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------- - -----------
Q1lC ~nretr-1 0llS d4ja ?
W11ut Do Yon Kno"f Already'?
-1 ·11 I bl l1 kx ll itl till c 1net Jom1 of tl1r illdicnr, d arricft,: 1

111dcfi 11itt•
ami, f
). ma1son

-- - - t:.1 t ' 7. port t's

rt pon,e ~- p rnft'SSCllr

lhre ~). rcs t:1ur:1nts

't ------

nerr , 10. fl"mmc

s ~

Definite and Indefinite Articles

us articles defl 11is et indcfinis
In Fr m.:h. noun, art "thcr ma~culine or feminine. U nlike English there is
n uter gendtr (

• Th e definite nrriclc
In Engli--h. tht:: dt:fir:.1te Jrticle 1hr applie:- to mc1sculi11c. frminine. and plu-
n uns In Fn.:nch. thert i, a difft rt nt nniclc for rad1: in rhc plurnl.
nmun an l ma --culin ,\orcb tnkt the ,.1mt artide.

~ TE \\'hen .1 noun begim, with a ,o"-el or .1 mu te h (h thr.r is not pro-

.. ., ........... d, suLh a, --hommc"). the ddinite auidcs le .rnd la d1ange to l'.

ks g.irro n,, ks tabks


• The indefinite_ articl~ ticle a applies to mascu1ine and fern· .
In English, the mdefimte a{ the plural, there is no indefinite a/tne,
nouns (a man~ a w~~a~~t fndefinite article for masculine, ferni~~le. lr1
French there 15 a dif er d b g·nning with a vowel O ne, and
' .h h ge for wor s e 1 r a Illute h
plural, wit no c ~n d n sometimes be translated into some ·
The indefinite article es ca ·

....------- --=F-:-E MIN~=IN E=-----IP ~L~URA L~~-~


une table des garcons, d e s ~

un gan;on
bogs, tables
La~b~O'l!_'lf_ _ _ _ _ a table ____ ____
~=..=::..:__ ____________

General Uses of the Articles

Quand utiliser un article



Masculine Feminine Plural

a I
a + le ➔ au (a l') a + la ➔ a la (a l') + les ➔ aux

de + le ➔ du (de I') de + la ➔ de la ( de l ') de + les ➔ des

J e vais a la plage. J e vi ens de la plage.

J e vais au cinema. J e viens du cinema.
, ,.J. e parle a la dame. J e parle de la dame.
Je par1e au professeur. - - - Je parle du professeur .
Je parle aux eleves. J e parle des eleves.
Je parle a l'eleve. Je parle de l'eleve.


• The possessive: with the preposition de
- La robe de la jeune fille est bleue.
The dress of the young woman is blue.

• Names of peoples or animals when expressing a gener~~

Les americains aiment voyager. Americans like to travel.
Les lions sont feroces. L· fi · us
ions are erocw .
• Abstract nouns_

La gentillesse de cette femme est exem p1aire.
. d ,+- h .
Th e k in ness o1 t is woman is exemplar
~ y.

-~~~ :..;_ _--- ----- ----- ----- --

158 Complete French Grammar Review
~ ·ttve Article
1JI tt,rtitiJ .. .l .
it p fhe partitwEe al~tihc e_ 1~ used before a noun to exp .
ured. In ng 1s , 1t 1s translated as ress a quantity that cannot
i,e rtlea
S some or any, or omitted
. altogether.
1bought some milk. · ➔ J' 31. ,
Would you like some apple pie? ➔ Vi ~chete du lait.
· ou ez-vous de la tarte aux pommcs?
I bought some apples.
I bought apples. ➔ 1'.a~
achete des pommes.
➔ J achete des pommes.
Do you have any apples?
➔ Avez-vous des pommes?
Do you have apples?
➔ Avez vous des pommes?

~,1~. After the verbs aimer, detester,

preferer, adorer, the definite article
mu st be used instead of the partitive.

c,omp_are: .

~,I') ~I J achete du la1t. I buy (some) milk.
J'aime le lait. I like milk.

11 II


• In the negative form
As-tu un cahier de vocabulaire? Non, je n'ai pas de cahier de vocabulaire.
Veu t-elle toujours des bonbons? Non, elle ne veutjamais de bonbons.
A-t-il de l'argen t? Non, il n'a pas d 'argent.

