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• Please be considerate of your local businesses and
homes and move onto another pitch at least 50 metres
away after 2 hours. Not everybody’s taste in music is the
same and most people do not want to hear the same style
ENTERTAINING IN PUBLIC of music at the same place all day every day.
Street performing (busking) is a time honoured art form • Amplified music must not be at a level that interferes
that adds to the colour and attractiveness of the City of with the ability of office or shop workers to conduct their
Inverness. It can help to create an enhanced atmosphere business.
and provide pleasure to many people, both local and • Please do not set up within 50 metres of another busker.
visitors to Inverness. However performers must be • Sale of merchandise is not allowed, unless you hold a
sensitive to other City Centre users and follow good current street traders licence from Highland Council.
practice. • Please don’t obstruct the pavements or spread out your
• If you are asked by Police Scotland to stop performing,
THE LAW you must stop immediately and move on. If you
Under Section 54 of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act don’t, you could be charged and your equipment seized.
1982, Police Scotland can ask buskers to stop performing • Be aware that certain areas require silence like hospital
where their performance is disturbing others. If you do not zones, around churches, funeral homes, cemeteries and
comply the Police have the power to seize your equipment transport terminals where announcements need to be
and the matter may be referred to the Procurator Fiscal heard. Such areas are not suitable for busking.

For further information please contact Inverness BID on 01463 714550 or email

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