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LMCE1062 Summary Evaluation (Jawapan) Sem 1, 2020-2021


Section A: Non-Linear Notes (20 marks)

Complete the table and diagrams below based on the above article.
Descriptive Title: Ways to cope High-functioning anxiety (HFA) (1 mark)
Categories of Anxiety Defining Characteristics
Normal Anxiety Feelings of worry, fear or unease
Generalized Anxiety Feelings of worry, fear or unease that can have a much greater,
Disorder lasting effect that can become overwhelming.
(Affects 6% of adults)
High Functioning Anxiety One of the most invisible anxiety disorders:
(HFA)  Go on for months or years without being diagnosed or
 The symptoms can go unnoticed to individuals and their
(2 marks)
Causes of HFA:
Beneficial Effects:
Stressful events, such as Makes it easier to Implement measures to avoid
a difficult childhood anticipate threats before or control perceived(3danger
they occur
Biological causes, such
as food insensitivities Those with HFA will typically appear successful,
together and calm, often excelling in different
Coping Mechanisms: areas or work and life, but this can conflict with
how they feel inside.
They may try to ignore symptoms, Signs of HFA:
or ‘power through’ them 1 mark
Obvious Outward Signs:
Controlling their emotions is intense Being very quiet or talkative
and can be a drain on their energy. Fast movements
Fast actions such as scanning
Enduring Effects of Stress surroundings with fast eye
Need prolonged Turn to maladaptive
Overly submissive or aggressive
periods of time strategies such as:
when conflict arises (2 marks)
of downtime to drinking
recuperate Drug-taking Easier-to-Miss Signs:
1 mark Binge-eating Constantly thinking about what could be
(Unhealthy wrong and what your action
behaviours) 2 marks Struggling to be present in the moment
Physical Health Problems: daydreaming
Better Ways to Cope: disorders
Cardiovascular Fear of failure or being a fraud
Seek help and support
Respiratory disorders Constant planning
Try different methods ofdisorders
Gastrointestinal coping to find the best way
2 marks Cringing over own behaviour (3 marks)
A184319 in a more calm state of mind as to where and
when this applies, to see if they really are threats. (50-53)
People checking
Section B: Summarysocial media(30
Writing or the news on their phones.
Workinga summary of the article
with caunselor can help using
youONLY the information
to understand the rootincauses
the non-linear
of your notes in Section
A. Your summary should consist of the following:
Categories of Anxiety
of physical and Defining
feeling of anxietyCharacteristics
and accompanying thoughts
Part II: Causes of High-Functioning Anxiety and Beneficial Effects.
so you
Part III:can apply
Signs the STOP technique.(3
of High-Functioning marks)
Part IV: Poor Coping Mechanisms

LMCE1062 Summary Evaluation (Jawapan) Sem 1, 2020-2021

Part V: Better Ways to Cope

Write your summary in 250 to 330 words.
Bonnie Evie Gifford believed that there was ways to cope High-Functioning Anxiety(HFA).
First categories is Normal Anxiety can be detected if you feels worry, fear or unease.
Secondly, Generalized Anxiety Disorder(affects 6% of adults) was much greater and lasting
effects that can be overwhelming than normal anxiety. Lesley Shearer says, HFA is one of the
most invisible anxiety disorder. It can be worse without being diagnosed or treated and the
symptoms can go unnoticed. Causes of HFA is stressful events, such as a difficult childhood.
The beneficial effects from that is easier to anticipate threats before they occur then we can
find implement measures to avoid or control perceived danger, biological causes, such as
food insensitivities and other reasons. Those with HFA will typically appear successful,
together and calm, often excelling in different areas or work and life, but this can conflict
with how they feel inside. Peter Klein says, signs of HFA is being very quiet or talkative, fast
movements, fast actions and overly submissive or aggressive when conflict arises. Then,
easier-to-miss signs is constantly thinking about what could be wrong and what your action,
struggling to be present in the moment, daydreaming, fear of failure or being a fraud,
constant planning, and cringing over own behaviour. Poor coping mechanisms is they may
try to ignore symptoms, or ‘power through’ them. They trust that controlling their emotions
is intense and can weaken their energy. Effects of stress is they need long time to recuperate
or doing unhealthy behaviours such as drinking, drug-taking, and binge-eating. It will cause
physical health problems such as cardiovascular, respiratory, or gastrointestinal disorders.
Better ways to cope HFA is seek help and support, try different methods of coping to find the
best way, and recount perceived threats in a more calm state mind as to where and when
this applies, to see if they really are threats. Then, checking social media or the news on
phones, working with caunselor to understand the root causes, and raise awareness of
physical feeling of anxiety and accompanying thoughts so you can apply the STOP technique.



A 20
B 30

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