Computer For SSC CGL Part-2.

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Microsoft Word
Microsoft - This company was established in April 1975 in Washington, USA. It was
founded by
Bill gates.and Paul
MS Office – is a group of application software used in Office work, which can also
be calledpackage and suite. Many applications are present in it.
The following are the major software of MS Office – MS word, Excel, Power Point,
Access,Outlook, Publisher, Link, One note etc.
MS Office was first used for Marcos in 1989 and later its use for Windows OS was
started in1990.

Office 2007 - January 30,

Office 2010 - June 15,
Office 2013 - January 29,
Office 2016 - September 22,
Office 2019 - September 24,
Office 2021 - October 5,
 MS Word is application software in which words, lines, paragraphs,
pages, documents arecreated.
 MS word is called word processing
software. MS word can be started in
the following way.
 Start menu - All programme/all App - MS Office - MS Word
 MS Word can be run from Winward.exe to run it from Run
menu Window+R.
 The main versions of MS Word are - MS Word 1997, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010,
2013, 2016,
 2019, its latest version is 2019.
 A file created in MS Word is called a document. In this, the name of the
file by default isDocument 1.
 Files created in MS Word 2003 and earlier have the
extension .doc. Files created with MS Word 2007 and
later have the extension .docx.The extension of
template file in MS Word is Dotx.
 Macro file extension in MS Word
is Docm.
There are total 1 + 7 = 8 tabs in
MS Word. The Office menu
appears in 2007.
s Mailings


A. File Tab-

Save - Ctrl + s To store the current file safely

Save as (Save Edge) - Shift + F12 to save in a different format, to save in
another locationor under a different name
Open - Ctrl + O to view the already created file
Close - To exit the current document
Info - For giving information about current document and password etc.
Recent – To see a list of recently used files

New -Ctrl + N To create a new document file

Print - Ctrl + P Print the document
Exit - Alter + F4 to exit MS word application


B. Home Tab-

1. Clipboard
Data cut or copied by the user is saved in the clipboard until it is pasted. 24
Objects canbe saved in the Clipboard.
Cut (Ctrl+X) :- To cut the selected data i.e. to remove it
from its place.Copy (Ctrl+C):- To copy the selected data.
Paste (Ctrl+V):- To paste cut or copied data.
Format Painter (Ctrl+Shift+C):- Format Painter is used to copy the
formatting applied toany data in the document and apply it to other data.
On clicking Format Painter, the mouse pointer turns into a paint brush.

2. Font (Ctrl+D)
The By Default Font of the file in MS-Word is Calibri. Whose by default
font size is 11.Font size is measured in points.
Minimum Font Size 01 Point & Maximum Font Size 1638 Point in MS-
Word. Format Tool Bar Minimum Font Size is 08 Point & Maximum
Font Size is 72 Point.You can increase the size of any font up to 0.5.
Font Style -
There are four font styles in MS-Word which are:
Regular :- From this the text is taken in regular format.
Bold :- With this the text is written bold (dark).
Italic: - With this the text is written diagonally.
Bold / Italic: - With this the text is written diagonally and deep
simultaneously.Font Effects are the following:
1. Subscript (Ctrl+=) - Place the selected text in the bottom
Example :- 504
2. Superscript (Ctrl+Shift++) - To put the selected text in the top
Example : 504
3. Strikethrough - To give in a single line through the middle of
the text. Like-(Chetan)
4. Double Strikethrough - To throw through the middle of
the text into thedouble line. Like- (Chetan)
5. Emboss
6. Engrave
7. All Caps
8. All Small
9. Shadow
10. Hidden
11. Outline
Letter Case -
There are 5 types of Letter Case in MS-Word.
1. Sentence Case: - By this the first character of the whole sentence
becomes capital andall others are small.
2. Lower Case :- This makes all the characters smaller.
3. UPPER CASE :- This makes all the characters capital.
4.TOGGLE CASE :- This makes the first character of each word small and all
other capital.
5. Capitalize Each Word: - With this the first character of each word
is capital and allothers are small.

Scaling: - Scaling is used for making the page appear in Hardcopy as it is in

Softcopy in MS-Word. Used for Scaling Hardcopy.
By Default Scaling in MS-Word is 100%.
Kerning - Kerning is used for MS-Word Text Visual Approach
Character Spacing: - The space between two characters is called
Character Spacing. It is ofthree types:
1. Normal = 0 Point
2. Condensed = 0 Point (ABC)
3. Expended = (A, B. C) | Point


3. Paragraph-
Bullet: - It is used to put circles, arrows and marks in front
of the text.
Numbering :- It is used to put numbers or letters in front of
the text. Eg :- 1,2,a,bMultilevel list: - To create a list inside the
Indent: - It is used to indent the paragraph, it is of two types,
Left Indent and RightIndent.
Sort :- It is used to arrange the data in ascending and descending
order and for sorting.There are two types of sorting A to Z and Z to
Alignment :- In MS-Word there are 4 types of Alignment Left,
Center, Right, JustifyBy Default Text Alignment Left is in Ms-
By Default Text Horizontal Alignment is Left.
Line Spacing :- The space left between each line is called Line
Spacing. By default linespacing is 1.15.
Ctrl+1 to single
line Space Ctrl+2
to Double Line
SpaceCtrl+5 to
1.5 line Space
Tab :- It is used to stop the cursor at a certain place.

