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1 сарын 24 ноос хойших хичээлийн тэмдэглэл шалгана.

1b 2d 3j 4j 5e 6a 7g 8i 9f 10c 11h 12h 13l 14 15k

1. Computer architecture – Self-study that how computer to connect together

2. HW installation % Maintenance – installation maintenance and connecting to hardware
3. Info tech applications (1) – Using IT
4. Info tech applications (2) – Using Information technology
5. Multi-user operating system – Operating system connection usage
Multi-user OS used by many users at same time
6. Network technology – Network connection and security
The systems involved connecting computer together
7. Software development life cycle - Work with programming data and write program code
8. Standalone computer system support - Check computer operation. Ensure the security
9. Software development procedural Lang - Add and edit written software code
10. Data communications - work with and connect to databases
11. Information systems % services - Provides network connections and is responsible for network
12. Systems development - The system is newly designed and developed
13. Communication – making presentation
14. Project management - develop and develop new projects. Manage according to the project
15. Mathematics for computing - make calculations

Big blue is IBM. The IBM meaning International Business Machine

Areal density is the data capacity of a storage device measured in bits per square inch

Moore’s Law is Prediction that the number of transistors that can be incorporated into a processor chip
will double every 18 months

Superparamagnetism is A phenomenon that threatens to make densely packed bits unstable in magnetic
storage devices

Terabit is one thousand gigabits

AFM meaning Atomic Force Microscopy

1. S + V2 + O + Place + time

Quest – 1. Did + S + V1 + O + 4.5=? YES/NO

2. Question works + did + S + V1 + O + PL + T?

3. Who do/did + V2 + 3.4.5 ? how many subject

1. How many subjects did you study in your first term?

2. How many days each week did you have classes?
3. What did you have on Monday morning?
4. Which day was a free day for home study?
5. Where room did you have systems analysis on Wednesday?
6. What did you study on Thursdays?
7. When did programming happen?
8. How often did Communication take place?
9. Whose classes did you like most?
10. When did you have your lunch break?

What subject

How many times did she take on Friday?

Mobile Application Programming course syllabus information

Mobile Application Programming

Mobile device development is the process of creating software that runs on a mobile device,
and a typical mobile application works with a remote computing resource using a network
Acquire the basics of mobile programming knowledge required by students. A good understanding
of the basics of a mobile application will give you the skills to solve, analyze, and develop problems.

DESCRIPTION: My description consists of 2 parts.

Learn the basics of mobile programming, - is A small program that contains what you need

Learn to create and solve problems yourself by getting to know the working principles of things, you
will know the structure of their activities. - There are some things that can become a part of
everyday life by mastering it



Classes are held once a week for a full day, combining theoretical knowledge and practical

Can improve and evaluate student knowledge. Student homework, seminar assignments, and
training exams will be introduced in advance. These include attendance, activity, progress tests,
homework, and quarterly tests
Unit 6
1. 1. Type them using a keyboard 2. date, password, ls 3. Date , password , ls , logout
The user’s account will close.

2. a. user b. applications programs c. operating system d. hardware

1. applications software does not communicate directly with the computer hardware.
2. It manages the entire operating system and loads other operating system applications
into memory if necessary
3. The remaining applications reside in memory. If necessary, programs loaded from the
disk directory are non-resident
4. manage the computer’s resources
establish a user interface
execute and provide services for app software

Although – in addition
Because – such as
But – therefore
4. Complete the gaps in this summary of the text on operating systems using these
linking words and phrases:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Application software doesn’t communicate directly with the computer hardware

1 directory – ls

2 delete – rm

3 rename – mv

4 copy – cp

5 print – lpr

6 help – man

7 create/directory – mkdir
8 show time – date

9 show users – rwho

10 phone – write

11 search – grep


Linux is a unix-based operating system designed for use in a variety of computer systems. The source
code is freely available. Various distribution kits are available. Graphic engine called XFree86.

Linux is a unix-based operating system designed for use in a variety of computer systems. The source
code is freely available. Various distribution kits are available. Graphic engine called XFree86.

Linux is a unix-based operating system designed for use in a variety of computer systems. This display a
dropdown list like one you see here. The source code is freely available. Various distribution kits are
available. Graphic engine called XFree86.


Энэ товчлуур нь таны ихэнх үйлдлүүдийг эхлүүлэх гол цэг юм. Нэг удаа дарснаар та програмын
жагсаалт болон хамгийн сүүлд ашигласан баримт бичгүүдийг харах болно.


Энэ нь Microsoft Outlook Express програмыг эхлүүлж, хэрэв танд интернэт холболт байгаа бол
цахим шуудан илгээх боломжтой.


