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Topic 1- Why and how brands use Social Media for Customer Service/Support

Unquestionably, the majority of consumers favour using social media to promote their
companies. But many of them fail to see the potential of social media as a useful platform for
providing customer service. I wonder why rivals are disregarding the most common form of
communication nowadays while outpacing one another for consumer loyalty with endless offers
and price reductions.

They frequently overlook the fact that social media is a communication platform where users
may voice their concerns and questions as opposed to just consuming marketing information.
Here are some key arguments in favour of companies embracing social media customer support
processes wholeheartedly right away:

Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

Customer service is more complex than first appears. Customer service goes beyond only solving
problems for your clients. It is a way to make them happy and win their allegiance. Customer
loyalty to a brand is highly influenced by how well it responds to their feedback and handles
their issues.

The client who is mourning has a favourable opinion of them because of their effort to fulfil the
consumer. However, dissatisfying customers and dismissing their complaints might cause them
to migrate to your rivals. The individual switched to Vodafone, as you can see here, since his
complaints went unanswered.
You can only prevent this attrition if you deal with their problems as soon as possible. Utilizing
social media provides you the chance to speak with your irate consumers as soon as possible so
they may have a pleasant experience with your company. Their allegiance is consequently
assured by this satisfying encounter.

The Viral Nature of Social Media

Social media is by definition shareable. Conversations among friends, friends of friends, and
family members promote interaction on a particular subject and social media sharing. And
occasionally, these subjects take on a viral quality. Additionally, corporations frequently find
themselves at the centre of a bad social media trend.
Unnoticed complaints can quickly become global news before the business has a chance to

Online or Not, You are talked about

Even if you stay away from social media, your business is still being discussed there. Even
without you there, conversations continue. Inciting discord on social media is trendy. People like
complaining because they believe they are reaching out to many pals.

For a brand to be not online and have social media presence can be harmful for its reputation.
The easiest way for people to complain today is on social media-
For some folks, picking up the phone and dialling the IVRS may be the most horrifying
experiences. The caller frequently experiences a frustrating experience as a result of being kept
waiting for hours. In contrast, tweeting a complaint via social media is a considerably simpler
and quicker approach.

In the example below, You can see that Airtel customers are more likely to complain online.
They do not wish to endure the arduous procedure of dialling a helpline number. This may be
seen as a benefit for the companies as well, since prompt resolution of concerns on the platform
of the customer's choosing would undoubtedly make them pleased. Additionally, adopting
technology to assist with customer service concerns can ensure that they are remedied more

Customers are more aware of the potential of social media than businesses are-
Whether we like it or not, companies have virtually no influence over the conversations
that take place on social media platforms. Customers are aware that they can always
resort to Facebook or Twitter to express their anger if firms disregard their demands via
voice, email, or SMS.

Not to mention the fact that their complaints are likely being heard by hundreds of their
internet pals. As a brand, you have two options: either powerless or offline. Or you might
try contacting them online to dispel the whole situation. You don't want to become
famous merely because one of your customers, who has hundreds of online
acquaintances, had a little problem that you were unable to fix.

Social networking is affordable

It is true! Social media is one of the most efficient forms of marketing and has a wide
range of consequences. Customer care for social media platforms may be set up using a
reliable tool and a small team of people. Additionally, it aids in mapping your clientele.

Social media helps you get a good image of your consumer so you can better serve them.

For a customer service staff, the abundance of data collected on social media may be a
goldmine since they have all the necessary knowledge about the consumer before they
can proceed and solve their issue.

Publicly addressing problems can benefit the brand

You may anticipate favourable brand mentions when you, as a brand, successfully answer
consumer complaints on Facebook or Twitter. People will talk about you more if you
provide them pleasant social media experiences more frequently. Additionally, as I just
said, because social media is shareable, more people will learn about your brand.

For instance, Jet Airways responded the same day a woman complained on Facebook
about a bad experience. The user got the impression after reading this that the brand cares
about their customers and handles public issues.
Given that customers increasingly prefer to shop online, brands must embrace social
media for customer service. You are better able to convince a customer to benefit from a
bargain, renew a service, or encourage social sales.

