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BDE AsSIgmment o000 80059

A Applu'taHons of blg daas

Smavtt Heatthtave
lornel and Securty

Trasie ohho
5 Multt Channel 5ale

6 Teletd m

77a deng Analyt#s

8. Starch ality.

0f blg data :
*A Mdusy examplai
Skius m the diDk1on maktmq team,
data 7tajulres multtple
le ools and mutttpl tyPs oh data
data Colechdfrom dgita makehng hanctas
Hast o
Adventstng and healta
mitne Md'a channel.
any Sort
t n ttudu
Customey ntract wtth au latfoms
hne anl rany way
tm web-
fhay have Cit atd bn

tnformahHm about the PRope 0n fau book,

here 0 Aally

Twtt 9ngle t
need oraeY o ake smart.
T h e abiluty to CACCus u data

tmey eesions
and man Ke lHng

Stored în 1 r s
B : g o d a t a

is Usuatty

Ha keh
a c h t
o tbmpany hat deals wllh buying orc selu rng a poduct en


Customey gagkment
The bg odata an bin insight mto ot just uuo ybur Customers aye,
u t where
Ye hty are, what hey need, hbLO
they need to be Con tactd
and whtn.

(ustomey RatnHom and byalty

eig orta Can help yu fnd ouE what mfuenus tustomer louyauty
and keups hm bmg back themagan

MOn kehng opttmiahidn| performan

Can be ditmne tu optmal mounkatng spend aceoM
Muttte Channa U estfng, MaSurement and analysts

tis Yelated to bebaujero l, attitud tnat and traunsi Honm mthils

SbuyCey üke
SCtat mecdra
morkehng ampalgns
Cusomi hveys
LOyaly rograms
puaWonal ty

tmcludts dhectie metMcs hal me eusuye

h'on etc
mavkhng Poce».elaBed YUouY te allo ca

Hnancial data sYP

hefnanti at mttu des cas, T e v e n u e

a wnt data shoubl be g atr) data

tan be

Hany a lenoes relate of big

tnimdatina mankttng
no h(
MaketY s enttnent maj ke h'ng) t movemen

approa h,
In todaus makeing ConumeY demands housh'c

Maakhng movemonts Sheuld be Cdhusi.

Dun rauuNeM
Make Cmostung and RVenue based bm herr

wtm ta4e td pdnmo h'ons

wom Consumey
T u datt iS aptured hn Ral ttme

4) vs o4 big data:

VoLne ts hugE ambunt dg
ob data Ploy a ey
T0 dekmmtne theValue 0 data »size

ouaat volt
un t s Cmiduud

Biq data'
B nteeMan+
Hence whtle deallng with blg data

Consrdey R eharacttrsHt Velum'

vilo cty s tohtgh toeed d at tumulah'on da b.
n blg data wloCttu dala -hows In form Sourtus aK Mathin

ehuef K SDCrat Mtd'a , mble

phbne ete
hevt is a mastw and Cb Hinubu t -ftbw D data.

3 Vanitty

natuyt dala hak s Stuctured Smi ShhctuYed

and unsTU t tuvtd data

SMu tture d datq

dlgani zd data. andtomat o

4hat deined
u tngt
t t s 9eneta ly a m df satd Ahat do not Con-form to the

fomal Shucture of data3

Semi Shruchayed data

Semi ganised data
not onfomm frmal shuoture
mat do
* genualla -fom hdata
da ta
- og fu

unstuctuyed data
undrganid data
troditdnat roo and Column shuctne

D6 vtlah'tnal olata bast

E TRX, ptchures Vdeds.

4 Vadty-
In data
Ayeevs to tn Covs'ste ncu and unteta ni ng
Big data asd vanda ble

Data tn butk tbutd Ooate Lonfu ston

5 Vatu
is value.
Coms4o v whleh
Ah hautng 4vs hn
no vatu s no good foy mpany
The butk dh data haung
tuYn 4 4o Sometng ufu)
unus u
vatue s tmportant V of

5) biq data e chnologes

Technoto94 Oescatp hbn

tStores data wi th a spdtu'ght

CDumn-bYe nted
data bae hsRad o rows. They wtu Nmaluy
auo battth upd ates

e-kay va lue stove se, doument S ores

t e h Concuntates on lage volune oF
data bax (
Shuctured. Semi shmuurtd, unstutuvtd
o SayL datalae dat

Map yedute t
tsprognammmg onupt at peimi
fu huge Job ieaut on
agant¢me housând Sorvers
n pt data set
Cbmbi dg uo tas » Hap tas sns
Ruduo tå Se
wue many olP y

dvnm a reduc1 map tosk aLa jofnto

set ob tupes
Hadoop bpen Sous Cu tame wYk
r btg data.
Cstoraoe u Pro t s tng)
fatb e tap aby to uwone
Sy-IPKe g hat pmi nven haral
eappu' ca tHon to un u t vity aggal nst
had bop Clusty

PhC tbnsits apeat Ut tanquay hat

allowsJor uty vun ove data Stovtd on

hadoo Clu stey

wtbl Data mixtuy d web analuies by haddop

PLATFO RA mat Tevowe tusey's

Aune into hadeop tasr automat'cally.

Soroge echndlgits Data Cmmpremion and storage virtual'zati-

High peltomana machine luaantng

handunq b'g data)

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