Оффисын компьютеруудын хувьд энэ нь хэрэглэгчдэд компьютерт холбогдсон бусад

компьютеруудыг харах боломжийг олгодог. Ихэнх гэрийн компьютер хэрэглэгчид энэ дүрсийг
ашиглах шаардлагагүй болно.

1. Send email if you have internet access.

2. The taskbar
3. Pause the mouse pointer over the time box.
4. If you take files and documents to and from a PC at work, this feature helps keep them
organised and up to date.
5. Solid green blue
6. My Network Places
7. My Computer
8. The Internet Connection Wizard
9. Empty the Recycle Bin
UNIT - 7 EX.7

Create a folder

1. If you want to create new folder. First right click on the desktop to open the sensitive menu.
2. Choose New on the menu . After you need choose Folder on the submenu.
3. If you click a folder on the submenu. This folder will see desktop side.

Start a program

1. if you wanna start program. So first go to the desktop

2. double click on the open a want to program icon.

Shut down computer

1. If you want to shut down to own computer. First you click the windows button on keyboard
2. Or click the start icon on the system tray. Choose power icon
3. Click the shutdown on the submenu

Adjust the speak volume

1. if you need Adjust the speak volume. First Double click on the volume control icon
2. Drag the volume slider up or down to volume settings.

Arrange the icon

1. if you need to arrange the icon. So right click to open the menu
2. Select Adjustment icon from the menu. From the submenu
3. Click on the desired format

Display the date

1. if you wanna see the clock. So allow the mouse pointer to hover over the clock icon
2. after a while, the date will appear on the clock.

In windows, show Tooltips

1. If you wanna in windows and show tooltips

2. Allow the mouse pointer to hover over an icon

Exercise 2

1.I can work on two programs, excel and google sheet. When Excel is more relaxed and urgent, I work on
a google sheet.

2.I usually use this spreadsheet program when working with any spreadsheet. I usually spreadsheet
software is used in accounting classes.

5.generally five steps. First Click the text mouse you want to display the image. Next Click on the "Insert"
tab. Next Click the "Images" button in the Illustration group. Next Locate the image file in your
computer's storage system. Next Click to select an image. Last one Click the Insert button.
The Practice Manager uses a paymoll package based on a spreadsheet to calculate salaries for each
employee of the health centre. She enters all income and expenditure to produce practice accounts. She
uses a database to produce a monthly rota of which doctors are on call in evenings and at weekends.
This rota is available over the network to all users.

Users – Practice Manager

Use – Calculating salaries and expenditure, making rotas

Program types – tailored packages based on spreadsheets and databases

Datainput - Income and expenditure figures, doctors available

Output – Payroll and accounts, monthly rota.

Uchgdrinhs hoish ymr ngn um blsnu nam gum bn

Практикийн менежер нь эрүүл мэндийн төвийн ажилтан бүрийн цалинг тооцоолохдоо хүснэгтэд
суурилсан цалингийн багцыг ашигладаг. Тэрээр бүх орлого, зарлагаа оруулаад дадлага хийх данс
гаргадаг. Тэрээр мэдээллийн санг ашигладаг бөгөөд сар бүр эмч нар орой болон амралтын
өдрүүдэд дуудлага хийдэг. Энэ рота нь сүлжээгээр дамжуулан бүх хэрэглэгчид ашиглах

Энэхүү систем нь 5 сүлжээнд холбогдсон компьютерээс бүрдэх ба нэг нь зөвлөгөө өгөх өрөөнд, нэг
нь Практикийн менежерийн өрөөнд, нөгөө нь файл сервертэй зэрэгцэн хүлээн авах хэсэгт
байрладаг. (Компьютер бүр өөрийн гэсэн лазер принтертэй.) Бүх хэрэглэгчид Microsoft Office
програмыг ашиглах боломжтой.

Эмч нар олон тооны мэдээллийн санд хандахын тулд системийг ашигладаг. Хамгийн чухал нь
практикт хамрагдсан бүх өвчтөнүүдийн бүртгэлийг хадгалдаг. Эдгээр файлууд нь өвчтөний хувийн
мэдээлэл, эмнэлгийн түүхийг агуулдаг. Эмч зөвлөгөө өгөхөөс өмнө цагны дэвтрийг дуудаж болно.
Өвчтөний нэр дээр дарснаар өвчтөний бүртгэлд шууд хандах боломжтой. Хэлэлцүүлгийн төгсгөлд
эмч оношлогоо, эмчилгээний талаар товч тэмдэглэл оруулдаг. Мөн энэхүү мэдээллийн санг
судалгаа, тайлангийн статистик мэдээлэл гаргахад ашиглаж болно. Эмч нар мөн CD-ROM дээрх
эмийн мэдээллийн санд хандах боломжтой бөгөөд энэ нь янз бүрийн ангиллын өвчтөнүүдэд
тохирох мянга мянган эмийн талаархи мэдээллийг өгдөг. Энэ нь сар бүр шинэчлэгддэг. Өөр нэг
мэдээллийн сан бол олон төрлийн асуудлын талаар мэдээлэл өгдөг нөхцөл байдлын толь бичиг


