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Promotional Marketing

Table of Content
1. Introduction to IMC Tools……………………………………………………....2
2. Selected companies which IMC tool...……………………………………….…2
3. Campaign conducted by DULUX
- Introduction of Company………………………………………………..….3
- How they use campaign……………………………………………………..3
- Targeted Market……………………………………………………………..4
- Marketing Objectives………………………………………………………..4
- Campaign Ideas……………………………………………………………...4
- IMC Tools used in this campaign……………………………………………5
- Final Result…………………………………………………………………..5

4. Campaign conducted by MULTILAC

- Introduction of Company…………………………………………………....6
- How they use campaign……………………………………………………...6
- Targeted Market……………………………………………………………..7
- Marketing Objectives…………………………………………………….….7
- Campaign Ideas……………………………………………………………...7
- IMC Tools used in this campaign………………………………………...….8
- Final Result…………………………………………………………………..8

5. Campaign conducted by ASIAN PAINT

- Introduction of Company………………………………………………….....9
- How they use campaign……………………………………………………...9
- Targeted Market……………………………………………………………...10
- Marketing Objectives………………………………………………………...10
- Campaign Ideas……………………………………………………………....10
- IMC Tools used in this campaign……………………………………...……..11
- Final Result…………………………………………………………………...11

6. Similarities & Differences of IMC Campaigns Used………………………….....12

7. Favourite Campaign Used………………………………………………………...13
8. Referencing…………………………………………………………………….…14
9. Marking Guide……………………………………………………………………15

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Promotional Marketing

Introduction to IMC Tools

IMC (Integrated Marketing Communication) helps to attract the audience or the target market

through that attain organizational objectives. These tools help to conduct a good campaign

which will directly attach to a group of people or target audience. These tools avoid the

barriers and reach through with company, brand, product or services. IMC tools as follows,

1) Advertising

2) Direct Marketing

3) Internet

4) Public Relations

5) Support Media

6) Sales Promotion

7) Public Relations and Publicity

Selected companies which used IMC tools

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Promotional Marketing

Campaigns conducted by DULUX

Dulux is an internationally available architectural paint brand and also leading brand in UK.

The company established in 1918s, in Sydney, Australia by BALM group. Acquisition of

Australasian United Paint Company. Later on they commences BLAM branch in Wellington,

New Zealand. Since then Dulux is one of the most reputable paint brand worldwide. They

have varies of paint products for interior, exterior, wood and for metal. (Dulux Group, 2017)

 How they used campaign,

Dulux is offering a new promotion know as “Dulux Visualizer App”. Before customer

purchases on a certain colour they can visualize it through this app. It helps to select the

perfect colour which suits the wall. This app has some dazzling features such as customer can

see that colour LIVE on the wall and save it as video or as an image to use it later, customer

can order a sample through the app straight to your door, get the closest match over 1200

Dulux colours and optimized for both phone and tablet. (Dulux, 2017)

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Promotional Marketing

 Target Market,
Dulux emphasizing this promotion for all kind of target markets, except Generation Alpha. In

Sri Lanka we have various festivals which different from each religion. As an example

people tend to paint their houses for Sinhala and Tamil New Year and for Christmas most of

the time. Before purchase on colours it is really helpful to picture it. Necessarily, customers

can save their time and money which they might be doing on some worthless products.

(Dulux, 2017)

 Marketing/Communication Objectives,

 To increase sales and awareness of the Dulux products.

 Enhance Dulux products and build the brand loyalty.

 Ensure that customers buy Dulux products constantly.

 Encourage new customers with reasonable price.

 Learn to use technological techniques and devices.

 Campaign Ideas,

Dulux has come up with a slogan “Let’s colour”. To prove that slogan they have

wide range of colours around 1200. This app has colour picker technology. For this

app their using a slogan “Picture it, before you paint

it”. By this slogan it emphasizes what this app

actually does. I selected this campaign I thoroughly

inspired by this app, personally I used this app. So I

know the benefits of this app.

 IMC tools used in campaign,

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Promotional Marketing

Dulux requires promoting this app within the customers by using IMC Tools. There are

certain IMC Tools they have used it. Customers need to know there is an app, if not their

invention will be worthless.

 Advertising- This tool can be severe large proportion of customers through mass media.

They can assume some of them are attached to TV, Newspapers. Some people are seeing

billboards while driving or waiting on the traffic.

 Sales Promotion- This is a consumer oriented promotion. Customers who are ready to

purchase on Dulux products only will be the benefited.

