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Nirma University

Institute of Technologr
Semester End Examination (lR/RpR), December - 2Ol9
B. Tech. in Mechanical Engineering, Semester-Ill
ME303 Materia-l Technolory

Roll/ Supervisor's initial

Exam No. With date
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 1OO

Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions.

2. Figures to right indicate full marks.
3. Draw neat sketches wherever necessary.
4. Assume suitable data if necessary.
Q-1 (A) i- Define atomic packing factor and calculate t.Le same for BCC, (O4)
co1 FCC and HCP structure.
ii. Explain what is coordination number and miller indices. (04)

(B) what is crystalline materiat? explain seven basic crystal system with (08)
their examples.
(B) Differentiate between substitutional and interstitial solution with neat (08)
sketch and list down the factors governing the formation of solid

Q-2 (A) What information can be obtained from a phase diagram? Explain a (O8)
co2 binary phase diagram with a suitable example.

(B) What is heat treatment of steel? Discuss the process of annealing and (08)

v-r (A) a labeled Ii'on-Iroir Carbide diagram and explain important (07)
co3 cquilibrium phase reactions.

(B) Bxplain following (08)

(a) ferrite (b) cementite (c) pearlite (d) austenite

(c) Compare edge dislocation with screw dislocation. (03)

Pag e- 4, o+
ME303 Materials Technology

Q-4 (A) What is Non Destructive testing ? explain dye penetrant test and (08)
co I ultrasonic flaw detection test.

(B) i. Explain nitriding and flame hardening process. (04)

ii. Discuss advantages and limitations of powder metallur5/ process. (04)

Q-5 (A) What is creep? State the types of creep and explain the creep test in (08)
Co2 detail
(B) What is powder metallurgr process? describe various powder (OB)
production methods.

Q-6 (A) Answer the following (09)

Lt i. Enlist the names of different smart materials and state
applications and advantages of them.
ii. What is glass fiber reinforced polymer composite.?
iii. Describe important properties and applications of aluminium and
its alloy.

(B) Do as directed (0e)

i. Enlist mechanical properties of ceramic materials.
ii. Write a short note on abrasives.
iii. What are the alloys of copper ? briefly describe them.

Q-6 (A) i. Explain following mechanical properties of material (05)
Ls (a) stiffness (b) toughness (c) resilience (d) hardness
ii. Classify plain carbon steel based on carbon contents and discuss
applications of them.
(B) i. State the effect of following elements on the properties of steel (04)
(a) Silicon (b) chromium (c) tungsten (d) Manganese
ii. Discuss d.ifferent types of Cast Iron.

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