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End Semester Examination
B. E.
il fi liA;i luii: Course : CIEG
Semester: I

Exam Roll No. Time: 30 mins. F. M. :20

Registration No.: Date

[20 Q. x |
:20 marks]

Multiple Choice Question, (tick the most appropriate answer)

I Attribute value "open field" is of what attribute type?

a. Ordinal b. Interval c. Nominal d. Ratio

2. A satellite orbit in which the data is capturedduring local solar time is called as
a. Molanya b. Geostationary c. Geosynchronous d. Sun synchronous

J Which of the following factor is most important in unsupervised classification approach

a. Number of iteration
b. Algorithm
c. Spectral, Spatial and Contextual information
d. Spectral, Spatial, Contextual and Thematic information
4. What type of model models the light scattered by gaseous molecules?
a. Mie b. Rayleigh c. Non-selective d. Aerosol

5 When an object absorbs and reflects red, green and blue by 50o/o, the resultant colour of
the object appears to be
a. White b. Cyan c. grey d. yellow

6 Which of the following is true in spectral resolution of a sensor

a. Larger band width captures more spectral variability
b. Smaller band width captures more spectral variability
c. Larger band width captures less spectral variability
d. Smaller band width captures less spectral variability
7 Shadow in visual image interpretation
a. Helps in image interpretation b. Obscures image interpretation process
c. Both a and b d. None ofabove

8 A classification is supervised
a. When a computer supervise the algorithm used
b. When a user provide instruction to direct algorithm
c. When the maximum likelihood algorithm is used
d. None ofabove
9 A physical model of data abstraction defines
a. The group of objects to be represented in GIS
b. Various data structure that can store features
c. Logic behind the feature representation
d. Various data models to represent features
10. Which of the following is true in raster topology
a. The topological relationship has to defined by providing topological tables
b. The topological relationship can be defined by providing the coordinate system
c. The relationship is already embedded in the data structure
d. The model is advanced than spaghetti vector data model
I l. Metadata defines the
a. Data structure c. Data lineage and other properties of data
b. Data types d. Topology

t2 A larger scale maps shows features with

a. detail
Greater spatial c. Greater extent
b. Generalized boundary d. Smaller spatial detail

13 When spot heights are collected from field using total station, the data can be best
represented using
a. a table b. a raster c. vector d. TIN

t4 The arangement of various entities at Kathmandu University falls under one of the
database model
a. Object oriented b. Network c. Relational d. Hierarchical

15 Which spatial relationship would one use to find landusethat are on an earthquake fault
a. containment b. proximity/adjacency c. intersect d. union

16. Which of the following conditions is required by intersection?

a. The input layer can be a line or polygon layer but the overlay layer must be a polygon
b. Both the input and overlay layers must be polygon layers
c. The input layer must be a polygon layer but the overlay layer can be a line or polygon
d. None of the above
t7 Which of the following statements is true about vector data analysis?
a. Output takes the lowest data dimension during analysis
b. Output takes the greatest data dimension
c. Vector data are not precise and as such analysis is less accurate
d. All of the above
18 Which of the following is not the characteristics of an RDBMS
a. Queries are possible on individual or groups of tables
b. It uses SYL for queries
c. Keys may be unique or have multiple occurrences in the database
d. Tables are linked by common data known as keys
I I }1Aii 20i6
19. In order to preserve shape (conformal) the scale factor
a. The product ofSF should equal one
b. The addition of SF must me zero
c. The product ofSF should be zero
d. Must be constant in every direction at every point
20. Small polygons results of combination of two polygons are known as
a. Gold b. Sliver c. Silver d. small polygons

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