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GRAND TEST : A (2017 – 2018)


CLASS: 9TH T. TIME: 20 Min

NOTE: Attempt all questions from this section. 17

Q.01: Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

1. Symbols of elements were suggested by:

(a) Cavendish (b) Lavoisior (c) Gay Lussac (d) J.J. Berzellius

2. The study of Hydrocarbons and their derivatives is called _______ Chemistry.

(a) Physical (b) Inorganic (c) Organic (d) Environmental

3. The branch of chemistry which deals with the emission of radiation from nuclei is called:
(a) Organic Chemistry (b) Inorganic Chemistry (c) Nuclear Chemistry (d) Physical Chemistry

4. Oxygen was discovered by:

(a) J. Priestly (b) J. Black (c) Cavendish (d) Scheele

5. The father of modern Chemistry is:

(a) Robert Boyle (b) AI – Razi (c) Faraday (d) J. Priestley

6. In scientific approach, it is considered only a trial idea:

(a) Observation (b) Hypothesis (c) Theory (d) Scientific Law

7. A formula that indicates the actual number and type of atoms in a molecule is called:
(a) Empirical Formula (b) Molecular Formula (c) Formula Mass (d) Molecular Mass

8. The empirical formula of glucose:

(a) CH2O (b) C2H4O2 (c) C5H10O5 (d) C6H12O6

9. When carbon bums in air, this gas is produced:

(a) SO2 (b) H2S (c) NH3 (d) CO2
10. Molecular mass expressed in grams is called:
(a) Atomic mass (b) Molar mass (c) Formula mass (d) Equivalent mass

11. In 1785, the French chemist Lavoisier presented the law of:
(a) Conservation of mass (b) Constant composition (c) Multiple proportion (d) Reciprocal proportion

12. 5 moles of water are equal to:

(a) 80 g (b) 90 g (c) 100 g (d) 180 g

13. Atomic number of Fluorine is:

(a) 7 (b) 9 (c) 11 (d) 20

14. A reaction in which a chemical substance breaks down to form two or more substances is called ____ reaction.
(a) Decomposition (b) Addition (c) Displacement (d) Combustion

15. Which particle is the lightest in the following?

(a) Electron (b) Proton (c) Neutron (d) Alpha Particle
16. Which one of the following is not an isotope of Hydrogen?
(a) 1H1 (b) 1H2 (c) 1H3 (d) 1H4

17. The nucleus of an atom consists of:

(a) Electrons and protons (b) Protons and neutrons (c) Electrons and neutrons (d) Only protons

18. It is not an Isotope of oxygen:

(a) 8O16 (b) 8O17 (c) 8O18 (d) 8O19

19. It is called Ordinary Hydrogen:

(a) Nascent Hydrogen (b) Protium (c) Deuterium (d) Tritium

20. Which one of the following elements has electronic configuration K 2L8M2?
(a) Calcium (Ca) (b) Magnesium (Mg) (c) Neon (Ne) (d) Sodium (Na)

21. It is the heaviest particle in an atom:

(a) Electron (b) Proton (c) Neutron (d) Photon

22. The electronic configuration of Sodium ion (Na+1) is similar to this noble gas:
(a) Helium (He) (b) Neon (Ne) (c) Argon (Ar) (d) Krypton (Kr)

23. It is the longest period of the modern periodic table:

(a) Third period (b) Fourth period (c) Fifth period (d) Sixth period

24. Group I – A elements are called:

(a) Halogens (b) Alkali metals (c) Alkaline earth metals (d) Noble gases

25. Which pair of elements is chemically similar?

(a) K, Cr (b) Cu, Ca (c) F, CI (d) N, O

26. The vertical columns of the periodic table are called:

(a) Periods (b) Series (c) Groups (d) Rows

27. It has the highest value of electro negativity:

(a) Flourine (b) Chlorine (c) Bromine (d) Iodine

28. In the Modern Periodic Table, the elements have been arranged in the order of increasing:
(a) Atomic Number (b) Mass Number (c) Chemical Reactivity (d) Density

