2a Jr sted it Appendix B shall qusliy ior using sior Used filler mstle of 26/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERF ANCE QUALIFICATION Table 3.4.58 Pipe groove lest weldments to qualify for Production welding of pipe and plate SS ears 8 IL Test weldment Qualifies for pips or plate Outside diaeier Thickness Groove welds Outside diameter. ‘Giseveeag Fillet welds Min Max i (im) Groove welds Fitts welas Lass than 1 (284) Size welded all 120 and over, 154) thru 27/873) ine. in. (25.4 em) All Veo ‘and over all Sa thru6s/8 2.1/8 73 mm) Al ye (168) inc. and over 6-5/8 (168) and over 41/2 (114 mm) all and over a iekcess of weld metal of ust weldments (nat Table 3.4.58 Groove test weldments to quality for Production welding of plato and sheet SS ee eee ‘Test weldment Qualifies for Groove welds Fillet welds mac, Thickness. in (mm) Lee sie, in, (mm) ie, (cam) Min Max Min Max Pipe ¥03/8 ine, (9.3) 1/2 2 Wt No max Not Over 3/8 0.5) 3/16(4.8) Maxto 3/8 (6.8) Nomax| — sualifed be weides ee Ee ee eee = thickest weld metal of est weldment (not including sinforcement) Nove. Qualifiation on pate thal seo qualiy for pi sass ‘n, within she range of thickness allow ip Table 3.4.5 Tables 3.4.5A,B,C, D,andE define therange the test may beterminated at any stage'if the welder or of thickness and pipe diameters qualified by a test ‘weldment of any given size and thickness. 3.4.6 The positions for which a welder or weldia operator becomes qualified when successfully com- pletings test weldmentin one or move afthe positions illustrated in Appendix A are shown in Tables 3.4.64 and B. 3.5 Examination and Acceptance, The minimum examination requirements are outlined 2s follows: 3.5.1 Visual Examination. The test weldment may bbe examined visually by the qualifier at any time, and welding operator does not exhibit the necessary skills. Visual examination mens examination without mas~ nification other than corrective lens. Acceptance crte- ris for Visual examinetion arc (1) There shall be no cracks or incomplete fasion. (2) There shall be no incomplete joint penetra- tion in groove welds [except as permitied for partial Joint-penetration groove welds (see 3.25) (3) The appearance of the weld shall satisfy u qualifier that the welder is skilled in using the process ‘and procedure specified for the tes. anne ret isonerennatanme Performance Qualification/27 Table 3.4.5C Fillet test weldments qualification limits — diameter and weld thickness Qualifies for Weld thickness rane . ouside diame asalified let (Se maxim) lepsee, in (2) “Test weldeent oo) late or pipe Weide, re (mem) Fila (Neie ——_Oroore Min Mex Pipe: (Outidedinmetes) Sue welded tess then | 254) and over 1 (254) through 2:7/8(8) 15-8) and over anal Ae Ne. over 27/803) 278 (3,206 over Pinte Thickness (F) wat Ea Peadandiess Note 27/8073 » owe Over 3) 16 (4-8) oe } Qualified Nomex = Thickness of test late Nore ine el qoacarony on ate Yat or pipe nnesarvies 7/000 OF 006 For diame tet ‘eRe! Table 3.4.5D Rebar fest qualification limitations on rebar sI2° ‘Qualifies for Rebar 5! Grows plies. Fillet and lp Complete actal joint penetration splices Reber test weldment Min Max Mie Mix Min Max Direct bust joint Sbevewsi Seeveia| Nepin Nomi) = Neo No mak Sisewelded Sine welded Slee welded Size welded spliced butt joint Not quatif evel groove) Table 3.4.5E ing and hardfacing thickness quailfication limitations ie Weld clad eS ee es ea GRE, Wau mal sicko ‘Test weldment base Sa ne id ta com eon) Trea eke Hes gf 0) Wie we Min Men Tasttan 10254 7 Nene See ‘Same 2s WPS syne NOL quaied and over (25-4) 184) Nomex NDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND 'ERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION Table 3.4.64 Limitations on groove weld positions qualitied {also includes surfacing welds) Positions qualified” (Notes 1,2 and 3) ‘Groove welds Reinforcing bar Filles welt Tet position grooves Pipe