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1d6 Biome Battle Remnants Deep in the Daemonic Rift

Strange 1
Temperate Forest
Snowy Wilderness
Wide, Open Plains
Wooden stakes, old earthworks,
splintered barricades, caltrops. This
The Great Rift, the home of
Daemons and the Havoc Gods.
was once the place of great battle. It
Terrain 4
Windswept Desert
Coastal, River, or Lakeside
is still booby trapped.
At the end of each round roll a 1d6.
On a 6, place a Reinforcements
6 *Strange Terrain Place at least one piece of Battle Squad from a random Rift
9 1d6
Deep in the Wilderness
Remnant terrain in each board
Daemons sub-faction, in the
center of a random quadrant.
2 Frontier of Civilization It is Dangerous terrain. If a model These are Neutral Enemies.
3 Among Ancient Ruins Advances into this terrain and On an Ancient Battlefield
4 In the Heart of a Hamlet does not attack that turn, it can
Terrain Beneath your feet are the bones of
5 Near a Walled Settlement treat the terrain as Cover terrain.
6 In the Shadow of a Fortress mighty warriors, restless from sleep.
To get Terrain for a contract, roll
Groves of Fungus
on the Biome table, then the 1d6 Strange Terrain At the end of each round roll a 1d6.
Civilization table. A parasitic fungus with mesmerizing On a 6, place a Vampiric Undead
1-2 Hazardous Terrain
spores has taken root in this patch of Reinforcements Squad in the
If you roll Strange Terrain, roll on 3-4 Reinforcing Terrain
5-6 Modifying Terrain wilderness. center of a random quadrant.
the Strange Terrain table, then roll
Place at least one piece of Fungal These are Neutral Enemies.
terrain as normal, ignoring further 1d6 Hazardous Terrain
results of Strange Terrain. 1-2 Battle Remnants terrain in each board quadrant. Amidst a Magical Deluge
Strange Terrain 3-4 Groves of Fungus When crossed a model must pass A great wind blows, leaving pins-
5-6 Volcanic Activity a Qua roll or become Stunned and-needles on the mind.
There are three types of Strange
1d6 Reinforcing Terrain until the model’s next activation.
Terrain: All Wizards have their bonus to
1-3 Deep in the Daemonic Rift Enemies are immune to this
 Hazardous Terrain. Has a lot cast spells doubled. Enemy
4-6 On an Ancient Battlefield effect.
of Dangerous terrain Wizards cannot be Suppressed.
1d6 Modifying Terrain Volcanic Activity
 Reinforcing Terrain. Has a During the Blackest Night
Neutral Enemies 1-3 Amidst a Magical Deluge Rivers of bubbling lava, geysers of
4-6 During the Blackest Night hot steam, the air choked by ash. The moon is hidden by the clouds,
 Modifying Terrain. Has
rain is beginning to fall.
Special Rules
Place at least one piece of
Neutral Enemies Volcanic terrain in each board Ranged attacks have -1 to hit and
quadrant. models with the Stealth special
Neutral Enemies follow normal AI rule can only be targeted by
rules, but their target is the nearest This terrain is impassible, but ranged attacks when within half
model on either side (Player or models can get Line of Sight over the weapon’s range.
Enemy). They act after both sides. the top of it.
d66 Factions cont. Company Staff Bodyguard

Factions 44-45 Mummified Undead

46 Ogres
51 Orcs
Company Staff are specialists
your Company can put on
Dismiss this Company Staff to
ignore a Wound to a model.
Retainer, while they provide
& Staff 52 Ossified Undead
53 Ratmen
bonuses for your Company.
Gain one Moxy every Execution
54-55 *Rift Daemons You cannot have two of the same

