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In The name of God

Month exam
Q1\A\ Read this passage about(Han) and answer with (True) or (False)
(choose only 5)(10M)
Hello, my name is Han and I’m Chinese. I live with my mum and dad on our
farm. Both are farmers and my grandparents were farmers too. I have an
older cousin. He lives with us and works on the farm. He is very funny. We
grow rice and lots of vegetables like cucumbers. Rice grows in paddy field.
1- Han is form China.
2- His family are farmers.
3- The farmer buffaloes.
4- Han’s cousin very funny.
5- Rice grows in paddy fields.
6- Han’s grandfather was a farmer.
B\ Answer the following questions. (10 M)
1- What time does the breakfast service start? (6:30, 7:30)
2- What is another word for cook in the restaurant? (Chef, waiter)
3- Which service does Ahmed prefer? (Breakfast, lunch)
4- What is his uniform? (Black trousers and white shirt, white trousers
and black shirt)
5- Farah’s mother is ……….(nurse, house wife)
Q2\ Choose the correct answer. (10M)
1- My mum is a housewife she works(in, at)
2- Is he a fire man? No, (she isn’t, he isn’t)
3- My cousin wants to be pilots. (We, they) work in the airport.
4- Diana (leave- leaves) home at 7:30.
5- How many brothers (does, do) Wisam have.
Q3\ put the words in suitable sentences. (10M)
(hard, cucumbers, grow, shop, uncle)
1- Shop assistant works in the ……….
2- Farmers ……… rice and fruit.
3- A bus driver it’s ……… job. I think.
4- ……… is healthy vegetable.
5- My ………. is a zookeeper.
Q4\A\ write the correct job. To the sentence.
1- Who works in a school?
2- Who works in a hospital?
3- Who wears a hard hat?
4- Who drive on the road?
5- Who works in an office?
Q4\B\ (farahs father work in Iraqi air lines)
Q5\ write about yourself and your family.

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