Plate = Bust. —~=C*lare’ «= Pipe Plate Pipe F F = F F F F Plate F : F F F F 1G Rebar Bue =: = F : _ = F Flare = = = F a = F Pipe FH Fl = Fi FHL BH RE Plate RH RH = FA ra FH FH 2G Retar Burr a = Fl = - = FH Flare = = = FH pi Ba = RY = BV FH ORNH Fw = - FVH = A a - yi - EV. s = “ FO FO F FEO 46 = = FO = - = = = Fo - - SC Pipe RYO FY - YO FYO Fv. 6G Pipe All All Al al all GR Pipe All all 7 all All All Pipe All All Bs all All All All py, ws si a ie Pine = All All BH al Al 2 All position qaaifcat 1 on plete also eualities for pi over 24 in (610 mm) diameter, 8 for pipe over 2-1/8 jn. (73 mim) .D, reay be pesformed on one 6/8 in (168 mss diameter or iment (Fig. 27.10), 5. Qualification on doubie-welied plate sire qualfie for double-ncited pipe and vce \eta Table 3.4.68 Limitations on fillet weld positions qualified Fille positions qualifies" Performance Qualification) 28 Q) Linear discontinuities are those in which tne length is more than three times the width, Permite ted linear indications are shown in Teble 3.5.24. Table 3.5.24 a ‘Nate SPN ; ; ee pockion tial Pipe fia 7a Acceptable linear discontinuities 7 me 8 © € Man Max aggerse nth me fF Ef E wwisnennis(, denen, Al wen re | BE _ oe EH Gein mauve eee BF Place - Cree Flt ies vie FORO : f war Was egg tensh me Re | FRO wea imeanes(9, neoninsy Aland a le een =e eee See Tres. ian eer pee Aaya eT ; sae Over $7 9 oP Flat = Horortal V = Verseal © = Overhost sreaion on plate cee qualifies for pipe over 24. (4) Undercutshall notexceed thelesser of LO oF the base metal thickness oF 1/32 in. (0.8 mm). 3) Where visual examination isthe only eiter- jon for acceptance all weld passesaxe subjectto wisual ‘Radiographic Examination - Groove Welds ‘Jl Rediographic technique shall be based apor Appendix Do‘ this Speslication. Final interers- wevon of results isthe responsibility of the qualifier. weldment, less any discard for plate, shall be For qualifiestion on production work, acceptance snail be based on a minimem of 6in. (15) em) of production weld, and the acceptance criteria Shall be per the dosument governing that produesicn ‘weld, However, if morethan 6in. (150mm) appears on the radiographic film, the full length of the weld ‘coveted by the film shall be examined. Face reinforcement may be removed at the option of the qualifier. Root reinforcement shall fot be removed from single welded groove joints. Backing shall not be remove Acceptance shall be in accordance with the following requirements (1) Cracks, incomplete joint penetration, oF incomplete fusion are not permitted. “liga inieation re hoe where the dinance ermect th Sue cane leaions ia lec than AL, where Lis The length of the fongestindision in the gr0% (3) Rounded indications are those having @ length less than three times the width and may be circular, elliptical, or irregular in shape. Permitted Soundedindications shall basshown in Table 3.5.2B. (4) For reinforcing bar, the acceptance crite ria ghall be as shown in Table 3.5.2C. 3.53 Bend Specimens Groove Welds. Thelocationand nsmber of bead specimens are shown in 3,7. The preparation ff specimens and guided bend test fixture require: rents are specified in Appendis A. (1) After bending, the center of the weld shall be approximately in the center of the bent portion of the specimen, end each specimen shall be visually caanined for evidence of discontinuities. An acceat- ble test shall be one in which no specimen exhibits gry crack or open discontinuity exceeding 1/Sin. G2 fom) im any direction. Cracks occurring atthe corner ‘Bf apecimens shail net be considered unless there 's Gefinite evidence that they result from slaginelusion or ther internal discontinuities 35.3.2 Clad Welds. For corrosion resistant clad> ding, no open discontinuity excceding 1/16ir. (6mm) ‘neacured in any direction on the surface of the clad- ding, and no open discontinuities execeding 1/8 in.(.2 tame) are permitted at the weld interface after bending. 