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Government of Tamilnadu

Department of Employment and Training

Course : TNPSC Group II Exam

Subject : History & Culture of India
Topic : India Since Independence

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Department of Employment and Training
History & Culture of India


 After the Independence in 1947, CONSTITUTION OF INDIA

the most immediate and  The Constituent Assembly began
its work on 9th December 1946
and Dr.Rajendra Prasad was
elected as its Chairman.
 Dr. B.R. Ambedkarwas
appointed as the Chairman of the
Drafting Committee.
 After a detailed discussion, the
important tasks before the Indian
Constitution of India was finally
leaders were the drafting of the
adopted on 26th November 1949.
constitution and the integration of
 The Constitution came into effect
Indian states into the Indian
on 26th January 1950. Since then
the day is celebrated as Republic
 They had also been vested with
the responsibility of making India
 The salient features of the Indian
economically sound and
Constitution are the Adult
scientifically modern.
Suffrage, Parliamentary System,
 In the long term perspective, the
Fundamental Rights and Directive
most challenging tasks ahead have
been the removal poverty and the
 It provides a combination of
progress of education among the
federal and unitary forms of
masses for which the successive
governance at the centre and the
governments continue to take
powers of the government have
necessary steps.
been clearly stated the three lists:
Central, State and Concurrent.

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 The President is the constitutional THE INTEGRATION OF THE

head of the state while the Prime PRINCELY STATES
Misister is the Head of the  The Integration of Indian states
Executive. was the greatest achievements of
 The Prime Minister is the leader Patel.
of the party that has a majority in  On the eve of Indian
the Lok Sabha. Independence there were nearly
 The Indian Parliament has two 565 princely states in India.
houses – the Rajya Sabha or  They were ruled by the native
upper house and the Lok Sabha Nawabs, Kings and Nizams.
or lower house.  The task of unifying them was
 Each state has its own undertaken by SardarVallabhai
government headed by the Chief Patel.
Minister who remains the leader  Patel invited them to join the
of the majority party in the Indian union. Many responded
respective Legislative Assembly. promptly to his appeal.
 Thus, democratically elected  About 562 princely states were
governments rule the nation and merged with the Indian union.
provision is made for periodical But states like Kashmir,
elections. Hyderabad and Junagarh were
 The judiciary remains the reluctant to join.
upholder of the constitution. The  Patel, by his diplomacy and stern
Indian judiciary system consists of actions integrated them with
the Supreme Court at the centre Indian union and earned the
and High Courts in the states. name, the Iron man of India or
 The subordinate courts in each "Bismarck of India".
state are under the control of the THE LINGUISTIC
 In 1948, the first Linguistic

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Provinces Commission headed by

S.K.Dhar was appointed by the  In 1953, Prime Minister
Constituent Assembly to enquire Jawaharlal Nehru appointed the
into the possibility of linguistic States Reorganization
provinces. Commission with Justice Fazal Ali
 This commission advised against as its chairman and
such a step. In the same year PanditHridayanathKunzru and
another committee known as JVP SardarK.M.Panikkar as its
committee consisting of members.
Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhai Patel  The commission submitted its
and Pattabhi Sitaramaiah was report on 30th September 1955.
appointed by the Congress Party.  Based on this report, the States
 This committee also did not Reorganization Act was passed by
favour for linguistic provinces. the Parliament in 1956.
 But there were popular  It provided for 16 states and six
movements for states union territories.
reorganization all over the country  The Telengana region was
and it was intensive in Andhra. transferred to Andhra.
 Therefore, in 1953 Andhra was  Kerala was created by merging the
created as a separate state. Malabar district with Travancore-
Simultaneously, Madras was Cochin.
created as a Tamil speaking state.  There was a strong movement of
 The struggle led by the Tamil Linguistic people in
M.P.Sivagnanam to retain Travancore (Kannyakumari) who
Tiruttani with Madras was a struggled to be part of the state of
memorable event in the history of Tamil Nadu.
Tamil Nadu.
 The success of Andhra struggle
encouraged other linguistic
 India‟s first Prime Minister
groups to agitate for their own
Jawaharlal Nehru was considered

