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Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to, get/be
used to and the verbs in brackets.

1. Lisa is very tired this morning. She isn't used to staying up (not/stay up) late.

2. Don't worry. You __________________ soon ___________ (wear) contact lenses.

soon (wear) contact lenses.

3. He ________________________ (eat) a lot of chocolate when he was a child.

4. They didn't like living near the airport but they ________________________ it.

5. I ______________________________ (get up) at 6:30 am, so it does bother me.

6. Sheila lives in the city but she still _____________________________________ (not) all the noise.

2. Rewrite Victoria’s comments using used to or didn’t use to as in

the example:

1. I don’t work long hours any more.

Victoria used to work long hours

2. I don’t have long hair any more.


3. I have many friends now.


4. I don’t wear glasses any more


5. I go jogging every morning now.


6. I live in the countryside now.


3. Complete the sentences with use(d) to + a suitable verb.

1. Nicola doesn't travel much now. She used to travel a lot, but she prefers to stay at home these

2. Sophie ______________________ a motorbike, but last year she sold it and bought a car.

3. We moved to Spain a few years ago. We ________________________ in Paris.

4. I rarely eat ice-cream now, but I _________________________ it when I was a child.

5. Jackie ________________________ my best friend, but we aren't good friends any more.

6. It only takes me about 40 minutes to get to work now that the new road is open. It

_____________________ more than an hour.

7. There _____________________________ a hotel near the airport, but it closed a long time ago.

8. When you lived in New York, __________________________________ to the theatre very often?

4. Complete the sentences with USED TO, WOULD, BE USED TO or

GET USED TO, affirmative or negative.

1. Bob ____________________ smoke but he gave it up last year.

2. Lisa and Sue were friends. They ____________________ be together most of the time.

3. Jim was very shy. He ________________________ have many friends.

4. Ben's just got his rst mobile phone. He _________________________ sending text messages.

5. When I was a child, mum, _____________________ read me nice stories.

6. Gina is an actress. She _______________________ wearing expensive clothes.

7. Bill is a taxi driver. He ______________________ driving long hours.

8. Ted and Pam moved house a week ago. They ________________________ living in the new


9. Alan left his parents' house two years ago. Now he ______________________ doing the

housework on his own.

5. Choose the correct options to complete the sentences.

1. Susan is/ is used to being used to be a nurse. Now she is / is used to being / used to be a


2. Helen is used to playing / plays / used to play tennis. Now she is used to playing / plays /

used to play squash.

3. Robert is used to living / lives / used to live in Manchester. Now he is used to living / lives /

used to live in London.

4. Dave is used to travelling / travels / used to travel by train. Now he is used to travelling /

travels/used to travel by car.

5. Jackie is used to studying / studies / used to study Italian. Now she is used to studying /

studies / used to study French.

6. Steve is used to liking / likes / used to like football. Now he is used to liking / likes / used

Uto like cricket.

7. Rachel has just moved to Alaska. She is getting used to / is used to / used to the cold


8. When I was a child I got used to / used to /was used to play the piano.

9. I used to / was getting used to / was used to going to bed late when I lived in Madrid.

10. Spanish is really di cult. I never used to / used to / will never get used to speaking


11. I got used to /used to / was used to like Amy Winehouse. Now I like Adele.

12. I don't mind getting up early. I am used / used to / was used to it now.

6. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.

1. Pablo is used to ______________ (live) in England.

2. It's di cult to get used to _______________ (live) in a foreign country.

3. I am used to ________________ (walk) several kilometres a day.

4. I am getting used to ________________ (walk) to work.

5. He used to _______________ (live) in Paris.

6. She's used to _______________ (go) to bed late at night.

7. I'll never get used to ________________ (use) this computer.

8. She's used to _________________ (eat) very well.

9. I was used to _________________ (study) every night when I was young.

10. When I was little, I used to _______________ (eat) lots of sweets.

11. Did you use to _______________ (believe) in ghosts?

12. Are you getting used to _______________ (do) this?

7. Translate these sentences in English

1. В детстве Марк ел много пиццы.


2. Нана хорошо говорит по-английски, поэтому она сдаст экзамен по английскому языку.


3. В 19 веке женщины носили длинные юбки.


4. Юля привыкла часами кататься на льду, у нее это неплохо получается.


5. Когда я ходил в школу, я носил форму.


6. Мне трудно вставать рано, но я привыкаю к этому.


7. Ким — юрист, она привыкла каждый день разговаривать с преступниками.


8. Женщины не голосовали на выборах в прошлом.


9. Два года назад я много курил, но сейчас не курю.


10. Я ношу очки уже 10 лет, так что я привык их носить.


11. Я только что переехал в Ирландию, привыкаю к левостороннему вождению.


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