 Internet – Through their web site also they have demonstrated about the app, the uses of

app and features of the app. They intended to use web sites, because now people are into

technology and they know how to use it in a useful manner. They also have used

Facebook pop ups to caught their eyes easily.

 Personal Selling- Dulux has a customer enquiry “Ask Dulux –Do you need help

decorating your room”. Customers can ask questions about the App or any other

uncertain matters regarding Dulux.

 Final Result,

By conducting this campaign sales were temporally increased. Also, consumers were

inspired by the innovation of the app.

Campaigns conducted

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Promotional Marketing

Mulitilac is one of the Sri Lankan well established companies over 25 years. They have

obtained SLS standards, as well as certification of ISO 9001. Multilac product range,

developed to meet customer dynamics. Multilac has been rewarded for many times such as

export brand of the year Best Sri Lankan Enterprise etc. As the Sri Lanka’s largest exporter,

they supply paint for China, Australia, India Myanmar and many more countries. Multilac’s

research and development group interconnected with world’s leading chemical work

companies such as BASF and Beyer in Germany and Rohm and Haas USA etc. (Multilac,


 How they used campaign,

Multilac introduces a new product “3 in 1 waterproofing paint” which can use on the roof,

inside the house and on the bathroom walls. It reduces interior temperature by 5°. After

applying this paint within few minutes it gets dry so dust won’t stick on the wall. It’s a long

lasting paint. (Multilac, 2017)

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Promotional Marketing

 Target Market,

Multilac also targeted all the Generations except Generation Alpha. These generations

interested in outlook of their houses. This is 3 in 1 water proofing paint therefore the cost is

reasonable because it covers three areas of the house. So buying separable paints for each

section can cost more.

 Marketing/Communication Objectives,

 By this campaign they try to expand the market in Sri Lanka.

 Increase the sale revenue by introducing this new paint.

 New product development, catering to new market segment.

 Increase the competition against other paint companies in Sri Lanka.

 To increase the customer awareness about this product.

 Campaign Idea,

They introduced this 3 in 1 water proofing paint with a slogan “Full stop to Moisture and

Dampness”. This clearly indicates the main objects it does. Multilac demonstrates that, this

product is the best than other paint brands available in the market. I selected this campaign

because Multilac is a Sri Lankan brand and to know how they promote products among their

loyal consumers.

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 IMC Tools that used in campaign,

As Multilac Introduced a new product to the market it needs to get through customers. For

that they have used IMC Tools as follows,

 Advertising- This is the primary IMC tools that using to attract a large proportion of

customers. This may help to target of different way of customers. They use TV and

newspaper advertisements as way of passing the message.

 Internet- People are more into social media as well as internet sourcing. They have used

pop ups about their product. Also they updated their Facebook page regarding this


 Personal Selling- They have used newsletters to reach each customer to persuade or

assist regarding the product.

 Final Result,

Since Multilac is reputed brand in Sri Lanka as expected sales were increased. The

consumer’s feedbacks were very remarkable. They admitted that this paint real money


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Campaigns conducted by ASIAN PAINT

Asian paint is well-known brand which established in 1942. This is India’s largest paint

manufacturer and distributor. It is also operate in 17 countries and 23 paint manufacturing

facilities in the world, serving 65 countries with their products. In 1999 they acquired famous

Delmage Forsyth paint LTD Sri Lanka built a wide chain within the country. Asian Paint has

rewarded with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14000:2004 certifications.

 How they used campaign,

Apcolite Premium Emulsion is high opacity product Asian Paint invented. Since it comes

with HFT (High Film Thickness) technology with highest quality light fast pigments & Vinyl

Acrylic Polymer it gives the best hiding. There are some sorts of advantages you can achieve

by using this emulsion such as protects your walls from fungal growth, excellent flow and

levelling, wide range of shades.

  Target Markets,

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This is also targeted all the generations except Generation Alpha. Generation alpha don’t

have the buying power and taking family decisions for painting a whole house. By

applying one coat of paint is enough for interior or exterior coverage. It also saves money

and time at the same time.

 Marketing/Communication Objectives,

 Create awareness about the product.

 Since this is invented by Asian Paints it’s a new product development.

 To be more competitive advantage from other paint verities, Asian Paints offers the

best solution.

 This is a long-lasting paint therefore customer satisfaction is fulfilled.

 Increase brand loyalty towards the product.

 Campaign Idea,

This product is invented by Asian Paints. They also targeted market segments to cater their

products. This product’s slogan “A new look in just on coat”. Based on this slogan it

defines the product make a difference to your place by applying one coat. Not only have a

new looked but also to saves money and time too. I selected this campaign it’s an

international company and their methods of using IMC tools.