30/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION Table 3.5.28 Acceptable rounded discontinuities Weld metal ehickmess (1 in em} 38 than 1/8 (3.2) 1/8 (32)or thickert* = ‘Rounded indications tess than 1/3 is ess than 8 in (150 ni in eng than that through the hase meta oe Table 3.5.2C Acceptable rebar discontinuities dliscontiauny dimensio ‘Sum of dincorsioulty Simeasions Barsze Th 7a in 3.5.4 Bend/Break Tests - Fillet Welds The location of bend break specimens is shown in 3.7.3. The fille: weld bend/break specimen, (Figs. 3.7.34, B,C, D or E), shall be bent with the ro in tension until the specimen cither iractures or until it is bent flat upon itself. The specimen shall pass if it doesnot fracture, orifthe fillet iractures, the fractured surface shall show complete fusion to the joint roo: ‘end shall exhibit no inclusion or porosity larger than 3/32in. (24 mm) in its greatest dimension 3.5.8 Macro Examination (Appendix E) 3.55.1 The location and number of macroeteh specimens are shown in Figs. 3.7.3, 3.7.4. and 3.7.5 (1) Examination of macroetch specimens for the standard fillet test weldmeats end workmanship ‘Weldments shall snow complete fusion and freedom fromracks. Other indications st the root, nat execed- Max ace 2085 oft The laser of 205 of tor 18 in, ( eptable discontinuities Miliipi A maximum of I? acceptable rndications in 6 in (150 zn) of wold.* Per Chart Appeadix D fever numbe uf indiciions thall be (08 nim) maximum diameter shall pot be considered a ts sickness range. Roo! concavity permitted proviced:net density through tena of eren isnot ess ‘ng 1/32in. (0.8mm) shall beacceptable Concavity or convexity of theweld face shall not exceed 1/ 16in.(1.6 mm), Fillet legs shall not differ in size by more than 1/8 in. (32 mm, (Q) Examination of reinforcing ber test weld- ment macroeich specimens in 3.7.4 shall show com- plete fusion for butt joint specimens and the required throzt for flare groove weld specimens. Ther: shall be no cracks of incomplete fusion evident in the weld | of heat-afiected zone, @) Examinstion of hardfacing overias show complete fusion, 16 Penetraat Examination (Appendix F) For weld cladding shown in 3.7.5, the entire surface of the test weldment shell be penetraat examined at the minimum qualified thickness in accordance with Fig. A3B (Appendix F). To pass the test, there shall be (1) Norelevant linear indications with surface iensions greater than 1/16 in. (1.6 mm). A linear cdication is one in which the length is more than 3 ‘times the width, (2) Nomore than four rounded indicstions of any size, in a line separated by 1/16 in, (1.6 mm) of less, except where the WPS specifies either more or less stringent requirements. 3.8.7 Tension Test - Reinforcing Bar. The te strength shall not be less than 125 percent of the mine imum specified yield strength of the type and grads of bars joined (of the lower specified yield strength for dissimilar material joints), shall ai 3.6 Welding Variables Affecting Performance 3.6.1 Welders and welding operators who qualify for one WPS are also qualified to weld with any othet WPS using the same process within the limits of per- formance welding variables, 3.6.2 Performance Welding Variables. In addition to the tables in 3.4, the following require equalities tion ofa welder or welding operator. Welders (1) A change in welding proces: ) The addition or deletion of backing (in- cluding weld metal made with another process) in single-welded groove joints (3) A change in the weld metal thickness or pipe diameter range beyond that for which the welder is qualified. (4)A chang: in filler metal F Number except n3.4.g, (5) A change in welding position except as allowed by 3.4.6. (9) For OF W, a changein thetyge of fuel gas. (1) For GTAW, a change from zc to ds, oF rsa, of a change in polarity. (8) A change in verticel weld progression (upward or downward). (9) For GMAW, a shange from spray are, globular are, or pulsed arc to short-circuiting arc, of (10) Fer GTAW or PAW, the omission o addition of consumable inserts. (11) For GTAW, the deletion of root shield- ing gas except for double welded butt joints and fillet welds. Welding Operators (i) A change in welding process. (2) A change in welding position except as allowed by 3.4.6. 