4. Styles
It is used to change the style of the text.

Find (Ctrl+F):- Find is used to find any text in the document.
Replace (Ctrl+H):- Replace is used to replace the found text in any
Go to (Ctrl+G/F5):- It is used to go directly to Page, Section,
Line, Bookmark, Headingetc. of MS Word.
Select :- It can be used in three ways in
MS-Word Select All (Ctrl+A) :- To
select the whole text at once.
Select Objects :- To select Objects (Picture, Shape Clipart).Select text
with similar formatting


C.Insert Tab

1. Pages
Cover Page :- It is used to insert Fully
Formatted Page.Blank Page :- To insert
Blank page in place of Cursor.
Page Break: - To separate the page from the location of the cursor.
2. Tables
It is used to draw a table in the document. A table can have a
maximum of 32767 rowsand 63 columns.
3. Illustrations
Picture:- It is used to insert a picture
in the document.
Clip art:- Picture, sound. It is used to
insert movies etc.
Shapes:- It is used to insert different types of
shapes in the document.
Smart Art: - It is used to create Hierarchy in the
Chart F11 – It is used to create charts.
4. Links
Hyperlink (Ctrl + K): - It is used to create a link to a web
page, mail, picture of thedocument.
The text on which the link is created appears in blue color.
As soon as you touch the hyperlink text, the pointer of the
mouse changes to thehandshape.
Book Mark: - Bookmark is used to assign a specific area in the
document in soft copy.The name of the bookmark can be written
up to a maximum of 40 characters.


5. Header & Footer
Header: - Header is used to print text on the top side of the
document. By defaultmargin of header is 0.5 inch. It can be done
more or less.
Footer: - Footer is used to print any text at the bottom of the page. By
Default BottomMargin of Footer is 0.5 inch.
Page number :- It is used to number each page in the document.

6. Text
2.In Margin
None is used to remove the drop cap.
Drop Cap by Default is of 3 lines. Drop Cap can be applied from
Minimum 1 Line toMaximum 10 Lines.
Signature Line: - It is used to insert Signature Line at the place of
Signature in thedocument and Digital Signature can also be inserted
from it.
Date & Time :- It is used to insert Date & Time at the current location
of Cursor in thedocument.
Object :- It is used to use any other program in the file of MS-Word.
For example: -Using MS-Excel in MS-Word's file.

7. Symbols
Equation – It is used to insert mathematical equation in the document.
Symbol - It is used to insert special characters in the document such as: ©,
®, k&

D. Page Layout Tab-

1. Page Setup
Margin :-Margin is used to leave a certain space around the page in MS-
Word and thereare four types – Left, Right, Top, Bottom
Gutter margin is used for Book Binding, it is of two types Left
or Top.Gutter margin by default is Left and its position is 0"
By Default Page Orientation Portrait is there in MS-Word.
There are two types of page orientation in MS-Word - Portrait and
LandscapeSize -
The file created in MS-Word has a By Default Page Letter, whose size is
8.5×11" andit can be changed to different types of page sizes like legal,
A4 etc.
Column :-
It is used to divide the text of the document into two or more columns.

Breaks :-
It is used to separate the page from the cursor location.
Line Number :
Line number is used to put a number in front of each line of the page in
MS-Word-By default Line number = None
Line Number can be used in the following five ways-

None :- It is used to remove the line number in the document

Continuous :- It is used to put a number in front of each line

continuously from thebeginning to the end of the document.
Restart each page :- It is used to restart line number on each page.
Restart each section :- It is used to resume line number after each page
break. Suppress for current paragraph: - It is used to put numbers on
the lines of all otherparagraphs except the current (current)
Hyphenation :- MS-Word Hyphenation Hyphenation is used to break any word and
sendit to another line. Hyphenation is represented by dash symbol).

2.Page Background
Water mark: - Watermark is used to give transparent text behind the text
written in Ms-word document.
Page Colour: - It is used to change the Document Page Colour.
Page Borders: - It is used to put a border around the page. Border can
also be appliedon Text, Paragraph and Page.


3. Paragraph
Indent: - It is used to indent the paragraph, it is of two types. Left
Indent and RightIndent
Spacing: - It is used to increase or decrease the space between two
paragraphs and theyare of two types, Before and After.
4. Arrange
Position :- To position the selected object on
the page.Align :- Aligns the edges of multiple
selected objects.


1. Table of contents
Add Text:- By this, level wise heading and sub-heading are made to the
selected text.Table of contents: - With this option, index tables of
headings and sub-headings are created.
Update Table: - Updates the index table with this option.
2. Footnote :-
Footnote is used to give reference at the bottom of the page.
End Note :- End Note is used to give reference at the end of the document.
3. Citation And Bibliography
Insert Citations: - This option is used to write the Citations of File
Book, Magazine,Article, Art etc.
Bibliography: - With this option, we do this to see the bibliography file of
the citation.
4. Captions
It is used to name the picture inserted or added to the document.
5. Index :- Mark Entry (Alt+shift+x)
Table Authorities:- Mark Citation


F.Mailing Tab-

1. Create :-
Envelops :- It is used for making and printing envelopes.
Labels :- It is used to make labels and print the labels on the envelopes.
2. Start Mail Merge :-
It is used to send the same mail to more than one person at once.

G. Review Tab-





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