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the architect of modern India.  However, she restored democratic

 He consolidated the Indian rule by announcing general
Independence by forging national elections in 1977 in which she was
unity, nurturing democratic defeated. Later in 1980, she was
institutions, promoting science able to regain power by
and technology, planning for democratic means.
economic development and by  In 1983 she undertook “Blue Star
following independent foreign Operation” in the Golden Temple
policy. at Amritsar – Punjab.
 He was truly a nation builder. He  As a result, unfortunately, she was
died in 1964. Lal Bahadur Sastri shot dead by her own bodyguards
in 1984 as a vengeance to her
succeeded Nehru as the next
policy towards Punjab militancy.
Prime Minister of India.  The Janata Party rule for brief
 He remained a role model for period between 1977 and 1980
honesty in public life. brought Morarji Desai as Prime
 He ended the Indo-Pak war of Minister of India.
1965 by concluding the Tashkent  For the first time a non-Congress
Agreement in January 1966. ministry was formed after
 His untimely death was a great independence.
loss to the nation.  The lack of unity among the
 Indira Gandhi, daughter of Nehru Janata leaders had resulted in the
became Prime Minister in 1966 fall of the Janata Government.
and bravely faced the domestic  Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime
challenges such as scarcity of food Minister of India in 1984 after her
and foreign pressures during the mother Indira Gandhi‟s
1971 Bangladesh crisis. assassination.
 When opposition to her rule  He introduced New Education
gathered momentum in 1975, she Policy and encouraged foreign
brought emergency rule, a black investment.
mark in the democratic tradition  In 1987 he sent the Indian Peace
of India. Keeping Force to Sri Lanka with a

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view to put an end to the ethnic  Singh‟s role in this sphere is worth
violence. noting. As a result, India started
 He continued as Prime Minister moving towards Liberalization,
till the next elections held in 1989. Privatization and Globalization.
 Later in May 1991, he was  After the elections of 1996, Atal
assassinated (by the Sri Lankan Bihari Vajpayee became Prime
Tamil Extremists). Minister from the BJP party but
 V.P. Singh was the Prime he was not able to prove majority
Minister between 1989 and 1991. in the Parliament.
 He was leading an anti-Congress  Deva Gowda formed a coalition
coalition called the Janata Dal. government.
 During his tenure he decided to  He was the eleventh Prime
implement the Mandal Minister of India (1996-1997). He
Commission Report which was from the state of Karnataka.
provided reservation for other  His government also fell due to
backward classes. the no confidence motion voted
 His government was marked by jointly by the Congress and the
factionalism and he was forced to BJP.
resign in 1990.  He was succeeded by I.K.
 The next Prime Minister Gujralfor a brief period in 1997.
Chandrasekhar held the office Atal Bihari Vajpayee became
from November 1990 to March the Prime Minister of India in
1991. 1998.
 In June 1991 P.V. Narasimha  In the 1999 elections the National
Rao became Prime Minisiter. Democratic Alliance under the
 He moved decisively toward new leadership of Vajpayee formed the
economic reforms, reducing the government.
government‟s economic role,  His period witnessed two
instituting foreign investment. At important events. One was the
the time Finance Minister Kargil War with Pakistan and
wasDr. Manmohan Singh another was the nuclear tests at

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Pokran. economy.


DEVELOPMENT  The National Planning
 When India became independent Commission was established on 15
in 1947, it was gripped by mass March 1950 with the Prime
poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, Minister Nehru as its chairperson
static agriculture, poorly  The main objectives of the the
developed industries and Planning Commission were:
inadequate infrastructure.  To achieve higher level of
 There was an urgent need national and per capital
immediate efforts on national income.
scale to achieve the path of  To achieve full employment.
progress in the socio-economic  To reduce inequalities of
front. income and wealth.
 Jawaharlal Nehru, was greatly  To setup a society based on
influenced by the achievements of equality and justice and
Soviet Planning. absence of exploitation.
 But he also realized the
importance of the democratic THE GREEN REVOLUTION
values.  Despite creditable growth of
 He encouraged planning for rapid agricultural output in the 1950‟s
Industrial and agricultural India faced food shortage in the
growth. mid sixties.
 He encouraged Mixed Economy as  The increase in population and
result both Public Sector the huge outlay to the plan of
(Government owned) and Private industrialization, put pressures on
Sector companies come into agricultural growth.
existence.  India was forced to import
 His fundamental objective was to millions of tons of food grains.
build an independent self-reliant  The two wars with China (1962)

