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Childbirth delivery methods

Every woman's experience is unique but most mothers would honestly say, yes, childbirth is painful.
However, it is short-lived, and there are many types and methods to effectively reduce the intensity of
childbirth pain. There are many choices in childbirth. Women can choose the method that makes them
most comfortable, and that makes sense for their personal and medical situation

Childbirth delivery options include natural unassisted childbirth, assisted childbirth, and delivery by
Cesarean surgery (C-section).

Childbirth delivery locations include at home, in a birth center, or in a hospital.

Natural childbirth at home was the normal (and only) childbirth delivery option until about 75 years ago.
Natural childbirth emphasizes an unrushed, supported process, with minimal interference and less
invasive monitoring. Women who prefer unassisted childbirth often attend classes to learn what to
expect and how to be prepared. There are a number of different childbirth classes to choose from. In
any class, you learn about the stages of labor, breathing, and relaxation techniques, what happens to
the vagina after childbirth, and how to be prepared for the delivery and new baby. The different
methods are taught in different classes.

This is not common in Nigeria unless you make use of virtual class. Mission house are trying to do this
but most time the focus is usually on spiritual aspect and not breathing exercise aspect. This most
definitely vaginal birth. The only issue here is in case of emergency complication it may be too late
before one get the necessary help required

This can be done at home too but it should be in the presence of a certified midwives and a good
working car in case of emergency

Apart from Bradley Lamaze breathing exercise method we also have water birth. This methods are not
very common in this part of the world

A water birth means the mother goes through some or all of the stages of childbirth in a portable tub
similar to a hot tub. The baby can be delivered underwater or the mother can get out of the water and
deliver in a different position. Women chose water births because it can be more relaxing, and less
painful to be in the water. Birthing tubs can be brought into the home for a home birth, and they are
often found in birthing centers. Some hospitals may have birthing tubs as well.

All things being equal I.e if the baby is not breech/transverse, macrosomia(baby biggest than 4kg),
Ecclapsia(higher tension in pregnancy), diabetes in pregnancy, male/small pelvis, severe
oligohydramnios(Reduced amniotic fluid), obstructed labour, abdominal pregnancy, aging(calcified)
placenta, complete placenta previa, placenta abruptio, cervical incompetence, HIV mothers, multiple
children, some congenital abnormalities), distress baby. Prolapsed umbilical cord, a mother can make a
choice whether she wants vaginal birth or caesarian sections, two previous CS. A patient with any of this
medical condition may have no choice than to opt for caesarian section. Now let's talk about the biblical
phrase 'Hebrew woman' does it reallywoman its only the old method of childbirth (vaginal childbirth)
that is only acceptable as the Hebrew women. Even though Rachel was under who knows if there was CS
method may be she would have benefited from the medical improvement and not die during childbirth.

And have you ever taken time to read the story of the so called Hebrew woman

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