3.7 Standard Test Weldments and Test Specimen Location 3.7.1 Standard Pipe Groove Test Weldment. Tae slandard pipe groove test weldment for performance qualificatioa shall consis: of two pipe sections. each a - (76 mm} Long joined by welding to make one test Weldment a minimum of 6in. (150 mm) long. Tae diameter and wall thickness shall be based upon the requirements of Table 3.4.5. See Figs 3.7.1 through 3.7.1C. Performance Qualification/31 Required Specimens. For qualification in the LFR 0 2G positions the following specimens are required. The specimens are to be removed approxi- mately 180 deg. apart. I Face Bend - Note 1, Fig 3.7.18 | Root Bend - Note I, Fig. 3.7.1B ired Specimens (see Fig. 3.7.18). For qualification in the 5G, 6G, or 6GR positions, the following specimens are required: 2 Face Bends - Note, Fig. 3.7.1B 2 Root Bends - Note, Fig. 3.7.1B 3.7.13 Required Specimens (see Fig. 3.7.1C), For qualification of the 2G + 5G positions ona single pipe weld the following specimens are sequired: 2G position: 1 Face Rend - Note 1, Fig 37.1C 1 Root Bend - Note 1, Fig. 3.7.1C 3G position: 2 Face Bends - Note 1, Fig 3.7.1C 2 Root Bends - Note 1, Fig. 3.7.1C 4.72 Standard Plate Groove Test Weldment. The standard plate groove performance test weldmentsare shown in Figs. 3.7.2A and 3.7.2B. Minimum length of test weldment shall be based upon the type of speci mens required. Plate thickness shall be 2s shown in Table 3.4.58, Required Transverse Bend Specimens (see Fig. 3.7.24); Face Bend - Note |, Fig. 3. Root Bend - Note 1, Fig 3.7.24 Required Longitudinal Specimens (see Fig. 3.7.28): | Face Bend | Root Berd 3.73 Standard and Alternate Fillet Welds. The standard and alternate fillet weld performance test weldment shall beessentially as shown in Figs. 3.7.3, B,C, D, or E aad test specimens shall be removed as shown. The thickness of the test weldment shall be based upon the requirements of Table 3.4.5C. 373.1 Required Specimens - Plate: | Bend/ Break Test 2 Macroetch Required Specimens - Pipe: 1 Bend/ Break Test 2 Mactoetch 4.74 Reinforcing Bar Test Weldments. For each performance test, vo weldments shall be made as x amin Fig. 3.7.1A — Standard 5G, and 6GR pipe test weldments - Tea el gies Scares 4580" (vol Fae ene! Specie) _ 2x6 Ny on Fig. 3.7.18 — Specimen location nee Sa s Removeso ra0t Sond specimen from the wee Remove | feck and 1 root bend sgesiman from theses Pine in xed verical, postion or 26 tee Remove 5G ‘aes bene fom Performance Qualification) 33 Topet eine BG position bend “rom ths a6 Figg in fixes porzental sosition for 56 tes Remove 56 reot end from this wee Note: For pine over 3/8 in. thick, side bends may be teken in ie et rast and face bends Fig. 3.7.1C — Specimen location for 2G and 5G positions shown in Figs. 3.7.48 or 3.7.48, as applicable, and subjected to the following tests: Required Specimens: 1 Full Section Tension Test I Macroetch Test 37S Surfacing Test Weldments. Weld cladeing and hardfacing. Required Specimens for Cladding (see Fig. 3.7.5) Penetrant Examination of Clad Surface 2 Transverse Side Bends Required Specimens for Hardfacing (sce 7.58): 3 Hardness Readings - From the minimum thickaass qualified Macrocich Examination (2 Faces) 3.7.6 Workmanship Test Weldments. [he exam= ples in Fig. 3.7.6 illustrate typical workmanship sam- ples. The thicknesses and configuration of the test \weldment shall be as specified by the qualifier. These ‘examples illustrate how a typical test weldment might anpecr. 