With the verb etre there is no change in the negative form:

C'est un film policier. ➔ Ce n'est pas un film policier.

Ce sont des roses. ➔ Ce ne sont pas des roses.

NOTE: ne ... que is not a negative. It means onlg.

TI n'a que des problemes. He has onlg problems.

Articles 159

• W'ith exprell8iollll of 411aJ1titY, ¢'igbts, and JDeasurc•
a lot of, rnanJJ, much
1,eaucouP de en ugh
as ,nuch as manJJ
assez de
autant de le
moinB de ,n re
plus de
t ,nuch
trOP de ab ttlt of
une bouteille de a ki
un kilo de
une livre de
un verre (\e
une W" de
une douzaine de
une boite de
un litre de
• \V}len something is mad ~ f
c Q! or f
Qt something
un livre de geologic
une robe de soie (or en s01e)
. a !Jt'ol0m, hook
a silk dress
• When a plural adjective 11:
reced~ the noun \ .J
de belles pommes mais
beautiful apples des pommes pourries
rotten apples

Do not confuse the indefinite &rti'
c1e des with the contraction
. of de + lesl
C ompare
Elle a des lunettes de soleil.
She has sungLasses. Elle n'a pas de lunettes de soleil.
She doesn't have sunglasses.
11 parle des films fran~ais.
Il ne parle pas des films franc;ais.
He speaks about the French movies. He doesn't speak about the French movies.

Special Uses of the Definite Article

Utilisation de l 'article defini
• The ~e~te article is used before a day of the week to imply

Le lundi je vais a l'universite a 9 heures.

On Mondays I go to the university at 9 o'clock.

NOTE: For a specific day of the week, nothing comes before the name of
the day: On Monday ➔ Lundi.

• To express measures of weight or speed

Ces pommes coutent 1 euro le kilo.

These apples cost 1 euro per kilo.

Il a roule a 70 kilometres a l'heure.

He drove at 70 kilometers per hour.

• With parts of the body instead of a possessive adjective

Elle a les cheveux blonds et les yeux verts.

She has blond hair and green eyes.

A rticles 161
• With the names of languages
. . d j'etais en Chine.
J' ai etudie le chino1s quan in China.
I studied Chinese when I was

• With names of acadentlc subjects

Cette annee, j'apprends la ch~rnie.

This year, I am learning chemistr/j.
rson's profession followed by his/her
• Before the name of a pe llittte
, ' l'hopital
Le docteur Dubois est alle a ·
Dr. Dubois went to the hospital.
· when addressing that person, there is no article:
➔ H owever, . D b .
Bonjour Dr. Dubois. Good morning, Dr. u ois.

• Before a £amilY name

Les Dupont, les Lemaire (there is nos at the end of the name).


• When the verb parler is used with the name of a language

II parle fran~ais. He speaks French.

Compare with: ll etudie le fran~ais. He studies French.

• Before a specific day of the week

Lundi, je vais voir ma tante. On Monday, I will see my aunt.

I • In an address

'I 10, avenue Colbert

• In a heading

Acte I, scene 1-Chapitre trois

Act 1, Scene I-Chapter Three

• After sans

Il est sorti sans paraplui

He went out without a n umbe.

162 Complete French Grammar Review

r , ,A.fter avec for abstract th'mgs

11 attend toujour s avec p .

ea l ways waits pat'iently (with
H patience)
s!JT: II prend son caf'e avec du sucre H·
"ft d . e takes h .
• .r:>- er en an a geographical n is coffee with sugm:

En Australie ' on pare 1 angl .

In Australia, they speak English.

• In some proverbs
..... ,
Oeil pour oeil ' dent pour d
n eye for an eye' a toothfior a ent.
,. the name of a pro1.ess1on Y, er the
• Before
ver etre I! • , religion
• or nationalit aft IO


nest professeur. Elle_ est catholique.
He is a teacher. She is a catholic.