Phase for every two Reputation.
56 Saurians Company Staff, reroll duplicates.
61 Shadow Stalkers Grave Robber
You track your Company Staff on
62 Sky-City Dwarves If a Company model dies, gain
your Company Sheet.
63-64 Vampiric Undead 5pts for every Upgrade it had.
65 Volcanic Dwarves d66 Company Staff
66 Wood Elves 11-13 Apothecary Master-at-Arms
14-16 Bard Company models stop being
If you roll a result that has a “ * ”, d66 *Havoc War Clans
21-23 Bodyguard Rookies at two Veterancy.
that means it has a corresponding 11-14 The Beasts
24-26 Broker
Sub-Factions table to roll on. 15-21 The Brood Master Thief
31-33 Gladiator
22-25 The Crows
Feel free to create your own, 34-36 Grave Robber When starting a Contract, you can
26-32 The Cyphers
condensed Factions table just for 41-43 Master-at-Arms reduce Enemy Alertness by one.
33-36 The Golems
the models you have a home. 44-46 Master Thief
41-43 The Mutilators Ranger
51-53 Ranger
d66 Factions 44-51 The Savages
54-56 Sage Company models can deploy an
11-12 Beastmen 52-54 The Scions
61-63 Squire extra +3” from the board edge.
13 Chivalrous Kingdoms 55-63 The Serpents
64-66 Templar
14 Dark Elves 64-66 The Tyrants Sage
15 Deep Sea Elves d6 *Havoc Warriors Treat the Company as having an
16-21 Duchies of Vinci 1 Change Disciples You can reroll one Injury roll per additional two Intel.
22 Dwarves 2-3 Havoc Warriors Admin Phase, keep either result.
23 Eternal Wardens Squire
4 Lust Disciples Bard
24 Ghostly Undead 5 Plague Disciples Treat the Company as having an
25 Goblins 6 War Disciples Treat the Company as having an additional two Size.
26 Halflings additional two Reputation.
d6 *Rift Daemons Templar
31 Havoc Dwarves
1 Rift Daemons of Change Broker
32-33 *Havoc War Clans Wizards only get a 5pt Salary
34-35 *Havoc Warriors 2 Rift Daemons of Lust Successful Contracts pay an extra bonus instead of 10pts.
36 High Elves 3 Rift Daemons of Plague 10pts for every Reputation.
41-42 Humans 4 Rift Daemons of War
43 Kingdom of Angels 5-6 Reroll
Patron’s Favor Command Squad Tables AI Wizards Actions Table cont.

Faction Gaining a Patron’s Favor (a

possible reward for completing a
Create six squads, roughly 100pts
in value (not including Specialist
If the majority of the Faction’s
Wizards are predominately Melee
Contract) allows the Company to bonus points). focused, use the following
Sheets call on that Patron Faction one
time to perform some ultimate
Each Squad will include at least example table:
one Hero. # Normal Suppressed
11 ability.
These are unique to the Faction
List Non-Specialist Models d6
Alien Hives Psychic
Maneuver Maneuver
and can be used during any phase Not every model needs to have
2 Hunt Hunt
of play. Specialists. Some models are just
3 Hunt Hunt
basic enough that having a
 Contract Phase. Increased 4 Spell #1 Hunt
Building a Faction Sheet Specialist is unnecessary. 5 Spell #2 Spell #1
Hazard Pay for increased
Every Enemy Faction requires a enemies, reduced Alertness, These can be your normal grunts, 6 Spell #3 Spell #2
Faction Sheet in order to play spies that predetermine a larger “mini-boss” type monster, Specialist Tables
against them. This is an easy thing enemy Garrisons or anything in-between.
For models that have Specialists
to develop and has seven steps.  Execution Phase. Orbital If you’re basing your Enemy they can either be Commanders
 Patron’s Favor bombardments, sudden Faction off pre-made OPR or regular Specialists.
friendly reinforcements, lack factions, some models do not
 Squads Tables Commanders get a bolded subtitle
of enemy reinforcements, have upgrades, these would be
 Command Squads Tables along with a series of upgrades
miraculous healing/rallying, Non-Specialist Models.
 List Non-Specialist Models that make them more fit that role.
special actions
 AI Wizard Actions Table AI Wizards Actions Table
 Admin Phase. Unique-super Specialists do not get a bolded
 Specialists Tables If the majority of the Faction’s
mercenaries join the subtitle, and usually there is only
 Spell Actions Wizards are predominately
Company, automatic one upgrade (to keep things
The Fundamental Mechanic successes on Injury rolls Ranged focused, use the following simple). It’s better to give
example table: upgrades that don’t effect the
All the favors, and spells here do Squad Tables
not need to be 100% perfectly # Normal Suppressed weapons the model is carrying to
The first six Squads on a Squad make them easier to present on
balanced. This is a solo/co-op d6 Alien Hives Psychic
Table should cost roughly 40- the tabletop.
game relying heavily on random 1 Maneuver Maneuver
tables, not a competitive one. 2 Fire Fire Spell Actions
Every Squad after the 6th should 3 Fire Fire
Create something cool and Fast Wizards should move 6” with
be roughly 5pts more expensive 4 Spell #1 Fire
evocative, and get inspiration from each spell, otherwise they should
per Squad past the first six. 5 Spell #2 Spell #1
the faction’s lore blurb and move 4” with each spell. Get
These should not include Heroes. 6 Spell #3 Spell #2
existing spell list. creative for the spells themselves.
1d6 Squads 1d6 Beast Lord Specialists 1d6 Hunter Specialists