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and Pakistan (1965) and two who succeeded Sastri in 1966 after
successive drought years (1965- his brief tenure, put their efforts
66) brought enormous pressures to the development of agriculture.
to food production.  The term Green Revolution was
 In this background the Green coined by Dr William Gaud of
Revolution was launched in India USA in 1968, when Indian
with the aim of achieving self- farmers brought about a great
sufficiency in food production. advancement in wheat
 The then Prime Minister, Lal production.
Bahadur Sastri, Food Minister, C.
Subramanian, and Indira Gandhi,

Plans Notes
First Plan (1951-56)  It was based on Harrod-Domar Model.
Community Development Program launched in
1952 focus on agriculture, price stablility, power
and transport.
 It was a successful plan primarily, because of good
harvests in the last two years of the plan
Second Plan (1956- Also called Mahalanobis Plan named after the well
61) Target Growth: known economist.
4.5% Actual Growth : Focus-rapid industrialization.
4.27% Advocated huge imports through foreign loans.
Shifted basic emphasis from agriculture to industry.
During this plan, prices increased by 30%, against a
decline of 13% during the First Plan.
Third Plan (1961-66) At its conception, it was felt that Indian economy has
Target Growth: 5.6% entered a take-off stage. Therefore, its aim was to make
Actual Growth: India a „self-reliant‟ and self-generating economy.
2.84% Based on the experience of first two plans, agriculture

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was given top priority to support the exports and

Complete failure in reaching the targets due to
unforeseen events – Chinese aggression (1962), Indo-
Pak war (1965), severe drought 1965-66
Three Annual Plan  Prevailing crisis in agriculture and serious food
(1966-69) Plan shortage necessitated the emphasis on agriculture
holiday for 3 years. during the Annual Plans.
 During these plans a whole new agricultural
strategy was implemented. It involving wide-
spread distribution of high yielding varieties of
seeds, extensive use of fertilizers, exploitation of
irrigation potential and soil conservation.
 During the Annual Plans, the economy absorbed
the shocks generated during the Third Plan.
 It paved the path for the planned growth ahead.
Fourth plan (1969-  Main emphasis was on growth rate of agriculture
74) Target Growth: to enable other sectors to move forward.
5.7% Actual Growth:  First two years of the plan saw record production.
3.30% The last three years did not measure up due to
poor monsoon.
 Influx of Bangladesh refugees before and after
1971 Indo-Pak war was an important issue.
Fifth Plan (1974-79)  The fifth plan was prepared and launched by
Target Growth: 4.4% D.D.Dhar.
Actual Growth: 3.8%  It proposed to achieve two main objectives:
„removal of poverty‟ (GaribiHatao) and
„attainment of self reliance‟.
 Promotion of high rate of growth, better
distribution of income and significant growth in
the domestic rate of savings were seen as key

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 The Plan was terminated in 1978 (instead of 1979)
when Janta Party Government rose to power.
Rolling Plan (1978- There were 2 Sixth Plans. JantaGovt, put forward a plan
80) for 1978-1983. However, the government lasted for only
2 years. Congress Government returned to power in
1980 and launched a different plan.
Sixth Plan (1980-85) Focus – Increase in national income, modernization of
Target Growth: 5.2% technology, ensuring continuous decrease in poverty and
Actual Growth: unemployment, population control through family
5.66% planning, etc.
Seventh Plan (1985-  Focus – rapid growth in food-grains production,
90) Target Growth: increased employment opportunities and
5.0% Actual Growth: productivity within the framework of basic tenants
6.01% of planning.
 The plan was very successful, the economy
recorded 6% growth rate against the targeted 5%.
Eighth Plan (1992-  The eighth plan was postponed by two years
97) because of political uncertainty at the Centre
 Worsening Balance of Payment position and
inflation during 1990-91 were the key issues
during the launch of the plan.
 The plan undertook drastic policy measures to
combat the bad economic situation and to
undertake an annual average growth of 5.6%
 Some of the main economic outcomes during
eighth plan period were rapid economic growth,
high growth of agriculture and allied sector, and
manufacturing sector, growth in exports and
imports, improvement in trade and current
account deficit.