34/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION A Roatinend specimen Faomcerd spacimen. V2 , At dimensicnsin inches (Note: Use side bends asaan altemate for over 23/8 in. thiokness. Fig. 3.7.2A — Standard plate transverse bend test weldments Longitudinal oat bend specimen Lergiusinal taco bend specimen. “1 ‘Al cimensions in inches Fig. 3.7.2B — Alternate plate test weldment longitudinal bends (see Performance Qualification /35 5/16 fet wee aeroeteh specimen leteh ter lacs) Stop and resar wwaling near center Nscrastn sgacinnen (ean inrener fos ‘il eiieratonsin inches T=SeeTaneGs.8C (Nee: Piste shekness ane cimensions are minimum, Fig. 3.7.3A — Standard fillet weld test weldment - plate at east 8 Zin, IW adloe se then use at Sit ber waximurn 122 sogle as He weld 38 in f Th i vat EL, nay be nsas in any peaiton " At pe s 1 \ T= See Table asc Al eimensions in inches Fig. 3.7.3B — Alternate fillet weld test weldment - plate tee 36) STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION, ee) speelnen. 4 ia seovontenelored feenirum fet s2e= 1 pi Start and stap of weld / fear inayat bind I Ui gimersonsin inches T mac val thickness i Fig. 3.7.3C — Standard fillet test weldment - pipe Dineton of bine srac0 spine yz 1a seetion aeneyreak : oximur Fle se 1 “T= wal nciness cf tower pipe iH Tete i/ Star and top of vl rear centr oF bend Allermensionsin inches Se Tae 3.450 Fig. 3.7.3D — Alternate fillet test weldment - pipe sero stch face lesions are optional \ \ Fig. 3.7.3E — Location of specimens for filet test weldments - pipe lee All dimensions in inches 18 (e245" 060°) 12). Forbare No. 8 or emailer, aasinele Vwith split pipe backing (O=60°) Fig. 3.7.4A — Butt joint test weldment - reinforcing bar Complete joint penetration groove weld Tensth of eice ar Teyaoros, whehevers greater Fig. 3.7.4B — Spliced butt joint (flare groove) test weldment - reinforcing bar 38/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION 2 led eee x2 Allcimensions is inches Note: Weld layers areil ative only Fig. 3.7.5A — Location of cladding specimens Cut and mac fetch bat laces TP ~ mo Se Taule 3, All dimensions in inenes Note Wels layers are lust io ony Fig. 3.7.5B — Location of hardfacing specimens Performance Qualification/39 Workmanship test weldments Fig. 3.7.6 — Appendix A Illustrations - Weld Position, Test Specimens, Test Jigs, and Suggested Forms Al. Welding Positions - Illustrated ‘ALL Groove Weld Position Changes. Figure AIA the points at which groove weld position changes occur. AL2 Fillet Weld Position Changes, Figure Al.1B speci points at which fille: weld position changes occur. ALJ Standard Groove Test Weldment Positions. Fig- urc AL2A illustrates and identifies the positions per- mitted for Standaré Groove Test Weldments. Stand- ard Groove Test Weldments shall be positioned in the applicable position(s) 2s showa ia Fig. AI.2A, except that an angular deviation is allowed from the true horizontal or vertical plane in accordance with Fig. ALIA, Ald Standard Fillet Test Weldment Positions, Figure AL.2B illustrates and identifies the positions for Standard Fillet Weld Test Weldments, Standard Fillet Test Weldments shall be positioned in the applicable position(s) as illustrated. ALS Standard Stud Test Weldment Positions, Figure [3A illustrates and identifies the positions for Standard Stud Test Weldments, Standard Stud Test Weldments shall be positioned in the applicable posi- tion illustrated within the limitations shown in Fig. ALS, A2. Guided Bend Specimens ‘A2.1 Preparation of Groove Weld Specimens. Guided end test specimens shall be prepared by cutting the test plate or pipe to form specimens as illustrated in Figs. A2.1A, A 1B, and A2.1C, The cut surfaces are designated the specimen sides, The other two surfaces are designated the face and root surfaces, AZ2 Weld reinforeement and becking shall be xe- moved flush with the specimen surface. Cut surfaces shall be parallel, may be thermally cut, and shall be 41 machined or ground ¢ minimum of] /8in. 3.2mm) on thermally cut edges, except that M-1 metals may be bent “at-cut” if no objectionable surface roughness exists. |A2.3 Subsize Transverse Face and Root Bends. For pipe of 4 in. (100 mm) outside diameter or less, the bend specimen width may be 3/4 in. (19 mm), mea- sured around the outside surface, Alternatively, for outside diameters less than 2-7/8 in. (73 mm), the width may be that obtained by cutting the pipe into quarter sections, A2.4 Nonstandard Bend Specimens. For base metal thickness Jess than 3/8 in, 9.