 IMC Tools used in campaign,

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Apparently, this is a new product it takes time to get through to customers. To make it

faster they have used IMC Tools as followed,

 Advertising- As a primary IMC Tool advertising is the basic way to get through to their

customers. In this advertisement they have used a cricketer Mr Kumar Sangakkara as the

brand ambassador. So it helps to attached this upon the Asian Paint consumers.


 Internet- They also have a Facebook page that updated with their latest products.

 Direct Marketing- In their official web site they have an enquiry section which customer

can directly contact them about the product.

 Final Result,

As they updated their Facebook page people tend to know about this product. Also, the

advertising helps them increase their range of sales than last year.

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Promotional Marketing

Similarities between above campaigns

 Three of above campaigns has created awareness about their

products so the consumers go through all the details of the

product before purchasing it.

 All three companies started these campaigns to increase their

sales revenue. Because introducing a product to the market

won’t easy, they invested huge amount of money. To cover it and to earn profits

from the product is their hidden idea.

 These companies have their own innovation not a copied version or identical


 They target the same target audience. Since this about pain they concern about baby

boomers, generation X, generation Y and generation Z.

 The 3 campaigns have slogans to describe their new products.

 They use Advertising as a primary IMC tool.

Differences between above campaigns

 The main difference between above companies, they all present their own product.

Which they have invented on their own.

 From above companies Dulux and Asian paint have the company slogans but Multilac

doesn’t have any slogan.

 Two of these companies are foreign companies (Dulux and Asian Paint) but Multilac

is a local company.

 The IMC tools used by above companies are different.

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Favourite IMC campaign

From above noted 3 companies I prefer DULUX campaign and their product. Based on my

life experience I think their product and IMC campaign was good enough to get ourselves

through the whole process. When it appears on the television as advertisement of a new

product I wanted to try it. Then I contacted them and ask about the app and how does it work.

As I mentioned in the Dulux campaign I mentioned enquiry option called ASK DULUX. I

asked details from them through that which is personal selling. After I downloaded the app

and started to choose colours as they guided. They did offer 1200 colours for app users.

According to above analyse of 3 companies only Dulux come up with a technological device,

with help of app they have targeted a new audience who likes to deal with technology. When

using app it helps you to select a wall (with or without accessories) and paint it with the

colour you choose from the colour chart. As the slogan says PICTURE IT BEFORE YOU

PAINT IT really works. Dulux actually following marketing strategies but other two bit slow

to catch up with technology.

This era people into technological devices, to reach on their customer they need be more

concern about technology.

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Dulux Group -

(Accessed: 2017/04/28)

Dulux Visualizer App-

(Accessed: 2017/04/25)

Multilac- (Accessed: 2017/04/25)

Asian Paint Apcolite Emulation-

emulsion/explore.aspx (2017/04/24)

Chitty, W., Barker, N., Valos, M., and Shimp, T., (2012) Integrated Marketing

Communications (3rd Asia Pacific ed.). Victoria: Cengage Learning

The communication council-


G Punj, DW Stewart - Journal of marketing research, 1983 – JSTOR (2017/04/24)

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Assessment 1A – Campaign Analysis on 3 IMC campaigns (30 marks)

Task Report on 3 IMC campaigns. 2,500 words (30 marks)

Formatting – word-processed 12 point Times New

Roman, double spacing, headings and
subheadings, expression, grammar, spelling,
punctuation, professional look [4 marks]

Introduction – Introduce the three different IMC

campaigns briefly + explain why you chose each
IMC campaign [1 mark]

Comprehensive content on first IMC campaign to

cover target audience, marketing objectives,
communication objectives, campaign idea, how all
or some IMC tools were used to convey the idea,
and sales/communication results. [5 marks]
Comprehensive content on second IMC campaign
to cover target audience, marketing objectives,
communication objectives, campaign idea, how all
or some IMC tools were used to convey the idea,
and sales/communication results. [5 marks]
Comprehensive content on third IMC campaign to
cover target audience, marketing objectives,
communication objectives, campaign idea, how all
or some IMC tools were used to convey the idea,
and sales/communication results. [5 marks]
Detailed analysis of similarities + differences
among the three different IMC campaigns [3
Conclusion on favourite IMC campaign with
[1 mark]
Detailed IMC suggestions for other marketers in
general based on analysis of the 3 IMC campaigns
[3 marks]
In-text + end-text references [3 marks]

Overall Grade [30 marks] N C CR D HD

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