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Product Name Accident Care Policy – World Wide Coverage (For Individuals/ Family)

Policy Term (Option) 1 Year , 2 Years , 3 Years

Aged between 18 yrs to 70 yrs & Renewals upto Lifetime;
Age of Entry & Renewals
Children between 5 months to 25 yrs can be covered.

Table A Accidental Death only ( 225 times of the monthly income)

Accidental Death + Accidental Permanent total Disablement + Accidental Partial Disablement (PTD- 150% S.I. & PPD - %
Table B
of S.I.) 180 times of the monthly income
Accidental Death + Accidental Permanent total Disablement + Accidental Partial Disablement (PTD- 150% S.I & PPD - %
Table C of S.I.)+Accidental Temporary Total Disablement – 1% of S.I. subject to max Rs.15K per week and for maximum up to 100
weeks or Max. - 15 lakhs. (100 times of the monthly income (or) Up to Rs.15 Lakhs)
Additional benefits - Without any extra premium
On Death / Permanent Total Disability of earning Parent / Insured , the minor
Educational Grant children Less than 18 yrs of age are eligible for a lump sum - For One
Child Rs.10,000/- & Two Children Rs.20,000/-
Transportation For transportation expenses of Mortal Remains Rs.5000/-

Travel Expenses of one relative 1% of total S.I subject to Maximum up to Rs.50, 000/- .
Vehicle and / or Residence Modification 10% of Table B and Table C sum insured subject to a max. of Rs.50,000/-
Purchase of Blood 5% of Total sum insured subject to a maximum of Rs.10,000/-
Transportation of Imported Medicines 5% of Total sum insured subject to a maximum of Rs.20,000/-
For every claim free year, the S.I under Death & P.T.D will be increased by
Cumulative Bonus
5% Sub. max 50%
Additional benefits – With extra premium
Medical 25% of the valid claim or 10% of SI or actual whichever
Expenses is less, subject to maximum Rs.5 Lakhs (Min. 5 days of 10% of the final premium per year per person
Extension Hospitalization)
Rs.1000 per day subject to maximum of 15 per
Hospital Cash Rs.40/- per year per person
occurrence and 60 days per policy period

Sum insured for dependant & non-earning spouse - 50% of Earning Spouse Sum Insured
Family cover
Sum Insured for dependant & non-earning children - 25% of Earning Spouse Sum Insured
Family discount 10% discount on premium if more than one individual from the same family is covered


10 LAC 1920 5 3707 5 5368 5

20 LAC 3839 11 7414 10 10736 10

30 LAC 5759 16 11121 15 16104 14

40 LAC 7398 20 14278 19 20680 18

50 LAC 9037 25 17435 24 25256 23

1 CR 17232 47 33220 46 48136 44

2 CR 33622 92 64790 89 93896 86

5CR 82792 227 159500 218 231176 211

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