Collection of related webpages


Application service provider


Self-replicating program


Set of standard programs used in an office


Capacity of a network connection


High capacity internet connection


Facility for storing large amounts of information


Common enterprise resourse planning tool


Хэрэв таны хатуу диск дүүрсэн бол мэдээллийн технологийн хэлтэс таны цахим шуудангийн
асуудлыг засахаар завгүй байна гэсэн үг. Програмын үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгчийг ашиглан та
байгууллагынхаа машин эсвэл сервер бүр дээр программ хангамж суулгахын оронд программ
хангамжид алсаас хандаж, программыг ажиллуулахад шаардлагатай техник хангамжийг удирддаг
ASP-ээс програм түрээслэдэг.

Энэ аргын олон давуу тал бий. Вирусын улмаас учирсан сүйрэл нь таны цахим шуудан болон
оффисын багц үйлчилгээгээ аутсорсинг хийх санааг сонирхолтой болгож байна. Энэ нь танд илүү
уян хатан байдлыг өгдөг - та олон жилийн турш холбоотой байдаг өндөр өртөгтэй програм
хангамжид хөрөнгө оруулахын оронд хэрэгцээтэй үед нь төлбөрөө төлөх хэрэгтэй. Оффисын иж
бүрэн хувилбараа шинэчлэх эсвэл цахим шуудангийн системийг удирдахад төвөгтэй асуудлуудтай
тэмцэх талаар санаа зовохгүй байх нь бизнесүүдэд илүү их цаг хугацаа үлдээдэг. Тэдний хамгийн
сайн хийдэг зүйлдээ анхаарлаа хандуулах цаг болжээ.

Гэсэн хэдий ч болзошгүй хүндрэлүүд бий. Аппликейшнүүдийг алсаас ашиглахын тулд маш их
зурвасын өргөн шаардлагатай бөгөөд үүнийг зөвхөн өргөн зурвасын холболт эсвэл түрээсийн
шугамаас ASP өөрөө ашиглах боломжтой. ASP нь танд хэрэгтэй үед найдвартай, найдвартай
үйлчилгээг үзүүлэх чадвартай байх нь чухал юм.

Өргөн уудам хэрэглэгчдэд зориулсан программ хангамж, хадгалах зайг хангахын тулд ASP-ийн
зарим хүчирхэг технологи шаардлагатай. Үүнд аюулгүй байдлын хяналт, өгөгдлийн хадгалалт,
түүнчлэн үйлчлүүлэгчидтэй физик холбоосоор хангах зэрэг орно.


Холбогдох вэб хуудасны цуглуулга


Хэрэглээний үйлчилгээ үзүүлэгч


Өөрийгөө хуулбарлах програм


Оффист хэрэглэгддэг стандарт програмуудын багц


Сүлжээний холболтын хүчин чадал


Өндөр хүчин чадалтай интернет холболт


Их хэмжээний мэдээлэл хадгалах байгууламж


Байгууллагын нөөц төлөвлөлтийн нийтлэг хэрэгсэл


1. Through your PC
2. Decodes the file and routes the signals to your sound card and then to your speakers.
3. One which is not part of another device such as a PC
4. They let you group songs into playlists and randomise the selections. They offer spectrum
analysers, graphic equalisers, and frequency displays to control how the music sounds.
5. The information on the MP3 file’s tag.
6. It makes your player look like a jukebox, a car dashboard, or a Star Trek tricorder.
7. You use a ripper to rip songs from a CD in your CD-ROM drive and turn them into WAV files. You
use an encoder to convert the WAV files into MP3 files. Your MP3 player may incorporate both.
8. A writable CD-ROM drive and a recorder program.


1. Through a computer
2. Decode the file and route the signal to the sound card and then to the speaker.
3. Not part of another device, such as a computer
4. They group you into playlists and allow you to select them at random. They offer spectrum
analyzers, graphic equalizers and frequency displays to monitor how the music sounds.
5. Information on the MP3 file label.
6. It makes your player look like a sound box, car dashboard or Star Trek tricorder.
7. You use a ripper to copy audio from a CD to a CD-ROM and convert it to a WAV file. You use an
encoder to convert WAV files to MP3 files. Your MP3 player can contain both.
8. Writable CD-ROM drive and recorder software.

