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‫الجمهوريــــــــة الجزائريــــــة الديمقراطيـــــة الشعبيـــــة‬

République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire

Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur ‫وزارة التعليــم العالــي والبحــث العلمــي‬
et de la Recherche Scientifique
et de la Recherche cientifique
‫ بجاية‬de Bejaia
Université ‫جامعــة بجايــة‬
Université de Bejaia
Faculté des Lettres et des
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues
‫كليـــــة اآلداب واللغـــــات‬
Aboudaou ‫أبـــوداو‬
Département de Langue et Littérature
Le Doyen
Anglaise ‫قســم اللغــة واألدب االنجليزى‬
Level: Master
Specialty: DLE + Linguistics
Module: Langue and Culture

Basic Definitions
1-Basic definitions:
1. Culture: is a set of beliefs, attitudes, behaviours, and values shared by a community. That is:
knowledge, art, morals, social laws, customs, habits, beliefs, traditions we acquire as members of
a specific community.
2. Types of culture: there are two-2 types of culture:
2.1.Little “c” culture: refers to the way of life, to everyday cultural aspects like behaviours,
habits, expressions.... shared by a specific community.
2.2.Big “C” culture: refers to the cultural aspects shared by a whole nation such as literature,
arts, civilisation, and history... of a specific society.
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3. Cultural
: :awareness:
FaxFax FaxFax : 034
: 034 ability to know (to be aware) one’s own cultural values, beliefs and
perceptions. That is why we do this thing in this way and that thing in that way.
4. Cultural understanding: the ability to understand cultural norms, values, customs...
5. Cultural competence: the ability (acquired) to understand and interpret and use cultural
components in one’s community (own culture).
6. Cultural differences: the differences that exist between different cultures such as habits,
7. Cultural shock: the feeling of confusion and doubt caused by a contact of a culture largely
different from one’s own culture.
8. Cultural bewilderment: the feeling being lost when there is contact with a new culture, and
refusal of that new culture.
9. Acculturation: refers to the adoption of the new culture and the rejection of one’s own culture.
10. Intercultural awareness: refers to the fact of being aware not only of one’s own culture
(beliefs, culture...) but also of the target culture.

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues. Campus Aboudaou – Bejaia

Téléphone : 034 22 15 42 / Fax : 034 22 15 47
‫الجمهوريــــــــة الجزائريــــــة الديمقراطيـــــة الشعبيـــــة‬
République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur ‫وزارة التعليــم العالــي والبحــث العلمــي‬
et de la Recherche Scientifique
et de la Recherche cientifique
‫ بجاية‬de Bejaia
Université ‫جامعــة بجايــة‬
Université de Bejaia
Faculté des Lettres et des
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues
‫كليـــــة اآلداب واللغـــــات‬
Aboudaou ‫أبـــوداو‬
Département de Langue et Littérature
Le Doyen
Anglaise ‫قســم اللغــة واألدب االنجليزى‬
11. Intercultural knowledge: refers to the act of knowing both one’s own culture and the target
culture. This knowledge involves the similarities and the differences between the two cultures as
well as the acceptance of these differences.
12. Intercultural competence: is the ability to behave appropriately and flexibly in one’s own
culture and the target culture. It consists of five-5 sub-competences: attitude, knowledge, skills
of interpreting data, skills of discovery and interaction, and critical cultural awareness.
2-characteristics of culture:
➢ Culture is human,
➢ Culture is social,
➢ Culture is both acquired and learned,
➢ Culture is transmitted from one generation to another,
➢ Culture is continuous but able to change,
➢ Culture is accumulative as people acquire different aspects through time,
➢ CultureTél.
is :responsive
Tél :as people tend to react to cultural behaviours subjectively,
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➢ Cultural
Fax : components
Fax : 034are
➢ Culture differs from one society to another.
3-elements/components of culture: though cultures are different, the elements that constitute any
culture are the same:
➢ Social organisation (all cultures possess a social organisation, each society is organised in a
specific way),
➢ Customs and traditions (all societies are based on customs and traditions though different from
one culture to another),
➢ Arts and literature (all societies have arts and literature though different from one culture to
➢ Rituals and social practices(all societies are based on rituals and social practices though different
from one culture to another),

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues. Campus Aboudaou – Bejaia

Téléphone : 034 22 15 42 / Fax : 034 22 15 47
‫الجمهوريــــــــة الجزائريــــــة الديمقراطيـــــة الشعبيـــــة‬
République Algérienne Démocratique et Populaire
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur
Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur ‫وزارة التعليــم العالــي والبحــث العلمــي‬
et de la Recherche Scientifique
et de la Recherche cientifique
‫ بجاية‬de Bejaia
Université ‫جامعــة بجايــة‬
Université de Bejaia
Faculté des Lettres et des
Faculté des Lettres et des Langues
‫كليـــــة اآلداب واللغـــــات‬
Aboudaou ‫أبـــوداو‬
Département de Langue et Littérature
Le Doyen
Anglaise ‫قســم اللغــة واألدب االنجليزى‬
➢ Forms of government (all societies are based a government which is constituted differently from
one culture to another),
➢ Education and ethics (all societies are based on education rules and ethics though different from
one culture to another),
➢ Family,
➢ Aesthetic and architecture (all societies are based on aesthetic and architecture though different
from one culture to another),
➢ History (all societies develop through history though different from one culture to another),
➢ Beliefs and social ceremonies and festivals (all societies are based on beliefs and social
ceremonies though different from one culture to another)...

❖ Language and religion are not components of culture;

❖ However, language and religion are largely influenced by culture. This means that cultural
: and
Tél practices have an impact on the use of language and on the interpretation of
: 034/22/15/42
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Fax : and religious
Fax : 034beliefs.
❖ Moreover, culture also is influenced by language and religion. This means that language used
by the society and the religion followed by the society impact on culture (culture development,
progress and decrease, change and disappearance of cultural aspects...)

Faculté des Lettres et des Langues. Campus Aboudaou – Bejaia

Téléphone : 034 22 15 42 / Fax : 034 22 15 47

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