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Documenting software behavior design techniques and assessing

future improvements needed to ensure the effectiveness of a

computer system

R.Y I Ranasinghe

What is requirements determination?

A requirement is an essential component of a new system that involves

processing or capturing data, controlling business activities, producing
information, and supporting management.

Determining requirements involves studying the existing system and

gathering details to find out what the requirements are, how it works and
where improvements need to be made.
Determining the key activities of need
Anticipation of needs

It predicts the characteristics of the system based on previous

experience, including certain problems or features and requirements for a
new system.

It can lead to analysis of areas that would otherwise go unnoticed by

an inexperienced analyst. But if the investigation takes shortcuts and
introduces bias, the need can burn the prospect in half.

Needs investigation

It studies the current system and documents its characteristics

for further analysis.

It is at the heart of systems analysis that analysts document

and describe system features using fact-finding techniques,
prototyping, and computer-aided tools.

Requirements specification

It includes data analysis that determines requirements

specifications, describes features for the new system, and
specifies what information needs will be provided.
Documenting software behavior design techniques and assessing
future improvements needed to ensure the effectiveness of a
computer system

R.Y I Ranasinghe

It includes analysis of actual data, identification of essential

needs and selection of strategies to meet the needs.

Information gathering technology

The main purpose of fact finding techniques is to determine the

information needs of an organization used by analysts to
develop a specific SRS understood by practice.

Future Improvement Effectiveness of a Computer

In future computer systems, we will need to increase the

utilization ratio of existing hardware and software modules to
achieve the desired efficiency of maximum speed, minimum
energy use and improved reliability. In typical hardware and
software modules, after the system inputs are ready, the final
values of the outputs are available after a certain amount of time
(called execution time in software and latency in hardware).
While a module calculates output values, it is often considered a
black box and often we do not have access to the intermediate
results produced by the module. In this paper we explore the use
of intermediate values generated by hardware and software
modules to improve future computing systems. For modules that
do not produce intermediate values, we must establish
techniques to reconstruct the modules so that useful intermediate
values are produced. By using existing/generated intermediate
values, we can produce faster computing systems with lower
energy consumption. Furthermore, the reliability (testing,
verification and fault tolerance) of computer systems can also be


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