SPECIAL EXPRESSION: One and the other = l'un et l'autre

ce fait-divers (n,:ws item), le jonrnaliste, qui Otait en retard
oub!iO tons Jes articles! Mettez-les pour lui s'il le faut. '

Hier, pendant _/e .c _ diseours du Premier Ministre, _ / ' jeune femme s'est
levee et a cri€: "Vons nous avez menti!" - - boJIJJlle qui Otait assis a cote
d'elle et qui Otait probablement son mari, a essay< de la calmer, mais elle a \eve
- - - bras en criant: "Vons nous racontez - - bistoires qui ne sont pas
vraies!" ____ Premier Ministre a rOpondu: "De quoi parlez-vous, Madame?"
Elle a dit "Vons avez dit - - - - peuple que - - argent destine ____

arts n'allait pas etre

Le Premier Ministre a repondu en riant: "Mais bien sUr, madame, c'est
___ vOritO. pour moi, - - - - thO&tre, - - cinema, - - musique
sont tres importants. ,ail)eurs, ma femme est - - pianiste. Je vous promets
que nous ne touchoUS pas a---- budget destine aux arts!"

Articles 163
. ·f s'il y a lieu.
. l1 pa.ttltl ,
, . indefilll o
II. Mettez l 'article defini,
ne vertu,
_ _ patience es t u _
1· :ma 111ere.
2. ]'ai achete - fleurs pour
fil:rns etrangers.
3. Elle aime - - classe de gym.
eleves sont dans 1a
4. La plupart - -
5. Je n'ai pas - - timbres.
6. I1 y a - - belles oranges au sup
7. Elle aime son cafe sans - - - sucre.
8. I1 a etudie - - - geologie a- - universite.
9. ]'accepte votre invitation avec - - - plaisir.
10. Donnez-moi _ _ boite _ _ chocolats s'il vous plait.

m. Conversation
Pierre est alle au marche pour sa mere. II rentre a la maison et sa mere lui
demande ce qu'il a achete. Traduisez ce que les deux ont dit:

"Pierre, where are the apples?"

"There were no apples; I bought oranges."
"Did you buy milk?"
"Yes, I bought two bottles of milk."

"Did you find the green beans (les haricots verts)?"

"Yes, but I don't like green beans."

"I know, but did you buy the green beans?"

"Yes, I bought the green beans and al
,, so the potatoes "
And the cheeses?" ·

"Yes, here are (voici) the h

c eeses."
"But you bought only tw0 h
c eeses!"
"I didn't have enough money."
&.{}I.' , . ' AI\JJt;S
ff! e nnmes of cont111ents, countr·1,.8 l
'f11 ' "' , :,, II 1l' S p 10
• '
s etc. are preceded by un artit:lc•
.ver-, "' Vtt1ces, as well as mountains
~II d0

How clu you know ii tho goonrnphicnl

nc.11110 is masculine or feminine?

Must geographical names of countries,

states, provinces, rivers, continents,
and islands ending with tho lotter e
are feminine .

NOTE: In + feminine country, state, etc. is translated by En + feminine


In + masculine country, state, etc. is translated by Au + masculine


Exception: masculine countries, states, etc. beginning with a vowel

(en Iran, en Alabama).

Examples of Countries

La France, La Belgique, La Chine, La Norvege, La Suede


Le Canada, Le Japon, Le Maroc, Le Senegal, Le Chili, Les Etats-Unis

Exception: Le Mexique, Le Cambodge


La Seine, La Loire, La Tamise

Exception: Le Danube, Le Rhone


Le Saint-Laurent, Le Mississippi. Le Nil, Le Rhin

....___ __________________ Articles 165

La B 1·etag11c, La


Le Berry

. de la Louisiane
La Cal11.ornte, la
• F1ort L, Tennessee
Exception: Le Delaware, e

but ➔ au Colorado, au Michigan,

Le Colorado, Le Michigan, Le Texas
au Texas d an also be used (dans le Colorado,
NOTE: for masculine states, ans e c
dans le Connecticut).

IIll Islands . k
. le before their name and follow the rule
Some islands do not ta e an ar c
z that applies to cities:
➔ a Hawat, a Tahiti, a Cuba
Hawai, Tahiti, Cuba

a la Martinique, a la Guadeloupe
All the names of continents begin with a vowel and, in French, end with the
letter e. Although the word continent is a masculine word, the names themselves
are considered feminine. Sometimes these continents are grouped together to forJD
five continents:
L'Europe, l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amerique et l'Oceanie

En Europe, en Asie, en Afrique, en Ame'ri·que e t en o ceame
, ·
Sometimes, they are divided into seven:

L'Amerique du Nord, l'Amerique du Sud 1 , .

