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‫السالم عليكم و رحمة اهلل و بركاته‬

‫ْح ْم ُد لِله رب العالمين و به نستعين علي امور الدنيا و الدين و علي اله و‬
َ ‫اَل‬
)‫صحبه اجمعين (اما بعد‬
All Praises be to Allah The Lord of The World who has given us
mercying and blessing till we can meet together. Shalawat and salam
always sent to our prophet Muhammad Saw who has brought us from
the darkness to the light ness.

Dear audiences!

I’m standing here, I should like to speech in front of you all under the

Looking For The Sciences

The sciences have the important roles in our life. Because we can

different the truth and the false with the sciences. We can also do

worship to Allah SWT perfectly with the sciences. So that, we must

realize that looking for the sciences is an obligation for every moslem,

man and woman. Rasulullah Saw said:

‫طلب العلم فريضة علي كل مسلم و مسلمة‬

“looking for the sciences is an obligation for every moslem, man and


Dear Audiences!

We are as students, we must do that order by studying hard. Because

we are the next generation of this nation, servants of Allah SWT and

followers of Rasulullah Saw.

Maybe enough here my speech. And the last, I’m saying you:

‫و السالم عليكم و رحمة اهلل و بركاته‬

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