A quick response time to complaints and inquiries might help in image development.
Responding to irate tweets and negative online reviews will demonstrate your concern for
your customers and want to improve their experience. Make social a way of life for your
brand while you have service centres, galleries, toll free lines, and mailing locations
established. There is no greater platform than social media for fostering client loyalty and

A social media-based consumer communication channel will undoubtedly generate

attention for any brand.

Which business or brand wouldn't desire its own loyal following? Smart businesses will
go to great efforts to maintain a thriving and expanding online community.

It's a top marketing communications objective, especially now, to increase brand

engagement, develop deeper trust, and improve the consumer experience. The most
effective tool in your marketing arsenal today for fostering meaningful interaction
between brand and follower is community development.

The only thing that will win them over is snazzy, share-worthy, shareable material that is
relevant and directly meets their requirements. Particularly if the goal is to largely use
organic techniques to develop a community. You may engage your community in
continuing conversation with blog posts, videos, and articles, fostering a sense of
continuous, intense, and sustained participation.

Building a strong community of à brand

The hiring of community managers and builders has already begun. Their sole goal is to
build a strong audience that supports all business and brand initiatives.
● Create a community centred on "the mission"
People have a strong conviction about the "why" of things. Gaining their support requires
focusing on the "issue" your community is facing, as well as your solutions. This
establishes a solid foundation for the community to cling to and makes your point of view
the hub around which discussions and activities pertaining to the subject at hand revolve.

● Make each participant feel valued

Only the digital format has the capacity to profile customers and tailor the message to
each one individually. They remain satisfied by letting each member of the group feel
that they are privileged and exclusive, starting with the early adopters. Additionally, it
offers an essential component of comradery and connection that the audience on its own

● Establish connections via dialogue

Members can interact and form bonds when they are gathered collectively in social
situations like gatherings and other occasions. It also permeates online conversation,
particularly in forums and on social media. Establishing such favourable conditions will
improve engagement and provide the brand custodian greater trending insight into the
collective consciousness of their audience.

● Create a community for your people, not for yourself.

Brands commit the cardinal error of blaring their message out loud on social media
utilising their social media presence as a megaphone. Instead, a better application would
be to use it as a switchboard where the voice of the final customer finds a home in their

Ways to create an organic community on social media:

• Continue to be consistent and active: Maintain a calibrated response schedule,

frequent daily logins, ongoing monitoring, and active, relevant posts that keep the brand
aware of the competition.
• Remain current: When done properly, social media posts may capitalise on the
guerilla marketing advantages of riding fads, demonstrating their relevancy to their brand
and their ability to understand their audience.

• Encourage greater engagement and sharing: Content generated must catch the
audience's interest and show how it represents them. Such content's sense of community
will increase its "virality" and bring praise to the company.

What makes community a vital part of social media?

• A feeling of community: People are more likely to connect with your brand and other
members of the community when there is a strong sense of community.

• The power of the community is everything. When each person feels like they are a
part of something great and strong, which results from belonging to the community, they
feel especially empowered, and the brand becomes their namesake.

• Possibilities for growth and connection: Community members feel closer to one
another and attribute this to the community.

Examples of creating a brand-centered community:

The trust you are able to build will result in followers flocking to your brand. Let's have a
look at some inspiring cases from around the globe.

• To promote active engagement and draw new users to community forums in their early
stages, Reddit's creators—beloved America's social web content rating platform and
discussion website—sowed bogus posts from phoney identities. That has paid off today
as hundreds of people visit there every day.

• Facebook, the social networking giant, began as an online university community. Even
now, it still serves as Facebook's main commercial objective.

• To directly engage with the Washington Post's great fans about how articles are put
together, the newspaper's correspondents have created a group called "PostThis."
● Momspresso à part of Mama earth now is India’s largest Moms blogging
community has around 60 million moms across 10 vernacular languages where
moms connect to share their thoughts on Motherhood.

A vibrant, active community will always draw new users, engage the ones who are
already there, and offer in-the-moment feedback to enhance goods and services.
Building a community among your followers and potential customers is the first
step in achieving the aim of social media. Organic community growth on social
media is all about allowing individuals to openly voice their opinions, developing
connections with influencers, and producing memorable content.

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