Antarctide), l'Europe, l'Asie' l'Afri que et' 1 'Oceanie
Antarctique (ou

166 Complete Frenc~ Grammar Review

au Senegal en ltnlie aux Etuts-Unis
11 Paris
au Danemark en France aux Pays-Ras*
t0 11 Dakar
au Caire··* au Chili en Angletene
11 la Nouvelle-Orleans*** auJapon en Tha"ilunde
de Lyon du Canada de Chine des Etats-Unis \
frOJil de Chicago du Portugal de Belgique des Pays-Bas
du Caire** du Maroc d' Algerie

NOTE The Netherlands
•Les Pays-Bas
the city's name is Le Caire (in Arabic: Al Kahira), therefore
••au Caire \
a + le ➔ au and de + le ➔ du
· ••*La Nouvelle-Orleans The adjective nouvelle being in the feminine, a la must be use:J
for to and de la must be used for from.
L- - - - - - - - -

IV. Vos sont tous partis a l'etranger pendant les dernieres vacances,
voici ou ils sont alles:

Modele: Paul/France/Paris-Pau l est alle en France, a Paris.

1. Angelique/Senegal/Dakar.

2. Patrick/Canada/Montreal.
3. Genevieve/Norvege/Oslo.
4. Jean-Pierre et Paulette/Angleterre/Londres.
S. David/Egypte/Le Caire.

L'-.________________________ 7
_ s_ l...;6;_;_
The Parts of Speec~
inner Level
Ar1l0leS, 9,g the spefllng of

Article Used 1ural, In

whlOh cP9
ames In the P hange. to th8 ourands,
Ith tarnllY n dot• not o We're going
W farnllY name t OU nd I
th• /Ion
'l~ NOU
noun even when more than ona P9WD Is stat't
I have the book and notebook
REPOSITIONS before the defft-1k
WITH p .. and di QC>me
When you make a Qeneral statement positions•
Wh•n the pre cts 81 folloWI,
lhmlk. arttole, It oontra

.... lhlllM'llt
, With • noun of weight or measu,a to 8Xpresa •a.• an•

• Bafor9 anoun Indicating a profession,

by 1be name of the P81SOn.

name of a language.
--·r-· I'm studying Frenc:h.
the definite artlcle when
• _
d continents w 1,u
you uso
uw 01 '

12 The Parts of speech terninlne country an

\'11th a d' I of trom-
me oo~ s bOO" ef! I at. to or • A
the bOys' be)O!(s F Ac1: C

me g:rl's dress
s tne ttle g r1s' dolls
p3 I
urn , ta A Nt?~ ) ori-. d Lond
Cf /. !){lire de Svd e} d 0 ~ .:: t ur l bhJnC
• lnd1cat1ng segments oi the day.
With a noun In appos1t1on: Paul, Ms u p
/ ,n ,he attemoon: in the mom ng;
1n tne eve0lfl9 ,-es a m:.1b e
With titles of monarchs.
• Common expressions. Lo s & tl.O s X\ I LOUIS the SLxteentll

With the prepos1t1on SJn5 or with the construction n

:-s most ot the gens .nl
st} o / I havd neither paper nor pon.
first • As a part1t1\ie m the affirmative. st part c;., ~ t I He left without money.
ams e .some coflee
You ".ave sorne rnoney With certain expressions of quantity that take d benucoup
'1l .d !nendS. de trop de, cor: " · , peu de. p us de sse de!
the A ar, a be :,up d ~'S I Mane has a lot of (many) tnends.
r, d
Definite Article Not Used
With the preposition a ec when the noun after it 1s abstract:
apa" Ho,·.e,er. tne defin te article s no, used when ,he part.trve ,s
n tne negauve or when the defrute art cle s used wrth an Je.:in- uc pane a ec enthoUS1asme
tne ad1ecuve.
el tl1 ' haven : any co"ee §3.2 INDEFINITE ARTICLE
You l1a\ en : any MOr.ey
a ae nas some good tnends The forms of the indefinite article are:
nat tl Do not use the definne artic e:
1d cc Singular
In dlfeci address: Bon our docte Lcd<JC
;.,fter the preposition en Nous (;CfiV()f'S en J 'a1un frere. / I have a brother.
J 'a1une sceur. / I have a sister.
de IIl Li'\e absence of
•els Plural
in hOllOI' of
J'a, des treres. / I have brothers.
A'.er the preposit on de m an adJectlve pnrase·
J'a1 des scsurs. / I have sisters.

