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H S E II yearModel Exam Physics

of 1. A studentmeasuredthe charges three bodiesand recordedit,gs 2.3e, 5.1e and Score 1 you observeany defaults?Explain. r,r:lvz-t- e--t'6xt61C rather than wanderins 2. It is saferto be sittinginsidea car duringnortheastmonsoon outside.

a) Namethephenomenontqponslb| bt 1l-u Z at helpsyou to a'rrive the conclusion? b) Whichtheorem

Score1/2 Score%

c) A spherical shell of radius R has a uniform surfacechargedensity o . Derive an Score 2 expfussionfor electric field at a pointout side the shell.


between A and B Find the effective capacitance 3. The resistivity of a material dependson m, n, e and t.

Score 3

Score2 a) Name these factors and write down the relation b) As temperatureincreasesthe resistanceof a conductor increases.Explain it using Score 2 the above relation. c) Resistanceof electrolytes is more than that of conductors.Explain it using the aboverelation. 2 Score meetingat ajunctionin a circuitis zero.Which 4. Algebraicsumof currents ScoreI principlejustifiesthis? conservation
Ions or Chargedparticles. usedto accelerate 5. A cyclotron is an accelerator a) What is the trajectory of a chargedparticle entering in a uniform magnetic field? Score I Score I electrons? is not usedfor accelerating b) Why cyclotron c) Derive the expressionfor the Oscillator frequency of a cyclotron. Score I

6JB. dl : FoI
Score I a) Namethe abovetheorem. and of fields at the centers a solenoid a toroid are equal. b) Provethat the magnetic Score 2

7. Match the followins

Score 3


Between -1 and O

Eerromagnetic Dhmagnetic
Paramasnetic _-

Element Sodium

Greater than I

Very greater than I

Nickel Copper

8. v : N A Bor Sin(rrlt)representthe alternating out put voltage from an a.c generator a) Name the quantitiesN,A,B and crr Score 2 b) Which phenomenonis responsiblefor this voltage production and write the law. Score I c) what is eddy current? ScoYe I 9. Figure below is the circuit diagramof a seriesLCR circuit.

Bn" V=V" u,L

a) Apply Krichhoff s.ruleto the loop andwrite downthe equation score 1 b) Draw the phasordiagramof the uborr"circuit andmark v* vl, v6 andva Score2 c) How can one make the power factor maximum? Score1 d) What is Sharpness resonanceor power factor? of ScoreI
10. Jamesclark Maxwell correctedthe Amper's circutal Law by adding a term. a) What is this term and how is it called? Score I b) what are the directions of the E filed and B filed in an Electromugn"ti" *u* propagating in the X direction? Score I c) Name at least 7 electromagneticradiations and arrangethem in the i.r"r"urirrg oro"," of wavelensth

2 I 1. a).Draw the ray diagram showing the formation of image by a compound microscope at the near point. ScoreI
b) Derive the expressionfor magnification of a compound microsope. Score 2


c) which lens can be used to correct nearsightedness?

Score I

while looking at a soapbubbleilluminatedby 12.Different coluresareobserved sunlight which theorycould satisfactorily for ^. is '. a) Which phenomena responsible this and coreI e4ilaS it? ^ experimenl fringe width in Young'sdoubleslit for 6"#Ti'"""S,g expression the
I ?l\ulatch

Albert Einstein JamesChadwick =="tbttg

Matter wave
f)iscnrrerv of Neutrofl

Uncertainty Principle Quantumtheory of Calculation e/m of elsgllgq-

of from the surface a material' to l4Therearedifferentmethods emit electrons Score2 a) Whataretheyandexplain? . , r.., cu.rr^ent anodpotentialin a - ----^- with variationof photoelect.-c b) Draw the graph;;;iil and fir impingedrudiutiottof fixed frequency intensity' iiro*r.",riJ"*p"ri-"nt ScoreL H atom the l5Figure below shows energylevel diagramfor

-0.85 eV -1.51 V e -3.4eV

- 1 3 .6e V

3 lines.Score of andBracketseries spectral a) Mark Lyman, Balmer, Paschen ofspectrallines. series in b) What is the shortestwavelength present the paschen Score2 Score1 1/2
Greater than 3 eV

16 Match the followi

Lessthan 3 eV

17. There are different diodes developedfor special pufposes. a) Explain with the help of a circuit diagram how a Zener diode works as a voltage Score 1 % regulator 18. Name the GATE given below and write its truth table Score"l

19. Mobile companiesare erecting antennasat various locations to increasecover-up atea. a) Which wave is used by mobile companies,Choosefrom the bracket ( Sky wave, Space Score I fuu", Ground wave, Surfacewave) has a hight of 8lm ( radius of Earth 6400km) b)What is the range of an antennaif it Score I

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