$ mm), the thickness of the specimen may be the thickness of the base metal, excep that M-23 and M-35 materials [excluding alloys C9$200 and C9S400 for which 3/Sin. (9.5 mm) is required] shall be a maximum of 1/8 in. 3.2 mm) thick. For metals less than 1/8 in. (32mm) thick, the specimen thickness shall be the thickness of the base metal 3, Surfacing Specimens Chemicel analysis and bend test specimens shall be prepared as shown in Figs. A3A and AB. A4, Tension Specimens (See Figs. A4A-A4F) ‘A4.1 A sinale specimen may be used for thicknesses of Tin. or ess A42 For thicknesses over I in., single or multiple specimens may be used [except 2s permitted by ‘A4.2() provides (1) and (2) are complied with}. (Q) Collectively, multiple specimens, representing the full thickuess of the weld at one location, shall comprise a set (Q) The entire thickness shall be mechanically cut inte epproximately equal strips. For specimens that ‘areriotiurned, specimen thicknesses shall be the max- imum size that can be tested mn available equipment. Asislinit for ¢ Vertical “Tanotation ot pesos Position Olayan wefermee Rowson offs A 150" 10 210" Mereomal B00 7 to 200 sess 10 60° ca Owe ie oe 280" ta 360° 3 or 19 780 Vertical p ed 2 The inalination of ane ie meseuree from the horizontal reference eler= toward te vertical relerence plane ‘3 The angle of rotation of the face Is determined by a ine perpendicular to tie theortical face ofthe weld which pases through the axis if the weld The reference postion [DI 0! rotation cf tne face mvsrebly points inthe cvection opnsite to tat in wien tne ay = Ineteasee When lonking at point P, the angle of rotator of the ‘ace cf the wala is measured in clockwise diet from the rterence ‘sition (0°), Fig. ALIA — Position of groove welds < Appendix A/43 Axis limits or D Aailinite for © Vertict Tatilasons of penton 3 Ronen Fiat Hevaartal vernon Vereal Fig. A1.1B — Position of fillet welds 44/STANDARDTOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION - Reinforcing be Horizortal Fined 36 Vertical 46 Otarhess a 56 Fed Fig. A1.2A — Standard groove test weldment positions D Appendix A/S Pine 4.8 Fig. A1.2B — Standard fillet weldment test positions 45/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION = 8 1s ‘STUD WELDING POSITIONS Fig. AI3A — Standard stud welding positions Limits of positions for pate or pice STUD WELDING POSITIONS Fig. AL.3B — Stud welding position limitations Appendix A/a? 1/0 Moe Radi Va Na Radios Face bend Foot bond All dimensions in inches Fig. A2.1A — Transverse face and root bend specimens pe t “i {Al cimersions in inches Note: A longer specimen lengin may be necessary when using a wraparound type bending faxure or when testing stl with 2 sield strength of 9 ksi or more. Fig, A2.1B — Longitudinal face and root bend specimens 48/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION ace may be oxygercut a ew 112 Se All dimensions in inches Notes Winen T exoseds 1-1/2, eu alone thie line 1. Allener specimen length may be necessary when using 2 wranarcunc-yne bending fixture arwnen testing atest with = Yield point af 90 ks! or more, 2 For pistes over 1-1/2n. thick, su the speciman into approximately eso etn, | strips with «between 2/8 ang 1-1/2 in. ang test Fig. A2.1C — Transverse side bend specimens (3) Multiple turned specimens may be used for