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Raven's® 2

Raven's 2 Progressive Matrices Clinical Edition

Score Report

Name: Remy Buczek Test Date: 10/15/2021

Examinee ID: Form: Digital Long
Birth Date: 02/04/1981 Examiner Name:
Age: 40:8 Testing Site:
Gender: Current Grade:
Reason for Referral:

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[ 1.1 / RE1 / QG1 ]

Raven's® 2 Score Report
10/15/2021, Page 2 Remy Buczek

The Raven's 2 is a nonverbal assessment of general cognitive ability, including the ability to formulate new
concepts when faced with novel information, extract meaning out of confusion or ambiguity, and think clearly
about complex situations and events. Contemporary cognitive assessment theory suggests that solving
progressive matrices involves cognitive functions such as perception and attention to visual detail, inductive
reasoning, classification and spatial ability, simultaneous processing, fluid intelligence, broad visual intelligence,
and working memory.


Extremely Very Low Average High Very Extremely

Low Low Average Average High High
Std Confidence
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 Score Interval

Score 160 150 - 170

Rank 1 25 50 75 99

Copyright © 2018 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

Raven's® 2 Score Report
10/15/2021, Page 3 Remy Buczek


Total Raw Score* -

Ability Score 654
Standard Score 160
Percentile Rank >99.9
95% Confidence Interval 150 - 170
NCE >99
Stanine 9
Descriptive Classification Extremely High

*Digital form total raw scores are not directly comparable or interpretable because each individual is administered
a unique item set.


Examiner Comments/Notes
No comments were provided.

End of Report

Copyright © 2018 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.

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