2016 July III-I (C)

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End Semester Examination [C]
July, 2016
Level : B.E.
2 2 luu zuto Course : CIEG 302
Year : III Semester : I
Exam RollNo Time: 30 mins. F.M. :10

Registration No.: Date

[20Q x l:20 marks]

Multiple Choice Question, (tick the most appropriate answer).

I A layers in GIS manages geographic information in the form of

a. Features or surfaces c. Field or objects
b. Coordinate or database d. Raster and vectors

2 Longitude westward of prime meridian is true in following option.

a. Positive b. positive and negative c. neutral d. Negative

3 Irradiance is measured in one of the following unit.

a. Wlm2 b. W/m2lSr c. Wcycle d. W/day

4 In order to preserve area, a projection system will have the following relation
a. The addition of SF must me zero
b. The product of SF should be zero
c. The product ofSF should equal one
d. Must be constant in every direction at every point
5 A orthogonal projection has its light source
a. At the infinity c. At the center of earth
b. at the end of earth d. Somewhere in between

6 A graphical vector structure contains

a. No explicit information about topology c. Explicit topological rules
b. Only about adjacency and containment d. Adjacent relation between features

7 What is the most suitable computer representation for "elevation"?

a. TIN b. Polygon c. DEM d. Point

8 The measurement scale of mean average temperatures to represent in a map is expressed in

following data type
a. Nominal b. Interval c. Ordinal d. Ratio

9 A satellite orbit in which the temporal resolution is low in not interested area is
a. Molanya c. Geosynchronous
b. Geostationary d. Sun synchronous

10. Which of the following f'actor is most important in unsupervised classification approach
a. Number of iteration c. Algorithm
b. Shape and size of objects d. Temporal resolution of sensor
2 2 JUL 2016

ll An object appears grey when the absorption in Red, Green and Blue band is
a. 3}Yoin all bands c. 100% in all bands
b. 50Yo in all bands d. None of above

t2 Which of the following is true in temporal resolution of a sensor

a. Longer revisit time captures mord temporal variability
b. Shorter revisit time captures more temporal variability
c. Longer revisit time captures less temporal variability
d. Shorter revisit time captures less temporal variability
l3 We can differentiate same colored House and a Parking area in visual image
interpretation using
a. Texture b. Height c. Size d. Shadow

14 A classification is supervised
a. When a computer supervise the algorithm used
b. When the minimum distance algorithm is used
c. When a user provide instruction to direct algorithm
d. None ofabove

15 A conceptual model of data abstraction defines

a. The group of objects to be represented in GIS
b. Various data structure that can store features
c. Logic behind the feature representation
d. Various data models to represent features

l6 Which of the following is true in raster topology

a. The topological relationship has to defined by providing topological tables
b. The topological relationship can be defined by providing the coordinate system
c. The topological relationship is already embedded in the data structure
d. The model is advanced than spaghetti vector data model
t7 Metadata defines the
a. Data structure c. Data lineage and other properties of data
b. Data types d. Topology

18 A 1: 10,000 scale map compared to I : l, 000 scale map shows features with
a. Greater spatial detail c. Smaller extent
b. Generalized boundary d. Detailed boundary

t9. What happens when we overlay shapefiles with houses (as point data) and ward area (as
polygon data)?
a. Output will be polygon with number of houses
b. Vector data are not precise and as such analysis is less accurate
c. Output will have all the data values
d. Output will be number of houses
20. Which one of the following is the characteristics of an hierarchicalDBMS
a. Queries are possible on individual or groups of tables
b. It uses SQL for queries
c. One to many relationship is permitted
d. Keys may be unique or have multiple occurrences in the database

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