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Character Strengths and Profession:

Work Profile:
After completing my Post-Graduation from Indian Institute of Management Bodhgaya I want to start the
journey of an entrepreneur, venturing into the automobile industry. Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of
opportunity beyond resources controlled. It is a fight. A weekly schedule is undefined because of the
uncertainties faced while setting up a business. It consists of optimum utilization of resources, extensive
networking, researching about the market, making plans and doing strategic groundwork and a battle
against time.

Character Strength Analysis:

The character strengths most required for an entrepreneur would be

Love of Learning: Learning is a continuous process not bound within the walls of a classroom. The love of
learning gives motivation to acquire new skills or knowledge or to build on existing skills or knowledge. It
helps you look at alternate perspectives and solution to a problem. This is a trait that is in resonance with
the philosophy of entrepreneurship.
Prudence: Ample resource and time and its over utilization is a luxury that an entrepreneur is deprived of.
Every action has its consequences and an entrepreneur cannot afford to lose out on opportunities owing to
lousy decision making. Hence decisions must be taken after assessing all the parameters and possible
consequences without taking undue risks.
Bravery: Setting up a business can be risky. Entrepreneurs are rarely short on ideas but you must be brave
to put into action the ideas by always thinking at a marginal level. Assessing opportunity cost and taking
risks are part of entrepreneurship and you need to be brave enough to walk on the fine line of calculated
risks that maximise your outcome.
Social Intelligence: This helps in networking. Networking can open doors to critical opportunities,
knowledge and support that can make the difference between success and failure. It helps you earn
goodwill of others and call-in favours which might be most beneficial for someone entering new into the
Leadership: It is one of the most important aspects of being an entrepreneur. The ability to influence other
people and garnering their cooperation is the essence of being a leader. Getting others to share your vision
and instilling trust in them will get you a loyal and trustworthy taskforce who work for the cause which you
believe in.
Hope: The journey of an entrepreneur is not an ever-increasing graph. Failure is essential for development
and overcoming it is the hardest step in the process. Learning from mistakes is more important than giving
in to them and for that you need hope. Entrepreneurship is a battle against time and resources and for all
the challenges thrown at you, you will need hope to overcome it.
Comparison With Your Top Strengths:
Love of Learning 2 Prudence 4
Bravery 8 Social Intelligence 12
Leadership 13 Hope 24
Current position of required top strengths

Current Top Strengths

Humour 1 Love of Learning 2

Fairness 3 Prudence 4
Creativity 5 Judgement 6

 Love of learning and Prudence are character traits that I currently possess a stronghold of.
 I would like to link my humour or rather my attempt at being humorous with me trying to be
socially intelligent. Humour is a socializing mechanism for me that helps to break the ice while
starting a conversation and also helps carry a conversation that might otherwise die out. It helps
avert situations that might turn awkward
 Creativity helps me analyse a situation or problem in different ways and come up with multiple
solutions that can implied depending on their feasibility.
 Fairness and Judgement are two traits that I have inculcated overtime after making repeated
mistakes and grieving over the same. These are traits that my father has always taught me and I
have tried time and again to implement them to the best of my efforts.
 Bravery and Leadership are not at the top of my character strength profile but that might be
perhaps because I have never been faced with such situations up until now.
 Hope is something that needs to be worked upon but I believe it is portrayed as a much weaker
character strength due to my habit of assuming the worst in any situation so that I have a grip over
it in case things go wrong. Over optimism leads to over confidence and when faced with
unprecedented problem people are unable to handle them.

Action Plan:
Bravery, Social Intelligence, Leadership and Hope are the character traits that need to be worked upon.
I believe these traits have been ranked relatively weaker because throughout my school life I have never
pushed myself to the best and have always stayed within a comfort zone.
For the upcoming 5 years I would like to work on all of these traits by engaging in activities and events and
coming out of that safe haven and taking more risks. I have already started working on this by actively
participating in national level competitions, something that I had never done previously, and even
happening to win some of them.
Hope is something that I justify as being a strategy to tackle unprecedented problems but I understand the
need to work on it. I need to be appreciative of the people around me and acknowledge the opportunities
that I have been presented with. Gratitude journaling is something that I believe might help me with this.

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