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 Unify demand market

 Low production
 sustainable mobility solutions, including promoting load aggregation digital

back bone of supply chain

The logistics industry in India can easily be called the backbone of any
sector’s supply chain. Be it the healthcare, hospitality or manufacturing
industries, logistics companies play one of the most important roles of
connecting the or

supply-chain timetable, every Indian logistics company has had to deal with
getting a large number of orders that would break their backs. With so many
orders coming in, it’s becoming more difficult to keep track of what has to be
sent when. The problem is exacerbated e. As a general rule, festival season is
the greatest time to see massive delays in delivery schedules and an overall
failure of the ETA system.

Emergency time deliveries for big companies

Road accidents

t’s very uncommon for merchants and manufacturers to entrust their entire
shipping needs to one or two shipping providers. Their rationale is simple: if
you ship more with one carrier, you can save money. All of this is true, but you
have to put your whole investment in one company’s hands. Imagine what it
would be like if there was a w

independent transporters, no bulk can join when theres high intensity

very Indian Logistics Company has faced the issue of receiving a bulk load of
orders that would break their back while trying to keep up with the supply-
chain timeline. Considering the high volume of orders received, it gets
difficult to prioritize orders and deliveries while juggling too much on too little
time. T
Payment helps with instant payments obliterating difficult payment cycles

Crivers with access to google maps (traffic detection software) to minimise

traffic congestion

The complicated tax regime places several hardships on logistics companies in India. Multiple
State and Center taxes lead to considerable loss of time in transit on roads. The poor state of
warehousing and their restricting locations are one of the few major concerns of this industry.
Storage facilities are quite fragmented for low margin products thereby resulting in a
disincentive to create a large integrated warehousing space. The Government owned most of the
large warehouses and used for food grain

Repairs of old vehicles

More workforce


What could be some high impact digital strategies considering the target group?

 Providing a complete digital infrastructure

-summing the complex and elaborate process of finding drivers
negotiating prices etc

Complete digitalization of the process of finding drivers and arranging

Making digital profiles of drivers, distributors and cargo providers.
This makes independent transporters who aren’t under big distributing
organizations easy to find and employ by distributers.
Logistics deals with the issue of receiving a bulk load of orders that
would break their back and helps keep up with the supply-chain

Minimising the billing cycle which helps when organization is strapped for
cash as a result of lengthy payment cycles.

Shortening the accounting period and settlement period

Brand value pe bechenge to big business

Trust and leadership of Mahindra

Agrarian Economy-





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