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ANU EY) Arajeez Engineering Co. Enleceting Testing Services Ayasigth jal) ds ya Soy aay dig gall CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION CIN: AEC- 211120618 Page: 1 of 4 Certificate No: ‘AEC211120618 cas Date of Examination: 0370472001 [Next due date of Examination: 02/08/2022 Date of Last Proof Load Test: 0403/2020 Date of Next Proof Lond Test: rs rier mason ‘Name of Owner: Maraba Traq AL-Kadara Co, | Standard : 8S 7121; Part? Location = Traq = Basra Tnspection Method :1-VT 2-Lood Tee “Type of equipments Mobile Crane Manufictoer; Date OF Manufasure ‘Model Number __| 1989 NKSO0B.V 2010089. ‘Aux Wire Rape Di, 18mm 0 Tone @ 10 falls 4Tonne. Hook Block Capciy: ‘ook Blosk Sev Numba; Results of inspection 45 Tome SCR PASSED, ‘Descrigion foal Tet nang) Rai) | SWE Tonne) [Api Ta Toad test @100% SWE A ay (tin rains _ Ea) aS ood tes 100% SWE Intermediate radius pe wy. = Loe test (9100 % SW ri (Max. adie au ‘ s Reference Details OFInspecior Deserption Serial Number [ Model ‘Manufacture | Certificate ‘emer Caliper | VOId. BSI60150 BS 20201005201 Toad Call 0642 RLPST ‘Susight Point | 202010050119 “Tape Measure | 6925682113365 | HSMTO8I0 Taco 202010052122 Recommendation 7 ‘Recommendation of Cerifiate Daily inspection shouldbe cared eit on diy bases | THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the undersigned, snd amy defect found according to below check lit | competent inspector, di ttend the site fr esting to pation shoul cease immediate ‘examine and ascertain tht this MOBILE CRANE is safe forthe intended se within the ims sped Tel: oeerazzzes,ogg772228784 mall OpsBafeercom,earjet cmt Webster vores cm Pree ero Engineering Testing Services ey daly Ai al Arajeez Engineering Co. wes Fuiaigi Jali ds yd CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION CIN: AEC- 211120618 Page: 2 of 4 Mara ag AI-Kedar Ca, | rag Basea ie seme ion? [Eineann | “| lest et emit tir Cumtctoncrsseweyarcnen [S| [NO [RZ |wunarinensiorsmenesr [ves] [no | Bat steer? itn anictnatct2menner | ves | BZ | no resummation mien a5] Tro | |nscummavineennnaon Tres] no atte crt? atmo cron stenecines | ves | | yo | By ‘Gen opr oar Fv GARE HENGE G5 TE TON SAT TT HT (tomes HORE {ee soe a tea niche rac ga pene ves | [wo | Te ioe ae wich roy couse «NT ORESOR——] ves {VES sie be dae whe) a atm lem Bae oe Arajeez Engineering Co. Engineering Testing Services Awsigth Guat i Asai Sy aly dig anal) CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION CIN: AEC- 211120618 Pager of a Need Coreen se | sestevoe nner Remus a Feral T= a oot pcan Sitios former eon | caer Beane sansiactony [lteter veto Lint C3 Nie veda ng aed «3 cavtomats ae sppe vith SATISFACTORY oad ecg monet ‘ocean ee aa veg Pawo Beles aka 4 | On Wistag vey SATISFACTORY ‘perionsope wih analy Tk ak Ty Ta ie arias brevet ope rm gen 4 samsractory brevet pe ming a ‘Nowa ncn on Bake 0 ke & Cac SATISFACTORY eet) Ts weg told py wl o Conse Weight SATISFACTORY toned scared witout a tein ere ae No lag, Brags ox | "ott Sm Ad sanseacroay | deatnenipaleor tnd and pie octal ton on od a © " all a samsractony —_| Neal ion oye Rape Bee wa No igen sas fw roqctemintin SATISEACTORY ‘raion nse ce Teste sons . Inaficel sono wind 1 | Drum winking Machine SATISFACTORY ns therope meyer om dum to lotr {Email OpsBaajere co, infos araercom Webster newaraercom Ayasigil justi Ask soy safely gh haga Arajeez Engineering Co. ring Testing Services CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION CIN: AEC- 211120618

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