29. Which of the following is a polar molecule?

(a) O2 (b) H2 (c) Cl2 (d) H2O

30. The force which holds atoms together in a molecule or crystal is called:
(a) Ionic bond (b) Covalent bond (c) Co – ordinate covalent bond (d) Chemical bond

31. It is an ionic compound:

(a) H2O (b) CO2 (c) NH3 (d) NaCI

32. This bond is also called electrovalent bond:

(a) Covalent bond (b) Ionic bond (c) Polar covalent bond (d) Hydrogen bond

33. There are 7 electrons in the outer most shell of Iodine. To which group of the modern periodic table it belongs?
(a) III – A (b) VII – A (c) VII – B (d) IV – A

34. Which one of these scientists is known as Father of Chemistry?

(a) Jabir – bin – Haiyan (b) Bu Ali Sina (c) Al – Beruni (d) Aristotle

GRAND TEST : A (2017 – 2018)



NOTE: Attempt any TEN questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks. 40

Q.02: What is Scientific Method? Define Hypothesis, Theory and Scientific Law.
Q.03: Define: 1. Chemistry 2. Polymeric Chemistry 3. Environmental Chemistry 4. Analytical Chemistry
Q.04: Write one contribution of each of the following scientist towards the development in Chemistry:
1. J. Priestly 2. J.J. Berzellius 3. John Dalton 4. J.J. Thomson
Q.05: Balance the following chemical equations:
1. S + H2SO4 → SO2 + H2O 2. NH3 + O2 → NO + H2O
3. NH3 + Cl2 → N2 + HCI 4. Al + HCI → AlCl3 + H2
Q.06: Define: 1. a.m.u 2. Avogadro's number 4. Empirical Formula 3. Mass Number
Q.07: Define molar mass and calculate molar mass of CaCO3 and MgCl2.
Q.08: Define mole. Calculate the number of moles in 7.4g Ca(OH)2
Q.09: State the Law of Reciprocal Proportions and explain it with the help an example.
Q.10: State the law of Multiple Proportions and explain it with the help of an example.
Q.11: How many electrons, protons and neutrons are present in following ions: * O –2 * Mg +2 * Cl –1 * Na +1
Q.12: Write down four postulates of Dalton's Atomic Theory.
Q.13: Write down four characteristics of Cathode Rays.
Q.14: Define Isotopes and write names and structures of three isotopes of Hydrogen
Q.15: Draw and labeled the diagram which shows the emission of three types of radioactive rays from radioactive
element and write two characteristics of each rays.
Q.16: Name the group of the periodic table which contains highly electronegative elements. Also write four common
characteristics of this group.
Q.17: State Mendeleev's periodic law. Also write three salient features of Mendeleev's periodic table.
Q.18: Which elements have zero valency? In which group of them periodic table have they been placed? Give two
examples and also write two common characteristics of this group.
Q.19: What are metalloids? Write three differences between metals and non – metals.
Q.20: Define: 1. Electronegativity 2. Atomic Radius 3. Ionization Energy 4. Periodicity
Q.21: Define: 2. Covalent bond 2. Metallic Bond 3. Hydrogen Bond 4. Dispersion forces
Q.22: Write four differences between ionic compounds and covalent compounds
Q.23: Write four differences between Covalent Bond and Co – ordinate Covalent Bond


NOTE: Attempt any ONE question from this section. All questions carry equal marks. 13

Q.24: (a) What is a chemical reaction and give its classification. Define each chemical reaction with a relevant
chemical equation.
(b) State the law of Constant composition and explain it with one example. Also explain Landolt Experiment
with labeled diagram for practical verification of Law of Conservation of Mass.

Q.25: (a) Describe Rutherford's experiment which led him to the discovery of the nucleus of an atom with diagram.
Also write the conclusions of this experiment.
(b) What is Co–ordinate Covalent Bond? How is Co–ordinate covalent bond formed between NH 3 and H+ ion?
What are Chemical bond and Ionic Bond? How is Ionic bond formed between Na and Cl atoms resulting in
the production of NaCI?

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