test weldment thicknesses greater than Tin. (25.4mm). A set of multiple specimens shall be used to satisiy a single required tension test. Collectively, specimens representing the fill thickness of the weld at one loce- Uionshall comprise a set. Specimens shall be parallel to the weldment surface ane not more than | in. 25.4 mm) apart. The center lines of specimens adjacent 10 the Weldment surfzces shall be within 5/8 in, (15.9 mm) of that surface A4.3 Cold straightening of test specimensis permitted prior to removal of reinforcement, Ad.4 Weld reinforcement shall be removed flushtothe base metal, AS. Fillet Weld - Shear Specimens Fillet shear test specimens shall be prepared in accordance with Fig. AS. A6. Test Jigs AG.1 Guided Bend Test Jigs. Guided bend test jigs shall be in substantial agreement with Figs. AG.IA or AG1B (for construction details, see AWS B40, Standard Method: for Mechanical Testing of Welds). A6.2 Stud Weld Test Jigs. The jig for the stud weld bend test shall be substantially 2s shown in Fig. Machine here Koerner V9 min lading £ I Weld metal > eee Appendix A/49 Re temax 6m Notes sice bere All dimensions in inches 1. Tne minmmium amount necessary shell be machines trom the face-benc wel cladGing surface to obtain 2 smootn surtacs, 2. T= me ticeness ot base neta Fig. A3A — Weld cladding side and face bend specimens Chemial anole 0.02 Al cimersions in inenes Fig. A3B — Weld cladding and hardfacing chemical analysis specimens A6.2A. The jig for the torque testingof threaded studs is shown in Fig. A5.2B, and the jig for tension testing of studs is showa in Fig. A6.2C. AT. Suggested Sample Welding Forms ATA Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) Form. Form A7.1 is suggested form for recording theessea- lal information needed in preparing a WPS. A7.2 Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) Form, Form A7.2\s a suggested form for recording the essea- tial information and test results for a POR A7.3 Performance Qualification Test Record Form, Form A7.3is a suggested form for recording the essen tial information te substantistethe performance qual- ification of a welder or weiding operator. 50/ STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION profemiy by mailing fe Machine the minic ‘needed 0 obtain pane paral, faces over the reduces section Ali dimensionsin incres DON Pate te Fos et —— Br ASIN, Bin Gin, diameter orange T — Fad. min edge of widest face of weld All dimensions ininehes Notes 1. Cross-sectional ares =03 xT. 2. Test specimen thickness (t) shal be within the material thickness range ailowea by the applicable matersl spectfication hecule/aiametar of pipe being tested. 1 rctuced section shail be oaratiel with 0.010 in. Sf fonds ars ne more than 0,030 in, wicer than the center 1 Wels ronforeement aha be remaved ac that weld thickness doas not exceed the base metal thickness 53. The reduced section shall nat be lese than the wicth of the welds plus 21 and ahall Ds machined preferably by milling imen width may be gradually lpered provided the Fig, A4D — Reduced section tension alternate specimen for pipe 3 in. or smaller 2 Appendix A/33 Fig. A4E — Butt joint specimen for full section tension test - reinforcing bar 1BOFL, (Lenguh of sae: —— & 7 se Fig. A4F — Spliced butt int (flare groove) specimen for full section tension test LL Lengin snouts be suticien forthe required umber of soecimera, which maybe. ary convenient width not lem than 1 in: 1 = Specified filet weld ne ps 1/8 Fig. AS — Shear specimens \ L—@ it OO: 8-128 Fin= 34 6 f © A piu All tien: Fig. A6.1A — Guided hend test jigs asin Ac requtes aan Th Foe Srovlders hardened Shy End arises Tegoed hole 12 i ee testing mach re a 4 me Appendix 4/55 3a E i nm All dimensions in inches. 8 = A/2: and, D = C/2, F ‘Specimen thickness Material in. (mm) A(t or in.