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Nineth Plan (1997- It was developed in the context of four important

2002) Target dimensions: Quality of life, generation of productive
Growth: 6.5% Actual employment, regional balance and self-reliance.
Growth: 5.35%
Tenth plan  To achieve 8% GDP growth rate.
(2002-2007)  Reduction of poverty ratio by 5 percentage points by

 Providing gainful high quality employment to the

addition to the labour force over the tenth plan

 Universal access to primary education by 2007.

 Reduction in gender gaps in literacy and wage rates

by atleast 50% by 2007.

 Reduction in decadal rate of population growth
between 2001 and 2011 to 16.2%.
 Increase in literacy rate to 72% within the plan
period and to 80% by 2012.
 Reduction of Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) to 45 per

1000 live births by 2007 and to 28 by 2012.

 Cleaning of all major polluted rivers by 2007 and

other notified stretches by 2012.

Eleventh Plan  Accelerate GDP growth from 8% to 10%. Increase

(2007- 2012) agricultural GDP growth rate to 4% per year.

 Create 70 million new work opportunities and

reduce educated unemployment to below 5%.

 Raise real wage rate of unskilled workers by 20

 Reduce dropout rates of children from elementary
school from 52.2% in 2003-04 to 20% by 2011-12.
Increase literacy rate for persons of age 7 years or

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 Lower gender gap in literacy to 10 percentage point.

Increase the percentage of higher education from the

present 10% to 15%.
 Reduce infant mortality rate to 28 and maternal

mortality ratio to 1 per 1000 live births.

 Reduce Total Fertility Rate to 2.1.

 Provide clean drinking water for all by 2009. Reduce

malnutrition among children between 0-3 years to
half its present level. Reduce anaemia among
women and girls by 50%.
 Raise the sex ratio for age group 0-6 to 935 by 2011-

12 and to 950 by 2016-17.

 Ensure all-weather road connection to all habitation

with population 1000 and above (500 in hilly and

tribal areas) by 2009 and ensure coverage of all
significant habitation by 2015.
 Connect every village by Telephone by November

2007 and provide broadband connectivitiy to all

villages by 2012.
 Increase forest and tree cover by 5 percentage points.

 Attain WHO standards of air quality in all major

cities by 2011- 12.

 Treat all urban waste water by 2011-12 to clean river

waters. Increase energy efficiency by 20 percentage

points by 2016-17.
Twelfth plan  The Twelfth Five – Year Plan of the Government of

(2012 - 2017) India has decided for the growth rate at 8.2% but
National Development Council (NDC) on 27 Dec
2012 approved 8% growth rate for 12th five-year plan.
 With the deteriorating global situation, the Deputy

Chairman of the Planning Commission,

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Mr.MontekSingh Ahluwalia has said that achieving

an average growth rate of 9 percent in the next five
years is not possible.
 The Final growth target has been set at 8% by the

endorsement of plan at the National Development

Council meeting held in New Delhi.


