Watad Zeolite Technical Data Sheet

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WATAD Natural Zeolite consists of several basic minerals from the natural
zeolite minerals group. It considered as the best minerals of the group because
it has high quality properties and characteristics that distinguish it from the
rest of the zeolite minerals group.

How is the WATAD’S Zeolite Formed?

Natural WATAD’S Zeolite is formed by the interaction of volcanic rocks and
volcanic ash layers with alkaline groundwater, natural zeolite minerals have
crystallized in post-precipitation environments at intervals between thousands
and millions of years in shallow marine ponds, zeolite contains a porous
structure that can accommodate a wide range of cations such as Na+, K+, Ca+2,
Mg+2 and more.

What are the WATAD Zeolite Minerals?

The WATAD Zeolite is composed of the following group of natural zeolite
minerals: Phillipsite, Chabazite, and Analcime, which are characterized by high-
quality properties and very useful in the agricultural, industrial and
environmental fields, while most of the global production of zeolite is made
from Clinoptilolite mineral.
Zeolite Minerals% MIN MAX Average

Phillipsite 32.2 41.1 36.7

Chabazite 6.3 18.4 14.4

Analcime 0 9.7 5.7

Total 54.3 60.1 56.8

What are the advantages of WATAD Zeolite

minerals from other zeolites?
WATAD Zeolite is distinguished with high quality specifications from other
zeolite products available on the market, especially Clinoptilolite zeolite
products. The most important of these are as follows:
1- Ion Exchange Capacity:
The minerals that make up the Jordanian zeolite are superior to all other types
of zeolite minerals, especially the Clinoptilolite mineral, as the ion exchange
capacity of the Jordanian zeolite minerales ranges between (CEC = 4-4.5
meq/g) while Clinoptilolite (CEC = 2.2 meq/g) That is, the Jordanian zeolite
minerals have twice the CEC of Clinoptilolite minerle as shown in the following
2- Chemical components:

Parameters MIN MAX Average

SiO2 % 38.9 43.6 41.3

Al2O3 % 10.2 14.1 12.1

Fe2O3 % 12.8 14.4 13.6

CaO % 8.3 12.7 9.8

MgO % 4.2 9.0 7.1

K2O % 0.7 2.5 1.7

Na2O % 0.1 4.1 2.0

TiO2 % 2.6 3.1 2.8

P2O5 % 0.8 1.2 0.9

MnO % 0.2 0.2 0.2

SO3 % 0.0 1.0 0.2

LOI % 5.2 10.8 8.5

Mo ppm 1.3 4.9 2.4

Cu ppm 26.2 46.2 36.3

Zn ppm 84.8 418.3 149.4

The essential nutrients elements necessary for plants growth found in WATAD
Zeolites that have been analyzed as shown in the following table:


Mo Cu Mn e a S g K P
pp Zn pp pp
m ppm m m % % % % % %

149. 36. 7. 4. 0. 1. 0.
2.4 5 3 0.1 0 9 1 3.5 3 3

There are ten essential nutrients in WATAD Zeolite that are necessary for plant
growth. These elements act as a natural fertilizer that nourishes the plants with
the essential elements needed for growth. As for the rest of the other essential
elements, N, O, H, C, they are available in water and air.
4- Physical properties:
The following table shows most of the physical properties of WATAD Zeolites:
Parameters Range

pH 7.0 – 8.0

Color Reddish to dark brown

Water absorption (%) 8.53-10.8

Abrasive value (%) 35-52

Unit weight (kg/m3) 980-1010

Specific gravity (g/cm3) 1.56-1.80

Void ratio 17.54-30

Porosity (%) 15-35

Strength (N/cm2) 280-1212

Loss on Ignition (%) 3-16

CEC (meq/g) 0.94-2.16

Surface abrasion (mm) 27-28

Soundness (%) 8-9

CEC (meq/g) 0.94-2.16

Attrition resistance (wt. loss %) 4.5-8.9

Packed bed density (g/cm3) 0.94-1.15

T.D.S. (ppm) 1250-1500

PH: The pH is the measurement that determines whether a liquid is acidic,
basic, or neutral. Liquids with a pH less than 7 acids and liquids with a pH higher
than 7 alkaline solutions or bases.
5 -Mineral content:
In addition to the presence of different zeolite minerals in WATAD Zeolite, the
supplemental content of zeolite also includes Volcanic tuff with is similar to
zeolite minerals in terms of porosity, permeability, and mineral nutrients
necessary for plant growth and improvement of chemical and physical
properties of agricultural soils and wastewater purification, and in the cement

Characteristics of WATAD Zeolite

WATAD Zeolite is a natural product with unique mineral, chemical and
physical properties which available in Jordanian zeolite only.
• WATAD Zeolite produces a highly effective fertilizer useful for the soil in
the intensive cultivation of fruits, vegetables and flowers and promotes
plant growth effectively because it contains essential nutrients
necessary for the plant.
• WATAD Zeolite is specially designed for mixing with fertilizers,
especially organic fertilizers.
• WATAD Zeolite is also considered a natural protection of groundwater
from contamination of leachate fertilizers to groundwater.
• WATAD Zeolite is produced in a granular form suitable for all different
uses, especially agriculture sector.

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