[mm) C(t er in. fmmp M-2X, welded with F-23 = = = M23, as welded 18.2) 21/16 62.4) 2.3/8 (60.3) M-35, except as shown Less than 1/8 6.1/2 183/2041/160.0 below Mal M-23, annealed 3/8(6.5) 2-1/2 (63.5) 3-3/8 (65.7) Mas Less than 3/8 (9.5) 2/3 2/314 1/832) Mo35, SB-148 ane SB-2) Alloys CDA 952 and 95¢ ae 1116 (1.6)103/8 (95) ee eit (inclusive) 116(1.6)203°85) wor lair u/s Gneiusive) All others 3/85) 11/2 (80) Less than 3/8 (9.5) at |. Eutherharcered and greased shoulders er hardened rllere shall be used 2. Shoulders a olen stall havea minimum bratingsutfaceaf 2. and be highenourhabave the bottom ofthejigo that specimens wiles the colers when the ram isin the low position, itpoins 3, The remand fae shall be sufficiently rgd to prevent deflection and misaFznment while making the bend tit The body af less than the dimensions shown in Column A, 4 Roller xpports shall be designed ts minimize deletion or misligaies a sé aligaee with appect othe am, Fig. A6.1A (Continued) — Guided bend test jigs sguipped vith neans for malniining the soles centeres, $6) STANDARD FoR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION V8 max Nowe: Thianess of| Dimension ‘Material speetmens (() in. TATin. MS 1/16 -3/8 incl. 10 MeStand M61 1/16-3/Binel ae Nell and M-25 3/8 22 1S3/8 est M23 and M35 Boll 18 2/16 Alloy 628 = x Allothers 0.0209 0.1345 3/8 13/8 1. Dimensions not shown are the option of the casigner. The essentsl considerction is io nave acecuste rigidity s that the jg ars will not spring. 2 Thee: "man shall be Trmly clamped on one end so that sno sliding of the specimen during the bending operation. {2 Tent specimens anal be ramouae from the jig when the outer roll has been moved 180 des. rom the staring pont. Fig. A6.1B — Alternate guided bend wrap-around test jig Appendix A}57 | itex Diameter of Susy Vee All dimensions in inches ForSuud Ciameter(in) 8 SG 4 38 42 se a 78 1 Ue Aap Gan A" (RI 11 1 SMB 752 SN 11/82 15/82 TBR 19182 Fig. A6.2A — Stud weld bend jig Dimansions zreanorontia “Threads of the stu shal be fier than raul cating 0, 5 thestud, fresoflunrean Fig, A6.2B — Torque testing arrangement for stud welds 58/STANDARD FOR WELDING PROCEDURE AND PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION Stored Fixcures To Hold sua Heed and Speviren Plae Fig. A6.2C — Suggested tension test jig for stud welds Appendix 4/39 Form A7.1 SUGGESTED WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (WPS) Identification Date Revision Company name = ‘Supporting POR no.(s) Type- Manual ( ) Semiautomat Weiding process(es) Machine () Automatic (_) Backing: Yes() Na} Backing material type) Material number __________ Group __ To materiatnumber_______ Group Materia! spec. type and grade. Base metal thickness range: Groove To material spec. type and grace Fillot ae Deposited weld metal thickness range Filler metal Fino, gg, ‘Spec. no. (AWS) Flux tradename Blectrode-fiux (Class) ype Consumableinsert: Yes( ) NO( ) Classifications Shapes Position(s) of joint size Welding progression: == Up (_) Down ( ) Ferrite numbor (when rege) PREHEAT: Gas: "eheattemp.,min —_______________ Shielding gas(es) Interpass temp., max (continuous or special healing, where applicable, should be recorded) Percent composition Flowrate Root shielding gas POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT: Trailing gas composition Temperature range Trailing ga flow rate Time range ‘Tungsten electrode. type and size Mode of metal transfer for GMAW: Shon-circuiting ( ) Globular () Spray () Electrode wire feed spead range, Stringer bead ( ) Weave bead ( ) Peening: Yes( ) No ) Oscillation Standotf distance Multiple ( ) orsincleelectrode ( ) Other Filler metat Current Travel Weld Type& Amp = Volt’ «spec layers) Process Class —Dia._—polarity range range. range 29, Romerks, comments, hot wire addition, technique, torch angle, etc, Approves for Proauction by Employer Note: Those items that are not applicable should be marked N.A

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