TECHNOLOGY  Subsequently, IITs were set up at
 Independent India has also Madras, Bombay, Kanpur and
witnessed a tremendous growth in Delhi.
the sphere of science and  The expenditure on scientific
technology. research and science-based
 After 1947, Nehru became aware activities has increased year by
of the significant role of scientific year.
research and technology for the  There are about 200 research
progress of India. India‟s first laboratories in India carrying out
national laboratory, the National research in different areas.
Physical Laboratory was  The Department of Science and
established in 1947. Technology (DST) which was set
 It was followed by seventeen such up in 1971 has been assigned the
national laboratories for responsibility of formulating
specializing in different areas of science policy.
 Nehru himself assumed the
chairmanship of the Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research.
 In 1952, the first Indian Institute
of Technology, on the model of
Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, was set up at  India was one of the first

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countries in the world to recognize HomiJ.Babato formulate a policy

the importance of nuclear energy. for all atomic energy activities in
 The Atomic Energy Commission the country.
was set up in August 1948 under  The Department of Atomic Energy
the chairmanship of (DAE) was set up in 19

 54 as executive agency for programmes.

implementing the atomic energy  In 1956, India‟s first nuclear
reactor in Trombay near Bombay
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(first in Asia also) began to Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

function. at Trombay, the Indira Gandhi
 Research and development work
Centre for Atomic Research at
in the field of atomic energy and
Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu and the
allied fields are carried out at
Center for Advanced Technology,
three research centres, namely the

SPACE RESEARCH Organization] looks after the

 India has also evinced interest in activities in space science,
space research. The Indian technology and applications.
National Committee for Space  The Vikram Sarabhai Space
Research was set up in 1962. Side Centre at Trivandrum, the largest
by side, a Rocket Launching of the ISRO centre is primarily
Facility at Thumba came up. responsible for indigenous launch
 The first generation Indian vehicle technology.
National Satellite System (INSAT- INDIA’S FOREIGN POLICY
1) represents India‟s first step  After 1947, India began to follow
towards implementing national independent foreign policy.
requirements.  It was designed by the first Prime
Minister Pandit Jawaharlal
 He developed the basic principles
of India‟s foreign policy. He was
the architect of the Non-aligned
Movement during the Cold War
 Also, he extended support to
 The INSAT-1A and the INSAT-1B colonial countries in their struggle
served country‟s need in the field for independence.
of telecommunications and  Nehru outlined the five principles
meteorological earth observations. of coexistence or PanchSheel for
 The ISRO [Indian Space Research conducting relations among
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countries. They are:  India maintained friendly

- Mutual respect for each other‟s relations with both USA and
territorial integrity and USSR during the Cold War era.
sovereignty  In 1971 India and USSR signed the
- Non-aggression Indo- Soviet Treaty of Friendship
- Non-interference in each and Alliance during the
other‟s internal affairs Bangladesh crisis.
- Equality and mutual benefit  India and China are the two most
and important powers of Asia. These
- Peaceful coexistence. two are the most populous
 India plays an active role in countries of the World.
international bodies such as the  Also, they possess the significance
Common Wealth and the United of proud, history and civilization
Nations Organizsation. dating back to ancient times.
 After the Independence, Nehru  When the communist regime
decided to stay within Common under the leadership of Mao Tse
Wealth, an organization Tung was established in 1949,
consisting of former British India was one among the first
colonies. countries to recognize the People‟s
 India had also played an active Republic of China.
role in the UN peacekeeping  In Inspite of India‟s friendly
forces in various parts of the relations with China, India had to
world. defend herself when China
 It had sent its troops as part of UN attacked India in 1962.
peace keeping Mission to Korea,  The emergence of Bangladesh as
Indo-China,Suezcanal and the an independent state with the
Congo. active help of India was an
 India had to fight three major important event.
wars [1965,1971 and 2000] with  During the liberation struggle
Pakistan over the issue of between East Pakistan and West
Kashmir. Pakistan India supported East

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 The coordinated approach of the
Indian forces along with Mukti
Bahini ultimately led to the
liberation of Bangladesh (East
pakistan) in December 1971.
India is maintaining friendly
relations right from the birth of
Bangladesh in 1971.
 India has also been maintaining
friendly relations with its
neighbours for which purpose the
South Asian Association of
Regional Cooperation (SAARC)
was established. India, Pakistan,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal,
Bhutan and Maldives are its
 The aim of SAARC is to increase
economic, social and cultural
cooperation among its members.
Periodic meetings are beings held
to achieve this goal.

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