Exercise #7
MP3 reduces the information stored by removing sounds we don’t hear.
You can alter the look of your MP3 player by downloading a skin program.
You can rip the audio information from a CD by using a ripper.
You can convert a WAV file to MP3 format by using an encoder.x
You can view the lyrics, notes and author data by clicking onTrack Info.
You can control how the music sounds by using spectrum analysers and graphic equalisers.
You can access many free and legal music files for downloading by visiting
You can play MP3 files through your sound system by linking it to your computer.
Into what two components is the data stream split?
What information does an intra frame contain?
What is stored in the P-frames following an I-frame?
What is stored in a P-frame in the case of a bouncing ball?
What gives the massive reduction in the amount of information needed to reproduce a video
Why is a new I-frame used after a few P-frames?
What is stored in a B-frame?
Why do B-frames not propagate errors?

1. Audio and video

2. Only information in the picture itself
3. Only the difference between the P-frame and the I-frame
4. A description of how the position of the ball has changed from the previous I-frame as
well as shape or colour changes
5. Only storing differences between the frames
6. A small margin of error creeps in with each P-frame.
7. The difference between the previous I or P frame and the B-frame and the difference
between the B-frame and the following I or P frame
8. No other frame is ever based on a B-frame

You can tell which folder is currently being displayed by the icon. Drives will have their text
highlighted, whereas folders are ‘open’ – click on one and try it.
This shows only drives and folders in other words, items that contain something else. To view
the full contents of a folder, click on its icon in the navigation pane
You can adjust the space allocated to each pane by clicking on and dragging the divider handy
when the folder tree starts to sprawl.

1. You press Print Screen

f. you can make a copy of the screen
2. You press Ctrl + Alt + Del in Windows XP
h. it displays the Windows security dialog box
3. You added more memory
b. it would speed up the computer
4. You insralled a modem
e. you would be able to connect to a telephone line
5. You used a better search engine
g. you would find more relevant results
6. You forget to save regularly
c. you may lose data
7. You hold down the mouse button over an icon
a. you can drag it across the screen
8. You used an LCD display
d. you would have more space at your desk.
A bridge is a hardware and software combination used to connect the same type of networks.
Bridges can also partition a large network into two smaller ones and connect two LANs that
are nearby each other.
Гүүр нь ижил төрлийн сүлжээг холбоход хэрэглэгддэг техник хангамж, програм
хангамжийн хослол юм. Гүүрүүд нь том сүлжээг хоёр жижиг сүлжээнд хувааж, ойролцоох
хоёр LAN-г холбох боломжтой.
A router is a special computer that directs communicating messages when several networks
are connected together. High-speed routers can serve as part of the internet backbone.
Чиглүүлэгч нь хэд хэдэн сүлжээг хооронд нь холбосон үед харилцах мессежийг чиглүүлдэг
тусгай компьютер юм. Өндөр хурдны чиглүүлэгчид интернетийн үндсэн хэсэг болж чаддаг.
A gateway is an interface that enables dissimilar networks to communicate, such as two LANs
based on different topologies or network operating systems.
Гарц нь өөр өөр топологи эсвэл сүлжээний үйлдлийн систем дээр суурилсан хоёр LAN гэх
мэт ялгаатай сүлжээнүүдийг харилцах боломжийг олгодог интерфейс юм.
A backbone is the main transmission path, handling the major data traffic, connecting
different LANs together.
Суурь нь үндсэн мэдээллийн урсгалыг зохицуулж, өөр өөр LAN-г хооронд нь холбодог
дамжуулах гол зам юм.
A LAN is a network contained within a small area, for example a company department.
LAN нь жижиг газар, жишээлбэл, компанийн хэлтэст агуулагдах сүлжээ юм.
A modem is a device for converting digital signals to analogue signals and vice versa to enable
a computer to transmit and receive data using an ordinary telephone line.
Модем нь тоон дохиог аналог дохио болгон хувиргах ба эсрэгээр компьютерийг энгийн
утасны шугам ашиглан өгөгдөл дамжуулах, хүлээн авах боломжийг олгодог төхөөрөмж
1. Networks are more vulnerable to viruses; however it is easier to check for viruses.
2. Although maintenance is easier, networks require more expertise to maintain.
3. Networks are more complex to set up; however maintenance is easier.
4. Although access to the system can be controlled, networks are more vulnerable to
5. Hardware and software can be shared; however the whole network depends on the
central server.

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