14 The Parts of Speech

The Indefinite article: IS llssd:
Ar1 c es Beg nner Level 15
• Nhen you want to 53'"/ "a" or "an • It :, also U6':(1 as a
numeral to mean one"·
r, I a boo,-: ar '-f""':: coo.,.
or. I an c.rang,; or o:ie r...rar. .,e
• In front c,f each noun m a sere:-.:
Ja .ise e
crc1_,on et e J ru des bonbons
e bonbon
• Vfi•r, C est or Ce som 1,ru-; o• vntr.out an acf;octive·
Simple Affirmative

a, du cafe. t ha ,e some coffee

J a o« a ande. I a e some meat
• • frtr cen! arc r:. e J aJ ~ l'eau. I a e some \" ater

~,.a l'i: a -.. ...~ ...€:d_ ".:"':'f-!'S a pan 1 ve n the p uraJ as ong as you are not.
~,~ a l:l'lo.r,..,,-,a doaars.. g about somethmg countab e
s sont, elle est, el/es sont ... an I.!, "1CC 'eo noun .k mange des pates. I am ea• ng pasta
o• 'a· 0na ·1 :::,•c,f'=Ss on or r"'6g100:
a cxo!~;.;'l...

' Simple Negative

.J£:n 'ai pas de cafe.11 don't have any coffee.

.1f:n a, pas de Vlande. I I oon t have any meat.
en a, pas d eau. I I don t have any water.
.Je n a pas d ' eprnards. I J don t have any spinach .
.le n a, pas de pates I I don t have any pasta.


Wrth an Adjective

J Ell de jolis chapeaux. I I have some pretty hats.

Ja de jofies robes. I I have some pretty dresses.

16 The Parts of Speech

Note the following.

• When the noun is preceded by an adverb or noun 01 §4.

quantity or measure, use dt , as in J 11 bt1 111c Jup ch
c'1oses. / I have many things. Nouns, Beginner Level
• When the noun Is modified by another noun, use do, as In
1'11: ecole de dJm,1 • / a school of dance.
• The partitive is not used with 111' or 111 • nl . 111
J .11 qwttt,' l.i ma1son sans argent / I left the house without any
P noun is a word that reten, to a person, place thing or
quality. Nouns are e1t· her masculine or fem,rnne ' and requ•re
·'" article le, la, '.' or l~s. The gender of many nouns that refer
• Use qw l17ul · and not the partitive when by "somr · "'' •
5 or animals ,s obvious. However, nouns that refer to
mean "a few," in other words, "not many." ,als are not always evident. (See beloN.)
J':11 qudques .1m1s. / I have a few (some) friends. .:xamples
J'J1 quelque~ bonbr11s I I have a few (some) candies.
• When the negated verb is no . que I only, the partitive
consists of df.' plus the dellrnte art,cl~
Masculine Feminine
Elk ne 111 que des flvres I She reads only books.
l'homme I the man la femme I the woman
Elle nP m,1ngP que des bonbons I She eats only candy.
le gar9on I the boy la jeune t,//e I the girl
pa • Toe partitive must be repeated before each noun. l'oncle I the uncle la tante I the aunt
tt Example:
he I 't. 1d du pap1, r. tr• 1'encre et des cJhl"l"l I Here \hey sell
I tt
paper, ink, and notebooks.
1------- _ _ _ . ANIMALS 1
When you are ordering food, ,t ,s possible to use an Masculine - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
indefinite article to refer 10 tr.. "' 1r 'l Feminine
Un cafe, s'1/ vous plait I A (cup oij coffee, please. le taureau I the bull
la vache I the cow
le coq I the rooster
la poule I the hen
le chat I the cat
la chatte I the cat I

vov noun does not match the gender

,g" fers. Here are a few examples:
e 17

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