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CS490WW/CS5590WW: Project due Sun.

July 31, 2011


This section of the project has 4 parts (for 50 points). You are to write legibly, show all work. I cannot give partial credit if no work is shown. References are made to denitions and methods as used in class and/or book. If you use additional assumptions, you have to state your denitions and assumptions clearly, otherwise they may be misinterpreted. This project is to be taken without help or assistance. Suspected academic dishonesty will be reported.

1. (20 Points) A le server at a Web site consists of a single processor front end with a back end consisting of 4 CPUs and 2 disk arrays. The front end and back end are connected to each other using a 10Mbps LAN. Each request for a le at the Web server requires 5ms of processing at the front end CPU. The average length of a request (including all headers) is 1,000 bytes. A request received at the back end requires 40ms of CPU processing. Load balancing is used to distribute the load equally among 2 disk arrays. A le request requires an average of 10 visits to the disk arrays, with each visit requiring an average of 10ms. The average length of the retrieved le is 100,000 bytes (including all headers). Processing of the le when it is returned to the front end requires 15ms. The le server is assumed to have innite capacity (W = ). The front end can spawn a maximum of 5 processes to handle le requests. The mean rate of requests to the server is = 8.

a) Plot the response time of the system if each visit to the back end disk array is 10ms, 5ms, 2ms. What is the maximum possible value of supported in each case?

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2. (10 Points) A large Web site has an application server which can support a maximum of 300 processes simultaneously. Each process requires 200ms of CPU time (think time) between I/O requests to the DB server. The SLA requires that the number of I/O transactions processed per second is 500. a) (10 points) Plot the response time of the DB server for application server think times of 200ms, 100ms, 50ms, and 10ms.

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3. (10 Points) The disk (single disk) of a DB server receives requests at a rate of 10 requests/sec. 50% of requests are for random blocks and 50% are for sequences of blocks. The block size is 4,096 bytes. The disk rotates at 9,600 RPM , has an average seek time of 10ms, and a transfer rate of 32 MB/sec. The controller time is equal to 0.1 msec. a) Plot the disk utilization for sequential access run lengths of 5, 10, 20, and 50. Use two iterations to calculate the disk utilization.

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4. (10 points) Consider a medical information retrieval system that stores X-ray images as low-resolution .gif les in a RAID-5 disk with 5 physical disks. There are two types of les. Small les are 48KB (48 1, 024) long. Large les are 80KB (80 1, 024) long. Each disk of the RAID-5 array has an average seek time of 10.0msec, a speed of 9,600RPM and a transfer rate of 32 MB/sec (32,000,000). A stripe unit is 16KB (16,384). Requests for each size le are equally distributed (50/50). a) After examining the log le it was determined that an average of 40 requests to read an image are made each second. Plot the utilization of the disk for the following stripe unit values: 16KB, 32KB, 48KB, 64KB.

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