Beast- 1
Harpy [1] x 3
Warriors [3]
Raiders [3]
Warherd Commander.
1-2 [Halberd, Army Standard
Bearer] (+25pts)
[Dual Hand Weapons]
4-6 [Great Weapons] (+10pts)

men 4
Brute [1]
Crazed Boar [1]
Despoiler Lord. [Dual Hand
3-4 Weapons, Despoiler]
1d6 Warrior Specialists
[Dual Hand Weapons]
6 Hunters [3] + Hound [1] x 2 1-3

12 Veteran Captain. [Great (+10pts)

7 Centaur [2] 5-6
Weapon, Captain] (+40pts) 4-6 [Great Weapons] (+10pts)
8 Elite [1] x 2 + Harpy [1] x 2
9 Raiders [3] + Warriors [3] Spell Actions
1d6 Hunt Master Specialists
10 Brute [2] Veteran Captain. [Great Each of these Spell Actions is
11 Elite [1] x 4 1
Weapon, Captain] (+35pts) accompanied by 6” of movement
Patron’s Favor: Mark the Prey Hunters [3] + Raid Master. [Dual Hand
12+ towards the Target, stopping when
Crazed Boar [1] 2 Weapons, Raid Master]
With your task complete you are met within 6” of the target.
1d6 Command Squads (+20pts)
by a silent Hunt Master. It reveals to Frenzy
*Beast Lord [1] + Silent Hunter. [Triple-
you the skull of some great monster. 1 3
Crazed Boar [1] Shortbow] (+10pts) All allies within 9” must make a
The entirety of the bone has been 2 *Beast Lord [1] + Elite [1] x 2 Behemoth Hunter. [Heavy Qua roll. If they succeed, they gain
scrimshawed into a design depicting *Hunt Master [1] + Arc Bow] (+15pts) an additional attack with their
the events of a Great Hunt. 3 5-6 Shaman. [Shaman] (+25pts)
Raiders [3] weakest Melee Weapon next
The beastman growls, “Mark the *Hunt Master [1] + 1d6 Brute Specialists round, are treated as a Melee
Prey. Track the Blood. Take its Life.” Elite [1] x 3 [Dual Hand Weapons, Brute model (even if they are not), and
5 *Hunt Master [1] + Brute [1] 1-3 are no longer Stunned (if they
Charge] (+10pts)
It rips off an elaborate tusk from the *Centaur Boss [1] + were).
6 [Great Weapon, Brute
skull of the creature. On it is a carved Centaur [1] x 2 4-6
Charge] (+10pts) Hunter’s Mark
depiction of the beast being felled by
Non-Specialist Models
a single familiar looking hunter. 1d6 Centaur Specialists Nearest Company model within
Harpies, Crazed Boars, Raiders, 1-2 [Great Weapon] (+5pts) 12” gains -1 to Def rolls next turn.
The Hunt Master hands it over to
and Centaur Bosses. 3-4 [Throwing Weapon] (+5pts)
you. “Do not waste the Meat.” 5-6 [Shaman] (+25pts) Primal Roar
# Normal Suppressed
During the Execution Phase you Each Company model within 6”
d6 Beastman Wizard 1d6 Elite Specialists
can use this Favor after any Melee must make a Qua roll. If they fail,
1 Maneuver Maneuver 1-3 [Halberd] (+5pts)
Attack hits. they become Stunned until their
2 Hunt Hunt 4-6 [Great Weapon] (+5pts)
The hit creature is permanently next activation, at which point
3 Hunt Hunt 1d6 Hound Specialists
Suppressed, and gains -2 on its 4 Primal Roar Hunt they automatically recover.
1-6 [Vicious] (+5pts)
Def rolls in Melee and -1 on its Def 5 Frenzy Primal Roar
rolls at Range. 6 Hunter’s Mark Frenzy

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